Bone Griffons

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INTRODUCTION opposed them, while the Griffons marched into the nesting grounds

The Uncharted Seas were once ruled by two great empires, the Dragon unhindered. The Ancestor Dragons were much larger than those used
Lords and the Ancients. They swiftly settled most of its lands, and on for riding, but they could not fly and were very slow, and were therefore
coming into contact with each other they engaged in war, often for easy meat for the Griffon warriors and the Ancients sorcerers.
centuries at a time. They did this at the expense of a much weaker
empire, that of the Helganth, eventually forcing the warriors of The Dragon Lords recovered quickly from their initial defeats and
Helganth to fight on one side or another. were not dismayed or cowed by the death of the Ancestor Dragons.
Instead, their mages summoned forth a torrent of raw magical energy,
One of the early settlements of the Ancients was at Sancerac (The within which they sealed the foul air of wasting sickness, disease and
Shifting Shores) to the south of the Dragon Lord territories. Its people plague, and spread it on the winds to infect their enemies. This foul
slowly developed their own culture, separate from the Ancients in torrent washed across all the lands of the region, infecting friends and
their homeland of Shenerac (The Thousand Islands), and were given enemies alike.
their own kingdom. The only catch was that they had to swear fealty
to the Ancients every year, and support them in their wars against the This magical sickness came to be known as the Withering, as its victims
Dragon Lords. became weak, their bones atrophied and their flesh rotted. Those
who were closest to the nesting grounds suffered the worst effects,
The inhabitants of Sanerac were a proud society of warriors, who and all of the Griffons became sick and disheartened. They fled back
had close contacts with another vassal kingdom of the Ancients, the to Sancerac where all of their people were also infected, some died
soldiers of Vyrcerac (Vyrdam). Together these two kingdoms formed horrible deaths, and others slowly became undead, unable to pass
a buffer for the Ancients against the aggression of the Dragon Lords, over into the land of the spirits.
they were always appreciated for fulfilling the duty of fighting the four
Houses, and often supported with troops and ships. They proved to What little magic that the nobles of Sancerac had was used to halt the
be loyal vassals, more than willing to fight rather than be slaves of the effects of the Withering, but they could not save their mortal lives.
Dragon Lords. The magic of the Griffons melded with the energy of the Withering,
creating a new energy that stabilised its effects and killed its host in
The warriors of Sancerac had a society built along military lines, every the process. The victims of this process lived on in undeath, so that the
family was part of a warband, and every warband formed part of people of Sancerac became the Bone Griffons.
an army. The Sancerac warbands carried carved representations of
griffons and other beasts on poles ahead of their warriors when they To add to their torment, the Dragon Lord mages cast another great
marched, to identify each other. Later they carried impressive banners spell, this time on the land of Sancerac itself, calling it the Curse of
with images sown or painted on them, and because of this the Ancients the Sands. The spell ripped the land from its foundations and caused
called them Griffons, and over time that became the name by which the kingdom to sink beneath the waves and disappear for centuries.
the Sancerac were to become known. The Bone Griffons lived on in their watery grave, walking the halls of
their palaces, barracks and plazas amid shoals of fish and forests of
The Withering and The Curse seaweed.
Several hundred years ago the Ancients decided to finish the Dragon
Lords once and for all. They assembled a massive fleet of transport Laws of Bone
ships, and recruited hundreds of thousands of auxiliaries from among The Bone Griffons are organised into regiments which they call Claws,
the Helganth and the more primitive tribesmen of Shenerac. Their each of which is named after its leader. The most famous of the
most valued allies were the Griffons who frequently fought against Bone Griffon warriors is Barus the Stricken, who lost all of his family
the Dragon Lords, situated as they were below the soft underbelly of to the Withering, and has drawn the largest number of followers to
Dragon Lord territory. his banner, the Rotting Griffon. He is thought to be responsible for
bringing the undead back to the sunlight after their long exile, even
The Griffons had attempted to destroy the Morgloth on Ossiria a if it is only temporary while their cities rise above the waters of the
generation earlier and failed, so they were determined to avenge their Shifting Shores.
defeat and prove their martial superiority over the Dragon Lords. They
landed this time on Principia with the Ancients, while the Vyrcerac Every Claw is independent of the other, but their objectives are the
landed near Vyrdam in an attempt to prevent reinforcements from same, to take their revenge on the Dragon Lords, beyond that they
reaching the heartland of Principia. each follow their own motives. They often assemble in great numbers
to spend a season pillaging settlements and hunting down enemy
The Griffons had one objective, to march into the nesting grounds fleets, though they reserve these Musters as they are called for their
of the Ancestor Dragons, and with the assistance of the Ancients sworn enemies.
sorcerers, slay them all. It was hoped that the loss of these highly
revered creatures would dismay the Dragon Lords, and even put fear The Bone Griffons have a strong code of honour and are courageous
into the small minds of the lesser dragons that their enemies were warriors, though their undead nature tends to make them foolhardy
famed for riding. The Griffons were not convinced of this outcome, but and reckless. They often show mercy to the crews of ships that they
they accepted the task regardless, in order to make the Dragon Lords have defeated or captured, and drop the crews on the nearest island.
suffer. They kill any Thaniras Elves and Dragon Lords on sight, for the Bone
Griffons do not consider either to be worthy of respect. Shroud Mages
The Ancients fought successfully against the first couple of armies that suffer the same treatment, and unfortunately some Iron Dwarves have

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fallen foul of this harsh treatment if the undead are unaware what kind sometimes it rises even on calm seas, with the cities of Sancerac once
of dwarf they are. again seeing daylight.

The Bone Griffons still sail galleys, a trait that is shared with them by The geography of The Shifting Shores is never stable. The horizon
the Vyrcerac and no-one else, as the technology of ship construction changes from week to week, a phenomenon that scares sailors witless
has moved on while the undead were exiled and the Vyrcerac were but is oddly enough a comfort to the Bone Griffons. They still live in the
enslaved. The Bone Griffons are warriors first and sailors second, and ruined cities of Sancerac, their ships moored in the old docks.
value the ability to control a ship with muscle power. It is a matter
of pride to most of the undead warriors that their unflagging stamina The Bone Griffons use symbols that mark both their heritage on
allows them to row their galleys all day, and still fight for hours without Sancerac and their curse, so Griffons are common, as is imagery of
rest. That is not to say that the Bone Griffons do not appreciate a little death and decay. Their sails are generally white, and their ships are
help, as some of their war galleys are crippled from the ravages of the usually pale colours, though both are stained by algae and dotted with
sea and cannot be rowed efficiently. barnacles. The Bone Griffons use a combination of whale bone, coral
and timber from shipwrecks to keep their galleys sea worthy. They are
The undead have used their magic to raise the corpses of whales and not skilled shipwrights however, and often summon the sea beasts to
serpents from the sea bed, to instil in them the same elements of the tow their galleys out of necessity as much as habit.
Withering that keeps the Bone Griffons from dying normally. These
carrion creatures drag their war galleys through the sea, and are a LAWS OF THE BONE
terrible sight to behold. The Bone Griffons are organised into regiments which they call Claws,
each of which is named after its leader. The most famous of the
The Bone Griffons have spent so long beneath the waves that they Bone Griffon warriors is Barus the Stricken, who lost all of his family
have developed an affinity with the creatures of the deeps, they may to the Withering and has drawn the largest number of followers to
be dead but they have strong, and some would say, noble souls. The his banner, the Rotting Griffon. He is thought to be responsible for
undead are able to call upon these creatures for assistance, and are bringing the undead back to the sunlight after their long exile, even
less likely to suffer an attack by such creatures if they are harassing if it is only temporary while their cities rise above the waters of The
surface ships. Shifting Shores.

Guardians of the Shifting Shores Every Claw is independent of the other, but their objectives are the
The Bone Griffins have frequent battles with the Shroud Mages, as same, to take their revenge on the Dragon Lords; beyond that they
there are regular armed convoys between Mysonnia and Ganesh. They each follow their own motives. They often assemble in great numbers
give the dwarves no quarter, because they sense the foulness of their to spend a season pillaging settlements and hunting down enemy
hearts, and because they are servants of the Dragon Lords. The Bone fleets, though they reserve these Musters as they are called for their
Griffins have no particular antipathy for the Dragon Lord Subasha and sworn enemies. Since the arrival of the ‘New Souls’ to the Uncharted
Saahdas vassals, who have little choice in serving the four Houses, but Seas the Bone Griffons have widened their attacks, and now any fleet
they hate the Shroud Mages and Kindrake for willingly supporting the is mauled on sight.
Dragon Lords and assisting in the success of their endeavours.
In contrast, the Bone Griffons have so far had little contact with the Old The Bone Griffons still sail galleys, as the technology of ship construction
World races. They rejoice at the havoc that such interlopers will bring has moved on while the undead were exiled. The Bone Griffons are
to the Dragon Lords, and have seen their fleets on the high seas, but warriors first and sailors second, and value the ability to control a
the undead generally avoid them. The Bone Griffons are insular and ship with muscle power. It is a matter of pride to most of the undead
dismissive of strangers, and are even known to have sailed straight past warriors that their unflagging stamina allows them to row their galleys
the fleets of the Imperial Humans, Iron Dwarves, and The Kingdom all day, and still fight for hours without rest.
without incident.
That is not to say that the Bone Griffons do not appreciate a little help,
The Bone Griffons attack the fleets of the Thaniras Elves, Thousand as some of their war galleys are crippled from the ravages of the sea
Bandits and Northern Vosk on sight however. They have suffered and cannot be rowed efficiently. The undead have used their magic
occasional raids by the Bandits and Vosk, so the undead consider them to raise the corpses of whales (the Orcus) and various serpents from
to be vermin and treat them as such. In the case of the elves, they the sea bed, to instil in them the same elements of the Withering that
recognise the same spite and envy in them that is common to the keeps the Bone Griffons from dying normally. These carrion creatures
dwarves of Mysonnia, and willingly seek out the elves to destroy them. drag their war galleys through the sea and are a terrible sight to behold.
Fortunately for the elves, the undead have little reason to sail as far as
their strongholds in the cold waters of the Helgath Sea. There is several ship types already defined for this race, including:

The Bone Griffons combine their forces to attack any fleet travelling • Reaper & Plague Class Battleship
through the Shifting Shores, regardless of what flag it flies. They give no • Sea Wraith & Banshee Class Cruiser
warning of this danger, but then most of the sea captains of the region • Orcus Class Creature (Frigate)
are aware that death awaits the living if they approach the Shifting • Despoiler Class Heavy Cruiser
Shores. This ruthless defence of the home waters of the undead has • Pestilence Class Cruiser
forced the Dragon Lords and Shroud Mages to take the safe route along • Nightmare Class Flagship
the south coast of Principia, or the dangerous route across the Endless • Withered Griffon (Flying Creature)
Sea. The first option lengthens journeys, but very few sea captains are • Phantom Class Destroyer
willing to sail the Endless Sea and risk losing their way.
These vessels form the core of the naval offering for this race, but as
Scourge of the Deep with all races the ship options will be expanded upon on a rolling basis.
The Shifting Shores is an extensive area of the sea whose landmasses
lie below the waves, at depths that vary between a few fathoms and STANDARD FLEET COMPOSITION
hundreds. It is the Curse of the Sands that caused the land to sink, The normal building block of a naval formation is the Battlegroup and
taking the cities of the Sancerac with it, drowning any of its people a standard Bone Griffons offering consists of:
that had survived the Withering and were not yet undead. The
land sometimes rises above the water as sea conditions alter, and

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1 x Reaper/Plague Class Battleship a Battleship, they would have 6 dice of Ram
3 x Sea Wraith/Banshee Class Cruiser (3+1+1+1). All 4 of the Orcus would still suffer
6 x Orcus Class Creature (Generally split into 2 squadrons of 3 each) normal full damage dice as the result of a collision.
o This is risky against large models, but an Orcus can
Each ship has a Fleet Point Value and this is the number used to usually survive a critical hit. It is more effective
calculate how many ships can be deployed on a tabletop for a game. against medium, small and tiny models.
The above mentioned Bone Griffons Battlegroup would cost a player • An Orcus can choose not to board AFTER resolving a ram or
470 Fleet Points and is calculated as follows: collision, but MUST do so BEFORE either side rolls dice for a
Boarding Action.
110 Points for the Battleship • An Orcus CAN do a Boarding Action against a ship; it is
60 Points per Cruiser assumed that it causes sickness and death among an enemy
30 Point per Orcus (Frigate) crew because of the pestilence in its carcass. This DOES
NOT affect the undead such as the Bone Griffons, or other
Different scenarios will allow players to construct their fleets in various nonliving crews.
ways, with some forcing a player to have a pre-set number of ships and • A ship CAN do a Boarding Action against an Orcus which is
classes, and others simply allowing a player to buy ships based on a NOT submerged; it is assumed that the crew stabs it with
fixed point value. Sometimes a scenario may call for a force of ships to spears and hooks.
break the normal ‘rules’ of a fleet composition. • Even though an Orcus is counted as part of the Squadron
that it is tethered to (for Movement and Game Cards), it is
Trebuchet Rules still a separate model when you resolve Boarding Actions.
The Trebuchets use the normal firing rules when firing at a model that
is in Line of Sight to determine whether you get full or half AD. You Tethering Rules
then select any point on the target model that is in Line of Sight to • Up to 3 Orcus can be tethered to the ‘front’ of each Bone
determine the AD at that Range Band measuring from the front of the Griffons Capital ship, in base contact between the bow and
firing ship and place the Large Round Template centred on that point: oars.
• A ship can tether any Orcus that is in contact with its ‘front’
You MUST allocate at least HALF the AD against the target model. at the start of the ships activation, up to a maximum of 3.
You CAN allocate up to HALF of the AD (rounded down) using Split Fire • In a turn that one or more Orcus are tethering, the ship and
against any other models that are under the template AND within Line the Orcus CANNOT make more than a HALF move, and do
of Sight. not apply the +1” bonus move in that turn.
• A ship can un-tether an Orcus AND move when it is activated,
A model can ONLY use Split Fire against a number of targets equal to it is allowed to move through the Orcus during the turn that
the number of Trebuchets on the model (or less) it does this, but MUST move clear of the Orcus.
• An Orcus is automatically un-tethered if either the ship sinks
A Trebuchet can ONLY use Linked Fire with other Trebuchets
or is destroyed, or if the Orcus is killed.
Model(s) CANNOT use Linked Fire and Split Fire at the same time • A ship increases its Movement by +1” for each Orcus that is
tethered to it, up to a maximum of 9”, the Orcus move at the
Game Cards CAN be used with Trebuchets, but they DO NOT count as
same speed as the ship they are tethered to.
a broadsides
• This bonus movement is NOT affected by the Wind, even if
Trebuchets CANNOT fire at flying models. the ship that the Orcus is tethered to is affected by the Wind.

Trebuchets can also fire at targets that are NOT in Line of Sight, but it Additional Rules
MUST do this INSTEAD of firing at a model that is in Line of Sight. If • An Orcus that is tethered to a ship is activated with the
you do so, place the Large Round Template on the centre of the target ship, and NOT when its Squadron is activated. If all of the
model and roll 1D8 using the 8 points (Arrows) on the template, with Orcus in a Squadron is tethered, you DO NOT get a separate
the “1” direction facing directly away from the firing ship. activation for that Squadron.
The template is then moved 1D6” in the direction indicated by the 1D8 • An Orcus DOES NOT have a minimum speed, and DOES NOT
score. If a model is wholly or partially under the template it is a valid use the Drop Anchor rules, unless it is tethered, in which
target. When you have moved the template, divide the AD in HALF case it uses the minimum speed of the ship it is tethered to.
and split it among the models that are wholly or partially under the • You still get a Game Card for an Orcus Squadron, even if all of
template. This works similarly to Split Fire, but DOES NOT count as Split the Orcus are tethered.
Fire. • An Orcus that is tethered CANNOT be submerged, a
submerged Orcus CANNOT be tethered.
If a Trebuchet deviates beyond Range Band 4 and/or out of the 90 • Unless a scenario states differently an Orcus CAN begin a
degree arc, IT IS still a valid attack using the rules above. Beyond Range game tethered.
Band 4 counts as Band 4 for the purpose of determining the AD. • Orcus CAN begin a game submerged, but a player MUST
If a Trebuchet deviates into Range Band 1 it is a MISFIRE and the shot state they are doing this.
has no effect.
be assembled with a sail or a trebuchet. A small amount of trimming
ORCUS CLASS CREATURE: If an Orcus suffers a Critical Hit is loses will be needed to make a trebuchet fit on top of the resin hull.
2 Hull (Life) points and 1 Crew point INSTEAD of rolling on the Critical
Hit Table. If an Orcus is reduced to 0 Hull or 0 Crew it is killed. SPECIAL RULES: Oars
Ramming and Boarding Rules:
• An Orcus that is tethered CANNOT do a Ram, a ship that has
may either have 3 Broadside decks, which is the Reaper class, or it may
Orcus tethered to it CANNOT do a Ram.
have 3 Trebuchet decks, which is the Plague class.
• A squadron of Orcus can do a combined Pack Ram, which
allows them to Link their Ram dice against a single ship/
SPECIAL RULES: Plague Gun, Oars
o If a squadron of 4 Orcus does a Pack Ram against

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NIGHTMARE CLASS FLAGSHIP: This Nightmare Class Flagship is
the terror of the high seas, a mighty floating fortress full of undead
warriors. The centre piece of its construction is a temple dedicated
to the Bone Griffons revered totem, the Abyssal Griffon. The enemies
of the Bone Griffons quake in fear at the appearance of such temple
ships, because the dreaded influence of their priests’ magical aura can
be felt at a great distance.

Temple: This Flagship can repair 1 of its own HP on a roll of 6, AND heal
1 of its own CP on a roll of 4+ when it is activated, OR, this Flagship
can heal 1 CP from a model in its own Fleet (including a submerged or
flying model) that is within 6” measured from the centre of the Temple
to any part of the model on a roll of 5+. However, it can ONLY repair
lost HP/CP, and it CANNOT repair HP/CP during a turn in which it is
involved in a Boarding Action.

SPECIAL RULES: Plague Gun, Oars

PHANTOM CLASS DESTROYER: The Phantom class Destroyer

is a horrifying new weapon in the Bone Griffons’ arsenal. They are
built for but one purpose: crushing enemy ships with plague-infected
missiles fired from a massive catapult whose arm is nearly as long as
the ship itself.

SPECIAL RULES: Lethal Strike (Fore), Oars




SPECIAL RULES: Lethal Strike (Fore), Oars

Swipe Attack: the Withered Griffon can make a Swipe Attack of 8AD
against a model that is on the surface OR flying and within 1” of its
flight stand in a fore 180 degree arc.


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Range Band

Range Band







4 5 9/7” 3 2 Red 3 2 - - - - - 4 6 6” 4 7 Red 5 2 6 6 - - 3

3 - - - - - 3 3 3 - - 4
This is a Small Class Standard diving creature This is a Medium Capital Class Special ship
Uses the Small template for moving and firing 4 - - - - - Uses the Medium template for moving and firing 4 - - - - 5
This ship IS NOT affected by the wind direction This ship IS NOT affected by the wind direction
Deployed in Squadrons of 3 to 4 Models Points Cost: 30 Deployed in Squadrons of 2 to 4 Models Points Cost: 60

Range Band

Range Band






4 6 9” 4 7 Red 5 2 6 6 - - - 5 7 6” 5 8 Red 5 2 6 6 2 - -

3 3 3 - - - This is a Medium Class Variant ship 3 3 3 - - -

This is a Medium Capital Class Standard ship Uses the Medium template for moving and firing
Uses the Medium template for moving and firing 4 - - - - - This ship IS NOT affected by the wind direction 4 - - - - -
This ship IS affected by the wind direction Deployed in squadrons of 2 to 4 Models
Deployed in squadrons of 2 to 4 Models Points Cost: 60 Special Rules: Iron Ram Points Cost: 75

Range Band

Range Band
Plague Gun

Plague Gun






6 12 6” 8 10 8 2 12 12 - - 1 6 12 6” 8 10 8 2 - - - 9 1

3 9 9 - - - 3 - - - 12 -
This is a Large Capital Class Standard ship This is a Large Capital Class Special ship
Uses the Large template for moving and firing 4 4 4 - - - Uses the Large template for moving and firing 4 - - - 14 -
This ship IS NOT affected by the wind direction This ship IS NOT affected by the wind direction
Deployed in Squadrons of 1 Model Points Cost: 110 Deployed in Squadrons of 1 Model Points Cost: 110

Swipe Attack
Range Band
Range Band

Plague Gun



1 16 16 - - 6

6 12 6” 9 11 8 2 13 13 - - 3 4 6 11” 4 4 Red 4 2 - - - -

This is a Medium Class Flying Special creature 3 8 - - - -

3 9 9 - - 1
This is a Large Capital Class Special ship Uses the Medium template for moving and firing
Uses the Large template for moving and firing 4 4 4 - - - This model IS NOT affected by the wind direction 4 - - - -
This ship IS NOT affected by the wind direction Deployed in Squadrons of 1 to 2 Models
Deployed in Squadrons of 1 Model Points Cost: 155 Special Rule: Death Shriek Points Cost: 65

Range Band

Range Band









3 5 8” 3 3 3 2 - - 6 - - 4 6 7” 4 6 Red 5 2 5 5 5 - -

This is a Small Class Standard ship 3 - - - - - This is a Medium Capital Class Standard ship 3 3 3 2 - -
Uses the Small template for moving and firing Uses the Medium template for moving and firing
This ship IS NOT affected by the wind direction 4 - - - - - This ship IS NOT affected by the wind direction 4 - - - - -
Deployed in Squadrons of 2 to 3 Models Deployed in squadrons of 2 to 4 Models
Special Rules: Lethal Strike (Fore) Points Cost: 45 Special Rules: Lethal Strike (Fore) Points Cost: 65

Copyright © Spartan Games 2010

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