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Camilo Andres Preciado Rodriguez ficha:1902733

1. Completa las frases con la preposición de tiempo adecuada: at, in and on.

1. My English class starts at 7 o'clock in the evening.

2. I never work on the weekend.

3. Jane's birthday is on 24th May.

4. It hardly ever snows in Barcelona in the winter.

5. The exam is on Friday morning.

6. The film finishes in midnight.

7. Students are on holiday on Christmas and on Easter.

8. I was born on 1983.

9. Teenagers often watch TV at night and they are tired in the morning.

10. John often goes for a walk on Saturdays.

2. Complete this daily routine.

On Mondays, Terry gets up _at_ 7.30 and takes a shower. He has dressed
and takes breakfast. He has a piece of toast and takes a cup of black coffee.
He eats home leaves 8.30 and goes to work by bus. He stoys work _at_ 9.00.
He takes lunch _in_ a little restaurant near the office. He stoys work at 17 o'clock
_in_ the afternoon. After work, he plays football with his friends. _in_ the evenings,
he watches TV, reads the newspaper and listens to classical music. He goes to
bed _at_ midnight. He lives _at_ 3rd avenue, south road.

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