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Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd

T/A Universal institute of Technology

Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920


1. TASK 1
1.1. Part 1
Wilson & Jones is a company that specialises in driving digital transformation
across small, medium and large organisations. They design with their customers in
mind; developing, customising and extending their digital platform, Wilson Jones,
based on their specific user and design needs. They have recently approved a
project to implement a new Content Management system (CMS) for use by the
Sales, Customer Service and Marketing departments. This new CMS will replace
the existing CMS, NextGen, which has been used since 2006.
Policy Summary

The WILSON & JONES Project Management Policy recognises that each project is
unique and supports two alternate approaches to implementing projects. The
traditional mode, that follows the “waterfall” approach which emphasises detailed
planning upfront and execution of those plans, as they are. This model has
previously formed the foundation of the WILSON & JONES philosophy:
• Suitability
• Target
• Planning
• Implementation
• Funding
In all models, the approvals and project governance model are based on the
applicable project category. Project management practice supports decision-
making about investments and project spending. Its purpose is to analyse and
provide information about projects in their performance and support the selection of
new projects. It is recommended that projects progress through the following
project phases:
Projects can be funded from operational or capital funds or a combination of both.
Operational funds can be used for simple projects and to absorb any staff costs in
relation to the work done in the project. It can also be used to fund any professional
or consulting services provisioned for a project where the output is not an asset to
be capitalized.
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

A Project Management Community is hosted through the Office of the Deputy

Chief Operating Officer (or as delegated) and is responsible for facilitating the
group. The community aims to support staff engaged in projects by providing
information and organising workshops and similar sessions on topics related to
project management.

This procedure will be formally reviewed every 5 years in conjunction with the
WILSON JONES Project Management Policy. The procedure will be reviewed for
any minor amendments every 12 months by the Responsible Officer or delegated.

Project Delegate Authorities are

In the project matrix organization, delegation of authority reflects the transfer

of authority to make decisions affecting the project from the project manager to
others upon whom the project is dependent for successful completion: the doers of
the project. In this project the delegate authorities are:
• The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
• The Chief Information Officer (CIO)
• Marketing Manager
• Customer Service Manager
• Sales Manager
• Operations Manager
• Project Manager
• IT Manager

Each one to support the area oversees and produce the activities that needs to be
done and inform how to control them.

Difference between Functional Authority and Delegated Project authority

Functional Authority is different from Delegated Authority because delegated

authority is given only for one department. For example: A Production manager
is given line authority only for the production department. However, Functional
Authority may be given for a department or for the full organisation.
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

1.2. Part 2
Position description (PD)
a. Description of the project
Senior Management at Wilson & Jones have recently approved a project to
implement a new Content Management system (CMS) for use by the Sales,
Customer Service and Marketing departments. This new CMS will replace the
existing CMS, NextGen, which has been used since 2006. This project is
considered critical to the success of the business. Wilson & Jones specialises in
driving digital transformation across small,medium and large organisations.

They design with their customers in mind; developing, customising and extending
their digital platform, Wilson Jones, based on their specific user and design
The high-level scope of Wilson & Jones’ CMS project includes:
 A review of all current business processes, “as is” activities
 Detailed requirements gathering from all impacted work areas, Sales,
Marketing and Customer Service
 Request for Tender from relevant CMS suppliers
 Evaluation and selection of preferred vendor (Salesforce)
 Purchase and configuration of a suitable software product (Salesforce)
 Configuration and customisation of selected software as necessary to meet
Wilson & Jones’ requirements
 Review and clean-up of existing data prior to migration to the new CMS to
reduce the number of duplicate client entries
 Software design, development, testing and installation
 Purchase of user licenses
 Data migration
 End user training
 Testing (including stress testing, fail over testing, integration testing and user
acceptance testing)
 Go live rollout and support.
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

b. Tabular Column presenting Roles and associated responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities for schedule development are as follows:

 The project manager will be responsible for facilitating work package

definition, sequencing, and estimating duration and resources with the
project team. The project manager will also create the project schedule
using MS Project 2007 and validate the schedule with the project team,
stakeholders, and the project sponsor. The project manager will obtain
schedule approval from the project sponsor and baseline the schedule.
 The project team is responsible for participating in work package definition,
sequencing, duration, and resource estimating. The project team will also
review and validate the proposed schedule and perform assigned activities
once the schedule is approved.
 The project sponsor will participate in reviews of the proposed schedule
and approve the final schedule before it is base lined.
 Key project stakeholders, including the steering committee, will participate
in reviews of the proposed schedule and assist in its validation.

c. Reporting Authority

The team will consist of personnel from Operations and Information

Technology along with team members who perform the tasks of business
analysis, change and quality control, instructional design and training
among others. The project manager will work with all resources to perform
project planning. All project and subsidiary management plans will be
reviewed and approved by the project sponsor and the project steering
committee as required. All funding decisions will also be made by the
project sponsor in consultation with other steering committee members.
Any delegation of approval authority to the project manager should be
done in writing and be signed by both the project sponsor and project
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

2. TASK 2
2.1. Part 1
Project Governance Plan Template

1. Introduction:
Senior Management at Wilson & Jones have recently approved a project to implement a
new Content Management system (CMS) for use by the Sales, Customer Service and
Marketing departments. This new CMS will replace the existing CMS, NextGen, which has
been used since 2006. This project is considered critical to the success of the business.

2. Key stake holders:

 Project Manager
 Contract Manager
 IT Manager
 Solution architect
 Developers
 Deployment Manager
 Testing specialists
 Trainers
 Customers

3. Purpose:
Implement a new Content Management system (CMS) for use by the Sales,
Customer Service and Marketing departments.
4. Project Outcomes and Expectations:
The high-level scope of Wilson & Jones’ CMS project includes:
 A review of all current business processes, “as is” activities
 Detailed requirements gathering from all impacted work areas,
Sales, Marketing and Customer Service
 Request for Tender from relevant CMS suppliers
 Evaluation and selection of preferred vendor (Salesforce)
 Purchase and configuration of a suitable software product (Salesforce)
 Configuration and customisation of selected software as
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

necessary to meet Wilson & Jones’ requirements

 Review and clean-up of existing data prior to migration to the new
CMS to reduce the number of duplicate client entries
 Software design, development, testing and installation
 Purchase of user licenses
 Data migration
 End user training
 Testing (including stress testing, fail over testing, integration testing and
user acceptance testing)
 Go live rollout and support.

5. Governance framework and structure

a. Initiate Phase
i. Actions to be taken
 Establish the Project Charter
 Approve Project Charter by Project Sponsor, CEO of Wilson
& Jones
 Appoint initial project team
 Begin developing Project Management Plan (PMP) including
assessing project constraints, assumptions and exclusions
 Define the initial project scope and develop high level WBS
 Set up Project Office and Project Governance structure
including Steering Committee
 Phase Review and approval from Sponsor to proceed to
Planning Phase

ii. Key outputs

Detailed User Manuals
Policy & Procedures manuals

iii. Timeline
One month
b. Plan Phase
i. Actions to be taken
 WBS and WBS Dictionary refined and project schedule
 Hold requirements gathering workshops with impacted
 Have all requirements documented
 Review of documented requirements by stakeholders
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

 Sign off on requirements by Senior Customers/End Users

 Review current data held in NextGen
 Run cleanup of data
 Review all current “as is” business processes
 Engage with Procurement to develop Tender documentation
 Raise RFP (Request for Proposal) and conduct initial
discussions with potential vendors
 Shortlist 4 Vendors to be assessed
 Issue final RFT (Request for Tender) document to 4
Vendors, give 30 days for response
 Vendors respond and present their proposed solutions
 Evaluation of Vendor proposals and including cost
assessments. This includes customisation and
configuration requirements
 Decision made on final Vendor (Salesforce) and
approval by Steering Committee
 IT requirements determined, hardware capacity and storage
 Develop the Project Budget including costs from Salesforce
 Development of Communications Plan and Change Plans
 Approval of Project Management Plan and
authority to proceed to Delivery phase by the
Project Steering Committee. PMP to include
scope, costs, quality, resource requirements,
WBS and schedule

ii. Key outputs

Configured dashboards with relevant reporting
Detailed Business Process Documents

iii. Timeline
One month
c. Implement Phase
i. Actions to be taken
 Sign contract with Salesforce
 Agree on customisation requirements and specifications
 Agree on configuration requirements
 Approve and finalise customisation and configuration
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

 Configuration and customisation for Salesforce

including development of reporting
 Ongoing development, testing & review of the
customisation and configuration
 Conduct Stakeholder briefings to prepare users for the
 Recruit Instructional Designer to write training material
 Schedule training for all users including Administrators
 Migrate data to Salesforce ready for training
 Train the Trainer to be done by the Instructional Designer
 Training all staff
 Write procedures manuals
 Write process maps and documents for end users
 System testing (including stress, integration and fail over
 User acceptance testing (UAT) Pilot group testing
 System corrections and finish customisation
 Go Live activities, staggered across the company over 4

ii. Key outputs

Fully configured CMS to meet Wilson & Jones’ needs

iii. Timeline
Two months

d. Close Phase
i. Actions to be taken
 Technical support handover including full review of end
product against initial requirements
 Post implementation review
 Final communication plan review
 Close any outstanding Risks or Issues
 Sign off and close project budget
 Produce end of project report
 Perform a change management review
 Ensure all documentation required for the project is
 Ensure the stakeholders have been involved in
the decision and assessment that the project is
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

 Project closedown authorised by Project Sponsor

ii. Key outputs

Detailed Solution Architecture Document

iii. Timeline
One month

e. Post Project Operations

i. Actions to be taken
 Weekly project team meetings following project
 Monthly project steering committee meetings with PM, IT
Manager to review progress
 Additional steering committee meetings as required
 Monthly review of project governance between PM and PMO
 Monthly review of project budget between PM and Finance
 Develop integrated scope control, schedule control and
cost control process
 Perform quality control management
 Manage project team performance
 Risk and Issue monitoring and control

ii. Key outputs

Detailed Requirements documentation

iii. Timeline
One month

6. Org Chart for Governance Framework

Chief Executive Officer Finance

Steering Committee comprises CEO, all Senior Managers and a Finance
(CEO) (Projectrepresentative
sponsor) representativ
Chief Information Human Marketing Customer
Officer (CIO)
Resources Manager Service
Manager Sales Manager Manager Operations
(Senior User) PMO Manager
(Senior User) (Senior User) Manager

PMO team

IT Manager Project Contract

Manager Manager

Project Process Business Quality Change


Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd

T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920



Dear stakeholders,

The following email is to invite you to organize work meetings together where we
can all participate because we are responsible for this project. Everyone can make
their proposal with the times they have available and we organize a meeting
schedule. Likewise, I propose that the meetings be held at the facilities of our
company WILSON & JONES, but if anyone wants to propose another place, they
can do so. My proposal is that the meetings be at 9:00 am on Monday and
I am sending you in this email a copy of the document Project Governance Plan for
you to review and if you have any questions about it, please let me know. I will be
waiting for your comments and I appreciate your attention.

Best regards
Jhon Eider Gómez
Project Manager


Part 1
Dear Project team,
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

It has caught my attention to see that there have been some drawbacks among the
developers of the web, since some activities have been carried out that have
impaired the workflow of the other members of the team. This email is to
communicate my concern for the management that has been given to this
We all form a team and we must remember what our responsibilities are in the
development of the project so that there are no inconveniences or problems
between us.
Everyone has done a wonderful job so far and we have been able to meet the first
objectives of the project, so let us focus on our work. On the other hand, I want to
remind you that at WILSON & JONES we have very clear policies in this regard
and it is my job to warn you that if your differences are still present we will have to
suspend your activities within the project. I hope that is not necessary.

Best regards
Jhon Eider Gómez
Project Manager

Part 2
Appendix G - Excel


Dear stakeholders,
This email is to share the Issue logs document, since you are relevant stake
holders as a part of project governance in monitoring and evaluating evolving
situations. This document identifies and evaluate the key issues of the project, for
example development team members contacting client directly to procure assets.
Client has multiple contact points.  This issue has a medium impact with project
governance and project objectives.
The strategy to overcome the identified issue is establishing a second point of
contact on client side for development team to liaise with for procurement of
assets. The rest is in the document, so I invite you to review it and if you have any
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

questions about it, please let me know. I will be waiting for your comments and I
appreciate your attention.

Best regards
Jhon Eider Gómez
Project Manager
Lessons Learned and Recommendations Template

Lessons Learned

Project name: National archives of Australia

Client: National archives of Australia

Date: 18/05/2020

What went well on the project:

The project was successful fulfilling its deliverables, the web page was
developed with the indications that the client needed for its correct development.

Successful factors of the governance plan:

The processes of reviewing and controlling the activities had positive results
thanks to the commitment of all those involved in the project, each one
complying with the elements to be reviewed and the responsibilities of each one
being fulfilled.

What did not go well on the project:

There were some problems with some team members because the
responsibilities and tasks of the other were not being respected, but it could be
solved by remembering the main work we had to do.

List possible improvements required to the governance plan:

Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

 Increase diversity
 Appoint competent board members
 Ensure timely information
 Prioritize risk management
 Evaluate board performance

Two Key (2) learning points from the implementation of project

 Outlines roles, responsibility and relationships among project stakeholders
 Issue management and resolution

The client is recommended to use the follow-up manuals to check that the
website works correctly, additionally they can contact us about the after-sales
service to keep the job well done in the development of the website.

In order to make a project of web development there are a few elements you
need to have in mind, like for example:
 Budget
 Design requirements
 Purpose
 Target market
 Deadline
 Content
 Copyright information for content
Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
T/A Universal institute of Technology
Address: Level 1 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC-3000
Ph No: 03 9600 0087, Web:
Email:, ABN No: 33126585920

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