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Step 1: Modifying your LAN Properties.

a) Go to Start>Network Connections.

b) Right Click>Properties on your main Internet connection.

c) Make the following changes: [Unselect everything except "Internet Protocol


Step 2: Running Lvllords Patch.

In Win XP SP 1, TCP connections were set to unlimited. However, Microsoft

limited these connections to 10 in SP2. You can open more TCP connections
and give your speed an all time high by following these steps:
a) Extract the patch and run it:

Please click the above image to enlarge* (Popup blocker must be disabled)

b) Press "C" to change the limit and set it to 100.

Please click the above image to enlarge* (Popup blocker must be disabled)

c) Press "Y". After you do that, you'll be prompted with a Windows XP
message saying that your original files are being replaced and blah blah.
Thats normal so DONT PANIC. Click "Ignore" or "Cancel" to that window, and
press "Yes" after it asks for a confirmation.

d) You'll get a message that your patch was successfully executed. Exit and
reboot your computer. Don't forget to Bookmark this page (Hit CTRL+D) so
you can return once you've rebooted.

3) SG TCP Optimizer - using it!

Back already? Cool! So, this is where you use SpeedGuide's TCP Optimizer.
How? Its your lucky day, my friend.

a) This program modifies your system registry (Nothing to worry about!) in

order to boost your Internet speed. Here's what you have to do:
Please click the above image to enlarge* (Popup blocker must be disabled)

b) Choose your connection speed - mine is 256 kbps. Go down and select
"Optimal Settings". Click on Apply changes after that. You'll be promoted with
a box somewhat like this after that:

Please click the above image to enlarge* (Popup blocker must be disabled)

c) Click OK, and click "Yes" to reboot your computer. Thats all you need to
have a full-on High Speed Internet Connection! Enjoy browsing, and don't
forget to check out other tweaks & tricks present on this site. (Hint: Bookmark
this page in order to make an easy comeback).

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