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Columbus 2020 was launched a decade ago, a bold and much needed plan to revitalize central

Ohio. In September of last year it rebranded itself One Columbus, with a new goal of making the
11 county Columbus area the most prosperous in the nation. Perhaps in time, even with the
novel coronavirus making such economic development unlikely, it will accomplish its goal.

Even in these uncertain times, one thing is for sure: the city of Columbus is open for business.
Mayor Andrew Ginther ran an uncontested campaign in 2019, but still accepted contributions
from numerous sources, but one very generous donor, to the tune of over one million dollars,
stands out.

Borror is a property management company whose founder, Douglas G. Borror, has not only
contributed to Ginther’s recent campaign but entered into a cozy relationship with the
Democratic mayor and city council. Through various officers of the company and the Borror
family, the mayor’s reelection campaign has received $93,000.00. To the Democratic party as a
whole, Borror has sent $200,000.00, and to the Ohio Democratic Building Fund a cool
$25,000.00. To various members of the city council a further $15,000.00. But nothing compares
to the non-profit foundation affiliated with Borror that gave a whopping one million dollars to help
Mayor Ginther build a preschool in the Hilltop area, where current Borror CEO’s father Donald
attended high school.

Mayor Ginther’s office has not been slow to return the favor: Borror won the State Street
Project, a contract valued at 50 million dollars, a ground lease and 38 million dollars worth in
security bonds. In addition, Borror President Lori Beth Steiner is partnered with Douglas G.
Borror in a marijuana business called Green Investment Partners, LLC. Such businesses, so
carefully vetted by the Buckeye State with its still stringent marijuana laws, would have required
deliberate local and statewide support.
Despite running uncontested last year the mayor’s office has not been without controversy. The
four year incumbent mayor was recently criticized for praising Qatar’s ethically dubious efforts to
snag the 2022 World Cup bid. Like other nations in the Middle East the oil rich nation of Qatar
has a longstanding reputation of abusing its migrant workers. But in its fervor to step onto the
international stage Qatar has taken things a step further. One commentator even used the word
“enslaved” to describe migrant worker conditions.

In addition, the mayor has been forced to return nearly $70,000.00 in private donations following
his State of the City address earlier this year. More than half of this money came from the city’s
vendors. The Ohio Ethics Commission reached out to the mayor’s office, citing concerns that
accepting this type of private money could be a conflict of interest, misuse of public office and a
violation of state law.

Perhaps most telling of all are the allegations that Mayor Andrew Ginther and city council
members have been drawing six figure salaries while working for nonprofits in addition to their
roles as public servants. Though by law council members are able to work for nonprofits they
are prohibited from voting on matters that may affect a business or group that they are
otherwise affiliated with. An investigation began last October, the second to hit City Hall. Last
year a trip to the 2014 Big Ten Championship was also scrutinized.

So called “dark money” in politics is an ongoing issue, and calls for campaign finance reform
have not resulted in more transparency. Business leaders and elected officials should be
bedfellows, but for the public good, not for mutual interest and enrichment.

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