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McGee <#>

Gavin McGee

Mrs. Cramer

Comp 1


The Impact of the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus has brought out the best in our society. It has brought people together

around the world in a whole new way. Undoubtedly, we have learned that society has more

strengths than weaknesses because healthcare workers are risking their lives daily, people are

volunteering around the world, and busy families have found time to deeper their relationships.

To begin, healthcare workers have proven to be heroes, coming from all over the world,

to help the parts of the world that have been hit hardest by the Coronavirus outbreak. In fact,

doctors are flooding New York and other hotspots to risk their lives by volunteering to work in

the most dangerous environments. Furthermore, these selfless acts have inspired others to help in

any way they can. Additionally, these healthcare heroes have had to sacrifice time and contact

with their own loved ones to help other high-risk people fight the virus. Countless retired health

care employees have chosen to return to their profession in a selfless effort to save lives.

Simultaneously, people around the world have united to volunteer to help in any compassionate

way that they can. For example, volunteers have been making masks around the clock. Others

have donated fabric and elastic for masks. Hospitals are so short-handed that they have accepted

homemade cloth masks.

Another instance of volunteering is the way our country has united to feed the many

people out of work or unable to shop for groceries, food and everyday toiletries. Food has been
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donated by families and farmers around the country to feed the hungry. Lunches are made in

schools to feed hungry children. Bus drivers deliver food to their students who depend on the

schools for a healthy meal. Even though it seems as if we’re more isolated than ever, there are

still ways to stay connected, remain united and make a difference in communities. At the same

time, busy families have had more time to connect and focus on what's important, each other.

Some families are so busy they rarely have time to sit down together for dinner. These families

could have 3 kids with school, sports, and extra-curricular activities.

The Coronavirus quarantine has given families lots of time to reconnect and have fun

with each other again. Kids can Facetime or Zoom with their relatives to stay in touch and pass

time. Families have been exploring nature and taking walks. Families united at the dinner table

again and play board games. While spending time together, families may be tired of day-to-day

boredom, but this forced quarantine will deepen relationships with loved ones for years to come.

In contrast, others argue that the coronavirus has brought out the worst in our society

because across the United States people have hoarded essential items such as toilet paper,

sanitizing wipes, and even food. At the same time, there have been enormous donations by

volunteers to feed the hungry and to provide essentials so that no-one must suffer alone .In the

most challenging times, our country finds a way to take care of one another. Moreover, people

are angry they must wear masks and complain about the inconvenience of it. In contrast, the

number of people volunteering to make and donate masks to anyone in need is so much more

impressive. Those who can’t sew even donate fabric. Despite minor inconveniences, this

Pandemic has shown us that our country will unite for the good of all.

Throughout my life, in the darkest times, I've always been told to look for the silver

lining when something tragic happens. There are heroes everywhere. While it would be easy to
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focus on the inconveniences the Coronavirus has created, I believe that the coronavirus has

brought out the best in society because healthcare workers are sacrificing time with loved ones to

save lives, people are volunteering in countless ways, and families have found time to spend time

together focusing on what's important, being together.



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