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Gavin McGee

Comp 1

Mrs. Cramer

My name is Gavin McGee, I have played sports ever since I was very young, for example

I have played soccer for almost 13 years and have done track since 7th grade. I have been named

player of the game, Tournament, and league. I have been able to high jump 6’3 and triple jump

43 ft. In my school life I am a very dedicated student because my Mother makes it clear to me

that I need good grades to be able to do good in life. I have also been a very accomplished

worker in the jobs I have had. Whether it be working as a referee or working for the Bradford

Ecumenical Home, I have made sure to do my best with whatever task is put in my way. I am

currently getting ready to play in the District Nine Playoff game and making sure I stay above

par in all my classes.

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