This I Believe

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Gavin McGee

Mrs. Cramer

Comp 1


This I believe

I believe everyone should play sports because of all the life valuable lessons they can

teach you. Sports can teach teamwork and persistence. I've learned leadership skills by becoming

a dominate player and teaching my teammates how to succeed.

Trust is critical to any team's success. Another lesson you can learn from playing sports is

accountability. When I compete in sports, I always have the support of my teammates, friends,

and family. Through the process of learning how to play soccer I have come to truly understand

the importance of being accountable to myself. An athlete must give 100 percent, or they will

struggle to find success. Initially, my interest and curiosity in soccer led me to start competing in

the sport, but my passion for it has kept me committed for 13 years. Many of my friends didn’t

have that desire and they found new interests that they were passionate about.

When playing sports, you learn how to have a good attitude and be optimistic. One time

there was an older teammate who was negative and bullied several of my teammates. We alerted

the coaches to what was happening, and this person was spoken to and rightfully benched for a

few games. That negativity affected my whole team and showed us that scaring people is not a

good way to be a leader. On the flip side I can think of a much more positive teammate who was

always happy and excited to play. He motivated the team and encouraged us to perform at our

best. He made playing soccer more entertaining and fun. It takes hard work and dedication to

train all year for a sport. There are times that I didn’t feel like working hard and I knew the value

of that hard work would pay off in the end. Players that work hard are more successful.

Lastly, one of the things I've learned to value most in sports is persistence. Persistence

has been one of my best qualities and has driven me to become the player I am today. I have

learned persistence through my will to win. I believe that everyone should give sports a try

because there are so many life lessons that can be learned and help you find your way in life.

Sports can teach teamwork and persistence. I've learned leadership skills by becoming a

dominate player and teaching my teammates how to succeed. I've learned to have an encouraging

attitude and treat my teammates with respect. This I believe goes for all athletes.

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