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G.C. University ,Faisalabad.

College of Law, GCUF

2nd Assignment Of LLB (hons) 2nd semester/ Spring Semester

Class : LLB (hons.) Second Semester Section:A/ B

Course Title: Principles of Political Science Total Marks: 50
Time allowed: Two Weeks/ 30-05-2020 is date of submission(submit through student portal)
Note: All questions are compulsary .. Each question carry 12.5 marks.

Q. 1: Write Short notes on the following concepts? /12.5

a. Theory of separation of powers.
b. Legislature.
c. Executive.
d. Judiciary.
e. Elections and Representation.
Q. 2: Write Short notes on the following concepts? /12.5
a. Public Opinions.
b. Pressure Groups.
c. Propaganda.
d. Political panics and leaders.
Q.3: What are the Ends and Functions of the state?
Q.4: Write Short notes on the following concepts?
B.Fascism and Nazism.
C.Revolutionary Socialism.

D.Anarchism and Imperialism.


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