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El presente progresivo se expresa con la forma apropiada del verbo to be mas la
forma –ing (participio presente) del verbo.


I Am eating Am not eating Am I eating?
He/ she/ it Is eating Is not eating Is he/ she/ it eating?
Are eating Are not eating Are you/ we/ they

Las reglas básicas para deletrear la forma –ing son:

a) Añadir –ing a la forma base:

eat +ing walk+ing go+ing agree+ing cry+ing

b) Si la forma base termina en consonante + e, se elimina la –e antes de

añadir la forma –ing:
drive > driving dance > dancing take > taking

c) Si la forma base termina en una sola vocal + consonante, y es de una sola

silaba, se duplica la consonante final:
Run > runnig put > putting stop > stopping

d) Con verbos de tipo (c) de mas de una silaba, se duplica la consonante solo
cuando la silaba final esta acentuada:
Begin > beginning pero: travel > traveling

Exercise 1: Escriba la forma –ing de estos verbos.

1.- talk _____ing____ 2.- dry _______drying____________
3.- come _______coming 4.- make _making________________
5.- cut __cutting_________ 6.- slip ________slipping__________
7.- admit _admitting________ 8.- cancel cancelling______


Para describir o explicar acciones que están ocurriendo en el momento de hablar.
Ejemplos: Look at Mary! She’s dancing with Fred.
The teachers aren’t here. They’re attending a meeting.

Exercise 2: Complete las oraciones adaptando el verbo en paréntesis.

1.- We want to go for a picnic but it _________rainnig_____________ ( rain).

2.- Look! John ____wearing____________ (wear) his new sweater.
3.- What are you doing? – I _____________making_________ (make) a poster.
4.- Can you two come out? – Sorry. We _____studying______________ (study).
5.- Where are the boys? – They ________swimming_________________ (swim)
Para referirse a una acción que no es permanente pero que ocupa un periodo mas largo
que el momento actual (y que quizás no esta ocurriendo en el momento de hablar)

Ejemplos: I am reading a very good book at the moment.

Jane’s studying Economics at Harvard
The children are taking part in a school play.



El pasado progresivo se expresa con las formas en pasado del verbo To-be mas la forma
– ing del verbo.


I/HE/SHE/IT was eating Was not (wasn’t) eating Was I /he/she/it/ eating?
You/we/they were eating Were not (weren’t) eating Were you/we /they/ eating

Exercise 1: Escriba la forma- ing de estos verbos.

1 Look________looking______________2 Feel__________feeling_______________
3 take __________taking___________________ 4 Write__________wriyting_____
5 Win__________winnig_______________ 6 Dig _________digging______________
7 Sing _______singing__________________ 8 Laugh______laughing______________


Para describir lo que ya estaba ocurriendo en un momento en el pasado.

At seven o’clock last night he was playing cards
We were still talking at midnight

EXCERSICES 2: Vea lo que hicieron los Johnson y lo que hizo el sábado pasado.
Continúe las oraciones que siguen después del cuadro.


1) 8-8:30 ate breakfast 1) 9-9:15 took a shower
2) 9-10:30 swam 2) 10-noon placed tennis
3) 11-12:30 shopped 3) 2-5 studied at the library
4) 3-5:30 watched a baseball 4) 8-11 listened to music with friends
Game at the stadium

1. At 8:15 inn the morning, Mr and Mrs

2. Susan Johnson telephoned at 9:10 but no one answered
3. At 11:30 Mr and Mrs
Johnson_____________________________________________________ and



El presente perfecto se forma con el presente del verbo have y el participio pasado del
verbo principal


I / you / Have (‘ve) Have not Have (you)
(haven’t) finished?
We / they / finished finished

He / she / Has (‘s) Has not Has (he)

(hasn’t) eaten?
It eaten eaten

Nota: la forma del participio pasado de los verbos regulares (por ejemplo, finished)
es igual a la forma del pasado; en el caso de los verbos irregulares (por ejemplo,
eaten) hay una gran variedad de formas, las cuales se encuentran indicadas en la
tercera columna del cuadro anterior.

(Nota: todos los verbos que son similares a verbos en español [export, describe, etc.]
son regulares.)

EXERCISE 1: Relacione los participios pasados en el cuadro con los verbos

irregulares en la lista

1.sell __sold___ 2.wear__ worn ____ won broken

3.break__ broken 4.write_ written worn cut
5.buy__ bought _ 6.win___won____ written bought
7.give__ given __ 8.forget__ forgotten _ sung forgotten
9.cut__ cut ____ 10.sing_ sung _ sold given

EXERCISE 2: Complete las oraciones con las formas apropiadas del verbo have
(incluyendo negativas interrogativas) y los participios pasados del cuadro de arriba:

1.John _____________ _____________ application letters for 40 jobs, but he still


2.The Cubs never win! In fact, they ___________ __________ the World Series for
about 80 years!
3.I know that woman but I __________ _________ her name. My memory is terrible
these days.

4.People ___________ ______________ down much of the tropical rainforests

5.________________ you _______________ your lovely new black dress yet, Mary?

6.Samantha _______________ _______________ in the same choral society since 1980.

7.The Smiths can’t move because they ___________ ____________ their present house.

8.Stop playing football in the yard! You ___________ ____________ three windows this
year already!

9.______________ you _______________ the new record by Madonna?

10.They have been married for 20 years and she _____________ ____________ him a
present every year on their anniversary


El pasado perfecto se forma con el pasado del verbo have y el participio pasado
del verbo principal.


Had (‘d) Had not Had (they)
(hadn’t) finished?
Para todas las finished finished
personas (eaten)
(eaten) (eaten)

Nota: para un ejercicio sobre el participio pasado.


Al igual que en español, una función principal del pasado perfecto en inglés es la
de indicar cuál de dos eventos en el pasado antecedió al otro:

1.- When we arrived at the station the train had left.

2.- When we arrived at the station the train left.

La oración (1) indica que llegamos a la estación y no encontramos el tren porque Salio
(había salido) con anterioridad. La oración (2) indica que primero llegamos a la estación
y después salio el tren. Al utilizar la conjunción when es necesario usar el pasado
perfecto para expresar la secuencia en la oración (1). Existen otras conjunciones (before,
after) que de por si indican la secuencia ( Before we arrived, the train /had/ left) y
donde el empleo del pasado perfecto es opcional.
Exercise 1: Escoja el tiempo (pasado simple/ pasado perfecto) en cada caso para indicar
la secuencia probable.

a.- When I (get) to the office, Mary (finished) work and was waiting for me at the door.
b.- I (see) that they ( eat) because there (be) dirty dishes in the kitchen.
c.- John (arrive) at the movie theater at 7:30 and (begin) reading his book. Mary (made)
the date for 7:15, but John (read) almost the whole book when she finally (turn up) at
8:15. apparently, she (forget) the name of the movie theater and- (go) to a different
one on the other side of town.
d.- It ( be a surprise when the cubs (win) the championship in 1985 because they (win)
the title since 1946.

El pasado perfecto tiene los mismos usos del presente perfecto, pero se relaciona con un
momento en el pasado en el lugar de con el momento de hablar.
1.- Cambie a presente continuo las siguientes oraciones.
a) Jonh calls by phone

b) The engineer Works in the building.

c) The housewife washes the dishes

d) The boy buys a ball

e) The teacher writes a letter

2.- Cambie a pasado continuo las siguientes oraciones.

a) The men sold diamonds

b) The writer wrote some books

c) Children broke the window

d) The pilot flew an airplane

e) I have an exam

3.- Subraye el verbo correcto usando el tiempo verbal presente y

pasado perfecto.
a) She has ( put-puts-putted) the apple on the table

b) The singer has ( sing- sung- singed) Christmas songs

c) He has ( saw-seen-see- siked) the movie.

d) She has ( learned- learnt- learning) French

e) You had ( haved-had-haven) a problem

4.- Responder
a) Where had you traveled last vacations?

b) Have they taken an English Course?

c) What have you listened?

d) What have you dreamed about?

e) Have you read “ Cien años de Soledad”

5.- Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

a) She’s already seen that movie

b) Bill has bought two cars this year

c) I have stayed there every year since 1990

d) We’ve done a lot of work this morning

e) I’ve known her for years


a.- My sister was driving her new car.

b.- My mother bought a beautiful picture.

c.- The Engineer is building a building.

d.- These Christmas vacations I will go to my grandparents’ house.


a.- television/ wasn’t/ the child/ watching.

b.- spoken/ Chinese/ the student/ has

c.- have/ had/ I/ a headache

d.- party/ I/ enjoyed/ have/ the


a. What was Susan doing? (play records)

b. What were you doing? (do my homework)

c. What was the cat doing? (sleep)

d. What was Peter doing yesterday? (swim in the pool)

e. What were Any and Carol doing? (run in the park)

Exercise 1: Escriba la forma –ing de estos verbos.

1.- talk ______________ 2.- dry __________________
3.- come _____________ 4.- make _________________
5.- cut _______________ 6.- slip __________________
7.- admit _____________ 8.- cancel ________________

Exercise 2: Complete las oraciones adaptando el verbo en paréntesis.

1.- We want to go for a picnic but it ____________________ ( rain).
2.- Look! John ________________ (wear) his new sweater.
3.- What are you doing? – I ______________________ (make) a poster.
4.- Can you two come out? – Sorry. We _________________ (study).
5.- Where are the boys? – They _______________________ (swim)
Exercise 1: Escriba la forma- ing de estos verbos.
1 Look_________________ 2 Feel___________________

3 take _________________ 4 Write__________________

5 Win_________________ 6 Dig ____________________

7 Sing _________________ 8 Laugh___________________

EXCERSICES 2: Vea lo que hicieron los Johnson y lo que hizo el sábado

pasado. Continúe las oraciones que siguen después del cuadro.


5) 8-8:30 ate breakfast 5) 9-9:15 took a shower
6) 9-10:30 swam 6) 10-noon placed tennis
7) 11-12:30 shopped 7) 2-5 studied at the library
8) 3-5:30 watched a baseball 8) 8-11 listened to music with
Game at the stadium friends

4. At 8:15 in the morning, Mr and Mrs Johnson


5. Susan Johnson telephoned at 9:10 but no one answered because


6. At 11:30 Mr and Mrs Johnson _________________________and


EXERCISE 1: Relacione los participios pasados en el cuadro con los verbos

irregulares en la lista

won broken
1.sell ____________ 2.wear____________
worn cut
3.break__________ 4.write____________ written bought
5.buy____________ 6.win______________ sung
7.give____________ 8.forget____________ forgotten sold given

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