Journalism of Courage: SINCE 1932

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SINCE 1932

Terms and conditions of ICICI Bank apply




Dosage: ` 20 lakh crore

49 70,756 TESTS: 17,59,579 | DOUBLINGRATE:11.78**

In address to nation, First day at KEYSTATES

PM stresses on five
pillars: big leap in
New Delhi ■ Maharashtra
■ Gujarat

economy, infra, station: Long ■ Delhi 7,639 406 6.56% 10.98

queues and
■ Tamil Nadu 8,002 798 12.31% 5.85
demography, tech, ■ Rajasthan 3,883 174 3.76% 19.13
Aarogya Setu ■ West Bengal 2,063 124 7.31% 9.85
* Compounded Daily Growth Rate over last 7 days ** Calculated over 7-day growth


It has the fastest 13 deaths on Recording 30-40
PRIME MINISTER Narendra NEW DELHI, MAY 12 doubling time Monday, instead cases daily, and has
Modi on Tuesday announced among states with of the usual two one of the slowest
that India’s combined economic MORE THAN 4,000 passengers high caseloads or three. growth rates
package would be worth Rs 20 boarded the first three special
lakh crore or 10 per cent of GDP, ‘Rajdhanitrains’fromNewDelhi Based on daily data released by Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
whichwouldmakeIndiaself-re- on Tuesday as the Railways re- Indian Council of Medical Research and state governments
liant and position it for the post sumedservices, which had been

Amid tension on
Covid-19 world. suspended for over a month un-
With the third phase of lock- der the coronavirus lockdown.
down ending on May 17, the TheNewDelhi-Bilaspurtrain
Prime Minister said the fourth which left at 4 pm with over

Ladakh LAC, IAF

stage will be new in form — and 1,000 people on board was the
the details, which will be drawn first passenger service of the
up on the basis of suggestions Railways to start. The other two

sent Su-30s, Army

from the state chief ministers, were to Dibrugarh in Assam and
would be announced by May 18. Bengaluru in Karnataka.
The details of the Rs 20 lakh Outside the New Delhi
crorepackage,whichwouldhelp Railway station on Tuesday,

says no build-up
everysectionincludingworkers, there was a steady flow of pas-
farmers, middle class andindus- sengers — students, migrants
trial units, would be announced and professionals from within
by Finance Minister Nirmala and outside Delhi — eager to re-
Sitharaman in the coming days, turn to their families. The LAC cuts through
the Prime Minister said. “We are doing thermal SUSHANT SINGH & Pangong Tso, with the 45-km
“I announce a special eco- screening of passengers as they MAN AMAN SINGH CHHINA long western portion of the lake
nomic package today. This will come into the station and only NEW DELHI, CHANDIGARH, underIndiancontrolandtherest
play an important role in the The first train since lockdown from Mumbai Central prepares to leave for New Delhi at 5.30 pm on Tuesday. Ganesh Shirsekar asymptomaticpersonsarebeing MAY 12 under Chinese control. It lies in
‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 thepathoftheChushulapproach
(Self-reliant India Campaign). AWEEKafterIndianandChinese —inIndianassessment,itisoneof
The announcements made by troops came to blows in a dis- the main approaches China may
the government over Covid ear-
lier, decisions of RBI, and today’s On the table: Safety net BUSINESS AS USUAL The math: It’s 10% of puted area near Pangong Tso, a
lake in eastern Ladakh, and IAF
likely use during any offensive.
The mountains on the lake’s

for the poor, MSMEs, GDP but about half is

package totals to Rs 20 lakh fighters took to the air, tensions northern bank jut forward in
crore.Thisis10percentof India’s BY UNNY remain high in the region. major spurs, which the Army
GDP,” Modi said. Troops on either side of the calls “fingers”. India claims that
The Prime Minister empha-
sised on India becoming self-
reliant, a point he has been
tax breaks, land assets already factored in Line of Actual Control (LAC) have
been on high alert though there
has been “disengagement” after
the LAC is co-terminus with
Finger 8, but it physically con-
trols area only up to Finger 4.
stressing in almost all late into: steps to bolster liquid- the incident on May 5-6 night Chinese border posts are at
speeches he has made since
the crisis began.
ity for the Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs),
STIMULUSAS%OFGDP near an area known as Finger 5
on the northern bank of
Finger 8, while Indian border
posts are located close to Finger
According to him, self-re- & SANDEEP SINGH among the worst impacted sec- JAPAN 21.1 Pangong Tso. 3.TheChineseclaimthattheLAC
liancewouldbebasedonfivepil- NEW DELHI, MAY 12 tors; a push to the process of THE Rs 20-lakh crore package US 13.0 TheareaunderIndiancontrol passesthroughFinger2.Thearea
lars — an economy that takes monetisation of surplus land as- announced by Prime Minister SWEDEN 12.0 is manned by an infantry battal- between the two differing per-

quantum jumps, not incremen- PRIMEMinisterNarendraModi’s sets held by Ministries and Narendra Modi sounds big but GERMANY 10.7 ionbutadditionaltroopsremain ceptionsisthedisputedterritory
talgains;moderninfrastructure; announcement of a Rs 20 lakh Central PSUs; a state-led easing willburnonlya onalertforanycontingency.The which both armies try to domi-
INDIA 10.0

a technology-driven system; vi- crore package to help cushion of labour regulations and addi- small hole in Chinese, sources said, too aug- nate through regular patrolling.
brant demography; and a de- the Covid economic impact and tional tax breaks for companies the govern- FRANCE 9.3 mentedtheirstrengthinthearea Sources said that “no Chinese
mand and supply chain. set the stage for “self-reliance”, investingaboveacertainthresh- ment’s fi- SPAIN 7.3 once tensions rose late April. soldier is on Indian territory in
“Wehaverealisedtheimpor- could pivot around measures old in technology-intensive sec- TRAVAILS ON DAY 1, ● nances. A large ITALY 5.7 The Indian Army, on its part, the area as per our perception of
tanceof localmanufacturingand thatthegovernmentis setto un- tors like pharma, medical de- THOSE WHO COULD part of it, or as UK 5.0 has clarified that there is no the LAC”.
local supply chain, which met
our demands and saved us dur-
veil in a staggered manner start-
ing Wednesday.
vices and telecom equipment.
Over the next few days,
NOT BE ON BOARD much as Rs
8.04 lakh crore, is additional liq-
CHINA 3.8 build-up of troops in the area.
Army PRO Colonel Aman Anand
In astatement,theArmysaid
“incidents of faceoff and aggres-
ing this crisis. Brands that are “Land, labour, liquidity and Finance Minister Nirmala OPPOSITION PARTIES uidity injected into the system said Tuesday: “There is no con- sive behaviour occur on LAC.
Source: Ceyhun Elgin,
global were once local, but it be- laws” — that was how the PM Sitharaman will provide details REACT TO PACKAGE by the Reserve Bank of India
Columbia University
tinuing faceoff at Pangong Tso. Patrols disengage after local-
came branded when people defined the key themes of the of the package that is likely to PAGES 3, 5 through various measures in There is no build-up of armed level interaction and dialogue.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 package. This is likely to trans- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 troops in the area.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Centre plans to THE EDITORIAL PAGE

LG gas leak: FIR blames ‘some smoke Virus spread
LET STATES LEAD slowing, key
take states’ views in PANDEMIC FIGHT
with bad smell,’ names no company staff reproduction
categorising zones
PAGE 10 remainingpeoplewereadmitted
in hospitals as in-patients.”
Incidentally, the death toll
number 1.23
mentioned here is five when 10
hadalreadybeenconfirmeddead until May 10
ABANTIKA GHOSH ent in the Monday meeting told when Styrene gas leaked from by the time the FIR was filed.
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 The Indian Express. Some states the LG Polymers factory at The FIR does not mention
are still pushing for full freedom Visakhapatnam before dawn on Styrene despite the fact that po- KARISHMA MEHROTRA
AFTER SEVERAL chief ministers in zoning districts in their juris- May 7. The Andhra Pradesh gov- lice officials had confirmed the NEW DELHI, MAY 12
demanded more authority in diction, with the Centre only de- ernment set up a high-level presence of this gas by then. The
classifying zones in their juris- ciding the broad principles. probe committee. But the FIR on FIR also does not name anyone BETWEEN APRIL 13 and May 10,
diction during the video confer- On Monday, while the PM- the gas leak registered at the from the company. the Covid-19 transmission rate
ence with Prime Minister CMs meeting was still on, a fresh Gopalapatnam police station by TheFIR was registered under (represented by the basic repro-
Narendra Modi on Monday, the list was circulated, only to be re- CLUSTERS ACROSS the local police is telling. Sections 278 (Making atmos- duction number or R-number)
Centre now plans to involve called within minutes, said ASIA SHOW FLEETING Filed at 7 am on May 7, as per phere noxious to health); 284 remainedsteadyat1.23,evenaf-
states and seek their views in sources. FACE OF VICTORY police records, almost five hours Gas leaked before dawn on May 7. Reuters File (Negligent conduct with respect tersomeof thelockdownrestric-
drawing up the list of green, or- Manystatesarealsoinfavour after the incident, all the FIR to poisonous substance), 285 tions were eased on May 4, ac-
ange and red zones. of designating smaller areas — EXPERTS WARN states is that “some smoke came (any act with combustible mat- cording to a study done by the
“We have asked states to rather than entire districts — as AGAINST RUSHING out”of thefactory,thattherewas smoke came out from the LG smell and the smell is endanger tertoendangerlife),337(Causing Institute of Mathematical
share their inputs and views red or orange zones. A similar TO REOPEN THE U.S. a “bad smell” and it was this Polymers Company, due to the to human life. Due to fear, all vil- hurt by act endangering life or Sciences, Chennai.
withus.Thesewillbefactoredin suggestion was also received PAGE 13 smell that endangered life. reasontheneighbouringvillages lagersran...fromthehouses.Inthe personal safety of others), 338 The transmission rate is
the next list,” a senior govern- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 “At about 0330 hrs some (were) affected and getting bad incident, 5 persons died and the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 driven mostly by outbreaks in a
contained growth.
At the beginning of lock-
‘Made it so far... now I’m going back with bodies of wife, kid’
down, the R-naught (indicating
ANCHOR the initial transmission rate) for
March 27-April 6 was 1.83.
In the study of infectious dis-
On way home from Mumbai, UP Sanju’s brother Bhole
Rajan said Sanju had been
half. We borrowed what we
could, but now everyone is
ease, the basic reproduction
number (R0 in the beginning,
migrant’s autorickshaw is hit by truck Mukesh Yadav, 19, who were on
the motorcycle, said they were
dozing with Nandini on her lap
when the truck hit. Speaking to
struggling. We left after taking
Rs 3,000 from neighbours and
and then R-number) is used to
assess the severity of an out-
having covered 1,500 km, and brushing their teeth by the road The Indian Express from the am- friends.” break.Thisnumberisanaverage,
ASAD REHMAN withhomejust200kmaway,the when they saw a truck go past. bulance carrying their bodies Rajan added that they were reflecting the number of people
LUCKNOW, MAY 12 relatives on the motorcycle de- “We had come together all the home to Mokalpur village in tired of waiting for a train. infected by one infected person.
cided to speed ahead. Moments way, but nearing home, we Jaunpur, he said, “We were all “Around10daysago,wehadour The current R-number of 1.23
THE FAMILY had been on the later, Rajan’s autorickshaw was thought we would speed a bit,” exhausted after travelling for medical examination done and means that a Covid-19 patient is
road for three days — Rajan hit on the side by a truck. Bhole Shankar said. three days.” got a certificate from the local infecting1.23otherpeopleonan
Yadav, 35, driving the autorick- Rajan’s wife Sanju, 33, and Theaccidenthappenedinthe It was after driving a rented administration,buttherewasno average.
shaw he had bought only six daughterNandini,6—whowere Khaga police station area of autorickshaw in Mumbai for 13 news of any train. We asked “There has been remarkably
months ago, with his wife, two sitting on that side of the vehicle Fatehpur district. Inspector years that Rajan had saved everyone.” littlevariationintherateApril13
children and a nephew. Two rel- — were killed. Rajan survived Satyendra Singh said that when enough to buy one last year. With little hope of “autorick- onwards,” said researcher
atives were trailing them on a with minor injuries, as did his the truck hit, “The woman and However, the lockdown broke shaws being allowed to run in Sitabhra Sinha.
motorcycle. son Nikhil (9) and nephew Auto rickshaw was hit by a truck in Fatehpur district. Express daughter fell out of the autorick- his back. “I have not earned any- Mumbaiinthenearfuture”,they The new data captures the
Around 7 am on Tuesday, Akash (16). shawandcameunderthetruck’s thing in the past month-and-a- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

New Delhi




■ CUSTOMIZABLE Whatsparkedthefurorewasarumour,thatsomehowspreadthroughthecontinent,ofJewspoisoningthe
How India’s getting its
Indian Express
trains back on track
★★★★★ ■4.6
In today’s episode of 3 Things we look at
FIGHT WATER CRISIS PERMANENT HERO the Indian Railways getting back on track
after the lockdown and its fallout in states
Bored during the How a safai karamchari like Bihar, that is seeing an influx of people
SCANTHISQRCODETO lockdown they decided saved the day at an
to help their village Assam hospital


Long queues Chinesehadsimilarlytriedtoun- station. Rajan said he would re- liquidity facility for mutual

Pandemic dosage: ` 20 lakh crore

dertake construction at Finger 4 turn to pick it up. “I don’t know if funds amounting to Rs 50,000
allowed inside. Only those who which was stopped by the I will take it back to Mumbai. crore after Franklin Templeton
haveaconfirmedticketwouldbe Indians. The Chinese eventually Maybe I will just stay here.” announced the winding up of
allowed into the station. The vacated the area but on August six credit risk schemes leading
Aarogya Setu application is 15, 2017, this area witnessed used it and promoted it. We moveaheadaswell.Ourresolve message,i.e.,wehavetobeself- he said. “When India speaks of Safety net to redemption pressure in debt
mandatory for passengers and fisticuffsandstone-throwingbe- should now be using local and shouldbebiggerthanthecrisis,” reliant and self-sufficient. self-reliance, it does not advo- include measures to boost local funds. The central bank, along
we are asking those who do not tweenIndianandChinesepatrols weshouldbevocalaboutlocal,” Modi said. Modi pointed out that India cate for a self-centered system. manufacturing, help improve with the government, is ex-
have it on theirphones todown- — at that time, the two armies Modi said. Several bold reforms would has converted the crisis into an InIndia’sself-reliance,thereisa India’s competitiveness in a pected to continue the momen-
load it,” said a Northern Railway were locked in a tense faceoff in The Prime Minister’s fifth have to be undertaken to make opportunity. “Not a single PPE concern for the whole world’s global economy, and provide re- tum in improving liquidity in
spokesperson. Doklam. addresstothenationcameaday the country self-reliant so that kit was being made in India be- happiness, cooperation and lieftothedistressedpoor,labour- the economy.
The special trains have only OnthenightofMay5-6,asre- afterhismarathonvideoconfer- the impact of the global pan- forethecrisis.Nowweareman- peace.” ers and hapless migrants. At 10 per cent of the GDP,
airconditionedFirstACandAC2- ported by The Indian Express, encewithchiefministers,which demiccouldbenegated,hesaid. ufacturing two lakh PPEs and The PM reminded citizens MSMEMinisterNitinGadkari India’s package is now in line
and 3-Tier coaches. Tickets were there was a physical fight be- could not reach a consensus Self-reliance will prepare India N95 masks each daily.” that one has to live with corona had, on April 24, indicated the withthestimulusgivenbymany
only booked online through the tween the soldiers of the two over a complete lifting of the for tough competition in the Asserting that India has the for some time. “But it is impor- possibilityofsettingupaRs1lakh other G-20 countries including
IRCTC portal. Passengers were armies. At least two senior offi- lockdown on May 17. global supply chain. “This has resourcesandtalents,Modirec- tant to ensure that our life does crore revolving fund for MSMEs. theUS.Thisisalsohigherthanthe
askedtobringtheirownfoodand cers of the Indian Army were Modi said the economic beenkeptinmindwhileprepar- ollectedtheGujaratearthquake not revolve only around it.” He The government’s plan is ex- Rs5-10lakh-crorepackagebeing
blankets. among the dozens injured in as- package would focus on land, ing the package. It will not only damage. “During Kutch earth- said people must follow social pected to ensure higher working demanded by various industry
Hoursbeforethedepartureof saults by Chinese troops using labour,liquidityandlaws,andit increase efficiency in various quake, there was rubble wher- distancing protocols strictly. capital limits, clearance of pend- associationstofighttheCovidad-
the first train, a queue of passen- bats,batonswithnails,andmetal willcatertovarioussectionsin- sectorsbutalsoquality,”hesaid. ever you looked. Nobody could “Our fourth stage of lockdown ing dues and credit guarantee versity.
gers slowly moved past police rods. Indian soldiers retaliated, cluding cottage industries, ThisechoeswhatthePMhas contemplate back then that is going to be different. Its con- against loan losses to MSMEs so
barricades put up outside the leavingmanyChinesesoldiersin- MSMEs, labourers, the middle beenemphasisinginhisvarious things would improve, but tours will be completely differ- that banks lend to them. Zones
Paharganjentranceofthestation. jured. class, industries, among others. previous addresses — to his Kutch revived. If we take a ent from those seen yet. On the Speaking to The Indian fromexperts,includingfromthe
Manyhadtomakealongtrek Beforethisincident,anIndian “Onevirushasdestroyedthe council of ministers, panchayat pledge, no target is impossible, basis of recommendations re- Express, NITI Aayog Vice World Health Organisation,
toreachthestation.Amongthem Army helicopter carrying a sen- world.Thisisanunprecedented sarpanches, etc., in the last few norouteistootough,andtoday, ceivedfromthestates,newrules ChairmanRajivKumarsaid:“You sources said.
wasSaiKumar(20),whohadleft ior officer came in close vicinity crisis. But we cannot get ex- weeks. He has repeatedly said we have the will,” he said. willbeframedandtheinforma- willseeaspateareformsnow,as Meanwhilethetotalnumber
hisprivatehostelinGreaterNoida of two Chinese military helicop- hausted, give up or break. We that the pandemic has taught a However, India’s self-re- tion about it will be communi- you have seen in case of labour of cases of Novel Coronavirus
at 8.30 in the morning to catch a ters in the area. Sources said the have to protect ourselves and very good lesson with a strong liance is different from others, cated before May 18,” he said. reforms in the states. (The PM) is Disease (Covid-19) went up by
9 pm train to Telangana, fearing Chinese helicopters came dan- bentuponturningthiscrisisinto 3,604 to 70,746, according to the
that he would not be able to find
a way to reach the station.
gerously close to the Indian heli-
copter and the Chinese person-
nel on board made aggressive
The Math: 10% of GDP but half already factored in anopportunity,andIthinkthisis
what will happen.”
Asked if the government has
Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare. The total number of
thereisnotransportavailableand gestures. February, March and April. government in showing a big the fiscal space for such a pack- last 24 hours, now stands at
I decided to leave early. I walked
After the incident, two Su-
Add to this the Rs 1.7 lakh
crorefiscalpackageannounced THE MATH OF RS 20 LAKH CRORE PACKAGE economic package, the actual
age, Kumar said: “Even the
sternest of fiscal hawks have
2,206. A total of 22,454 people
have recovered.
till I reached the highway and base were also airborne in the by Finance Minister Nirmala ably be a couple of thousand stopped asking that question...If In the meeting on Monday,
tried to hitch a ride. I must have area. IAF sources maintained Sitharaman on March 27. The MONETARY STIMULUS APRIL 17
Targeted Long Term Repo
crores of rupees. you get the GDP to grow, the fis- PunjabChiefministerAmarinder
tried flagging down around 40- there was no airspace violation balance of the economic pack- Further,thegovernmentcan cal space gets created. On the Singh was the first to forcefully
50 cars before one finally by either side, and it undertook age,detailsof whicharenotyet FEBRUARY 6 Operations 2.0: Rs 50,000 also recapitalise banks, helping otherhand,ifGDPstopsgrowing, raise this issue. As the principal
stopped. I paid them Rs 600 and routinetrainingflyinginthearea known, then stands at Rs 10.26 Liquidity injection crore (0.25% of GDP) their capital adequacy. “Again, thensamefiscalexpenditurebe- authorityresponsibleforcontain-
they dropped me till Mayur on May 5. lakhcrore.Itisexpectedthatthe through RBI measures: Refinancing of Sidbi, we just have to account for the comesmuchbigger(asapercent- ment operations on the field,
Vihar. There, I got an e-rickshaw Under the existing arrange- FinanceMinisterwillannounce Rs 2.8 lakh crore Nabard and NHB: Rs 50,000 interesttobepaidontherecap- age of GDP), the ratio (fiscal stateswerebestplacedtodecide
whichdroppedmetothestation ment between India and China, the details at the earliest since (1.4% of GDP) crore (0.25% of GDP) italisation bonds, which also deficit) becomes much bigger.” the treatment each district re-
for Rs 300. In all, I must have no fighter aircraft can come this has a bearing on the bond MARCH 27 APRIL 27 does not amount to any sub- The Centre is also likely to quired and the extent of relax-
walked around 10 km,” said within 10 km of the LAC without markets. Liquidity injection through Special liquidity facility for stantial outgo,” said a govern- push the privatisation of some ations that could be allowed, he
Kumar, a student of computer priorintimationtoeitherside.For Sources familiar with dis- RBI announcements: mutual funds: Rs 50,000 ment official, who did not wish state-owned enterprises, a sen- said.KarnatakaChiefMinisterBS
scienceandengineeringatNoida helicopters, the distance to be cussions within the govern- Rs 3.74 lakh crore crore (0.25% of GDP) to be quoted. ior government official said. Yeddyurappa (BJP), Delhi Chief
International University, who maintainedfromtheLACis1km. ment said the fiscal outgo may (1.8% of GDP) The government, officials On the labour reforms front, Minister Arvind Kejriwal (AAP)
reached the station at 3.30 pm.
Therewereotherswhocame Spread slowing
not be more than Rs 4.2 lakh
crore during the year, taking
■ Targeted Long Term Repo
Operations or TLTRO:
FISCAL STIMULUS explained,cannotreallyafforda
laws to increase working hours.
and Rajasthan Chief Minister
from across Delhi’s borders. This trend a week after some restric- cues from the revised borrow- Rs 1,00,000 crore MARCH 27 providereliefandgetthepatient Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh posedsubstantiallydifferentzon-
included B Lakshmi (57), who tionswereeasedonApril20,and ing calendar announced just ■ CRR cut by 100 bp to 3% Rs 1.7 lakh crore fiscal outoftheICU...Thereisnofiscal andGujarathavealsoannounced ing procedures, compared with
had arrived from Bengaluru on then again on May 4. threedaysback.“OnMay9,the of net demand and time package announced by space to increase expenditure suspension of labour laws for what exists today.
March19forwhatwassupposed At this current pace, India government revised its esti- liabilities: Rs 1,37,000 crore Finance Minister Nirmala substantially,” the official said. new companies for a period of When the existing list was
to be a week-long stay at an may see 70,000-80,000 active matedmarketborrowingstoRs ■ Accommodation under Sitharaman (0.85% of GDP) Even in the first fiscal pack- nearlythreeyears.Anoverhaulof firstpreparedonApril30,several
ashram in Kampil, in Uttar cases by May 17, Sinha said. The 12 lakh crore from Rs 7.8 lakh marginal standing facility TOTAL: 4.8% of GDP or Rs ageofMarch27,moneytransfers central labour laws is also ex- states had voiced their displeas-
Pradesh’s Farrukhabad district. number of active cases on crore as announced in Budget hiked from 2% of Statutory 9.74 lakh crore immediatelyeffectedwouldadd pected to follow suit. ure.Inherlettertostatechiefsec-
“I was supposed to take a re- Tuesday was 46,008. 2020-21... In a way, this puts a Liquidity Ratio to 3%: BALANCE: 5.2% of GDP or up to only Rs 61,380 crore over Provident Fund contribution retariesonApril30,UnionHealth
turn train on March 27 but I got The states which are seeing ceiling to the size of the fiscal Rs 1,37,000 crore Rs 10.26 lakh crore thenextthreemonths:Women waiver for more small and Secretary Preeti Sudan had ex-
stuck. I was comfortable at the exponential case growth are package at 2.1 per cent of the Jan Dhan account holders - Rs medium companies is expected plainedtherationalefortheclas-
ashram but my family was hav- Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, GDP (Rs 4.2 lakh crore),” the 10,000 crore; widows, elders, byexpandingtheambitwhichal- sification of districts into red, or-
ing difficulty coping. So I booked Gujarat, Delhi and West Bengal. source said. full year. Most global finan- maynotinvolvemakingabig andthedisabled-Rs3,000crore’ readycoversestablishmentswith ange and green zones.
my ticket yesterday and this Among the 10 states which The RBI statement on the cial services research houses allocationintheBudgetbutwill farmers - Rs 17,380 crore; and, upto100employeeswith90per “The districts were earlier
morning,Itookaprivatecabwith have the highest case count borrowingcalendarsaidthere- have estimated the Indian goalongwayinprovidingcredit buildingandconstructionwork- cent or more earning monthly designated as hotspots/ red-
twootherpeoplefromBengaluru (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil visionhadbeennecessitatedon economy to contract by 0.4 per to companiesworstaffectedby ers - Rs 31,000 crore from the salary less than Rs 15,000. zones, orange zones and green
to come to Delhi. The ticket was Nadu, Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya account of the Covid-19 pan- cent in 2020-21. the pandemic. WelfareFund. To provide wage support for zonesprimarilybasedonthecu-
for Rs 2,500 and the cab cost Rs Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West demic. Sources said that money Similarly, the MSME pack- TheRs17,380croretobere- organised sector workers, the mulative cases reported and the
8,000. We also had to pay Rs 415 Bengal,AndhraPradesh,Punjab), In other words, the cash which remains after making age devised by MSME Minister leasedtofarmerswasnotanad- government has been collating doubling rate. Since recovery
as highway toll. What must it be Tamil Nadu has the highest R- handoutthegovernmentcould cashtransferstothemostneedy Nitin Gadkari, for instance, in- ditionality, but already bud- data for companies which have rates have gone up, the districts
like for those who don’t have number at 2.01. The state saw its afford — given this ceiling — to was likely to be used in a way volves the government to in- geted for in 2020-21. The filed their returns under the EPF arenowbeingdesignatedacross
money to even eat?” she said. numbers surpass that of Delhi extend to the poor, vulnerable that it yields maximum gains. sure a revolving fund of Rs 1 government was only front- scheme but have deferred the variouszonesdulybroad-basing
More than 3,000 passengers thisweek,primarilyduetoaclus- and migrant workers, may be “Forinstance,ifthegovernment lakh crore put together by loadingthepaymentof thefirst payment of their contribution of the criteria. This classification is
travelled on the three special ter in Chennai’s Koyambedu limited to Rs 4.2 lakh crore. But acceptsthefirst10percentloss banksandfinancialinstitutions. trancheof Rs2,000(of thebud- dues. multi-factorial and takes into
trains,theRailwayMinistrysaid. marketaswellasanexpansionof if thisisinnovativelyleveraged, in case of default by companies “Thegovernmentjustprovides getedRs6,000perfarmerayear Similar support measures considerationincidenceofcases,
Thefirsttraintorollafterthelock- testingto3.37testsperthousand the multiplier impact on the in specific sectors, it will incen- guaranteetothefund...itsakind under the PM KISAN scheme). could be extended for migrant doubling rate, extent of testing,
down, from New Delhi to people. economy could be significant, tivise banks that much more to of insurance, which does not Similarly, the money for con- workers,withthegovernmental- andsurveillancefeedbacktoclas-
Bilaspur,had1,072passengerson Punjab has also seen a surge particularly when the Indian lend. The big problem today is entail huge outgo from the struction workers did not re- readyhavingcollectedidentifica- sifythedistricts.Adistrictwillbe
board, while the trains to to a 1.32 R-number, partly due to economy would have lost al- riskaversionof bankstoextend Budget,”saidthesource.While quire the government to bor- tiondetailsforover22lakhwork- considered under Green Zone, if
Dibrugarh and Bengaluru had the pilgrims who returned from most 47 days of output in the credit,”saidanothersource.This the Rs 1 lakh crore helps the row extra. ers. there are no confirmed cases so
1,076passengerseach,according Nanded testing positive; the OtherreformsModiindicated far or there is no reported case
totweetsputoutbytheMinistry. state’stestingfiguresstandat1.42 include those related to supply since last 21 days in the district,”
per thousand people. sand)aretestingrelativelyfewer Director of Operations, LG Kim Diaz, elicited no response. Thecommitteemembersare chains, rational tax system, sim- Sudan wrote in her letter.
Ladakh LAC Inthisgroup,fourstateswith people. Polymers, P P Chandra Mohan Neitherofthesetwoofficialswas takingthehelpof thedirectorsof ple and clear laws, capable hu- While making the point that
Temporary and short duration the largest outbreaks — In the east, Bihar and Odisha Rao. presentatthefactorythenightof Indian Institute of Petroleum at manresourceandastrongfinan- the list was dynamic and would
faceoffs occur as the boundary is Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil have seen recent upswings, “Buthewasnotpresentinthe the incident. Dehradun and Visakhapatnam, cial system. be revised every week, Sudan
notresolved.Troopsresolvesuch Nadu and Delhi — account for partly due to cases among mi- factory on the intervening night OnMay9,LGPolymersbroke and of NDRF experts on chemi- The Prime Minister said that also said that states may desig-
incidents mutually as per estab- two-thirds of India’s case load. grantsarrivinghome.Bihar’stest- of May 6-7 when it was decided itssilencetoissueastatementof- cal, biological, radiological and in a globalised world, self-re- nateadditionaldistrictstotheor-
lished protocols”. While West Bengal’s total ing proportion remains low (.29 to restart operations,” he said. fering “condolences and apolo- nuclear emergencies. lianceisdifferentfrombeingself- ange and red zones.”However,
Thesituationonthegroundin casecountremainsrelativelylow per thousand) while Odisha has Despiteseveralcalls,Raowas giestoallwhohavebeenaffected centred,suggestingthatthegov- states may not relax the zonal
thePangongTsoarea,sourcessaid, (2,063), the state has seen a fluc- steadily increased its capacity unavailable for comment. by the incident.” ‘Made it so far...’ ernmentwilltakestepstoattract classificationofdistrictsclassified
had been brewing for over two tuatingR-number-1.51inApril- (1.37 per thousand). “Noneoftheseniormanagers Admitting that the cause left the city on Saturday, he said. foreign investment, too. asred/orangeascommunicated
monthswhenthePLAstartedob- end, 1.14 in May-beginning, 1.34 While the third phase of the was present. There were 24 peo- prima facie was the “leaking “Wepackedsomerotisandaaloo Whilefreshmeasuresareyet bytheMinistry,”shesaid.Atthat
jectingtomovementofIndianpa- till May 10. The state also has a lockdownisscheduledtoendon pleinthefactoryatthattime,half vapour from Styrene Monomer sabzi and started.” to be announced to provide liq- point, there were 130 districts in
trolsuptoFinger8. low testing rate (.45 tests per May 17, Sinha cautioned that “in of whom were workers on con- storagetank,”thecompanysaidit Rajan said he was unable to uidity in the economy, on March the red zone, 284 districts in or-
PLAtroopseventriedtophys- thousand people). the absence of other contain- tract.Therewereafewengineers was working with the govern- catch the numberplate of the 27,RBIGovernorShaktikantaDas ange and 319 districts in the
ically stop Indian patrols beyond BarringTamilNadu,theother ment measures, a lockdown by under whose supervision they ment to ensure that all those af- truck in the commotion follow- had announced three liquidity green zone.
Finger2.FortheIndianside,Finger southernstateshaveseenalmost itself may be insufficient to pre- wereworking.Theydidnothave fected are “taken care of.” No ing the accident. Police are yet to measures: targeted long term A state government func-
1actsasabottleneckandtheypa- linear growth. For example, al- ventthe epidemic fromgrowing the experience to handle the sit- compensation has been an- identify the vehicle. A case has repooperations(TLTRO),cashre- tionary who was present in the
trolonfootbeyondthatpoint. though Andhra Pradesh is in the again once the stringent restric- uation,’’ Reddy said. nounced by the firm yet. been lodged under IPC Sections serve ratio cut of 100 bps and in- MondaymeetingwiththePrime
TheChineseusuallypatrolon top 10 statesbycase count, ithas tionsonmovementofpeopleare Asked why no one was To probe the incident, the 279 (rash driving) and 304-A creaseinmarginalstandingfacil- Minister said, “All states have
a motorable road in two-three curtailed its growth with a high removed.” named in the FIR, state government constituted a (causing death by negligence). ity (MSF) to 3 per cent of the asked for this flexibility since we
lightvehicles.This5-kmroadin- testing rate (3.47 per thousand Visakhapatnam Police committee headed by Special “My wife and I had come so statutoryliquidityratio(SLR).The knowthegroundrealitiesbetter.
side Indian territory along the people).Keralaisalsonowawell- Vizag gas leak Commissioner Rajiv Kumar Chief Secretary (environment far and then the accident hap- RBI said these would pump in Rs One positive case in a major mu-
lake’s bank was built by China known example of a flattened (Causinggrievoushurtbyacten- Meenasaid:“Evenif theFIRdoes and forests) Neerabh Kumar pened. Now, I am going back 374,000 crore to stabilise the fi- nicipality or corporation will
during the Kargil War in 1999, curve. dangering life or personal safety not name anyone, the investiga- Prasad and four others: Special home with her and my daugh- nancialsystemthatwashitbythe pushthewholedistrictintoared
when India was fighting Some states with a large of others), 304-II (Knowledge tion will find out the role of each Chief Secretary (Industries & ter’s bodies,” Rajan sobbed, his pandemic. zone making it difficult for us to
Pakistani intruders in the Kargil- number of active cases - Uttar that the act had likelihood of person responsible in running Commerce Department) R son and nephew with him. Three weeks later, the RBI open shops, offices and busi-
Dras-Batalik region. Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and causing death) of IPC. the factory. The high-powered KarikalValaven;Visakhapatnam They reached home around stepped in again to release ad- nesses. May be a ward of that
After the Chinese attempted Rajasthan-areshowing“sub-ex- When contacted, Joint Chief committeeandtheexpertscom- District Collector Vinay Chand 9.30 pm, delayed by the post ditional funds of Rs 1 lakh crore municipalareaisenoughtocon-
to restrain Indian patrols, the ponential” growth, meaning Inspector of Factories, Visakha- mittee are also examining the and Visakhapatnam City Police mortem and other formalities. - Rs 50,000 crore refinance fa- tain it. Except in containment
Indians responded by asserting moderate spread. Rajasthan’s patnam, J Siva Shankar Reddy, roles of the senior managers.” Commissioner R K Meena as The cremation will be held on cility to banks for lending to zones which require strict con-
their claim with PLA patrols testing proportion is moderate told The Indian Express that the Emails sent to President and members and AP Pollution Wednesday. NBFCs through a new TLTRO 2 trols,statesshouldhavethefree-
which led to tensions between (2.15 per thousand), but Uttar “responsibility of reopening the Managing Director of LG ControlBoardmember-secretary The autorickshaw, its roof and a Rs 50,000-crore refinance dom to prescribe restrictions
the two side. Pradesh (.58 per thousand) and factorysafely”afterthelockdown Polymers, India, Sunkey Jeong Vivek Yadav as member-con- ripped off, bloodstains on the support to financial institutions. based on the specific circum-
Around six years ago, the Madhya Pradesh (.92 per thou- wasthatofGeneralManagerand and Technical Advisor Dongoso venor. side, stands at the Khaga police On April 27, it opened a special stances.”

New Delhi


Kejriwal seeks
Proposal for city buses: 20 passengers, suggestions to ease
alternate seats, Aarogya Setu, cashlesscollectively run over 5,500 buses With the entire city categorised requested by marshals and con- partoftheCentralRoadResearch after resumption of Metro serv-
lockdown curbs

SOURAVROYBARMAN —havedraftedprotocolsthatwill as a red zone, all modes of public ductorstonotboardbusescarry- Institute's (CSIR-CRRI) recom- ices such as barring people with UNDERLINING THE importance
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 be enforced once services are al- transport remain suspended. ingover20people.Itwillbechal- mendations, which have been flu-like symptoms, frisking from of safeguarding public health as
lowed.Aseniorofficialsaid:“Not However,withtheDelhigov- lenging, considering Delhi is shared with all states. a distance, and making use of well as the economy, Delhi Chief
ALLOWING UP to 20 passengers more than 20 persons will be al- ernment making a strong pitch already short of over 5,000 Right before the lockdown, Aarogya Setu app compulsory. MinisterArvindKejriwalTuesday
perbus,placingtheminalternate lowed in a 40-seater bus. They forresumptionofcommercialac- buses,” said an official. DelhiMetrohadannouncedthat Officials also said no decision sought suggestions from people
seats, encouraging them to use will be seated in every alternate tivities across the city, barring Overthelastfewmonths,the itsserviceswouldbeavailablefor has been taken on services of on charting out the roadmap to
smartcardsandtheAarogyaSetu seatdiagonally.Cashlesstransac- containmentzones,transportau- number of cluster buses, owned six hours a day. In an advisory, it auto, taxis, gramin sewas and e- ease restrictions and offer relax-
app—arangeof measures,being tions would be encouraged, but thorities are also gearing up to by private players and managed emphasisedontheneedforcom- rickshaws yet. “The MHA circu- ationsinthenationalcapitalafter
considered by authorities, are those not carrying smart cards restart services in the next few by DIMTS, have steadily risen. muterstomaintainatleastaone- larswillbefollowed.Taxiservices May 17, when the third phase of
likely to be in place when public will not be asked to deboard. days,officialssaid,addingthatre- However, DTC's fleet has shrunk metregapbetweeneachotherin- are allowed in orange and green lockdown ends. “On one hand we will
transport services resume in the Commuters will have to wear viewmeetingshavealreadybeen withphasingoff of oldbusesand side trains and at stations. zones with two passengers on Kejriwal, who has been ad- have to protect ourselves
capital. masks. Sanitisers will be placed held in this regard. The daily av- no additions, leaving not more “Standingpassengerswillnot board. Same can be applied in vocating greater relaxations to from corona, take care of
While the measures will be inside.Andthereisalsoasugges- erage ridership in public buses is than5,500publicbusestobeop- be allowed and alternate seats to case of autos. Allowing sharing boost the economy, said the our health, on the other
putinplaceonlyafterago-ahead tion to make Aarogya Setu app around 40 lakh in the city. erated on a daily basis. beleftvacant,”ithadannounced, servicessuchascarpoolingisun- Delhi government will draft its hand we also need to
from the Delhi Disaster compulsoryforeverypassenger.” “As of now, it has been de- Separate protocols on saniti- adding that random thermal likely. Similarly, gramin sewas proposal, which will have to be
ManagementAuthority(DDMA), Currently,theonlybusesrun- cidedthatbuseswillrun.Notdo- sation of buses are also being scanning of passengers will be and e-rickshaws are also shared shared with the Union govern-
protect the health of our
the Delhi Transport Corporation ning on Delhi's roads are those ing so will only cause more worked out. "Buses are likely to carried out at all Metro stations. transit options. But in this case, mentbyMay15,basedoninputs economy. Because a lot
and the Delhi Integrated Multi- requisitioned by various govern- crowdingasbuseswillrunat50% besanitisedaftereverytrip,"said Later, CISF prepared an SOP, livelihoodsofdriversmustalsobe from people and experts. of people are facing
Modal Transit System — which mentdepartmentsandagencies. capacity only. Passengers will be an official. Some measures form outlining steps to be undertaken considered,” said an official. “On one hand we will have to difficulties due to the
protect ourselves from corona, lockdown”
take care of our health, on the
HC pulls up Haryana over other hand we also need to pro-
tect the health of our economy.

cross-border restrictions Because a lot of people are facing

Kejriwal said, a day after propos-
main under lockdown and what
sure that individuals involved in ingthateconomicactivitiesbere- said during a webcast.
PRITAM PAL SINGH essential services and goods are sumedacrossDelhi,barringcon- The suggestions will be
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 allowed to move freely between tainment zones. accepted until 5 pm on
Delhi and Haryana. Additional The AAP chief said Prime Wednesday, Kejriwal said,
THE DELHI High Court Tuesday Solicitor General Maninder Minister Narendra Modi, during adding that the Delhi govern-
posedaquerytotheHaryanagov- Acharya told the bench a letter his video conferencing with all ment plans to send its proposal
ernment as to why “Covid war- wasissuedbytheCentreMonday Chief Ministers on Monday, to the Centre by Thursday. “I am
riors” like doctors, paramedics, to all chief secretaries of states to sought suggestions from the looking for ideas. There won’t be
nurses, sanitation workers and ensure their field officials allow states and Union Territories on anyvotingonthesuggestionswe
Delhi Police personnel who have smoothmovementofallmedical arrangements post May 17. receive. We are also consulting
been enlisted as essential service professionals,nurses,para-med- Kejriwal appealed to the PM experts, doctors,” he added.
providers and given right of free ical and sanitation personnel as tocategoriseasredzonesonlythe Around 8 pm, an official
movement by the Centre, are be- well as ambulances. containmentzones,andnotall11 spokespersonofthegovernment
ing treated as “super spreaders” Perusing the counter affi- districtsinDelhi.“Iwanttoknow claimedthatithasreceived3lakh
by the state. Justice Manmohan davit filed by the Haryana gov- fromthepeopleofDelhiwhether messages, 5000 emails and
and Justice Sanjeev Narula also ernment to the plea, the bench or not relaxations should be of- 25000 voice messages within
asked why the state “is wary of noted, “there is nothing to sug- fered.Lockdowncan’tbeliftedal- seven hours.
implementing”theCentre’sApril gest any written order restrict- together. To what extent should Suggestions can
15 notification in its “full rigour”. ing movement of people or weofferrelaxations?Inwhichar- be emailed at
The query was posed to the goods to and fro between Delhi eas? Should buses run, or the
Outside the New Delhi Railway Station, Tuesday. Praveen Khanna Haryanagovernmentthroughits and Haryana has been passed Metro? Autos, cabs? Should m, sent on WhatsApp number
counsel during hearing of a plea by any Haryana official on any schools,markets,industrialareas 8800007722orrecordedafterdi-
by O P Gupta, who sought to en- district other than Sonepat.” be opened? What all should re- alling a dedicated helpline 1031.

Among those who couldn’t board

train: Man robbed of ticket, money
months ago to earn money and Tuesday, to find only those with “We kept that money at home
SUKRITA BARUAH go back before my child is born. onlinebookingscouldboardand for our son and daughter and
& SHIVAM PATEL Instead,therewasnoworkaftera that tickets were too expensive. came here. We were being of-
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 month... I was stuck here, with a Sunil Tudu and his wife have fered Rs 100 each per week. But
landlord pressuring me to pay had their bags packed for a after a few weeks of work, that
SUDARSHAN DAS (40) had rent. When I found out these month now — living off support stopped. The contractor ran
squeezedthelastof hisresources trains are leaving, I got my father from ashrams and social work- away, his phone was unreach-
to book a Rs 1,800 train ticket to totakealoanandsendmemoney ers in Paharganj. Learning that able, and we were left on our
Bihar, only to be robbed on his for the ticket which I booked last trains were running again, they own,” said Tudu.
long journey from Nangloi to night. I took a ride on a tempo campedearlyoutsidethestation Rohit Kumar (18), who
New Delhi Railway station on from Peeragarhi. As I was getting in the hope of boarding a train to walked for three days from
Tuesday. He broke down as he off,thedriversnatchedallmybe- Howrah, West Bengal. They Gurgaon, said his only option
watched the lines of passengers longings from my pocket and were finally told by officials that nowwastowalktillAnandVihar
dissolve into the station — with- drove off with my bag,” he said. tickets were being booked on- ISBT to find other means of
outhisticketandhisbagthathad Thestationwasasiteofheart- line, and that they did not have transport to his village in Uttar
two pairs of clothes. All he was break for many like Das, as they enough money to buy them. Pradesh’s Ghazipur. “At the sta-
left with is Rs 20 in his pocket. watchedover4,000peopleenter The couple were brought to tion, I saw only well-off people
“MyhomeisinBakadistrict... to board the first three special the city barely a month ago by a entering and paying thousands
my wife is in the ninth month of ‘Rajdhani trains’ to return home. “contractor”, on an advance pay- of rupees to go home... I have no
her pregnancy and will deliver Theyreachedthestationonhear- ment of Rs 10,000, to work as moneytoeat,letalonebooktick-
anyday.IhadcometoDelhithree ing that trains were leaving from labourers at a site in Sultanpuri. ets,” he said.

HC grants interim
protection from
arrest to DMC chief
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 chairman
Zafarul Islam
The Delhi High Court Tuesday Khan
granted Delhi Minorities has been
Commission (DMC) chairman charged with
Zafarul Islam Khan interim pro- sedition
tection from arrest till June 22, in
connection with the sedition FIR
lodged against him. Khan approached the High
“… subject to the petitioner Court through his advocate,
(Khan) joining investigation, no Grover, seeking anticipatory bail
coercive steps be taken in the sedition case lodged
against him,” said Justice Manoj against him, citing his old age,
Kuma Ohri. Additional Public health issues and risk of Covid-
Prosecutor (APP) M P Singh, ap- 19 infection.
pearing for the state, accepted The FIR was filed against him
thenoticeandsubmittedthatthe onthebasisof acomplaintmade
petitioner (Khan) has handed by a doctor, who claimed that a
over his laptop. social media post by Khan on
“He (Singh) seeks sometime April28was“provocativethatin-
to file a status report. Let the tends to cause disharmony and
same be filed before the next create a rift in the society”.
date of hearing,” the court said, On May 2, based on the com-
listing the matter for further plaint,theDelhiPoliceSpecialCell
hearing on June 22. lodgedanFIRagainstKhanunder
Advocate Vrinda Grover, ap- IPC sections 124A and 153A for
pearingforKhan,contendedthat the alleged offences of sedition
in view of the prevailing condi- andpromotingfeelingsof hatred
tions on account of the Covid-19 between different groups on the
outbreak, an advance notice of grounds of religion, race, place of
two days be served upon the pe- birth, residence and language.
titionerforjoiningtheinvestiga- Khan,inhisapplication,stated
tion. The APP submitted that the FIR was mala fide and based
Khan will be informed in ad- onmisrepresentationoffactsand
vance. untenable reading of the law.

New Delhi



Toll at 86 as Covid death count is updated
Delhi Health Minister Satyendar On Tuesday as well, the hos- ported on Tuesday, the total
WATCH ASTHASAXENA Jain said. pitals continued to report more number of confirmed cases of
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 The Indian Express had high- deaths as compared to the gov- coronavirus in the city have
Army man lighted the mismatch between ernment's bulletin. reached 7,639. There are 5,041
REPORTINGTHEbiggestjumpin the death data of four govern- As per the media cell at Lok active cases.
hangs self the number of coronavirus casu- menthospitalsandthestategov- NayakHospital,ithasreported81 Of the total admissions in 10
New Delhi: A 31-year-old alties in a day, Delhi added 13 ernment. The mismatch was the Covid deaths until Tuesday Covid-designated hospitals, 111
Army man suffering from deaths Tuesday, taking the toll to most significant in Lok Nayak. evening.Thegovernmentbulletin people are admitted to the ICU
lung cancer and coron- 86. The 13 deaths have been re- Two days later,the Delhigovern- put the figure at 18 deaths. and 20 are on ventilator.
avirus allegedly commit- ported from Delhi government's mentredflaggeddeathsofCovid- At Ram Manohar Lohia The total number of tests
ted suicide inside Military LokNayakhospital,whichisfunc- 19patientsnotbeingreportedby Hospital, the number of deaths crossed the 1 lakh mark, with
Hospital in Delhi Cantt on tioningasadedicatedCovidfacil- hospitals in a timely and regular of Covid positive patients stood 8,431testsdoneonTuesday.Ato-
Tuesday. “The staff found ity. manner. at 68 until Monday evening. Of talof1,06,109testshavebeenper-
him hanging from a tree “We had written to all the Explainingthereasonbehind these, 51 were admitted while formed in Delhi so far.
near the corona ward. We hospitals to report about the thedelayindeathsummariesbe- 17 were either brought dead or “At present, the doubling
receivedacallaround4am Covid deaths in their respective ing provided, the minister said: collapsed hours after reaching. rate in Delhi is 11 days. In the
about the incident,” said institutes.Theyhavestartedshar- “The hospitals are also overbur- The number of deaths re- next 11 days, the number will
D C P ( We s t ) D e e p a k ing the death summaries after dened. At times, they have just ported from AIIMS centres — obviously go up. But, what we
Purohit. which the number has gone up. sharedthenumberof deathsbut Jhajjar and Delhi Trauma Centre need to look at is that the dou-
These 13 deaths are not reported the death summaries are a must — have reached 20. Lady bling rate, which was at 3-4
HC refuses to inthelast24hoursbuthavebeen to record any casualty. The cen- HardingeMedicalCollegehasre- days earlier, has shifted to 11
set time frame reportedoverthelastfewdays.In
the next three-four days, we will
tral government has also shared
detailed guidelines on providing At Lok Nayak Hospital. Amit Mehra
ported four deaths on the Delhi
government's portal.
days. If this goes upto 20-25
days, then it will be a better sit-
for quarantine be able to have compiled data,” the details in death summaries.” With 406 fresh cases re- uation,” said Jain.

Two blocks in Nizamuddin West de-sealed after Maruti resumes

New Delhi: The Delhi High
Court saiditis“unwillingto
hold that in each and every
case, the period of home
more than a month, containment zones dip to 78 production at its
plant in Manesar
veniences areboundtoarise shops are also not allowed to Tuesday. So far, 22 areas in Delhi
in the process…,” Justice C EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE open. have been decontained, leaving
HariShankarsaid,whiledis- NEW DELHI, MAY 12 “As per guidelines circulated only78containmentzonesinthe
posingapleabyaphotojour- by the Ministry of Health and capital now. the infection,” said an official.
nalist,whoquestionedDelhi OVER A month after it was de- Family Welfare… the operation Earlier in the day, municipal SAKSHIDAYAL Officials also said a “specially
government’simplementa- clared a containment zone, two willbescaleddownif nosecond- councillorYasminKidwaihadap- GURGAON, MAY 12 constructed sanitisation tunnel”
tion of quarantine guide- blocks in Nizamuddin West – G ary laboratory confirmed Covid- pealedfordesealingintheareaas hasbeeninstalledatthecompany
lines. and D – were taken off the list on 19 case is reported from the geo- therewerenonewcases,andhad PRODUCTION RESUMED at gate, through which all workers
Tuesday. The blocks were sealed graphic quarantine zone for at claimed that she raised the issue MarutiSuzuki’sManesarplanton have to pass while entering and
HC: Decide on on April 6. leastfourweeksafterthelastcon- withtheDelhiChiefMinisterand Tuesday, with officials saying exiting the plant.
e-sale of liquor Nizamuddin Basti, which
houses the Alami Markaz
all his contacts have been fol-
the Lieutenant Governor.
around 2,500 people returned to
work on the first day.
Apart from making gloves
New Delhi: TheDelhiHigh BanglewaliMasjid,theheadquar- lowedupfor28days…thehealth facing many problems as home “Today was the first day of peratures of workers are also be-
Court said the delay on ters of the Tablighi Jamaat, will authorities have confirmed that delivery has not been regular. production, and the number of ingcheckedusingathermoscan-
the part of the Centre and continue to remain a contain- the conditions for scaling down Shopsinsidetheareaalsoranout personnelisexpectedtoincrease neratthetimeof theirarrivaland
Delhigovernmenttoforu- ment zone for at least 25 more arefulfilledinthecaseof GandD of supplies and couldn’t get re- further from tomorrow. departure at the plant.
mulate a mechanism for days as a resident tested positive blocks, Nizamuddin West,” the stocked,” she said. Preparations have also begun to “AnapplicationcalledMaruti
online sale of liquor in for Covid-19 two days ago. The blocks were first sealed on April 6. Tashi Tobgyal order for decontainment said. Officials from the district ad- resume production at the com- Suzuki Wellness Mitra was also
Delhican“exacerbate”the Nizamuddin West has not Lockdown conditions, how- ministration said they had been pany’s plant in Gurgaon,” said an developed and used to collect
problem of crowding out- seen any fresh cases since ever, will continue to be in force helping with supplies in the area official from the company. data regarding the location of
side liquor stores and in- March 31. According to the pro- fresh cases are confirmed for 28 of March but no fresh case has liketherestof thecity.Areassuch since April and that people will While the company received workers, their health-related in-
crease the probability of tocol set by the Union Ministry consecutive days. According to been reported since. as Dinpur Village in Southwest nowbeallowed togoout of their permission from the district ad- formation, and any personal
spread of Covid-19. of Health and Family Welfare, officials, five people in the area Entry and exit is not allowed Delhi and Hari Nagar in West houses between 7 am and 7 pm, ministration to resume produc- problems they may be facing...
an area can be decontained if no had tested positive till the end in containment zones where Delhi were also decontained on as per lockdown conditions. tion earlier this month, officials The company is helping them
88-year-old saidittook“aboutaweek”topre- withtheirissues,”saidanofficial.
man is oldest
SHOs to maintain list of
pare and also inform workers. With Gurgaon placed in the

Covid recovery Imphal woman beaten Officials said that “special

arrangements” have been made
by the management to enable
several relaxations in lockdown
norms at the start of the month.
NewDelhi: An88-year-old
man, K S Jaiswal, recov-
ered from Covid-19 in
Kolmet Hospital, becom-
docs who can help personnel over corona claims ing stick and that her son and
close monitoring of the entire
is maintained right from when
workers enter the unit and until
Along with Maruti Suzuki, over
1,330 other industrial establish-
ments, employing over 1 lakh
people, have also been granted
ing the oldest person to ducetheneedforavoidablecoro- patients.Undernocircumstances SAKSHI DAYAL daughter-in-law also joined in. their shift ends. permission to resume work.
recover in Delhi. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE navirustestsandhospitaladmis- should a police person suffer on GURGAON, MAY 12 “She also called me 'corona' and “Earliertherewerefourwork- Officials expect that, with big
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 sion, said the note. account of non-admission.” said 'you people come here to ers to a table, now there is only industrial units like Maruti re-
Faridabad: So far, 140 Delhi Police per- The National Human Rights A 19-YEAR-OLD woman from spread infection',” she told The one. This is also being followed suming work, the smaller units
Curbs lifted for WITH OVER 100 Covid-19 posi- sonnel have tested positive for Commission (NHRC) has also is- Imphal was allegedly beaten up Indian Express. during lunch and tea breaks. In associated with these will also
tive police personnel and one Covid-19, of which 35 have re- sued notices to the Chief bya58-year-oldwoman,herson Misao said “someone” made addition, the direction in which start production, leading to “re-
medical staff death, Delhi Police has started a covered and rejoined work. Last Secretary,Delhigovernment,and and daughter-in-law, who re- her apologise to the woman. “I the workers are seated will also employment” for those working
new system under which SHOs week, constable Amit Kumar UnionHomeSecretary“aftertak- portedlyaccusedherof “spread- ran to my friend’s house. She be different to prevent spread of in them.
Gurgaon: The Faridabad and unit heads will maintain a (32), posted with Bharat Nagar ing suo motu cognizance of a ing corona”. The incident took alerted police and sought help
districtmagistrateTuesday panel of names of doctors who police station, died, hours after complaint accompanied by a placenearFazilpurJharsavillage from the North East Support
exempted “all medical can give advice to personnel he got a Covid-19 test done. The mediareportallegingnegligence on Sunday night. CentreandHelpline,”saidMisao,
professionals,paramedical through tele-conferencing. testcamepositiveadaylater.His in the treatment of Delhi Police The58-year-old,meanwhile, who works at a private firm in
staff, nurses, sanitation As per a press note shared by family and two colleagues who constableAmitKumarwhodied accused the former of walking Gurgaon.
personnel and associated Delhi Police Additional PRO Anil were with Kumar till the end al- due to Corona infection”. through the lane repeatedly de- Inspector Mukesh Kumar,
medical professionals” Mittal, “They can seek advice for leged that two hospitals had re- Asperthenotice,itshouldin- spite the village being a contain- SHO of Badshahpur police sta-
from curbs at the border. themselves and their family, fused him admission. cludetheSOP adoptedbyhospi- ment zone. Police said cross FIRs tion, said, “Cross FIRs have been
which often gets ignored since InamessagetoallSpecialCPs, talsforCovid-19patientsandthe have been registered. lodged but we have not made
FIR against they are too engrossed in their Joint CPs, Additional Joint CPs, status of its implementation. In her complaint, Neng any arrest yet. Our probe so far
Pappu Yadav work.Themedicalfraternityhas
DCPs and SHOs, Police
Commissioner S N Shrivastava
The press note shared on the
NHRCwebsite says,“Alleged de-
Chonghoi Misao said was walk-
has not indicated any racial mo-
tivation; no such claim has been
New Delhi: Police filed an initiative.Severaldoctors,despite said Special CP (Traffic) has been nial of admission in the hospital lane when the woman allegedly made in the complaints either.”
FIR against Jan Adhikar working so hard on the front- nominatedtocoordinateadmis- to a policeman... is a matter of intercepted her. “She started InherFIR,thewoman,Rekha
Party leader Pappu Yadav lines, have volunteered for the sions of Covid-19 positive per- concern for the Commission... screaming'doyoupeoplenotun- Devi, who said she is a social
for allegedly assembling programme.” sonnel requiring admission in Hospitals are required to tackle derstand', 'why do you come worker, claimed: “I told her our
migrant workers at Garhi Mittalsaiddoctorsfromboth hospitals in emergency. the situation very sensibly with here'. She started abusing me so village is a containment zone…
villageandOkhlaMandiin government and private hospi- The message said, “Special CP a humane approach.” I told her to... at least speak po- but she didn’t listen and contin-
violation of social distanc- tals, such as St Stephen’s and BL (Traffic)maybecontactedforsuch A response has to be submit- litely,” stated the complainant. uously kept passing through the Production at the plant resumed with 2,500 people on
ing norms. ENS Kapoor,havevolunteeredforthis. hospitaladmissionsifthegovern- ted within four weeks, said the Misao alleged the woman lane… she said wrong things to Tuesday. Tashi Tobgyal
The initiative will also help re- ment hospital is unable to admit NHRC. started hitting her with a walk- us when we confronted her."

Head constable on 2 arrested in TikTok star murder, Board recommends early

way to work mowed gangster ordered hit, say police release for Manu Sharma

down by truck SOMYALAKHANI

cused travelled through
Himachal Pradesh and Punjab,
on the prescribed criteria,” said
the spokesperson.
Sharma's case has come up
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 and had been in Zirakpur since THE DELHI government's sen- for review multiple times since
December. "They stayed at each tence review board is learnt to 2017,onlytoberejected.Thesen-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE The driver tried to flee A YEAR after a gym trainer who place only for a few weeks or a have recommended the prema- tence review board is chaired by
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 but was stopped by also had a sizeable following on month, and kept moving. They ture release of Manu Sharma, theDelhiHomeMinister.Director
TikTok was shot dead outside his were in touch with Sangwan servinglifesentenceforthemur- General (Prisons), Principal
A45-YEAR-OLDpoliceheadcon- locals who handed him residence in Najafgarh, two men through WhatsApp. Due to the der of model Jessica Lall in a city Secretary (Home), Principal
stablediedafterhewasallegedly over to police who allegedly killed him have lockdown, they were stuck at restaurant in 1999. Sources said Secretary (Law), Joint
hit by a speeding truck in beenarrested bytheDelhiPolice Zirakpur,andwerestayingina1- the board took the decision in a Commissioner of Police (Crime),
Northwest Delhi, police said on Special Cell. The victim, Mohit (From left) The victim Mohit; the accused, Vikas and Rohit BHKonthefourthfloorofashop- meeting held on Monday. Apart thegovernment'schiefprobation
Tuesday. The victim, Ajab Singh, injuredpersonwasrushedtothe Mor,wasshotatleast13timesby ping complex. It's a U-shaped from Sharma, the board recom- officerandadistrictjudgearealso
whowasworkingwiththeDelhi hospitalandthetruckdriverwas threepeople,includingajuvenile, buildingandtheywouldgotothe mended the release of 21 other part of the committee.
Police for over 15 years, was on also arrested,” said Arya. on May 21, 2019. On May 21 last year, Mor was murder,robberyandextortionin terrace once a day to see if there prisoners. An application for remission
his way for night duty at Singh was first taken to a pri- Theaccused—Vikas(30)and at a photocopy shop where he Delhi and Haryana," said Yadav. was a suspicious vehicle or per- However, the board’s recom- is considered only when a life
Badarpur police station when vate hospital nearby and was RohitDagar(27)— aremembers wasshowinghisfriendsaTikTok Yadav said Delhi Police had son around," said the police offi- mendations will have to be ap- convict has spent 14 years in jail.
the speeding truck, loaded with later shifted to Ram Manohar of the Kapil Sangwan gang and video he had recorded, when put a reward of Rs 1.2 lakh on cer. proved by L-G Anil Baijal before Theboardtakesintoaccountsev-
industrial equipment, allegedly Lohia Hospital, where he died were arrested from Punjab's three people pumped at least 13 Vikas, and Rs 25,000 on Dagar. A He said that on May 11, when they can be enforced. Sharma is eralfactorssuchasconductofthe
hit him near Azadpur Mandi. during treatment the next day. Zirakpur on May 11, said DCP bulletsinhisbody.Inastatement police officer told The Indian the police team led by inspector amongprisonerscurrentlyouton prisoner in jail, whether crime
A senior police officer said Police said that the body will (Special Cell) Sanjeev Kumar to the police, an eyewitness said Express,"Thetwoaccusedhadno SanjeevKumarreachedthecom- parole as part of measures to de- waspremeditatedoraspurofthe
that the truck driver tried to flee be preserved at the mortuary till Yadav. "Once we received inputs the accused persons told Mor, personal enmity with Mor, and plex, Vikas was downstairs at- congest jails to ensure social dis- moment act, nature and gravity
but was stopped by locals who the family collects the body af- that the two were hiding there, a "Tumhe hum banaate hain TikTok were part of the Kapil Sangwan tendingtoageneratorcomplaint. tancing among prisoners. of crime,propensityforcommit-
handed him over to the police. ter lockdown ends. Singh lived raid was conducted and they ka hero (We'll make you a TikTok gang,actingassharpshooterslike "As soon as he saw police, he A Delhi government ting crime, prospects of post re-
DCP (Northwest) Vijayanta alone in Delhi, while his parents were apprehended after chasing hero)", before shooting him. many others. Mor was not a part started running, and was caught spokesperson said over 1,000 lease rehabilitation etc.
Arya said that the incident took and wife live in Mansa, Punjab. them for 500 metres, following Police had apprehended the of any gang but Sangwan sus- after a chase. Dagar was on the peoplehavebeenreleasedonpa- In 2018, Jesicca Lal's sister
place on May 9 around 4 pm. The hospital has also taken which a scuffle also broke out. juvenilelastyear,whiletheother pected he was passing informa- terrace and he locked it from in- role and 22/37 examined cases Sabrina Lal had written to Tihar
“Afterreceivinginformation,the samples for Covid testing as per Two pistols and five live car- two men were on the run. "They tion about him to a rival gang." side. We broke the door and ar- were recommended for prema- Jailauthoritiesstatingthatshehas
policeteamwenttothespot.The protocol. tridges were recovered," he said. were wanted in many cases of Over the past year, the ac- rested him," said the officer. ture release based on merit. “All noobjectionstoSharma'srelease.

New Delhi



Late-night tweet, no prelude: How Rlys PM ANNOUNCES ECONOMIC PACKAGE

made Aarogya Setu must for travel Divergent views in

flashing the message and even
sent messages to ticket holders.
The app, however, was not
make the use of the app
sion, passengers, who were any-
way supposed to report to the
stations 90 minutes prior to de- Cong; TMC, Left say
will wait for details
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 mandatory for those travelling told The Indian Express that they parture, would have ample time
by Shramik Special trains, a had not been intimated about to download the app then
THROUGH JUST a tweet past Railways spokesperson said. the move before the tweet and and there.
midnight and catching many of “Indian Railways is going to zonal general managers on Anofficialof thepublicityde-
its key officials off guard, the start few passenger trains serv- Tuesday passed down the mes- partment said passengers who
RailwaysonTuesdaybecamethe ices. It is mandatory for passen- sage verbally. There had been no did not have the app on their
country’sfirsttransportentityto gers to download Aarogya Setu discussions from the ministry phones would be helped by rail-
make Aarogya Setu, the govern- app in their mobile phones, be- about making the app a must for wayfunctionariesatstationsand Party MP Manish Tewari PM declared
ment’s contact-tracing app, forecommencingtheirjourney,” travellers, they said. trains to download. Officials said MANOJ C G tweeted, “@PMOIndia ‘s speech
mandatory for travel. the tweet posted from the offi- Thetweet, from the publicity there were no cases on Tuesday NEW DELHI, MAY 12 canbesummedupinoneword— world’s largest
Sources told The Indian cial Railway ministry handle at department of the ministry, of passengers being denied HeadlineHunting.Anumber—20
Medicalworkersgive Express that the decision took 12.24 am said. came after a day of policy direc- travel for not having the app on OPPOSITIONPARTIESonTuesday lakh crores. No details.” holistic relief
protectionkitstopolice key officials by surprise Tuesday The Ministry of Home Affairs tives about the operations of the their phones. reacted cautiously to the Prime The Trinamool Congress was
officialsinLucknowon morning as there had been no came out with the Standard trains.AarogyaSetuwas the sec- It was unofficially pointed Minister’s announcement of a sceptical. “We saw the box today. package: Nadda
Tuesday. Vishal Srivastava discussions about making the OperatingProcedureforrunning ondlastpointinthe“Protocolre- out within the ministry by some Rs20-lakh-croreeconomicpack- We saw the wrapping paper to-
app a precondition to travel on the special trains Monday and it garding entry and movement of that the developers of Aarogya age, with the Congress, the day.Butwhatisintheproduct.we
Monday, a day before 15 did not have any mention of the passengers” issued by the min- Setu were rolling out a feature- Trinamool Congress and the Left don’t know. For that, we have to EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
WEST BENGAL Rajdhani-type trains resumed app. The Press Information istry to its zonal railways phone (non-smartphone) ver- partiesmaintainingthattheywill open the package tomorrow or NEW DELHI, MAY 12
4 cops attacked passenger operations to and
from Delhi. The decision was
Bureau’s release about the trains
said passengers would be “ad-
Monday. It simply said: “All pas-
sengers to be advised to down-
sion of the app as well.
Civil society activists have
wait for finer details before com-
day after. He (Modi) said 20 lakh
crores, 10 per cent of GDP, but TERMING IT as the world’s
trying to enforce communicatedverballytozones vised” to download the app. load and use the Aarogya Setu raised privacy-related concerns Divergent views emerged (there was a) little asterisk there largestholisticrelief package,BJP
onTuesdayhoursbeforethefirst Home ministry sources told The application.” regarding use of the app, a from the Congress, with some saying some conditions apply.,” president J P Nadda welcomed
lockdown set of trains departed, officials Indian Express that there was no Sources added that given the charge the government leaders welcoming the package party leader Derek O’Brien said. the economic package an-
Kolkata:Fourpolicemenwere said. The IRCTC website started MHA direction to Railways to last-minute nature of the deci- has denied. and others saying the Prime HeaskedhowtheCentrewill nounced by Prime Minister
injured after they were at- Ministerhasonlygiventhecoun- raise Rs 20 lakh crore. “How is all Narendra Modi on Tuesday and
tacked by local residents of try a “headline”. this going to be paid for? A bor- said his message has “laid foun-
Subhasgram in South 24
Parganas district on Tuesday,
Maharashtra “We welcome the Prime
Minister’s announcement of the
the borrowing?... Because if you
dation stone for implementing”
while they were trying to en-
force the lockdown. Some 15 to release half economic package and stimulus
of Rs 20 lakh crore. We will wait
are going to borrow Rs 20 lakh
In his fifth address to the na-
people have been arrested so
far. “Police asked them to go the state’s forthedetails,buthopethatitwill
details. Are you going to raise
tion amid the ongoing Covid

back home. A verbal alterca- stressed micro, small and taxes?. we have to wait for the Tuesday evening announced a
tionsoonbrokeout.Later,the mediumsector,especiallyforsup- details because the devil is in relief package of Rs 20 lakh crore
residents launched an attack porttowardspaymentofworkers the details.” and urged the country to strive
on the policemen and four of wages and a healing touch to the O’ Brien also slammed the for achieving self-reliance and
our personnel were injured,” SUSHANT KULKARNI migrant workers, labour and the PrimeMinisterfornotgivingany self-sufficiency.
said a police officer. ENS PUNE, MAY 12 poor.,” senior Congress leader assurance to states on their de- “In the times of COVID 19,
Anand Sharma told The mand for payment of GST dues HonPM@narendramodiislead-
HIMACHALPRADESH AFTER OVER 180 positive Covid Indian Express. and an increase in borrowing ing the country from the front.
cases were detected across Rajasthan Chief Minister limit under the Financial The 21st century will be defined
Police station Mumbai’s Arthur Road Jail, the Ashok Gehlot tweeted, “The fi- Responsibility and Budget by India, Hon PM’s message to-
sealed after cop MaharashtraPrisonsDepartment
nancial package announced by
PM Modi ji was much awaited.
Management Act, 2005.
dayhaslaid foundationstonefor
implementing tis.
tests positive ber of prisoners being temporar- Better late than never. We wel- Yechury said it was difficult to #AtmanirbharBharat is our
ily released in the state from come this. Now when details comment on the package or the Mantra for driving the country
Shimla:HimachalPradeshpo- 11,000 to 17,000. This is around emerge,wewouldknowexactly fourth phase of lockdown in the towards new change,” Nadda
lice sealed a police station in halfthepre-lockdownpopulation how different sectors absence of details. He, however, tweeted shortly after the
Kangra district after a head in prisons across the state. would benefit.” said it was unfortunate that the PM’s address.
constable there tested posi- A high powered committee, Congresscommunicationde- Prime Minister did not speak “Today, our Hon’ble PM has
tive for Covid, among the constitutedaccordingtoSupreme partment head Randeep aboutprovidingrelieftothecrores declared the world’s largest ho-
seven new cases reported on Courtdirectivestolaydownsteps SurjewalatweetedthatthePrime of migrant workers. “We were all listic relief package. The Modi
Tuesday.Thetallyof caseshas todecongestthestate’sprisonsin Minister’s address has only given expecting the Prime Minister to govthasgivenfinancialpackages
now increased to 67. A police the wake of the Covid pandemic, “the country and the media a announce some facility or relief of Rs 20 lakh cr to support every
spokesperson said the prem- held a meeting on Monday after HEADLINE”. forthem.Buttherewasnoword... sectionof thesociety.Itisaround
ise of the Panchrukhi police 185casesweredetectedinArthur “Whenthe‘blankpage’isfilled Andwhataboutthelakhsof peo- 10 % of Indian GDP. Hon PM’s
wassealedandthestaff quar- Road Jail — which include 158 in- with‘HeartfeltHelpofPeople’,the ple who are hungry.” proactive approach will build a
antined. Officials said five
A PAUSE, IN THEIR HONOUR mates and prison staff — and one
case was detected in Byculla Jail.
Home Minister Anil
spond. The mammoth heart-
breaking human tragedy of mi-
“The four big problems con-
fronting India: distress of mi-
#AtmanirbharBharat,” said
Nadda in another tweet.
“Self reliance is a panacea to
ported from Kangra and two Nursing staff of the Sawai Man Singh Hospital in Jaipur light candles to observe International Deshmukh told The Indian grantworkerswalkingbackhome HungerandUnemploymentwere fight COVID19,” he said while
from Hamirpur. PTI Nurses Day on Tuesday. Rohit Jain Paras Express on Tuesday was taken needed compassion, care & safe notaddressedatall,”Yechurysaid. thanking the Prime Minister for
based on the recommendations return. India is deeply disap- “Wewillwaittoseedetailsof the announcement.
of the committee . pointed by your utter lack of em- the package. We hope this He added: “Rooted in our

ICMR starts household survey

OnMarch26,theMaharashtra pathy, sensitivity & failure to ad- money will go in the pockets of ethosof Vasudev Kudumbakam,
governmenthadannouncedthat dress the woes of millions of the poor and the hungry, not to self reliance will notonly benefit
nearly11,000inmates—bothun- migrant workers,” he tweeted. help more defaulters....” us but the whole world.”

to gauge prevalence of coronavirus

for lesser and non-henious of-
years of maximum sentence —
would be released.
Vande Bharat mission phase 2:
country in a systematic manner
irrespectiveof reporting of cases
currently. It will look for pres-
holdsin10clusterswill haveone
19 antibodies in what is called a
of 5,911 SARI patients randomly
tested for coronavirus from
February 15 to April 2, a total of
In a video on Twitter on
details. “... To avoid spreading of
149 AI flights to 31 countries
ence of IgG antibodies that usu- “sero survey”. 104 (1.8 per cent) tested positive such infection in other jails, state 12countrieshome.Passengersare The rules for bringing Indians
THE INDIAN Council of Medical ally appear 10 to14days after in- This test result reveals if an forthe virusacross52districtsin government has decided to re- SHUBHAJIT ROY paying for the journey. back were spelt out in the first
Research is conducting a house- fection,” ICMR researcher Dr individual has had Covid-19, al- 20 states and Union Territories. lease 17,000 of the inmates from NEW DELHI, MAY 12 In the second phase, flights phaseitself.However,sourcessaid
hold-level antibody testing of Tarun Bhatnagar told The Indian though the efficacy of antibody The percentage of random the (pre-lockdown) population will be operated from European that there could be some modifi-
24,000 adults in select districts Express. tests has been put into question. positive samples of Covid-19 35,000. Of them, around 5,000 THE GOVERNMENT is planning countries like France, Germany cations in the second phase.
to “estimate the prevalence of He said SARI surveillance is a In a separate, recently an- among SARI patients across the undertrialshavealreadybeenre- tooperate149repatriationflights and Italy, Ireland and South-east Those who want to leave the
(Covid-19) infection” among separately ongoing testing of nounced study, individuals from country showed an increase in- leased. We will now be releasing to 31 countries between May 16 Asian countries like Indonesia, country will also have to fulfill a
people. hospitalised patients using RT- all districtsof thecountrywillbe crementally over this period. around3,000prisonerswhohave and May 22 during the second Philippines and Thailand aside specificcriterion. Outbound-trav-
This new research comes on PCR test that goes on as part of randomly tested. On March 20, the SARI sur- beensentencedtolessthanseven phaseoftheVandeBharatmission fromRussiaandCentralasianna- ellersalsohavetofulfilconditions
theheelsof anotherfacility-level routine testing to detect new In each district, 10 health fa- veillance was expanded to in- yearsofimprisonment.And9,000 to bring back home Indians tions like Kazakhstan, Ukraine, imposedbydestinationcountries.
pooled testing of all districts of coronavirus cases. cilities — six public and four pri- clude all SARI patients, not only moreinmateswhohavebeenun- strandedabroadamidthecoron- Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Tajikistan According to sources, there
the country. Immunoglobulin G, or IgG, is vate — will select 100 healthcare random sampling. dergoing sentence of more than avirus-triggered lockdown, andBelarus.Othercountriesinthe maybesomechangesinrulesfor
Both mark an enhanced a common type of antibody, workers, 50 outpatient atten- The study also found 36 dis- sevenyears,willalsobereleased.” sources said on Tuesday. schedule also include Canada, outbound travellers also.
level of testing surveillance which protects the body against dees who do not have influenza- tricts in 15 states with cases that He added that the move will Thescopeofthesecondphase Australia, Japan, Armenia, Nepal There are about 1.4 crore
from previous studies focused infection. like illness, and 50 pregnant had no history of contact with a not apply to those incarcerated is much larger than the first. and Nigeria. Indiansoverseas,atpresent.Sofar,
on Severe Acute Respiratory The sample group is spread women to undergo RT-PCR and knowncase,oranyinternational under serious crimes, heinous As part of the ongoing first Flights to destinations from about 3 lakh Indians have regis-
Illness (SARI). across 69 districts, covering four antibody tests. travel.“Thesedistrictsneedtobe crimes, serious or large-scale phase, AI and its subsidiary Air the first phase such as UAE, USA, tered from the Gulf region alone,
“This is a household-based different district strata cate- In the last ICMR research prioritized to target COVID-19 fraud and those booked under India Express are operating 64 UK, Singapore, Malaysia, butsourcessaidIndianembassies
survey of adults to look for pres- gorised by their case count. In study on syndromic SARI sur- containment activities,” the re- stringent acts such as flightsfromMay7-14tobringap- Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, will ascertain those who have
ence of infection across the eachdistrict,400randomhouse- veillance, released April 18, out search stated. MCOCA or MPID. proximately15,000Indians from and Bangladesh will continue. “compelling reasons” to return.


8 die, 4 Vande Bharat Mission
In bid to battle virus better, Karnataka starts returnees test positive in TN
The returnees have been ac- and Monday in government

preparing health register of senior citizens

PRESS TRUST OF INDIA commodated here in hotels and medical college hospitals here.
CHENNAI, MAY 12 the premises of an educational Chennai accounts for 510 of
institution after screening. the 700 plus new cases on
EIGHT PEOPLE with co-morbid So far, a total of 927 people Tuesday and 4,882 have so far
conditionsdiedof coronavirusin have arrived here and at been infected in the state capital
particular election booth. and segregation from others are instances, set off attacks on the purview of the survey, with Tamil Nadu and as many as 716 Tiruchirappalli airports since alone.
JOHNSON T A The aim of collecting data for essential.Thepurposeof thesur- healthworkersbylocalresidents. each camp considered a fresh cases were reported, push- May 9. Of thisnumber,749weredis-
BENGALURU, MAY 12 the health register, state officials vey is to identify high-risk The fresh health risk-assess- household. ing the tally to 8,718 in the state, Meanwhile,onTuesday,ato- charged, 39 died and 4,093 are
said, is to ensure quick identifi- households, to build capacity to ment and outreach survey, Pointing out that this is a authorities said on Tuesday. tal of 716 people tested positive, active cases.
IN AN effort to raise the state’s cation of people at high risk of reachhouseholds withoutsend- which is on since May 5, is col- household-level survey, the Days after the Centre’s of whom427weremenand 288 Till date 2,134 people have
preparedness in tackling any being affected by Covid-19 in ing a health worker or any other lecting data specifically on those Health Commissioner said, “No ‘Vande Bharat Mission’ kicked in women and the aggregate num- beendischargedandonTuesday
fresh bout of Covid-19 outbreak, case the virus s to new localities government functionary.” above the age of 60; people details of individuals other than for bringing stranded Indians ber of cases stood at 8,718 in alone 83people were sent home
the Karnataka government has outside the existing red zones. “COVID-19 has demon- above 60 with cardiac, high the head of a household are from abroad, four among those Tamil Nadu. after they recovered from the ill-
started creating a health register An audit of 17 of 31 coron- stratedthatcomprehensivepub- blood pressure and diabetes collected.” who returned tested positive. All the four men who died in ness, the bulletin said. As many
of citizens with specific focus on avirus deaths in Karnataka has lic health data is the key to act problems; pregnant women in A household heath risk as- “Four passengers who re- the state were aged between 63 as 6,520 were the active cases.
identifyingpeopleabovetheage revealedthatthoseabovetheage decisively and swiftly. Our gov- each household; and people sessment app has been devel- turned from other countries re- and 75 years of age, while the Meanwhile, two people who
of 60 with underlying health of 60 with comorbidities have ernmentis planning to maintain with fever, breathing problems, oped, which links households to ported positive today,” a health women who succumbed to returned from Abu Dhabi and
problems. mostly beenvictims of the virus. a ‘Health Registry of Citizens’,” cough and cold. an election booth area to assess department bulletin said and Covid-19 were aged between 43 Dubai tested positive in Kerala
Survey work to gather data In a circular titled stateMedicalEducationMinister While those reporting fever people’s health once the health added that they have been and 58 years. onSaturday,hoursaftertheState
for the register has begun across “Surveillance plan to check DrKSudhakarrecentlystatedon and breathing problems will be register is compiled. housed in a quarantine facility Chronic obstructive pul- declared that it has flattened the
the state at the election booth- spread of Covid 19 virus”, state social media. contacted immediately by Karnataka reported 63 con- here. The country of their origin monary disease, acute respira- coronavirus curve, Chief
level — state officials, carrying Health Commissioner Pankaj Until now, the Health health workers, others will be firmed cases of coronavirus on was,however,notknownimme- tory distress syndrome and dia- Minister Pinarayi Vijayan had
area voters’ lists, are at present Pandey has stated: “Early detec- Departmenthascarriedoutrisk- monitoredintheeventof acoro- Tuesday — a single-day high so diately. Among the returnees on betes mellitus were among the saidthenewcaseswere“awarn-
going house to house to find out tion of Covid-19 (cases) and per- assessmentsurveysof areaswith navirus outbreak in their local- far in the state — taking the total Monday were 180 people from co- morbidities the eight had, ing to those coming back from
about elderly persons in each sons having ILI/SARI/Covid 19- Covid-19 patients after cases ity, officials said. Camps of mi- number of cases in the state Malaysia and 171 from Kuwait the bulletin said. abroad and for other states to be
householdinthejurisdictionof a like symptoms, their treatment were detected, which, in many grant workers will also come in to 925. on Sunday. They died between Sunday on the alert”.

New Delhi



MP borders on edge
as migrants try to
Bengal Health Secy
reach UP, Bihar transferred days after

WITHTHOUSANDSof distressed
ties in MP have had to persuade
their UP counterparts to let the
migrants in. “It goes through the
day but things eventually fall in
row over Covid details and West Bengal unit in-charge
migrant workers, mainly from that though food and tents have ATRIMITRA Kailash Vijayvargiya tweeted
Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, passing been arranged on this side of the KOLKATA,MAY12 (translated from Hindi) on
throughMadhyaPradeshontheir border, the screening facilities Tuesday: “This is called passing
way home, the entry and exit are far from satisfactory. AMIDAROWbetweentheCentre Vivek the blame to someone else. Why
points in the central Indian state Bijasanwasoneof thebusiest andtheWestBengalgovernment Kumar was Kumar removed when Chief
have witnessed chaotic scenes entrypointsinthecountrytillre- over coronavirus-related data MinisterMamataBanerjeeisalso
over the last few days. cently with things improving from the state, the state Health the (state) health minister? She
WorkersenterMPfromBijasan only marginally on Tuesday. Secretaryhasbeenreplaced,offi- in the same day’s health bulletin. should have admitted her own
GhatinSendhwatehsilofBarwani Even on Monday, hundreds of cials said on Tuesday. Aftertheletterbecamepublic, mistakes. Owning up mistakes
district and arrive in UP after cov- workers got on top of crowded PrincipalSecretary,Healthand BJP, principal opposition in the does not belittle anyone.”
ering hundreds of kilometres, fol- vehicles in MP after being Family Welfare, Vivek Kumar has state, accused the Mamata TMC spokesperson and Lok
lowing three different routes — dropped there by buses been made the Environment Banerjee government of fudging Sabha member Kakoli Ghosh
Bijasan-Dewas-Guna-Shivpuri, arranged by the Maharashtra Secretary,according to anotifica- coronavirus-related data. Dastidar, a doctor by profession,
Guna-Shivpuri-Gwalior-Bhindand government. tion dated May 11. Narayan Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar, en- rubbished the BJP’s allegations
Dewas-Sagar-Chhatarpur — to Khargone (DIG) Tilak Singh Swarup Nigam, a 1998-batch IAS gaged in a running feud with the andsaid:“Itmusthavebeenarou-
reachtheborderareas. said the crowd started thinning officer who held charge of the stategovernmentsincebeforethe tine transfer because there is no
Last week, the MP govern- from Monday from the figure of Transport Department, will re- pandemic, also alleged that the questionofdeficiency,negligence,
mentstoppedworkersatBijasan 35, 000 to 40,000 till a week ago. place Kumar. government is fudging data. andpoorperformanceonthepart
after the UP government did not He said those arriving on foot Nigam will be replaced by Kumar is the third senior IAS of the Health Department. Our
allowthemtoenterthestate.The havestoppedbutsomearecom- Prabhat Misra, while Kumar will officer to be transferred in recent Health Department is doing bet-
UP government changed its de- ing in vehicles. assume Misra’s erstwhile posi- weeks. Earlier, Manoj Agarwal, ter than many other states on
cisionafter48hoursbutitadded The MP government Tuesday tion, it was informed. whowasPrincipalSecretary,Food multiple parameters.”
tothemiseriesof migrants,some announced that it had arranged WhilethereasonforKumar’s andSupplies;andSubrataGupta, A senior state government of-
onfootorbicycles,andsomejust 375additional busestotransport sudden transfer is not clear, a Principal Secretary, Urban ficial said on the condition of
lucky to have managed rides on migrantstothebordersoftheirre- source in the state Secretariat Development and Municipal anonymity,“Therewasspeculation
vehicles after shelling out big spective states and districts. The saiditmayhavebeentheupshot Affairs, were transferred to Fire (in state bureaucracy) that Kumar
amounts of money. government claimed that pay- of the1990-batchIASofficerhav- andEmergencyServicesandFood wouldbeintroublebecausehehad
Many have died in road acci- ment for 70 per cent of the buses ingfoundhimself embroiledina Processing and Horticulture de- opposed Chief Secretary Rajiva
dents while several others have has been made in advance. controversy over Covid data in partments, respectively. Sinha and Chief Minister Mamata
died of heat and due to exhaus- However, Madhuri the state. District magistrates of Banerjee on constituting a death
tion. Many of these migrants Krishnaswamy of the Barwani- TherulingTMCcalledita“rou- DarjeelingandPaschimBurdwan audit committee. He also ex-
have also been cheated by vehi- based Jagrit Adivasi Dalit tine transfer”. werealsotransferredinthesame pressed his displeasure at the
cle drivers who drop them mid- Sangathan accused the MP gov- Thedevelopmentcomesdays three-week period. HealthDepartment’sfunctioning,
way, hundreds of kilometres be-
fore their destination.
A senior police officer posted
ernment of failing to do its part.
She said while the Maharashtra
government dropped workers in
BETWEEN HOME AND A HARD PLACE after Kumar had written to the
Union Health Secretary on April
30 and given the number of con-
As news of Kumar’s transfer
icised the state government and
The official said that Kumar
in Gwalior said chaos has buses at Bijasan border, the MP Stranded migrants assemble at the Wagheshwar Parking Yard near Wagholi in Pune every firmedCovid-19casesinthestate alleged that Kumar had been had “expressed his displeasure
reignedattheUPborderoverthe governmentdidnotliveuptothe day as police facilitate their return by supervising private bus operations to areas in at 931, even as his own depart- made a scapegoat. and volunteered for a transfer”
last few days. Despite the two job.“Migrantstravelledwithfam- Marathwada and Vidharbha. While fares are as high as four times than usual, migrants are ment had put the number at 744 BJPnationalgeneralsecretary three weeks ago.
state governments having dis- iliesandinfantsatoptrucksinheat queueing up to secure a seat by undergoing primary screening on the spot. Arul Horizon
cussed the matter, the authori- and putting their lives at risk.”
Maharashtra nod to liquor Kerala wants
‘Not sure if we’ll reach home or die on way’ home delivery from May 14
the “power to issue instructions
public transport
within state
office to enquire about the train,
and the police send us back to
Ram Nivasan from Bihar’s
Saharsa district said, “When no
in any matter pertaining to the
grantof licenses,permits,passes
after May 17
JALANDHAR, MAY 12 our rooms without any clarifica- one is telling us anything with or authorisations under the Act
tion. Now we are going home on clarity, how long can we wait THE MAHARASHTRA govern- as it deems proper”. SHAJU PHILIP
“WE HAVE been feeding our- cycles,” said Santosh, who left here in uncertainty? one ment on Tuesday gave its ap- Principal Secretary (Excise) THIRUVANANTHAPURAM,
selves using money sent from Hoshiarpur’s Tanda town on washelpingus,sowestartedour proval to allow home delivery of Valsa Nair-Singh said the home MAY 12
home.Atthe railway station, po- Tuesday morning. long journey to home.” alcohol in the state during the delivery option was being of-
lice cane us...some even de- While Shramik trains have “Police caned me when I lockdown. fered to ease overcrowding and KERALA WANTS to resume pas-
manded let us board beenrunningfromJalandharand wenttotherailwaystationtoen- Days after long queues out- ensure social distancing. senger trains and domestic
the train even though our regis- Amritsardistrictsforoveraweek, quire about the train from side liquor shops raised an Excise Commissioner flights within the state, and bus
tration was complete 12 days migrants from all eight districts Hoshiarpur. After such treat- alarm, leading to a shutdown of Kantilal Umap said that plans services, metro rail, auto-taxi
ago. With no way out, we de- ofDoabaandMajharegionswere ment, I decided to start on my such stores in Mumbai, the were to initiate home deliveries and restaurant services within
cided to go home on a bicycle. found walking and cycling to own,” said Bholu Ram, who Uddhav Thackeray government from May 14. Late Tuesday, the districts when the third phase of
Not sure if we will reach home their homes in UP, Bihar, and cametoPunjabtoworkasacon- invoked a special provision commissionerate finalised the lockdown ends on May 17.
or die along the way.” Jharkhand in large groups. struction labourer. (Section139)of theMaharashtra guidelines for the move’s imple- During his meeting with the
AsBrijKishore(21)expresses The entire stretch from The allegation of money be- Prohibition Act, 1949, to order mentation. For the time being, chiefministersonMonday,Prime
his fear and helplessness at Kartarpur in Jalandhar to ing demanded to let migrants the excise commissioner to pro- the government has permitted Minister Narendra Modi had
Punjab’s Phagwara, he had al- A group of migrants cycling back home. Anju Agnihotri Chaba Phagwara was full of such mi- board the trains was brought up vide the home delivery option. only neighbourhood stores to asked the states to share a broad
ready travelled 150 km, with grants on Tuesday. by another worker from The order was needed since carry out home deliveries. strategy on how they wanted to
nearly 1,500 km yet to cover to “Whatever we had with us Amritsar. “We went to the rail- home delivery of liquor is not le- “Theoptionof permittingtie- deal with the lockdown regime
reach his home in Bathani Tola I used Rs 800 to buy a second- Tanda town in a group of 100 here is finished... Our families way station after getting a mes- galundernormalcircumstances ups with e-commerce operators after the third phase.
villageof Bihar’sBhojpurdistrict. hand bicycle. I have been riding migrants on bicycles on their back home had been supporting sageandtheretheyaredemand- in the state, with the Act itself is also being explored,” Kerala Chief Minister
Kishore, who worked at a for the past three days and it will way to Bihar. us by sending money. So is it not ing Rs 500 to Rs 700 to board the containing provisionsthat disal- Nair said. The government said Pinarayi Vijayan said the state
thread mill in Amritsar district take12moredaystoreachmyvil- “Notrains arebeingrun from bettertogobackratherthanask- train. We don’t have even a sin- low soliciting the use of liquor it is also looking into the issue of wants to allow intra-district bus
andwaspartofagroupofover29 lage.Ourfeetarebadlyswollen...” our district. We are not even ing them to send money,” said gle penny...” said Amrish Sahu, and banning advertising or pub- providing online drinking per- service with social distancing
migrants on cycles, said, “My fa- Santosh Kumar arrived in awarewhethertheywouldrun... Vikas, another migrant who left who reached Phagwara, cycling lishingleafletsrelatedtoit.Under mits as many customers are yet norms for passengers. Number
therborrowedandsentRs1,000. Phagwara from Hoshiarpur’s We walk 10 km daily to the DC Beas in Amritsar for his home. to Bihar from Amritsar. Section139,thegovernmenthas to obtain the same. of passengers have to be limited
and a hike in bus fare would be

In Bihar, panchayat mukhiyas After ‘conflict of interest’ storm, Punjab

allowed due to the reduced
number of commuters. Buses
have to ensure social distancing
of passengers and violation of

keep an eye out for migrants Chief Secy divested of additional charge norms would result in suspen-
sion of permit, he said.
The Chief Minister said the

skipping quarantine
leavetillMay20,FinanceSecretary Whilethegovernmentmoved that discussed giving relief to state also wanted to allow op-
KANCHANVASDEV AnirudhTewarihasbeenaskedto swiftly amid ‘conflict of interest’ liquor contractors. According to eration of trade and industrial
CHANDIGARH,MAY12 officiateinhisplacetillthen. allegations, Karan Avtar Singh sources,thegovernmenttookthe establishments outside con-
On Monday, CM’s Advisor went about his business as usual decision to divest Singh of the tainment zones. People should
A DAY after a controversy sur- AmrinderSinghRajaWarringhad as the state’s Chief Secretary. He charge amid growing pressure. be allowed to dine at restau-
SANTOSH SINGH rounding Chief Secretary Karan alleged that the CS must come attended office Tuesday and also SourcesclosetoChiefMinister rants, after observing social dis-
PATNA, MAY 12 Avtar Singh, the Punjab govern- clean on his son’s alleged involve- heldameetingwithDCsandSSPs said that to further defuse situa- tancing norms, the Chief
ment divested him of his addi- ment in liquor trade. He claimed through a video link. tion the government was adopt- Minister said. Kerala also
FORTHElast10days,Sudhanshu tional charge of Financial therewas aconflictof interestbe- PunjabministershadMonday ingawait-and-watch-policyand wanted to allow auto-rickshaw
Kumar, mukhiya of Nayanagar Commissioner (Taxation) late on tween Singh’s additional respon- unanimously refused to attend working on a compromise for- service with the passenger in-
panchayat area in Bihar’s Tuesday evening. sibilityasFinancialCommissioner any meeting with Karan Avtar mula to get Finance Minister take limited to one.
Samastipur district, has been A Venu Prasad, Principal (Taxation) and his son’s alleged Singh’s participation. The charge Manpreet Singh Badal and As part of easing the curbs,
moving around with a micro- Secretary(waterresources,mines businesslinkswithliquortrade. against Singh was led by Finance Technical Education Minister around 5,000 toddy shops will
phone and asking people to in- andgeology)andCMD,PSTCL,was The order to relieve Karan Minister Manpreet Badal, who CharanjeetSinghChannionboard opentocustomersinthestateon
form about any migrant return- given the additional charge of Avtar Singh from Excise was backed by other ministers, to bury the hatchet with the CS. Wednesday.
ing to a village without staying Financial Commissioner Department was issued by the over the Chief Secretary’s behav- FULL REPORT ON Kerala has 524 Covid-19
in quarantine for 21 days. (Taxation). As Prasad is on casual Chief Secretary. iour at Saturday’s Cabinet meet cases.
Kumar has been receiving

Dehradun using app to monitor home quarantine

calls from villagers across the
panchayat regarding the move- Sudhanshu Kumar (right), mukhiya of Nayanagar panchayat
ment of migrants. area in Bihar’s Samastipur district.
“Such is the level of aware-
ness now that villagers would home quarantine moves 50 me- Disaster Management Act and
sendthemtothelocalpolicesta- point of discussion now. “Village LALMANI VERMA tres beyond their residence, an Epidemic Diseases Act.
tion or block camp right from “Village youths have youths have turned into Corona DEHRADUN, MAY 12 alert is generated and their “But no such action has been
outside the village. Our job is to warriors. There is hardly any in- movement is flashed inside the initiated against anybody so far.
monitor that no exceptions are turned into corona cident of a migrant reaching DISTRICT AUTHORITIES in Integrated Command and We are giving a warning... Not
made. In the last seven days, 25 warriors,” said Dinesh home without completing the Dehradunareusingamobileap- Control Room. manypeopleareviolatingnorms.
migrants have returned to our Rai, mukhiya quarantine period,” he said. plication to track the movement An alertmessageis passedto Peoplearegenerallyfollowingthe
panchayat and 24 of them went Sonu Kumar, a resident of of those put in home quarantine the nearest police station and rules,” said Lokjeet Singh,
to quarantine centres. One per- Ramchua village under Bana, after their arrival from another outpost so that police personnel SuperintendentofPolice(Crime).
son who resisted was handed lice if any migrant reaches a vil- said their village mukhiya district or state during the can immediately look into the DehradunDistrictMagistrate
over to the police,” said Kumar. lage without going through the Sarojini Devi and her husband lockdown. matter. Ashish Kumar Srivastava said
The mukhiya has also made process of registration, health Kamal Kishore Singh were Officials hope the app will Inthecontrolroom,namesof more than 2,000 people under
it mandatory for villagers in the check-up and quarantine. moving around to spread substantially help in monitoring all those in quarantine are dis- home quarantine in the city
panchayat area to wear masks Kumarsaid,“Wearetryingto awareness. the large influx of migrants played as colour-coded circles, were being monitored using the
before stepping out. fully comply with the order be- AdditionalDGP(civildefence) when the Uttarakhand govern- dependingontheirhealthcondi- application and this number
Following several instances cause it concerns the safety of all KundanKrishnantoldTheIndian ment brings people from other An alert is generated for suspected cases of violation, inside tion,andthesecolourschangeas may increase when more peo-
of migrants fleeing quarantine of us. With cases surging now, Express, “Mukhiyas have been states via trains. More than 1.79 the Integrated Command and Control Room in Dehradun. per the health updates made by ple return from other states.
centres, the state Panchayati Raj the message is loud and clear to doing a good job. In 90 per cent lakh people have registered to individuals on the Aarogya Setu For those without smart-
department issued an order on all villagers.” cases,peoplearevisitingquaran- return to their homes in app installed on their phones. phones, Anganwadi and ASHA
April 30, making it mandatory Dinesh Rai, the mukhiya of tine centres. Some people com- Uttarakhandbytrains,busesand Teams of the district admin- installed in the smartphone of As per norms, if a person vi- workers have been directed to
for all mukhiyas, sarpanchs and Qasimpur panchayat under ing to villages on bicycles or foot personal vehicles. More than istration ensure that an applica- every person who enters olatesquarantineguidelines,ac- ensure monitoring and home
wardmemberstoinformthepo- Patna, said Covid-19 is the only are also being identified.” 23,000 have already returned. tion called IGiS Geo-Locator is Dehradun.Whenapersonputin tion can be initiated under the quarantine.

New Delhi
Gujarat HC quashes minister’s J&K restores
2G Internet

election: ‘manipulation of record’

services in
DELHI CONFIDENTIAL all but 2 districts
of Valley
the court said it was satisfied terdeclarationofresultoftheelec- EC panel to
SOHINI GHOSH that the election was materially tion in question may not be a ADIL AKHZER
AHMEDABAD, MAY 12 affected by the Returning groundinitselftodeclaretheelec- examine HC SRINAGAR, MAY 12
Officer’s decision. tioninquestiontobevoidbutthat
THE GUJARAT High Court on “It is declared that the elec- would be an additional factor to order setting THE JAMMU and Kashmir ad-
Tuesday set aside state minister tion of the returned candidate understand how the respondent ministration has restored 2G
Bhupendrasinh Chudasama’s (Chudasama) from 58-Dholka No.2 and the Returning Officer aside election mobile Internet in Kashmir
election in 2017 on grounds of constituency for the Gujarat werehandinglove,”thecourtsaid. Valley, barring the districts of
“corrupt practice” and “manip- Assembly elections held on SenioradvocatePercyKavina, New Delhi: The Election Pulwama and Shopian, starting
ulation of record”. 14.12.2017, is void under Section who represented Rathod, said Commission (EC) set up a Tuesday, days after it was sus-
Chudasama, who holds 100(1)(d)(iv) of the “thecourtalsofoundthatcorrupt Committee of Officers Tuesday pended following the killing of
charge of multiple departments Bhupendrasinh Chudasama Representationof thePeopleAct, practice, as defined under the to examine the Gujarat High wanted militant Riyaz Naikoo in
ADVANCE, RETREAT including education, law and
justice, legislative and parlia-
holds charge of multiple
1951,” said the court.
“There is voluminous mate-
Representationof thePeopleAct,
Section 123(7) was committed
election of state minister
Pulwama last week.
The administration has de-
CONGRESS LEADER in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury mentary affairs in the BJP gov- rial on record. it takes this court by. Chudasama, his election Bhupendrasinh Chudasama. cided2GmobileInternetservices
put his party in a spot with a tweet on border skirmishes be- ernment led by Chief Minister to an inescapable conclusion agent and the Returning Officer The judgment came in a pe- will continue until May 27.
tweenIndianandChinesetroops.WarningChina,theMPfrom Vijay Rupani, was elected from from the poll observerto declare that in the present case, the re- Dhaval Jani, and the three acting titionbyCongressleaderAshwin “The situation was reviewed
Behrampore,WestBengal, hadtweetedonMonday:“Becare- Dholka constituency after de- the results, Jani showed the total spondent No. 2 (Chudasama) togetherresulted in a favourable Rathod, who contested against anditwasorderedthat2Gmobile
ful China, Indian forces know how to defang the venomous feating the Congress candidate votes received via postal ballot and his election agent have not result for the elected candidate.” Chudasama in 2017 from services be restored in the Valley
snakes like you, entire world is watching the sinister design of by a margin of 327 votes in the and taken into consideration at only attempted but have suc- Senior advocate Nirupam Dholka.Rathodhadclaimedthat fromMondaymidnight,”asenior
yellow expansionist. I would suggest the govt to accord diplo- 2017 Assembly polls. the time of counting as 927. cessfully obtained and procured Nanavaty, who represented thethenreturningofficerDhaval officer told The Indian Express.
matic recognition to Taiwan without much delay.” The tweet When contacted, “Conjoint consideration of assistance from the Returning Chudasama,soughtastayonthe Jani illegally rejected 429 postal The authorities had snapped
alarmed the Congress leadership, and Chowdhury was asked Chudasama told The Indian these documentary evidences Officer for the furtherance of the order, but the court rejected his ballot votes because of which he mobile and Internet across the
to delete it. On Tuesday, Congress's foreign affairs department Express:“Wearepreparingtofile leadtoconclusionthat429postal prospects of the respondent No. request. lost to Chudasama by 327 votes. Valley, barring BSNL’s mobile
chairman and Rajya Sabha member Anand Sharma disasso- a special leave petition in the ballots were not only not shown 2 in the election in question. While Rathod had sought The judgment held that EC’s and broadband services, last
ciated the party from Chowdhury's views. He tweeted that Supreme Court. We are hopeful to any candidate, including the There is also evidence on record thatheshouldbedeclaredasthe instructions were not followed, Wednesday after the encounter
the Congress recognises and values the special strategic part- of filing it within a day or two.” petitioner, those 429 postal bal- that, for that purpose, all sorts of duly elected candidate from givinganunfairadvantagetothe inPulwamainwhichNaikooand
nershipbetweenIndiaandChina,andthatChowdhary'sviews The Congress candidate, lots were not shown even to the illegalities were committed, Dholka, the High Court rejected winning candidate. an associate were killed.
on China “are his own and do not reflect the party position”. Ashwin Rathod, had filed a peti- observer. This also shows that whichincludemanipulationand his request. In a statement Tuesday, EC Doctors and health workers
tion challenging Chudasama’s therewasmanipulationofrecord falsification of recordof theelec- BJP spokesperson Bharat announced that the panel was in the Valley subsequently said
election.Rathodhadallegedthat of the election in question, more tion. and breach of mandatory Pandya, in a video message, said set up by Chief Election suspension of mobile services
LOCKDOWN LESSONS thereturningofficer,DhavalJani,
had illegally rejected 429 votes
Form-20 by the Returning
instructions of the Election
Commissionof Indiawithregard
the order was shocking.
“Bhupendrasinh ji has been a
Commissioner Sunil Arora after
a discussion with the EC
had affected work of contact-
tracing of coronavirus patients.
THE EXTENDED lockdown has given most people an unex- received via postal ballot. Officer. This court arrives at the to conduct of elections,” it said. senior BJP leader since the time Secretary General. “In this mat- In an order put up on the
pected opportunity to pick up a new hobby or skill, staying fit Justice Paresh Upadhyay conclusion that 429 postal bal- “The above noted unholy of Jan Sangh. The government is ter, on behest of the Homedepartment’swebsitelate
or brushing up some old talents. Robert Vadra used the free noted in his judgment that dur- lotswereillegallyexcludedfrom nexusultimatelyturnedouttobe with him. After studying the or- Commission, direction had al- on Monday, Principal Secretary,
time to teach one of his children how to drive. Vadra, son-in- ingJani’sdeposition,itwaslearnt consideration by the Returning quid pro quo arrangement be- der and taking advice from readybeenconveyedtotheState Home, Shaleen Kabra stated:
lawof Congress president Sonia Gandhi, was spotted on more that a total of 1,356 votes were Officer at the time of counting of tween the Returning Officer and lawyers, as well as under guid- Government of Gujarat to initi- “Given the availability of fixed
than one occasion imparting driving skills to his child on the received via postal ballot, of votes and were thus illegally re- the respondent No. 2 ance from the Centre and state, ate disciplinary action against line internet connectivity with-
near-empty roads of Lutyens’ Delhi, with some security which 429 were rejected by him jected,” said Justice Upadhyay. (Chudasama). At this stage, it is we will move forward to the the then Returning Officer Mr out any speed related restric-
personnel in tow. at the time of counting of votes. Further, as the number of re- again noted that any illegality Supreme Court. We are hopeful Dhaval Jani, Deputy Collector. tions and taking cognizance of
However, the court said, jected votes (429) was more committed by the Returning that we will get justice in the The proceedings are underway,” thefactthatmobileInternetcon-
said EC’s statement. ENS
while seeking authorisation than the victory margin (327), OfficerortherespondentNo.2af- Supreme Court,” he said. nectivity does not cause any im-
pediment in taking measures
concerning control of Covid-19,
THE ELECTION Commission had agreed to hold elections to
nine Legislative Council seats of Maharashtra this month on
Uddhav, eight
Govt emergency India condemns Afghan it is considered appropriate that
government. The polls – which were scheduled for May 21 –
were to be the first election conducted by the EC during the others set to requests to FB for attacks that left 40 dead in the Kashmir valley, excluding
Pulwama and the adjoining dis-
trict of Shopian, it is restricted to
coronavirus pandemic. The standard operating procedure, or “Therecanbenojustification 2G speed.... The Internet speed
be elected
SOP, for these polls were expected to become the template
for remaining elections this year. However, the Commission
was first waiting to see whether it needs to organise voting at unopposed user data more than EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
forsuchcontinuedactsof terror-
ism. The perpetrators of such
heinous acts and their sponsors
to 2G only across the UT of J&K.”

double in 2019
all for these seats. By Monday, 14 candidates had filed nomi- INDIA ON Tuesday “strongly and supporters should be held willbeeffectivefromMay12and
nation for nine seats. On Tuesday, four candidates withdrew condemned” the “barbaric ter- accountable and brought to jus- remain in force until May 27.
theirnominationandonenominationwasfoundinvalid,leav- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE rorist attacks against innocent tice...,” MEA said. While rejecting restoration of
ing exactly nine candidates in the fray for the nine seats. So MUMBAI, MAY 12 civilians”, including women and “India stands in solidarity 4GInternetservicesinJammuand
EC will not have to devise an SOP for voting now. KARISHMA MEHROTRA The govt made 3,369 children, at the Dasht-e-Barchi with the people, Government Kashmir, the Supreme Court had
MAHARASHTRA CHIEF Minister NEW DELHI, MAY 12 hospital maternity ward as well and security forces of onMondaysaidthat“peculiarcir-
Uddhav Thackeray and eight
emergency requests to as at a funeral in Nangarhar Afghanistan... The holy month of cumstances” in the Union
other candidates in the fray for LASTYEARsawasurgein“emer- Facebook in 2019, province on Tuesday. Ramzan should be a period of Territory requires “delicate bal-

IITs, NITs likely to the May 21 polls to the state leg-

islative Council are set to get
elected to the Upper House un-
gency” requests to Facebook for
user information by the Indian
government and law enforce-
compared to 1,478
requests in 2018 and
“Such reprehensible attacks,
including on mothers, newly
born children, nurses and
call for an immediate cessation
of terrorist violence and cooper-
cerns and human rights”. It also
ordered constitution of a special

hold 6 counselling opposed after five out of the 14

nominations were either with-
drawn or rejected over technical
ment agencies.
As per the company’s latest
transparency report, released
470 requests in 2017 mourning families are appalling
and constitute crimes against
humanity,” a Ministry of
ation to deal with the humani-
tarian situation arising from the
spread of coronavirus in
committee to “immediately de-
termine the necessity of the con-
tinuation of” limiting mobile

rounds instead of 7 grounds on Tuesday.

“All the nine candidates are
set to be announced as elected
late Tuesday night, the govern-
quests to the social media com-
2,000 such incidents in 2019
compared to almost 20,000 in
2018. These requests include
External Affairs’ statement said. Afghanistan,”thestatementsaid. Internetto2Gspeedintheregion.

ising institute two weeks to an-

unopposed on Thursday,” said
anofficial, adding thata notifica-
pany in 2019, more than double
such requests (1,478) in 2018,
those made by the Election
Commission about blackout on
CBSE gets new chief
RITIKA CHOPRA nounce results. JEE (Advanced) tion would be issued subse- and far more than the numbers anycampaigningaheadofvoting. New Delhi: Manoj Ahuja was appointed as the Registered Office: Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street, Mumbai
400 001.
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 is scheduled on August 23. quentlybytheCEOstatingabout in 2017 (460) and 2016 (121). Therequestsare increasingly new chairperson of the Central Board of Website:www.tatapower.comEmail:tatapower@tatapower.comCIN:L28920MH1919PLC000567

Early declaration of JEE their election and completion of The Facebook report said, “In regarding posts on Instagram, Secondary Education on Tuesday. He has re- Tel.91 22 66658282 Fax 91 22 66658801
COUNSELLING FOR roughly (Advanced)resultsandlessnum- the election process. emergencies, law (agencies) may owned by Facebook, signalling placed Anita Karwal, who served as the chair- Notice is hereby given pursuant to Regulation 29 of the Securities and
40,000 seats across 100 premier ber of counselling rounds, OnTuesday,fourcandidates— submit requests without legal thegovernment’sgrowinginter- person for two years before being appointed as Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 that a meeting of the Board of
technical institutes, including sourcesinIIT-Delhisaid,willhelp BJP’s Sandeep Lele and Ajit process. Based on the circum- est in that platform. Secretary of the Department of School Directors of the Company will be held on Tuesday, 19th May 2020 to
IITs, NITs, IIITs and IIEST, is likely theIITsstartclassesforfirst-year Gopchade and NCP’s Kiran stances, we may voluntarily dis- TheIndianExpresshadearlier EducationandLiteracyundertheHRDMinistry. consider and approve inter alia (i) the Audited Financial Results
(Standalone and Consolidated) and (ii) recommendation of dividend (if
to be held over just six rounds students by early October. “This Pawaskar and Shivajirao Garje — close information to law enforce- reported on the rise in data re- Ahuja,a1990-batchIASofficerof theOdisha any), of the Company for the year ended 31st March 2020.
this year. ispossibleprovidedwecomplete withdrew their nominations, ment(agencies),wherewehavea quests made in the first half of cadre,waspreviouslypostedasSpecialDirector Pursuant to Regulation 47(2) of the above referred Regulations, the
Normally, all Centrally six rounds of counselling be- whilepapersofIndependentcan- good faith reason to believe that 2019, with 1,615 emergency re- of Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of said Notice may be accessed on the Company's website at and also on the website of the respective stock
Funded Technical Institutes ad- tweenSeptember1andOctober didate Shehbaz Rathod were thematterinvolvesimminentrisk quests made till then. The new Administration. He has taken over the CBSE exchanges at and
mit students over seven rounds 1,” said a source. In most IITs, the found invalid during scrutiny, of- ofseriousphysicalinjuryordeath.” data shows that the second half while it faces a major challenge of completing For The Tata Power Company Limited
of joint counselling. newsessionusuallybeginsinthe ficialsatChiefElectoralOfficesaid. The surge in emergency re- of 2019crossedthisnumber,see- theannualboardexaminations,whichwereput H. M. Mistry
Company Secretary
The proposal to drop one last week of July. With this, Shiv Sena’s questsforuserinformationbythe ing 1,754 emergency requests. on hold because of the lockdown. ENS Place: Mumbai
round of counselling this year The indicative academic cal- Thackeray and Neelam Gorhe, governmentcoincidedwith2019 NearlyallInternetdisruptions Dated : 11th May 2020
was floated by IIT-Delhi this endar issued by the University NCP’s Shashikant Shinde and beinganelectionyear,andayear in the world were recorded from
weekandhasbeenforwardedto Grants Commission early this Amol Mitakri, Congress’s Rajesh thatsawprotestsacrossthecoun- Indiain2019,thetotalstandingat
the Joint Implementation month had proposed that the Rathod and BJP’s Gopichand try over contentious decisions 41,withthedurationlastingfrom
Committee for approval, The new academic calendar for the Padalkar, Pravin Datke, suchasthedilutionof Article370 18 hours to three weeks. Half of
Indian Express has learnt. fresh batch of students should Ranjitsinh Mohite Patil and in Jammu and Kashmir, the en- these disruptions (21) were in
ThejointpanelcomprisesJEE ideally commence in the first Ramesh Karad are in the fray. actment of the Citizenship December 2019, when anti-CAA
Chairmen of all IITs. IIT-Delhi is week of September. However, Interestingly, the BJP with- (Amendment) Act, and proposal protests were at their peak.
the organising institute for JEE withthelockdownupsettingthe drew the nomination of Ajit foraNationalRegisterofCitizens. Normally, data requests to a
(Advanced) 2020. entrance exam calendar by al- Gopchade, whose name was an- The total requests made by US-based company such as
If accepted by all IITs, this most three months, starting the nounced by the central leader- the government (including Facebook have to be routed
proposal will be shared with the new session in the first week of ship, and replaced him with through the legal process) have through the US Department of
Central Seat Allocation Board, Septemberseemsimpossiblefor Ramesh Karad, a close confi- also been growing — jumping Justice, as per the Mutual Legal
whichcoordinatesadmissionfor the IITs. dante of late Gopinath Munde 30% from 37,000-plus requests AssistanceTreatybetweenthetwo
the NITs, IIITs and IIEST. In other Asked if the plan to drop the and his daughter former minis- in2018toalmost50,000in2019. countries.However,“emergency”
words, IIT-Delhi’s proposal will seventh round of counselling ter Pankaja Munde. At the same time, govern- requests can be sent directly to
have a bearing on the admission could leave the institutes with Earlier this month, the ment requests have led to lesser Facebook, through its “law en-
process for all Centrally Funded more vacant seats this year, the Election Commission had an- contenttakedowns,withroughly forcementonlinerequestsystem”.
Technical Institutions as they above-quoted source said, “The nounced the Legislative Council
have a joint admission process. proposal was made after study- polls for nine seats after
In addition to dropping one ing data of the last two years. It Thackeray approached Prime
round of counselling, IIT-Delhi was felt that the seventh round MinisterNarendraModiseeking
hasalsosuggestedthatresultsor didn’tmakemuchof adifference hisinterventiontoavoidthecon-
the All India Rank for JEE as far as filling up vacant seats is stitutional crisis in the state.
(Advanced) 2020 should be de- concerned. Students used the Thackeray has to become a
clared within a week of the seventh round more to change member of either Houses of the
exam.Usually,ittakestheorgan- over to preferred branches.” state legislature by May 27.

New Delhi

PM clears
Rs 2 lakh
13-05-2012 13-05-2012 13-05-2012 ex-gratia for
next of kin
BIOM KIRANDUL MEENA SINGH Modi has approved an ex-gra-
tia of Rs 2 lakh each to the next
TAMIL NADU WATER SUPPLY AND DRAINAGE BOARD of kin of the 16 migrant labour-
CISF proudly remembers the supreme sacrifice of these brave-hearts. On ADDENDUM/CORRIGENDUM - Extension of Tender Notice ers killed after being run over
this day, they laid down their lives at the altar of duty while fighting No. 11-2 / F. CWSS to 134 /2020/ SDO/ CE-TNJ/ dt.08.05.2020
Sub : Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to 134 Rural Habitations in Kumbakonam Union of
by a goods train on May 8 near
with the LWE outfits. Their courage and bravery would remain an Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
Thanjavur District (Period of completion: 18 months, Trial run: 6 months and Paid maintenance :
abiding source of inspiration for the force. The force will remain eternal-
ly indebted to them for their noblest deeds.
12 months ) – II Extension of tender Notice – reg. Those who were seriously in-
Ref : 1. This Office IFB No.11 / F. CWSS to 134 /2020/ SDO/ CE-TNJ/ dt.13.03.2020
2. GO.Ms. No.193/ dated 15.04.2020 3.This Office Tender Notice No. 11-1 / F. CWSS to 134 /2020/ jured in the incident will be
SDO/ CE-TNJ/ dt.15.04.2020 4.GO.Ms.No.217/dt.03.05.2020 given Rs 50,000 each.
***** The compensation will be
The sale period, Last date of receipt and opening of tender in the reference 3rd cited for the above
work is here by extended as below in continuation of the Govt. announcement of 144 extension due to given from the PM National
prevailing COVID -19 Virus spreading precautionary measures. Relief Fund, sources told The
Sl. No Description Extended up to Indian Express on Tuesday.
1 Date and time of Pre bid meeting 20.05.2020 at 11.00 A.M The 16 migrants were walk-
2 The last date for Sale of Tender 27.05.2020 upto 5.45 P.M inghomealongthetrackandhad
3 The last date for receipt of Tender 29.05.2020 upto 3.00 P.M stopped to take rest. According
4 Date & Time of opening of Tender 29.05.2020 at 3.30 P.M to initial invetigations, they had
All other terms and conditions already published remain unaltered. apparentlydriftedofftosleepon
Chief Engineer (i/c),
DIPR / 1787 / TENDER / 2020
TWAD Board, Thanjavur
the track thinking it was safe
since train services were sus-
pended due to the lockdown.
over at around 5.22 am.
The Railways had not
garded as a case of “infringe-
ment” in its right of way, ac-
GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA cording to the rules.
A-26 mishap, the Railways has
MINOR IRRIGATION DIVISION, KEONJHAR alertedallitszonestowatchout
NOTICE INVITING TENDER e-Procurement for people walking along the
Bid ID No. 03 EEMID (KJR/2020-21) Dt. 04.05.2020 tracks and inform the nearest
The Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Keonjhar on behalf of the stationsonspottingthem.Some
Governor of Odisha invites online percentage rate tender through ‘e’ zones have imposed speed re-
procurement to be received in online mode for the the works as detailed in strictions on goods and parcel
the Annexure to this bid notice trains in certain stretches.
Name of work Civil Construction work
No. of works 14 (Fourteen) Nos.
Estimated Cost Rs. 795.60 Lakh SITUATION VACANT
Tender Paper Cost Mentioned in Column No. 6 of Tender call notice
Period of completion 06 (Six) & 09 (Nine) calendar month OTHERS
Part time recruiter needed by a
Availability of Bid From 14.05.2020 to 27.05.2020 during office
growing Research Firm. Work
Documents hours in Website (
O/o CE/TS, B-1, Shakti Vihar, Patiala
from home. Email CV at
Period of receipt of Bid From 14.05.2020 to 27.05.2020 through online.
Regd. Office: PSEB H.O., The Mall, Patiala - 147001,
through online
CIN: U40109PB2010SGC033813, Website: 0050164682-1
Date of Opening of Bid At 11.00 A.M. on 28.05.2020 in the office
Documents chamber of the Executive Engineer, M.I. Online Tenders are invited for the supply of the followlng material as per Tender
Division, Keonjhar
Digital Signature The bidder must possess compatible digital
Specification No 209/SS(D)/Spares of PSPCL:
Sr. For manufacture, Qty in Enquiry Last Date Last Date Date &
SXf¿MÑXe¹f ªf»fd½fÄff³f ÀfaÀ±ff³f, øYOÞXIYe
Certificate of Bidder signature certificate (DSC) of Class-II or Class-III No. Testing and KM No./Year & Time for & Time Time of (ªf»f Vfd¢°f ¸faÂff»f¹f, ªf»f ÀfaÀff²f³f, ³fQe d½fIYfÀf E½fa ¦fa¦ff
Date of lottery to be 05.06.2020 from 11.00 AM to onwards Delivery of Downloading for Bid Opening
conducted among the un-armoured, FRLS of Tender Submission of Bids ÀfaSXÃf¯f d½f·ff¦f IZY Aa°f¦fÊ°f ·ffSX°f ÀfSXIYfSX IYe ÀfûÀff¹fMXe)
valid bidders PVC, Outer d³fd½fQf Àfa£¹ff: 5(XVI)/2020/Pur-1 dQ³ffaI : 12.05.2020
Sheathed, Heat
Name and Address of the Executive Engineer, M.I. Division, Keonjhar Near Resistant PVC d³fQZVfI , Sf¿MÑ e¹f ªf»fd½fÄff³f ÀfaÀ±ff³f ÷ OÞ I e I e AûS ÀfZ SÀff¹f³fûÔ, ¦»ffÀf½fZ¹fÀfÊ, ´»ffdÀMI ½fZ¹fÀfÊ ½f
OIT Parkline Keonjhar, At/Po- Keonjhar, Insulated annealed,
Dist- Keonjhar Pin - 758001, Tinned Copper dR »MS ´fZ´fÀfÊ I e Af´fcd°fÊ WZ °fb ½ffd¿fÊI QS A³fb¶fa²f IZ d»fE ¸fbW S¶faQ d³fd½fQf IZ ½f»f C³f d³f¸ffÊ°ffAûÔ,
E-mail ID - control cable of Ad²fIÈ °f d½f°fSI ûÔ/d½fIZi °ffAûÔ/Ad·fI °ffÊAûÔ ÀfZ Af¸fadÂf°f I e ªff SWe W` , dªf³WZÔ Ad²fIÈ °f
following sizes
Further details can be seen from the web site: d½f°fSI /d½fIZi °ff/Ad·fI °ffÊ ªfû ·ffS°f/ d½fQZVf ¸fZÔ d½fd³f¸ffʯf R ¸fÊ õfSf Ad²fIÈ °f dI ¹ff ¦f¹ff W` , ½fZ
1 2Cx2 5MM2 16.000
A´f³ff ´fiÀ°ff½f d³f¸ffÊ°ff õfSf ªffSe dI ¹fZ ¦f¹fZ Cd¨f°f ´fifd²fI fS ´fÂf, A´f³fe ¸fc»¹f Àfc¨fe ¸fZÔ Lc M ÀfdW°f
Sd/- 2. 4Cx2 5MM2 20.000
ªfû ´fcSm ·ffS°f ¸fZÔ ¸ff³¹f WûÔ ªf¸ff I SmÔ Ü ´fc¯fÊ QÀ°ff½fZªf ³f Wû³fZ I e dÀ±fd°f ¸fZÔ ½ffd¿fÊI QS A³fb¶fa²f
d³fSÀ°f I S dQ¹ff ªffE¦ffÜ B¨Lb I ¶fû»feQf°ff, d³fd½fQf ÀfZ Àfa¶fad²f°f QÀ°ff½fZªf ÀfaÀ±ff³f I e ½fZ¶fÀffBÊM
M.I. Division, KEONJHAR 4. 9Cx2 5MM2 06.000
OIPR-32123/11/0001/2021 ÀfZ OfC³f»fûO I S ÀfI °fZ W`Ô Ü /Sealed Tender for annu-
5. 12Cx2 5MM2 22.000 209/2020 15.06.2020 16.06.2020 18.06.2020
al rate contract for supply of Chemicals. Glasswares, Plasticwares and
6. 16Cx2 5MM2 08.000 11.00 A.M. 11.00 A.M. 11.30 A.M.
Filter Paper are invited on behalf of Director. National Institute of
7. 24Cx2 5MM2 14.000
Hdrology Roorkee only from the Manufactures, authorized
8. 32Cx2 5MM2 02.000
distributors/dealers/agents. Distributors, dealers & agents who are
9. 4Cx4MM2 02.000
I, JC-310529 M SUB M authorized by the manufacturing firm in India/abroad must submit their
I, Vaishnavi Kataria D/o TOTAL 100.00
Mukesh Kumar Kataria R/o RAJASEKARAN R/O-1358C1/6 proposal with proper authorization letter issued by the manufacturer
Flat No-15-A, 4th Floor,
ANNAITHERESANAGAR, PO- EMD 6,24,000/- along with their offer of discount on their price list valid throughout
Minimum EMD 1,56,000/-
Building No-4405/5, Part-2,
Detailed NIT and Specification may be downloaded from PSPCL e-tendering web- India failing which document of ARC will be rejected. Bidders, who are
KOVILPATTI, DIST.- interested to submit bids, may visit Institute website:
Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, site
Delhi-110002, that name of my 628502,have changed my son’s
The prospective bidders may contact customer care of above cited website in case
of any difficulty.
father has been wrongly name,from ABHISHEIK to It is Informed that in case tender process is not completed due to any reason. No IiY¹f Ad²fIYfSXe/PURCHASE OFFICER
written as Mukesh Kataria in ABHISHEIK R,for all future CORRIGENDUM will be published in newspapers. Details regarding corrigendum may
my Educational Documents. purposes and in my service- be seen on PSPCL e-tendering website
The actual name of my father Sd/-
record my son’s date-of-birth C149/2020 C-815/Pb Dy. CE/Sub-Station Design, PSPCL, Patiala
is Mukesh Kumar Kataria wrongly mentioned as-
0070704899-1 07/07/1999 instead of his
I, SUNITA W/O 6947713X L/NK
correct date-of-birth as- GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL
05/07/1999. 0040537559-3
124510,have changed my
Pratap Singh Rawat R/o Dandal
Gaon, Pauri, Garhwal,
name,from SUNITA to SUNITA Uttarakhand-246001, have
changed my name to Suraj
DEVI,for all future purposes.
Rawat 0070704906-1 BLOCK, VIKAS BHAWAN, I.P. ESTATE,
I Murti Devi Alias Moorthy D/o
I, SMT JASVIR W/O JC 431645X Sish Ram and W/o Raje Ram R/o NEW DELHI- 110002
SUB RAJ KUMAR R/O-VPO- Kulasi 30, Jhajjar, Haryana- Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir
Tender ID: 2020_EXC_190556_1
DISTT-HISAR, HARYANA- to Moorthy 0070704904-1 SHER-I-KASHMIR INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, E-Tender for procurement of country Liquor
125052, have changed my SOURA-SRINAGAR, KASHMIR J&K in NCT of Delhi (2020-21)
I Azharuddin S/o Sarajuddin Tel: 0194-2401013/2400064 (Ext: 2170) Fax 2403403
name,from SMT JASVIR to
JASVIR DEVI,for all future
Siddique R/o O-17/3, Batla
House, Jamia Nagar, Okhla,
E-mail: E-Tenders (online tenders) are invited for
eNIT No: SIMS 10 (PII) OF 2020 Dated: 11.05.2020
purposes vide-affidavit Delhi-110025, have changed my Sub: Notice inviting tenders for Supply of “Printer Cartridges” for procurement of country liquor in National Capital
dated-06/05/2020 before- name to Azharuddin Siddique
Notary Public Delhi. 0070704903-1
SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar, Kashmir (J&K) on two years Rate Territory of Delhi. The Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
Contract basis.
I, Vipin S/o Anil Kumar R/o E-166 For and on behalf of Lt. Governor of UT, of J&K through Director Sher- has been uploaded and available alongwith the
I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura Srinagar, e-tenders are
I, R.KAVILA, w/o JC-310529M 80 Yard, Tagore Garden, Delhi-
invited under two bid system from Original Manufacturers/their author-
terms and conditions and tender form. It can be
SUB M RAJASEKARAN R/O- 110027, name my father has
1358C1/6 been wrongly written as ized distributers/dealers for supply of Printer Cartridges on rate contract seen/ downloaded at/from the website:
Horam Singh in my Aadhar basis at SKIMS Soura, Srinagar (J&K).
Card, Educational Documents The detailed tender document contining detailed descriptions, specifi- The last
TALUK. KOVILPATTI, DIST.- and name of my mother has cations, quantity and other terms & conditions in available on www.jkten- and complete bidding process shall be online on the said e-
date of uploading the tender document is
THOOTHUKKDI, TAMIL NADU- been wrongly written as
628502,have changed my Rajindri in my Educational tender portal as per the following schedule: 29.05.2020 upto 11.00 A.M.
name,from R.KAVILA to Documents. The actual name S.No. Activity Description Schedule All the tenderers are requested to have digital
KAVILA.R., for all future my father and my mother are 01.
purposes and in my Anil Kumar and Devindri
Cost of tender document Rs. 1,000/-
certification and to get themselves registered with
02. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 30,000/-
husband’s service-
respectively. 0070704902-1
(EMD) Delhi govt. e-procurement portal. The application
documents my date-of-birth I Vasudev S/o Gurudin R/o H-37,
wrongly mentioned as- Nanak Pura Moti Baagh-2,
03. Start date & time for submission of ten- 20.05.2020 (10.00 am)
service provider can be contacted at “Help Desk”
23/05/1979 instead of my Delhi-110021, have changed my 04. Last date & time for submission of 30.05.2020 (02.30 pm) for registration, training (if required) on any
correct date-of-birth as- name to Dev 0070704905-1 online tender
working day between 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM at
I, MANJU DEVI W/o 2889991Y 05. Date & time for opening of technical 03.06.2020 (02.30 pm)
0040537559-2 HAV RAVINDRA SINGH R/o-VILL- bids Help Dek
I, MEENAKSHI W/o SUB MAJ NARNOD, PO-MALIGAVAN 06. Any clarification with regard to e-NIT 12.05.2020 to 19.05.2020
shall be entertained only from (during office hours)
6th floor, C Wing, Vikas Bhawan-II,
CHIRAWA, JHUNJHUNU, (no representation/clarification (Near Metcafe House)
RAJASTHAN-333023.have shall be entertained beyond the
changed my Name from MANJU
stipulated period) Civil Lines, Delhi
have changed my name,from
DEVI to MANJU,for all future The tender notice is also available on official website of SKIMS Phone No. 23813523
purpose and in my husband’s for reference only.
MEENAKSHI to MEENAKSHI service documents my date-of- Director SKIMS reserves the right to accept/reject or cancel any ten- Sd/-
MAHARA Affidavit.No- der or all tenders in full or part thereof without assigning any reason.
DL42098003174513S DATED-
birth wrongly-mentioned as-
The tenders should be submitted strictly in accordance with the pro- (RAVI DHAWAN)
18/03/1977 instead of my
visions of the detailed e-NIT.
12/05/2020 at New Delhi. correct date-of-birth as-
No: SIMS 325-05-2020-1002-08-4629-32 Sd/-
15/05/1980. 0040537559-1
0040537559-6 Dated: 11.05.2020 A. Material Management Officer DIP/Shabdarth/0030/20-21



New Delhi

The Outbreak If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you
would like explained, please write to


How households are coping under lockdown

Three scholars assess lockdown’s impact on Indian households, who are hit hardest, and how long they expect to be able to manage with their current resources

continue - even over relatively short periods
Proportion of households reporting income loss ■ Urban Proportion of households reporting income loss TO SURVIVE WITHOUT - without additional assistance (Figure 2).
■ Rural
HimachalPradesh Uttarakhand
ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE AcrossIndia, 34% of all households report
95% 93.0 Punjab Proportion of households surviving being able to survive for no more than one
89.7 87.2 88.8 87.4 Bihar
83.8 Haryana week without additional assistance. Among
85% 81.8 81.8 Jharkhand
Delhi Assam households earning less than Rs 8,142 per
Marianne Bertrand, 75% Rajasthan Meghalaya 30%
33.7 month per-capita before the lockdown,
nearly a third report being able to survive for
Kaushik Krishnan 65% Gujarat Tripura
25.1 22.3 no more than 7 days without additional as-
& Heather Schofield 55%
54.7 Chhattisgarh
West ■ 50%-70% 10%
sistance. Crucially, 14% of the sample is al-
Maharashtra Bengal ■ 70%-80% ready out of funds and risks immediate and
45% Telangana ■ 80%-90% 0% severe deprivation if they are unable to bor-
THE SPREAD of Covid-19 and the economic ■ 90%-100% row or receive additional benefits.

`0-`3,801 `3,801- `5,914- `8,142- `12,374- AndhraPradesh
lockdown enacted in response by the `5,914 `8,142 `101,902 These figures suggest that continued
`12,374 Karnataka Tamil Data source: CMIE CPHS,
Government of India have resulted in signif- Nadu rapid distribution of in-kind or cash trans-
Quintiles of household monthly per capita income (as of Feb ‘20) Data source: CMIE CPHS Kerala Shape file from data(meet) Data source: CMIE CPHS
icant economic hardship. These effects are fers is needed to prevent a sharp increase in
bothsubstantialandwidespread.Eighty-four malnutrition andseveredeprivation.Bypro-
percent of Indian households report de- a monthly per-capita income of less than Rs higher-income earners are more likely to be down are widespread among both rural and Haryana. Notably, economic impact by state moting demand and fostering health, such
creasesinincomesincethelockdown.Athird 3,801 before the lockdown, corresponding employedinoccupationsthatenableremote urban households, rural households have does not strongly track the extent of the out- transfers will also likely promote a more ro-
of Indian households report not having to being in the lowest quintile of the per- workandhencetobeabletocontinuetoearn been hit the hardest, with 88% of them re- break. Rather, we conjecture that income bustrecoveryasthecountryisabletoreopen.
enough resources to go on for more than a capitaincomedistribution,haveexperienced alivingdespite the stay-at-home orders. The porting a fall in income under the lock- per-capitaandoccupationalcompositionbe-
week before facing distress. a fall in income. At the other end, only 66% of somewhat smaller impact among house- down, compared to 75% of urban house- fore the lockdown, lockdown severity, and Marianne Bertrand is Chris P Dialynas
These headline statistics, which are thehouseholdsearningmorethanRs 12,734 holds in the lowest income quintile com- holds. As seen in Figure 1, this difference is effectiveness of the delivery of aid are likely Distinguished Service Professor of Economics,
drawn from our analysis of a nationally rep- before the lockdown, corresponding to be- pared to second and third quintiles may re- driven by the fact that higher income lev- contributors to this cross-state variation. University of Chicago Booth School of
resentativesurveyof Indianhouseholdscon- ing in the highest quintile of the per-capita flect their greater representation of els pre-lockdown are mainly protective for In contrast to much of the variation de- Business, and Faculty Director, Chicago
ducted by the Centre for Monitoring Indian income distribution, have experienced a fall occupationsthat havecontinueddespite the households living in urban areas. Again, we scribedabove,wedonotfindmuchevidence Booth’s Rustandy Center for Social Sector
Economy (CMIE) between April 18 and April in income. While both numbers are excep- lockdown in that quintile (e.g. agriculture, conjecture that this a reflection of occupa- of differential impact of the lockdown based Innovation and UChicago’s Poverty Lab.
30, 2020, should be a call to action for Indian tionally high, more than 90% of households food vendors). However, it might also reflect tion sorting and greater availability of re- on households’ religion, with roughly simi-
policymakers as they try to best balance a withincomesinbetweenthisrangehaveex- that India’s existing safety net and income mote work options among salaried work- lar share of Hindus and Muslims being neg- Kaushik Krishnan is Chief Economist, Centre
public health crisis and an economic crisis. perienced a fall in income. support programmes do not adequately tar- ers in urban settings. atively affected across income quintiles. for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE).
Importantly, the data also reveal that the Smaller lockdown-induced income get households in these quintiles that have Our data further reveals substantial vari- Giventhewidespreadincomelossesdoc-
economic impact of the lockdown has not losses among those in the highest per-capita experienced dramatic job losses due to the ation in income losses by state of residence umented above and the low baseline wealth Heather Schofield, is Assistant Professor,
been equally distributed across people and income quintile in India are consistent with lockdown. (See map). The five most affected states are of many Indian households, it should come Perelman School of Medicine and The
places. About 85% of the households earning what has been observed in other countries: While economic losses due to the lock- Tripura, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand and asnosurprisethataverylargeshareof Indian Wharton School.


Smoking and
United Kingdom
Aarogya Setu: Who all can Covid: recent
claims, and
access your data, and when? new findings
Reading the newly released protocol, which lays down guidelines for sharing EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
of data collected by the app with government agencies as well as third parties
ON MONDAY, the World Health
Organization (WHO) issued a state-
170,582 ment underlining the perils of smok-
Brazil 227,436
Spain PRANAV MUKUL ing,andreferringto“unprovenclaims
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 that tobacco or nicotine could reduce
TOTAL CONFIRMED: 4,222,968 DEATH COUNT: 288,368 ON MONDAY, the Ministry of Electronics &
the risk of Covid-19”. This came days
after researchers had published a hy-
Source: Johns Hopkins University, updated at 11 pm on May 12 Information Technology issued a data-shar- pothesis that nicotine may obstruct
ing and knowledge-sharing protocol for the the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
AarogyaSetuapp,layingdownguidelinesfor Also onMonday, researchers from
sharingsuchdatawithgovernmentagencies British and Saudi Arabian institutions

Are doctors, nurses getting and third parties. Prior to this, the only legal
shield around the mechanism was the app’s
published a study associating smok-
ing with Covid-19 deaths.

infected without knowing it?

privacy policy.
The executive order issued on Monday What has WHO said?
cameamidconcernsexpressedbyanumber Its statement said it is constantly
ITISALREADYknownthatmanypeo- positive for the coronavirus. Around of experts over the efficacy and safety of the evaluatingnewresearch,includingre-
ple can show no symptoms after get- one in five reported no symptoms, app. Experts have nowsaidthat while on the search that examines the link be-
ting infected with the SARS-CoV-2 two in five had very mild symptoms one hand a decision of such nature should tween tobacco use, nicotine use, and
coronavirus. Now, a study has found that they had dismissed as inconse- be backed by a personal data protection law, Covid-19. “There is currently insuffi-
hospitalstaffmaybecarryingthevirus quential, and a further two in five re- thelooselywordednatureof theprotocoltoo cient information to confirm any link
withoutrealisingit.Thestudycovered ported Covid-19 symptoms that had is an area of concern. Currently, India’s per- between tobacco or nicotine in the
staff in hospitals under stopped more than a sonal data protection bill is in the process of prevention or treatment of COVID-
the UK National Health week previously. being approved by Parliament. Prior to guidelines, the only legal shield around the app was its privacy policy. AP 19,” it said. It did not specify who had
Service (NHS), and was InNHShospitals,ar- madeunprovenclaimsaboutnicotine
published in eLife. eascaringforCovid-pa- Why has the government issued these reducing Covid-19 risk.
University of tientsaremarked“red” guidelines? individualtotheself-assessmenttestadmin- which data has been shared. This documen-
Cambridgeresearchers areas. The study found TheexecutiveorderissuedbyITSecretary istered within the app. Location data com- tation will include the time at which data So, who has made such claims?
swabbed and tested that despite wearing Ajay Prakash Sawhney, who is also the prisesthegeographicalpositionofanindivid- sharing was initiated, with which entities it Therehasbeenahypothesis,byre-
over 1,200 NHS staff at PAPER appropriate personal Chairperson of the Empowered Group on ual in latitude and longitude. was shared, the categories of such data, and searchers from a number of leading

Addenbrooke’s protective equipment Technology and Data Management (one of the purpose of sharing the data. Frenchinstitutions(TheIndianExpress,
Hospital, Cambridge (PPE), “red” area staff several empowered groups constituted by What entities will be able to access this The protocol also calls for any entity with May5).Inhospitaldata,theyfoundthat
University Hospitals were three times more the Home Ministry to deal with various as- data? which the data has been shared to not retain the proportion of smokers among
NHS Foundation Trust, NEW RESEARCH likely to test positive pects of the Covid-19 pandemic), says that According to the protocol, the response thedatabeyond180daysfromthedayitwas Covid-19 deaths (4.4-5.3%) was much
throughout April. The than staff working in “in order to formulate appropriate health re- datacontainingpersonaldatamaybeshared collected. The protocol reads back to the lower than the proportion in the gen-
sampleswereanalysed areas free of Covid-19. sponses for addressing the COVID-19 pan- by the app’s developer — National Disaster Management Act, 2005 to establish eral population (25.4%). They hypoth-
using the PCR technique. At the same The researchers noted, however, that demic, data pertaining to individuals is ur- Informatics Centre (NIC) — with the Health the penalties in case of violation of the pro- esisedthatthereasonmightbeinpro-
time,staff memberswereaskedabout it is not clear whether this reflects gently required”. Here, individuals means Ministry,HealthDepartmentsof state/Union tocol. It also has a sunset clause, which calls tein structures, called nAChR, that are
relevant coronavirus symptoms, the greaterratesof transmissionfrompa- persons who are infected, or are at high risk Territory governments/ local governments, for the empowered group to review the pro- found in the nervous system, muscle
university said in a statement. tients to staff in red areas: Staff may of being infected, or who have come in con- National Disaster Management Authority, tocol after six months; unless extended, it and certain tissues. Nicotine is known
Of themorethan1,000staff mem- have transmitted the virus to each tact with infected individuals. statedisastermanagementauthorities,other will be in force only for six months from the to bind with nAChR; the hypothesis is
bers reporting fit for duty during the other or acquired it at home. Tofulfilthispurpose,andensurethatdata ministries and departments of the central date of issue. thatifnicotineisalreadypresentonhu-
study period, 3% nevertheless tested Source: University of Cambridge. collectedfromtheappisgathered,processed and state governments, and other public mancells,itmayblockSARS-CoV-2.To
and shared in an appropriate way, the gov- health institutions of the central, state and What are the concerns being raised? testthehypothesis,theresearchersare
ernment has issued these guidelines. local governments, “where such sharing is Legal experts have stressed the need for conducting human trials.
INDIA COUNT: 70,756 (2,293 DEATHS) “Various advisories and statements have strictlynecessarytodirectlyformulateorim- a personal data protection law to back the
been issued by the Ministry of Health and plement an appropriate health response”. government’s decision to make the app Does this not go against the
Family Welfare, Government of India and
other Ministries of the Government of India
The protocol also lay the ground for shar-
ing the data with any third parties — “only if
Aadhaar way. This cannot be done via an ex-
conventional view?
ArunachalPradesh 1
1,877 Assam 65 and State/ Union Territory Governments on itisstrictlynecessarytodirectlyformulateor ecutive order, especially since there are a tific community is that smoking is
Punjab Bihar 747 precautionary measures such as social dis- implement appropriate health responses”. number of privacy concerns with the app,” harmful for Covid-19 patients. A few
Chandigarh 174 tancingandtreatmentof individualswhoare Further, for research purposes, the response said Prasanth Sugathan, volunteer legal di- recentstudieshavesuggestedvarious
7,233 Delhi Chhattisgarh 59
3,988 DadarNagarHaveli 1 affectedorat-risk.Inordertoensuretheir ef- data can be shared with Indian universities rector at reasons why. The newest paper, pub-
Rajasthan 3,573 UP Goa 7 fectiveimplementation,thereisaneedtoen- orresearchinstitutionsandresearchentities Sugathansaidthedatabeing sharedwith lished in PLOS ONE on Monday, re-
Haryana 730 sure efficient data and information sharing registered in India. The guidelines also em- third parties was one of the biggest areas of vieweddatabasestolookatthepreva-
HimachalPradesh 59
JammuandKashmir 879
among the different Departments and power universities and research entities to concern. “They should have listed the third lence of smoking — as well as COPD
3,785 Jharkhand 160 Ministriesof theGovernmentof Indiaaswell share the data with other such institutions, parties with which the data can be shared,” (chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
8,541 MP Karnataka 862 as those in the State/Union Territory “only if such sharing is in furtherance of the he said, adding that it was left open-ended ease) in Covid-19 patients. It found
Gujarat 2,063 Kerala 519 Governments,” the order reads. same purpose for which it has sought ap- and had a possibility of misuse. Further, he currentsmokerswere1.45timesmore
West Bengal Ladakh 42
Manipur 2 proval to access such data from the expert said the process of de-identifying the data likely to have severe complications
23,401 What data can be collected and shared? committee”. shouldhavebeendetailed,giventhatrevers- comparedtoformerandneversmok-
Maharashtra 2,018 Meghalaya 13
Andhra Pradesh Mizoram 1 ThedatacollectedbytheAarogyaSetuapp ing de-identification was not difficult. ers.Also,criticallyillCovid-19patients
Odisha 414 is broadly divided into four categories — de- What are the checks and balances? The protocol, in fact, seeks to disincen- with COPD had a 63% risk of severe
8,002 Puducherry 12
mographicdata,contactdata,self-assessment The protocol says the response data that tivise reversalof de-identification. “Anyuni- disease and a 60% risk of mortality,
Tamil Nadu Telangana 1275
Tripura 152 data and location data. This is collectively can be shared with ministries, government versity or research institution/ entity which while critically ill patients without
Uttarakhand 68 called response data. Demographic data in- departmentsandotheradministrativeagen- accesses anonymised response data... shall COPD had only a 33.4% risk of severe
UnionHealthMinistryupdateasof 11pm,May12.Somestatesmayhave cludes information such as name, mobile cies has to be in de-identified form. This not reverse anonymise such data or re-iden- disease and 55% risk of mortality.
reportedhighernumbers.Onlystates/UTswithatleastonecaselistedabove. number,age,gender,professionandtravelhis- meansthat,exceptfordemographicdata,the tify individuals in any manner. If any person The researchers added, however,
tory. Contact data is about any other individ- response data must be stripped of informa- knowingly or unknowingly, takes any action that the study was not able to exam-
ual that a given individual has come in close tionthatmay make it possibletoidentifythe which has the effect of such data no longer ine whether there was an association
proximity with, including the duration of the individual personally; it must be assigned a remaining anonymised, any rights granted between the frequency of COPD ex-
Have a question on the COVID-19 outbreak and what you should/should not do? contact, the proximate distance between the randomly generated ID. to them under this protocol shall stand ter- acerbations, or severity of COPD, with
Write to individuals, and the geographical location at Further, the NIC shall, “to the extent rea- minated, and they shall be liable for penal- Covid-19 outcomes.
which the contact occurred. Self-assessment sonable”, document the sharing of any data ties under applicable laws for the time being
data means the responses provided by that and maintain a list of the agencies with in force,” it reads.

New Delhi



Wherever the real power in a Government
lies, there is the danger of oppression.

Living with the virus


In Phase II of epidemic, states must build empirical and
analytic foundations of systems of delivery


Strategiestoexitlockdownmustrely moreon,andrespondmore “WE HAVE TO learn to live with the virus”, the ministry of railways is perhaps over- plestexampleisthathospitalisationandtest-
saidLavAgarwal,jointsecretary,Unionhealth whelmed by the logistics of operating hun- ing of every case may not be feasible.
to,regionalneedsandspecificities ministry, on May 8. Hopefully, this will turn dreds of trains on a new schedule and coor- Managing the disease under these con-

outtobeawatershedmomentinIndia’sfight dinating with regional agencies. straints requires a sound empirical basis.
STHE THIRD phase of the lockdown winds toa close, several states have re- with the corona epidemic. For, it marks the Containment was also destined to fail in Theotherareawhichneedsbetterdesign
portedly argued against a complete easing of restrictions. At a video con- realisation that as the virus spreads across many poor urban neighbourhoods of our isthelogisticsof preparedness.Thisincludes
ference with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday, the chief minis- India, a centralised strategy of containment cities. Extreme densities and irregular hospital beds and their distribution, ambu-
ters of at least four states — Maharashtra, Telangana, Punjab, and West andeliminationisnolongerviable.Thestage dwellingsmadeitimpossibletomaintainso- lance services, public transport, and the pro-
Bengal—wereof theviewthatthelockdownshouldbeextendedbeyondMay17.TheCMs isnowsettomovetothestatesastheyfindef- cial distance. Little surplus at home, depend- vision of basic amenities and welfare serv-
fective ways to manage the epidemic. And in ence on daily wages and frequently chang- ices. Periodic assessments and analysis by
of Chhattisgarh,Bihar,TamilNadu,Karnataka,andAndhraPradeshexpressedreservations
this, it is the community and regional insti- ingschedulescaused mobility and crowding regionalinstitutionswouldensurethatobvi-
abouttheresumptionof passengertrains.Butevenastheyarewaryaboutthevirus—jus- tutions who must play a crucial role. that further aggravated the situation. Finally, ous lacunae are overcome and any shortfalls
tifiably so — the state governments also do not want to lose any time in getting the econ- So far, the welfare costs of the measures poor per capita availability of medical care of equipment or manpower are met in a
omy back on the rails.As Arunachal CM Pema Khandu said: “The fight tocontain the coro- and regulations were weighed against the ledto delays in response. This and the collec- structured manner,throughthesupportand
navirus must not have a compromising effect on the economy”. The two imperatives infinitebenefitsthatwouldaccrueif wewere tive punishment of block quarantinecreated contributionsof communityorganisations.A
might seem conflicting. But the key to resolving the impasse lies in recognising that dif- to eliminate the virus. This provided the jus- bothguiltandstigmathatledmanysympto- dashboard of the key parameters of pre-
tification, at least in the minds of the people, matic patients to delay reporting to the hos- paredness and their live status would instil
ferent states have different needs and demands, and they should be given a greater say
for such measures. The legal basis has been pital. But by then, it was too late. These are confidence and enable collective action.
in decisions on which areas to open up and how after May 17. extremely draconian laws: The infamous problems not of behaviour change but of Sadly, our central network of elite scien-
While announcing the third phase of the lockdown, the Union home ministry allowed Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 and its poor planning and misplaced priorities. tificinstitutionshaslargelybeeninaself-im-
the resumption of economic activities in districts that had not seen a single COVID-19 case amendment, and a very lop-sided interpre- Hopefully, we will now transition into a posed quarantine. Their contributions so far,
inthelastthreeweeksofApril,thegreenzones,permittingmarketstore-open,factoriesand tation of the National Disaster Management more systematic and scientific approach to either in concepts or in methods, have not
industrial units to resume operations, and e-commerce in non-essential items to re-com- Act, 2005. While the Act requires various managing the disease and improve pre- been commensurate with the prestige and
plans to be produced at the national, state paredness at the level of the village and the place that they have in the national ethos.
mence. The ministry also relaxed the lockdown in non-hotspot districts, the orange zones,
and district levels, no such documents are Today’s risk perceptions, city wards. There are several tasks which our They have preferred the safety and security
continuing with stringent restrictions in the districts with high caseload, the red zones. available. In principle, the Act could have scientific agencies need to do. of their campus and old ways of working,
Somestates,notablyPunjabandDelhi,opposedthisdistrict-centredcontainmentapproach taboos and practices have
served to marshal our scientific institutions Thefirstistouncovertheregionalparam- over an opportunity to wrest a place for
attheoutset.Atthelatestvideoconference,theirreservationswereamplified,withseveral into undertaking useful studies. Instead, it arisen from an urban eters of the disease, its prevalence in the themselves and their mofussil brethren, the
otherCMs,acrosspartyaffiliations,addingtheirvoicetothem.PunjabCMAmarinderSingh’s has largely been used by the Centre to issue salaried upper class which community,andtypicaltrajectories.Thiswill regional and state institutions, in the destiny
plea that the authority to slot areas into red, orange and green zones be delegated to states guidelines to the states, and to concentrate can work from home and not help in both clinical and logistical matters. of thenation.Theirmasters,theelitebureau-
powerintothehandsof theelitebureaucracy Thismustbedonethroughcarefuldocumen- cracy, have obliged.
had the backing of BJP-ruled Haryana. And as Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal pointed out, the
and a few central scientific agencies. No re-
from those who need to run tation of the cases, their geographies, their Thus,asweenterPhaseIIof theepidemic,
district-wiseformulaisimpracticalfordensely-populatedareassuchasthecountry’scap- a shop, work in a unit or on a
ports or studies have been cited in most of socio-economic background, and their clin- it is in the interest of the states to build the
ital.Kejriwal’sdemandtodoawaywiththegreen,orange,redzones,andcordonoffonlythe the guidelines issued under this act. The farm. The morbidities of the icalresponse.Asof now,thisdataisnotavail- empiricalandanalyticfoundationof systems
containment areas, found support from his Karnataka counterpart, BJP’s B S Yediyurappa. most recent one, issued on May 9, on re- able. Perhaps, it is not even being recorded. of deliveryandtotalktoeachotherandshare
disease in rural or partly-
A major lesson from the nearly two-month-long battle against the coronavirus is that sumption of manufacturing activities, cre- This analysis would help people under- experiences. It is for us to deepen the scien-
ates a bonanza for factory inspectors.
rural societies may be quite stand the actual risks and mortalities and tific and political understanding of our peo-
the country’s demographic, economic, and cultural diversities do not allow for a one-
size-fits-all approach. Successful strategies to take on the pathogen — for instance, in Containment and elimination is an op- different and behaviour make compliance and participation easier. It ple and to bring them to expect well-rea-
Kerala, Karnataka, Odisha, parts of Rajasthan and Telangana — have relied on and re-
tion for small, well-governed countries with change may need a different will provide the basis for designing village soned arguments and matchingactions,and
considerable technical and financial heft, plan. The analysis would levelguidelinesonreturningmigrants,quar- not merely hope to be beneficiaries of an ex-
sponded to the local officials’ knowledge of regional specificities. The exit strategy should and,thattoo,intheveryinitialstagesof anin- antine rotations and accessing common re- pertocratic administration. The corona epi-
be based on the understanding that these officials are attuned to the situation on the fection. For a country which has not been help in ensuring that sources, for example, drinking water or san- demichasoncemoreshowntheinherentin-
ground. While the Centre could frame the broad principles, micro-planning — including able to provide drinking water to its people, procedures match risks and itation, in times of infection equalityandinstabilityof BigScienceandthe
deciding which areas to open up — should be left to the states. containment is an overreach. It has quickly respect material constraints. Today’sriskperceptions,taboosandprac- inability of the global economy to ensure
exposed our limitations, of poor testing ca- The simplest example is that tices have arisen from an urban salaried up- welfare. It is time that we develop more re-
pacity and poor access to public healthcare perclasswhichcanworkfromhomeandnot gional and more convivial and vernacular
facilities. The logic of containment may also hospitalisation and testing from those who need to run a shop, work in models of managing our societies. The epi-

BUILDING TRUST havebeenoneof thereasonsfortheordealof

our migrant workers. Firstly, they were
forced to stay put. Now, their movement is
of every case may not be
feasible. Managing the
disease under these
a unit or on a farm. The morbidities of the
disease in rural or partly-rural societies may
demic provides us a unique opportunity to
move in this direction.

restricted by a scientific bureaucracy which need a different plan. The analysis would The writer is with Centre for Technology
The new guidelines for data handling in Aarogya Setu system are is unable to test them or move them. There constraints requires a sound helpinensuringthatproceduresmatchrisks Alternatives for Rural Areas, IIT Bombay. He
a welcome first step. Supporting legislation must follow just aren’t enough tests to go around. Also, empirical basis. and respect material constraints. The sim- is currently on deputation to IIT Goa

ROM CLAIMING THAT the Aarogya Setu app is unhackable, to suggesting that
it must be the safest app ever because millions are downloading it — they
are compelled to, actually — to issuing fresh guidelines to safeguard the pri-


vacy of users, the government has come a long way, tacitly acknowledging the
trust deficit and the need to address it. Trust is an essential ingredient for the success
of Aarogya Setu in helping to contain the pandemic, because it must acquire a critical
mass of users to be of any use. On Monday, an order by the empowered group on tech-
nology and data management, set up by the national executive of the Disaster
Management Act, established the protocol for handling data by the various bodies in- What stories will we tell of this pandemic? Who will be allowed to tell them?
volved in the management of the COVID-19 outbreak. Outside that circle, the data may
be shared only with the research community in anonymised form. Breaches will at-
tract penalties according to relevant sections of the Disaster Management Act, besides
Amrita Dutta
other applicable laws. “ARE YOU keeping records of the way your voices; we swim, especially in this country ing but one claim on the city they had
The government has fixed security flaws in data handling detected by a French white hearts and minds are reacting to this of a billion, in a river of people. This stifling helped build with their labour: Send us
hat hacker, limited the purpose of data collection to dealing with the pandemic, and re- strange new way of living?” In a letter to uneasewehavebeenluggingaround,locked home. Since the 1990s, the dream of an as-
stricted the types of data which may be collected and the period for which it may be held. his students, the American novelist George in homes we are lucky to possess, is also a piring metropolitan India has been a daz-
And crucially, by promising punitive measures, the order sets to rest public anxieties Saunders urges them to pay attention to longing for others. For the lives of others, zling, exponential graph, making even our
the world and themselves, as it lurches to a their gaze that holds us in shape, the public cinema turn away from the tales of the poor.
about privacy. Problems about technology are not adequately addressed by technology
bewildering halt. To see, as writers and sphere that gives the private corner mean- But the countless images of men and
— by claiming that software is hacker-proof, for instance. It is best addressed by the law, artistes can, the invisible inches by which ing. It reminds me of a question once posed women, abandoned by the state, walking
by the certainty of liability and the penalties thereby attracted. we rearrange the deepest parts of our lives, toRamanaMaharishi.“Howdowetreatoth- hundreds of kilometres away from the hos-
But perhaps this order should be read as a first step towards a law, as a letter of in- how we get turned into history’s play- ers?” His reply: “There are no others.” tile city, hiding themselves in trucks and ce-
tent rather than a compact. Justice BN Srikrishna, who headed the committee which things. So, what are the stories we will tell The coronavirus has underlined this in- ment mixers, following the compass of rail
had produced the first draft of the Personal Data Protection Bill, has pointed out that of this pandemic? terconnected-ness of human life. It has also tracks to a cruel death is the most damning
the order is not lawful — supportive legislation is required by Aarogya Setu, rather than By freezing up the world, the novel coro- dangled a test: Do we choose solidarity or evidence of inequality to confront us since
navirus has made us look at it anew. Like the The countless images of men suspicion? In India, the muscle memory of liberalisation. Who will tell the stories of
merely an order by the executive. On May 1, the ministry of home affairs had made the
sudden views of the Himalayas from and women, abandoned by castesuperiorityhaskickedin,makingiteas- this pandemic? For, which stories are told,
app mandatory for employees in the public and private sector, and in government. Saharanpur or Jalandhar, we unfog our eyes ier to suspect, police and distance the less- and which matter, is a function of power. It
Local authorities were urged to secure complete coverage in containment zones. The and look at the architecture of our lives.
the state, walking hundreds privileged. History will also remember this is that power that has made the city’s voice
Noida police then extended it to everyone, threatening imprisonment and fines for Workingfromhome,wenowexperiencethe of kilometres away from the as a time when the Hindutva project of turn- heard over the village and the kasba, the na-
non-compliance. These may be emergency interventions, but the app now requires mountain of work at home — never consid- hostile city, hiding ing Muslim citizens into second-class sub- tional over the provincial. A hobbled, angry
legislative backing. In the absence of an underlying law, it would remain vulnerable to ered real work, because women can be paid themselves in trucks and jects, and re-imagining them as uber-out- state speaks for the poor but will not factor
a pittance (or not) to do it. The cult of pro- castes, did not pause for a public health their needs while planning a national shut-
legal challenge.
ductivity is suddenly shamefaced. In this
cement mixers, following the emergency but gathered pace. What will down. It is also the privilege of people like us
pause,weputonmusic,watchfilms,seechil- compass of rail tracks to a emerge on the other side of this animus? that allows us to see migrant workers only
dren calm themselves as they paint — the cruel death is the most It wasn’t just lofty mountain ranges that as benighted victims.

BCCI WON’T artsandartistssteppingintoheal,aswewait

to emerge on the other side.
Not blessed with a writer’s serendipity, I
damning evidence of
inequality to confront us
swam into view in this upheaval. Gazing
down from dizzying heights, several drone
cameras brought us visuals of empty me-
When history accounts for this great ex-
odus, it will see the uncommon resilience,
dignity and agency of lakhs of workers, who
canseeonlyasfarasghostly,emptiedstreets. since liberalisation. Who tropolises, drained of its people, noise and choseapath— as allheroichumansdointhe
Pointing to the pandemic, the world’s richest
Out on a grocery run, my eyes seek out will tell the stories of this squalor. It was a fantasy, like all top-down faceof greatadversity—evenif itleadstothe
cricket board has shut the coffers strangers, a pang of joy at the sight of fellow pandemic? For, which stories views tend to be — especially for the middle unknown.Willwelistentothesestorytellers

humans — after weeks of lockdown, panic class, which had retreated into apartment of the pandemic?
IXTEEN-YEAR-OLD CRICKETER SIDAK Singh is sheepish about taking calls from has given way to this hunger. We live and are told, and which matter, is complexes and behind N95 masks. On the
his family as he dreads the moment when they ask him if he has received the think surrounded by the hum of other a function of power. ground, the invisibles had emerged, mak-
outstanding dues from the Indian cricket board. In these COVID-stricken times,
with his father’s cloth business under threat, it’s his money the family depends
on to tide over the crisis. Twenty-eight-year-old Harpreet Bhatia, captain of Chhattisgarh
Ranji team, awaits the arrears of players’ shares from Indian cricket’s annual earnings.
Bhatiaisjustoneof the950first-classcricketerscoopedupathome,waitingforsomegood MAY 13, 1980, FORTY YEARS AGO
news. Forget the accumulated money from the revenue pie, several first-class cricketers
haven’t got their last season’s match fees yet. Several umpires and other match officials AASU TALKS intherunoff roundof theIranianparliamen- est commodity. Here, the women of Patha
still await their dues from games held in January, February, and March. Welcome to the THE ALL-ASSAM STUDENTS Union presi- tary election, Teheran radio said. Ayatollah villages find a pitcher of water dearer than
lockdown, where the world’s richest cricket board has shut the coffers. dent, Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, said that the Ruhollah Khomeini appeared to be tighten- their husbands. “Gagariya na phoote khasam
AASU was always prepared to hold negotia- ing controls over the military and the press. mari jaaye”isafolklorewhichtranslatedinto
The official reason given by the BCCI is the nationwide lockdown to contain the pan-
tions with the prime minister or any repre- The Iranian revolutionary leader has said the English means“thehusband maydie butthe
demic. But it doesn’t explain why players, umpires and referees have been waiting for up sentative of the Centre to find a solution to new parliament will decide fate of the pitcher of water should not break”. The
to three years for their earnings and rightful share of the revenue. Many haven’t got any- the foreigners issue. He, however, said any American hostages. Many Islamic women have to go as far as 10 km to get a
thing from the beginning of 2020. Most players are wary and embarrassed to raise the is- meaningful talks must be preceded by with- Republicans say that the captives should go pitcher of water. In the villages of Rukma,
sue. But in these vulnerable times, several cricketers, especially the juniors and those in drawal of all repressive measure. He reiter- on trial as spies if the deposed Shah Daderi, Baberu, Mau, and others, even the
domestic cricket, are coughing politely. ated that the current agitation in Assam was MohammadRezaPahlavi,inexileinEgypt,is dead have to go without their traditional last
directedsolelyagainstforeignersandnotany not returned to Iran to face charges of mur- rites. So acute is the water crisis that instead
These players can’t work from home, and a nagging apprehension about the future is
religious or linguistic group. der and corruption. of bathing the body, the village people just
descendingonthem.SachinTendulkarhasrecentlytoldthisnewspaperthathehopesthe open the person’s mouth and put in a few
BCCIwouldhaveanopenmindinhelpingoutthosecountrieswhichhavebeenfinancially IRAN HARDLINERS WIN DRY BANDA drops of water. The large number of tanks
worst hit by the COVID crisis. It’s a good sentiment, but the first step should start at home THE ISLAMIC REPUBLICAN Party and its IN THIS PARCHED land of the Bundelkhand thathadbeendeepenedinBandainthehope
— not as an act of charity, but as acknowledgement of a right. hardline clerical allies have won a majority region, Banda, water has become the dear- that rains would fill them are dry.

New Delhi



Taxpayers have a right to know how and where their money is being spent in the
efforts to buy ventilators, masks and other essential supplies... While the work
of government continues, citizens are losing a fundamental right to
transparency. That’s a threat to good government and democracy.

Dear fellow parents and teachers The Kerala

The‘boislockerroom’incidenthasunderlinedanimportantlesson: Weneedtoactnow,nudge
of discussion worldwide — on TV chan-
nels and in mainstream newspapers of all
Simantini Ghosh ideological persuasions, and in seminar
We say in a lighter vein that Kerala
I WRITE TO all of you today in anguish and consumes a heavy dose of politics. Indeed,
fear in the wake of the “Bois locker room” in- politics pervades all aspects of life in the
cident. I am scared as a mother of a six-year- state. A positive aspect of this is that there
old boy. I am scared for children irrespective John Brittas is a close interconnect between the layers
of gender.Iamafraidthatif wedon’tactnow, of administration and people. Real-time
a few years later, my son, any of our sons, auditing, which becomes handy when
could be in such a group degrading their fe- KERALA IS an outlier among other Indian mammoth exercises, like fighting a pan-
male peers. states in terms of social indices and its suc- demic, is in place in the state.
Parents and teachers need to wake up to cess is often touted as an “experience” or The Left has always been decried for
two deeply disturbing yet pervasive truths. a “lesson”. The Kerala story has been its redistribution-oriented economic
One is cyberbullying, which is recognised to widely talked about even by scholars such model and blamed for its “skewed” nur-
causedepression,anxietyandextremestress as Amartya Sen. There is a renewed sense turing of the public sector. The Left
verysimilartoreal-lifestressfulevents.Inthe of pride among a large section of people Democratic Front governments have al-
lockerroomincident,cyberbullyingintersects in Kerala that the state’s social indicators ways laid emphasis on public education
withviolenceagainstwomen,unfortunately are at par with those of Nordic countries and public health. Official numbers from
also quite familiar in India. and that the state has outsmarted even the period — whenever the Left has been
India does a splendid job of telling its rich Western countries in combating in office — confirm a preference for state-
women to cover themselves up and make COVID-19. run institutions over private enterprises.
themselvesinvisibleoutsidetheirhomes.We How is it that Kerala could effectively Since people have gained massively from
routinely shame survivors of violence while C R Sasikumar combat COVID-19 when the world at large such measures, even the rival political for-
perpetratorsgofree.Womenarebinarisedto not abuse women. Asparents,howdowehaltthistoxicmas- appeared ill-prepared to respond to this mation would not dilute the Left’s people-
good women, who don’t cross boundaries All the boys so far connected to the group culinity that is devouring our boys, and health emergency? Kerala has the lowest centric policies for fear of a popular back-
thrust upon them, and bad women, who arefromfourorfiveeliteschoolsof DelhiNCR throughthemcausingirreparabledamageto mortality rate as well as the highest recov- lash when it is elected to office.
don’t conform, and violence against them is and Noida and purportedly hail from edu- girls? We cannot simply mark the boys in- ery rate with respect to coronavirus infec- The message from Kerala is that the
legitimisedbyframingitasapunishmentfor cated,socioeconomicallywell-to-dofamilies. volved as deviants, mark them for punish- tions. The initial statistical projection of world should be prodded to do business
their transgressions. Contrarily, a large body of evidence suggests ment,andmoveon.Everymajorrapecasein cases and deaths became redundant due in the state, especially in sectors such as
This is also reflected in cyberspace. social privilege and power confers entitle- India is followed by a public outcry to hang to the organic method adopted by Kerala. tourism, hospitality, education, health,
Outspokenwomenarenaturaltargetsof sex- mentandimpunityinIndiansocialstructures. therapist.Andhungtheyhave.Rapeaccused The number of tests conducted in Kerala is biotechnology and IT. Kerala’s weather,
ually-charged threats online. Most women The brazen casualness with which sexual vi- beenkilledinpoliceencounters.Yetdatahas just 10 per cent of the figures for countries friendly people, stable law and order are
can testify to personal experiences of online olence is bandied around is likely a product consistently shown that the death penalty such as the US. But aggressive contact trac- clearly pluses for investors. There are mil-
sexual harassment, sometimes serially. of these. does nothing to reduce violence against ing and keeping a large number of people lions of people across the world who are
Despitetheperpetratorsbeingrepeatoffend- Second, boys will be boys. Or, blame it on women anywhere, anytime. Since India al- under observation helped Kerala in pre- curious about this small patch of land and
ers, the usual recourse left to the victims is to testosterone. lowedthedeathpenaltyincaseof rapes/gang venting community spread. Ninety per they can be induced to have an interface
remove themselves from the groups and Yes, testosterone has been linked with rapesinvolvingminors,theyhavebeenrather cent of the positive cases were detected with state. Moreover, the entrepreneur-
communities. The perpetrators are seldom male aggression. Male aggression is a hall- liberally doled out in lower courts. among people who were kept under ship of those Malayalis who would be re-
held accountable for their actions after ha- mark of primate societies like chimpanzees, However, the recent incident is yet an- observation. turning with vast expertise and experi-
rassingmultiplewomen,insteadareenabled our closest ancestors whose social interac- other demonstration, the problem does not Comparative analysis will invariably ence, can be channelised for productive
by benevolent community members, who tionsarerifewithviolenceagainstfemalesby end with hanging the “othered” rapist, be- become the premise for understanding purposes. Take the tourism sector. If each
somehow seem to consider rape threats and malesandalphadominance.However,genet- causerapeliveswithinus.Oursocietyenables the experiences of various countries. The Malayali brings one tourist home, the loss
jokes to women as affable and harmless fun. ically speaking, we are equally similar to an- itandpermitsit,andpassivesilencestrength- experiences of New York and Kerala are the state suffered on account of the pan-
Unless one experiences it first-hand, it is other group of primates — the bonobos, who ens rape culture. This is rape culture, full and compared to highlight the stark difference demic can be compensated to a large ex-
hard to understand the extent of damage re- haveafeministandegalitariansociety.So,the frontal. in the approach of two systems. The pop- tent.
lentless virtual harassment can inflict. idea that violence is hard-wired in human Two approaches are urgently needed. ulation of Kerala is 33 million whereas It is not an exaggeration to say that
Womenwhohaveirkedthereligious/nation- males is deeply flawed. Gender and sex education should be made that of New York is 19 million. The per Malayalis get an adrenaline rush during a
alist right have suffered sustained violent Behaviourisdeterminedbyaninteraction part of the primary school curriculum. capita income of Kerala is $2,937 while crisis and plunge into humanitarian ef-
threatsof lynching,rapeanddeath.Trollsusu- of biology and environment. About 12,000 Schoolsneedtourgentlyconductcyber-bul- that of New York state is $88,981. There forts. But he or she often squanders op-
allyoutcompeteeachothertryingtodescribe years of cultural and cognitive evolution has lying, gender sensitisation and gendered- are 1.8 hospital beds for every 1,000 peo- portunities to make the state proud on
innovative ways deviant women should be to be accounted for when it comes to social abuseworkshopswithparents,teachersand ple in Kerala whereas the corresponding normal occasions. This is another Kerala
mutilated and violated for the opinions they behaviour. students regularly. I entreat especially the figure for New York is 3.1 beds. Kerala has paradox! The Malayali has a penchant to
dare to express. By and large, Indians on so- Adolescencealonecannotexplainthecal- parentsof boystoabolishthesenseof entitle- 1.7 doctors per 1,000 persons, New York dwell on controversies, which often result
cial media have adapted and learned to take lousness that is evident in the screenshots. mentwhichiscommontoeveryIndianmale is credited with 3.8 doctors. However, the in administrators and decision-makers
this in their stride. Despite increasing media These adolescents could not have been insu- child. Rather than telling our girls to stay total corona positive cases in Kerala as on wasting their time over trivial matters.
coverage,actualactionstakenagainstperpe- lated from the media coverage around high- home andcover themselves up,tellour boys May 11 was 512 and the state had reported Paul Antony, a former chief secretary of
trators are few and far in between. The onus profile rape cases or violent crimes commit- not to rape. We should teach children the just four deaths. On the corresponding Kerala, once said the only industry that
is on women to steer clear of trouble or face tedagainstIndianwomen.Thattheyconverse meaningof consent.Allof theabovewillstill date, New York had over 3.4 lakh corona was thriving in the state was that of con-
the music. socasuallyaboutsexualviolenceandexpress fail if parents do not lead by example. Indian positive cases with more than 27,000 troversy!
The public outrage in this instance is suchrabidmisogyny,whenconversationsare men have largely not grown up witnessing deaths. The credit should go to Kerala’s ro- Kerala cannot afford to the miss new
probably because no one expected educated exploding all around about gender and con- All the boys so far connected any form of gender equity, rather the oppo- bust local governance, effective social opportunities coming its way in this fast-
boys from the best city schools to act like in- sent is even more alarming. to the group are from four or site.Childrenlearnbyimprintingandmodel- structure and well-knit multi-layered changing world unless it wants to miss the
ternet trolls. Whether it is a rational assump- Third, what is the problem with a bit of ling behaviours they see in adults around public health structure. The state may be bus of progress and development. Late US
tion will probably stay unasked. There is also good harmless fun? five elite schools of Delhi them.Itiscrucialtobreakgenderstereotypes a laggard in industrial production, but its President John F Kennedy is reported to
some effort to explain away such behaviour Wrong question. Here are a few better NCR and Noida and if respect across genders is to be fostered in human development indices are stellar. have said: “The Chinese use two brush
as displays of teenage desire. Since sociobi- ones.Howisbrutalviolencesupposedtoelicit purportedly hail from children. Stereotyping creates precisely the The world is once again discussing the strokes to write the word‘crisis’. One brush
ology became fashionable in the 1960s, a lot fun, and how exactly is it harmless? Has any- educated, socioeconomically hierarchyinthefamily,wherethepositionof Kerala story. It has acquired a halo thanks stroke stands for danger; the other for op-
of research effort was directed to explain vi- one tried to assess the trauma of the women one gender subsumes the other. to its efficiency and resilience in success- portunity.Inacrisis,beawareof thedanger
olent behaviour by biological determinism. whosepictureshavebeenused?Wheredoes well-to-do families. Mysincerehope,asauniversityeducator, fully battling infectious diseases and nat- —butrecognisetheopportunity.”Kennedy
Testosterone, the warrior gene, the super this sort of entitlement on female bodies Contrarily, a large body of citizen and parent is that we will take our ural calamities over successive years. In mayhavemisunderstoodtheChinesechar-
male,allreceiveddisproportionatemediaat- come from? What makes one so utterly and evidence suggests social share of responsibility for this collective fail- recent years, the state government, in acters, but Kerala should lean on the sec-
tention and most were later disproved, ei- wilfullyignorantof consent?Howcansome- ure.Weneedtoactnow,nudgepolicymakers, close collaboration with its people, man- ond brush stroke he spoke about and turn
privilege and power confers
ther partially or fully, by more careful, con- oneimaginebrutallyviolatingapeerhemight and schools, to ensure that our children re- aged to minimise human and economic the present adversity into opportunity.
trolled research. But in popular have known for months and derive pleasure entitlement and impunity in ceivegendereducationfromearlyon.Unless losses due to floods, the Nipah virus out-
consciousness, testosterone became one out of it? Have we normalised violence Indian social structures. The weacknowledgetheflourishingrapeculture break and now the COVID-19 pandemic. The writer is managing director of Kairali
with violent male aggression, especially if it against women to this extent that we now brazen casualness with all around, safety and dignity will be a long Unsurprisingly, the results have attracted TV, and media advisor to the Chief
was sexually fuelled. add planning of gangrapes on women to ac- way off for Indian women. worldwide attention. Kerala is now a topic Minister of Kerala
Let us explore a few popular myths, and ceptable discussion topics in Boys’ Locker
which sexual violence is
weigh them against factual evidence. Rooms?Isthishowweplantofosterfraterni- bandied around is likely a The writer is assistant professor of
First,educatedboysfromgoodfamiliesdo ties and coming of age rituals? product of these. psychology, Ashoka University


Science with heritage

THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Don’t call IDEAS
it reform’ (IE, May 12). It rightly points
out the so-called reform in labour laws
that industry and government want to
NDA government is trying to align Ayurveda with modern knowledge implement. This approach will deni- ONLY IN THE EXPRESS
grate the life of the true nation builders
Balendu Prakash — workers. In fact, some industries
mete out cruel treatment to workers,
particularly in the unorganised sector.
AYURVEDA SHOULD have become the fore- COVID-19, PM Modi has highlighted the doubled to Rs 2,122 crore 2020-21. and 2000, is being implemented after 20 Abysmal wages and overwork in unhy- ● REIMAGININGWORK
runner of India’s great medical heritage, but beneficial impacts of ayurvedic practices on The All India Institute of Medical years. This treatment has been found to be gienic, unsafe conditions make the life
we started despising our culture, heritage, the immune system. These practices pre- Sciences (AIIMS) was established in Delhi an effective cure for acute of employees unbearable. Any move to
and scientific traditions. As a result, people pare the body to take on this serious disease in 1956. Before Modi became PM, there was promyelocytic leukaemia, a type of blood increase working hours will take a toll GITANJALI PRASAD
in the country lost their connection with without causing any side effect. Modi de- no dedicated space for ayurveda sciences cancer. on employees’ mental and physical
nature — ayurveda went away from us. For serves praise for taking yoga into people’s in the AIIMS campus. The Modi government PM Modi has also made his intentions health. Governments should not take
many years, when India wasn’t free, numer- homes — he should also be lauded for bring- established the All India Ayurveda Institute clear in the latest episode of Mann Ki Baat. any hasty decisions on labour laws.
ous attempts were made to destroy the ing ayurveda into the limelight. at a cost of Rs 157 crore in an area of about His efforts have created awareness among Sarjerao Narwade, Sangli
country’s cultural heritage. In reviving ayurveda, PM Modi has tried 10.015 acres in Delhi — this has given the people about ayurveda. The prime minis-
But even after Independence, successive to make it more scientific and employment- discipline a distinct identity. ter has also encouraged the practitioners of
governments did not give special attention oriented. The Department of Ayurveda, The efforts of saints and scholars of ayurveda to combine the fundamental prin- THISREFERSTOthearticle,‘Anolderin-
to ayurveda. After the Narendra Modi gov- Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and ayurveda did push the previous govern- ciples of the system with some of the diag- THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Back on justice’ (IE May 12). Even though there
ernment assumed office, the task of reviv- Homoeopathy (AYUSH) became a full- ments to establish the department of Indian nostic methods and standards of modern the rails’ (IE, May 12). The recent are 41 million migrant labourers in
ing this system of knowledge got a new fledged ministry in 2014. Modi’s efforts System of Medicine under the Union min- medical science. This will undoubtedly cre- resumptionof passengertrains is astep India,themediaseldomhighlightstheir
lease of life. The Centre has undertaken sev- have led to June 21 being declared as the istry of health. Posts up to the level of sec- ate many employment opportunities. in the right direction as the railways are issues on a regular basis. Little is being
eral initiatives in this respect. International Yoga Day. In 2016, the AYUSH retary were also created for the department. The teachings of Swami Vivekananda thelifelineof ournation.Butastheprice done to alleviate their suffering, caused
Ayurveda is not just a medical system, it ministry declared Dhanteras, Dhanvantari But it was never accorded the same impor- have left an indelible mark on PM Modi. of fuel in the international market has by the lockdown. The main problem is
is a manifestation of our symbiotic relation- Pujan, celebrated a day before Diwali, as tance as modern medicine. Swamiji wanted India to become a world decreased dramatically, the fact that our collective failure to see them as hu-
ship with nature. It has helped cure serious Ayurveda Day. PM Modi appointed an ayurvedic doc- guru. By supporting ayurveda, and reiter- train fares have not come down in man beings with dignity and inalien-
diseases and many foreign companies have Previous governments treated Ayurveda tor in place of an IAS officer as secretary of ating its importance in the fight against the proportion is disappointing. Given that able rights. In normal times, we conve-
patented important ingredients used in in a step-motherly manner. The budget for AYUSH. The result of his visionary and pandemic and other diseases, PM Modi has the common man is suffering from a niently view them through the lens of
ayurvedic remedies. But they have intro- the development, promotion and dissemi- courageous decision has been extraordi- taken important steps to fulfill shortage of funds due to the economic being cheap labour, remittance
duced these ingredients to the world with- nation of ayurveda was negligible com- nary. Rajesh Kotecha established new stan- Vivekananda’s vision. We wish him and all crisis brought on by COVID-19, their providers, and perpetrators of crime.
out acknowledging ayurveda. In the pared to that for the modern system of dards in education, medicine, and research of us a prosperous, proud, and empowered mobility should be enabled, not made The first step in ending their present
process, many such remedies have gone out medicine. But the Modi-led NDA govern- of ayurveda. His efforts have ensured that India. unaffordable. This will only help the misery is to recognise them as our less
of our reach. ment has ensured adequate funding to the the project for the scientific development economy. fortunate brothers and sisters.
In his messages to the country, during AYUSH ministry. The budget for AYUSH, of Rasaushadhi, developed by my late The writer is an Ayurveda practitioner. Aamil Lodhi, Gandhinagar Sunil Macwan, Ahmedabad
the course of the nation’s battle against only Rs 1,069 crore in 2014-15, has almost father Chandra Prakash between 1997 He was awarded the Padma Shri in 1999

New Delhi
U.P.R.V.U.N.L. TENDER NOTICE HARDUA- construction of room at HTPS, Kasimpur, are required to be registered with U.P. submission activity. 19- E-Tender Notice No. ´fdV¨f¸ffa¨f»f d½fôb°f
Rajasthan State Road Development And Construction Corporation Ltd., JAIPUR.
No. NIT/2020-21/769-78 Date: 11.05.2020
GANJ THERMAL POWER STATION Aligarh, (U.P.)”. Estimated cost 14.55 Lac, Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, E T- 3 0 / B M D - I / D T P S / O & M C - I I / 1 9 - 2 0 , BÊ-d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff Àfa£¹ff 015/ 20-21
SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER, OPERA- Earnest money 30,000.00, E-Tender cost Rs. Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- “Overhauling work of HP/LP valves and safe- d½f°fSX¯f d³f¦f¸f d»f. d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f I f¹fûË IZ d»fE IZÔ ýi/ Sfª¹f ÀfSI fS IZ Ad·f¹ffadÂfI e d½f·ff¦fûÔ õfSf ´faªfeIÈ °f E½fa A³fb·f½fe Àfa½fZQI ûÔ ÀfZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ BÊ-´fiû¢¹fcS ¸fZÔM
´fidIi ¹ff WZ °fb Afg³f»ffBʳf d³fd½fQf¹fZa Af¸fadÂf°f I e ªff°fe W` :-
HTPS, KASIMPUR 1. E-Tender Notice No.
1500.00+270 GST( 18%) = Rs. 1770.00.
Tender extended date extended Last date
ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must
also be registered with their Digital Signature
ty valves of Unit # 8 ‘D’ TPS, Kasimpur” for a
period of one year” for a period of one year”
d½f¢MXûdSX¹ff ´ffIÊY, ¸fZSXNX IYf¹fÊ IYf d½f½fSX¯f A³fb¸ffd³f°f SXfdVf (÷Y.)
Construction of Court Complex at Shahpura, Jaipur. UBN: RRC2021WLOB00025 579.42 Lac
ET-13/O&MC-I/OG&CD/DTPS/HTPS/2019- and time for submission of e-bid Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, under BMD-I ‘D’ TPS, Harduaganj Thermal d°fd±f d½fÀ°ffSX Àfc¨f³ff BÀf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f õfSf Construction of Court Building for CJ & JM and ACJ & JM, Phagi. Distt. Jaipur. 254.84 Lac
20, (Tender Id: 2020_RVUNL _ 441604_1) 15.06.2020 up to after that the bidder can participate in bid Power Station” Estimated Cost Rs. Af¸fadÂf°f I e ¦f¹fe A»´fI f»fe³f BÊ-d³fd½fQf UBN: RRC2021WSOB00024
Name of Work: “Round the clock operation, 14:00 Hrs., e-bid extended date/time for submission activity. 14- E-Tender Notice No. Afg³f»ffBʳf d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf OfC³f»fûO I S³fZ I e A½fd²f dQ³ffaI 08.05.2020 ´fif°f: 09.00 ¶fªfZ ÀfZ 28.05.2020 Àff¹fa 6.00 ¶fªfZ °fI
3,29,000.00, Earnest Money Rs. 6,600.00, Àfa£¹ff 07 ½f 08/ d½f. I f¹fÊVff»ff ¸fa./ ¸fZS N/ d³fd½fQf ÀfZ Àfa¶fad²f°f Àf¸fÀ°f d½f½fS¯f E½fa ÀfaVfû²f³f ½fZ¶fÀffBÊM, °f±ff
daily Routine & preventive and Breakdown Opening (Part-I) 16.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. or E T- 1 8 / B M D - I / D T P S / O & M C - I I / 1 9 - 2 0 ,
maintenance of Chlorination plant OG&CD, later. Time of Completion- 06 Month. 7. “Deputation of supervisory services person-
Cost of Tender document Rs. 300.00 + 54.00 2020-21, ªfû dQ³ffaI 11.05.2020 I û ´fS QZJf ªff ÀfI °ff W` Ü B¨Lb I Àfa½fZQI ûÔ I û A´f³fZ dOdªfM»f WÀ°ffÃfS IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ ½fZ¶fÀffBÊM
(GST) = Rs. 354.00 Extended date of open- Jû»fe ªff³fe ´fiÀ°ffd½f°f ±fe, I e d°fd±f A´fdSWf¹fÊ ´fS SdªfÀMOÊ I S½ff³ff Af½fV¹fI W` Ü ¸fWXf´fi¶fa²fIY
DTPS, HTPS Kasimpur.” for a period of one Tender No. 72/ECMC/ECMD-II/HTPS/2019- nel (Ex-BHEL) for supervision during over-
ing are as below:- Due date of Submission of
year Estimated Cost: 9,52,736.00 (Rs. Nine 20, Name of work “Providing & replacement hauling work of Boiler Pressure Part, HP/LP I fS¯fûÔ ÀfZ dQ³ffaI 23.05.2020 °fI d½fÀ°ffdS°f
e-Bid (Technical & Financial) at e-procure-
Lakh Fifty Two Thousand Seven Hundred of False Ceiling and making partition above valves including Safety Valves, APH & ESP
ment website : I e ªff°fe W` Ü d³fd½fQf d½fdÄf´°f I e A³¹f d³f¹f¸f
Thirty Six Only), Earnest Money: Rs. false Ceiling in U.C.R. of 2x250 MW, HTPS, during overhauling of Unit # 8, 2x250MW, E½fa Vf°fZË A´fdS½f°fʳfe¹f SWZ¦feÜ A²feÃf¯f
19,000.00 (Rs. Nineteen Thousand Only), Kasimpur, Aligarh, (U.P.)”. Estimated cost HTPS (Extn), Aligarh” for a period of one 30.05.2020 upto 14:00 Hrs., Due date of
Tender Cost: Rs. 1180.00, Extended due 28.94 Lac, Earnest money 58,000.00, E- year” under BMD-I ‘D’ TPS, Harduaganj depositing Tender Cost through RTGS (in the Ad·f¹f³°ff, d½fô°bf IYf¹fVÊff»ff ¸f¯OX»f,
date of Submission of e-Bid (Technical & Tender cost Rs. 2900.00+522 GST (18%) = Thermal Power Station” Estimated Cost Rs. HTPS account) & Earnest Money through ´f.d½f.d½f.d³f.d»f. ¸fSZXNX, ´fÂffIaY 933/ d½f.
Financial) at e-procurement website Rs. 3422.00. Tender extended date extended 6,15,000.00, Earnest Money Rs. 12,300.00, RTGS (in the HTPS account)/B.G.: IYf¹fVÊff»ff ¸f.a/ ¸fSZXNX, dQ³ffIaY 12.05.2020 : 26.05.2020 upto Last date and time for submission of e-bid Cost of Tender document Rs. 500.00 +90.00 30.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of
14:00 Hrs., Extended due date of Submission 26.05.2020 up to (GST) = Rs. 590.00 Extended date of tender submission of hard copy of all the requisite
of Hard Copy of all the requisite documents, 14:00 Hrs., e-bid extended date/time for are as below:-Due date of Submission of e- documents in the office of undersigned:
in the office of Undersigned: 28.05.2020 up to Opening (Part-I) 27.05.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. or Bid (Technical & Financial) at e-procurement 01.06.2020, Tender Opening Date: Part–I
14:00 Hrs. Tender shall be opened on later. Time of Completion- 12 Month. 8. website : 01.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: 1- The details
Extended date: Part–A: 28.05.2020 at 16:00 Tender No. 77 /ECMC/ECMD-II/HTPS/2019- 30.05.2020 upto 14:00 Hrs., Due date of for submission of bids are available w.e.f.
Hrs. and Part-B: shall be intimated later. 20, Name of work “SUPPLY & SERVING OF depositing Tender Cost through RTGS (in the 11.01.2020 at 09:00 Hrs. in the bid document
NOTE: (1) The details for submission of bids TEA ETC. IN CONFERENCE ROOM in HTPS account) & Earnest Money through uploaded on the e-procurement website:
are available in the bid document uploaded 2X250 MW HTPS, KASIMPUR”. Estimated RTGS (in the HTPS account)/B.G.: 2- The bidders are
on the e-procurement website: cost 4.58 Lac, Earnest money 9,000.00, E- 30.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of required to be registered with U.P. (2) The bidders are Tender cost Rs. 500.00+90 GST( 18%) = Rs. submission of hard copy of all the requisite Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg,
required to be registered with U.P. 590.00. Tender extended date extended Last documents in the office of undersigned: Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par-
Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, date and time for submission of e-bid 01.06.2020, Tender Opening Date: Part–I ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must
Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- 11.06.2020 up to 01.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: 1- The details also be registered with their Digital Signature
ticipation in the e-Tendering. The bidder must 14:00 Hrs., e-bid extended date/time for for submission of bids are available w.e.f.
Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system,
also be registered with their Digital Signature Opening (Part-I) 12.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. or 24.10.2019 at 17:00 Hrs. in the bid document
after that the bidder can participate in bid
Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, later. Time of Completion- 12 Month. 9. uploaded on the e-procurement website:
submission activity. Superintending
after that the bidder can participate in bid E.Tender No. 78/ECMC/ECMD-II/HTPS/ 2- The bidders are
submission activity. 2. E-Tender Notice No. 2019-20, Name of work- “SWEEPING/ required to be registered with U.P. Engineer, MMC, HTPS, Kasimpur (Aligarh)
ET-14/O&MC-I/OG&CD/DTPS/HTPS/2019- CLEANING OF OFFICE AND TOILETS OF Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, 20- Tender No. & Name of Division: SET-
20, (Tender Id: 2020_RVUNL _ 441626_1) ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING, ACCOUNT Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- 22/MMC/EPD/CTPS/HTPS/2020, Name of
Supply: Procurement of batteries for TMD-
Name of Work: “Works of Laying of BUILDING AND SAFTY AND TRANSPORT ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must
Acid/Alkali resistance bricks/Tiles including DIVISISION BUILDING OUT SIDE POWER also be registered with their Digital Signature CTPS and EMD-lll,HTPS,Kasimpur SHER-I-KASHMIR INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, SOURA
Estimated cost: Rs 1,15,882.00, Earnest
Pointing with edge preparation, mastic lining HOUSE & CLEANING, SWEEPING OF Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system,
money: Rs. 2500.00 , Tender cost: Rs 118.00
etc. & all other related works in Neutralizing ROADS INCLUDING SIDE PATTERIES, after that the bidder can participate in bid
Pit & H2SO4 unloading area of DM plant, dur- REMOVAL OF VEGETATION, DISPOSAL submission activity. 15- Tender No. ET- ,Extended Last Date of submission of E-bid: BEMINA & SKIMS, SOURA, SRINAGAR
ing overhauling of Unit # 8 & 9 of HTPS, OF MALWA & RUBBISH HTPS KASIMPUR, 19/BMD-II/DTPS/O&MC-II/19-20, Name of 27.05.2020, Tender shall be opened on Tel.: 0194-2402617, Ext.: 2159, E-mail:
Kasimpur” Estimated Cost: Rs. 14,53,212.00 ALIGARH, (U.P.)”. Estimated cost 6.33 Lac, Work: “Deputation of supervisory services Extended date: 28.05.2020 (Part-I)
(Rs. Fourteen Lakh Fifty Three Thousand Earnest money 13000.00, Tender cost personnel (Ex-BHEL) for the supervision of ,29.05.2020 (Part-II) E-Tender ID Re-01
Two Hundred Twelve Only), Earnest Money:
Rs. 29,000.00 (Rs. Twenty Nine Thousand
Rs.600.00+108.00 GST( 18%) = Rs. 708.00.
Tender extended date extended Last date
overhauling work of Bowl Mills (XRP-903),
Qty. 06 Nos., Gravimetric Raw Coal Feeders,
2020_RVUNL_ 432411_1 Eligibility NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER
Conditions: Only manufacturers/their author-
Only), Tender Cost: Rs. 1715.00, Extended and time for submission of e-bid http:// Qty.: 06 Nos. and ID/FD /PA/Seal Air Fans, ized dealers/ Experienced Supplier can par-
Gist of NIT No. 09 of 2020-21 Dated 11.05.2020
due date of Submission of e-Bid (Technical & 11.06.2020 up to 14:00 Qty.: 02 Nos. each, of U# 9, D’TPS, HTPS, ticipate in this tender. 21- Tender No. & Name For and on behalf of Lt. Governor U.T. of Jammu & Kashmir, Executive Engineer, Mechanical,
Financial) at e-procurement website Hrs., e-bid extended date/time for Opening Kasimpur, Aligarh” for a period of one year of Division: ET-24/MMC/EPD/CTPS/ SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar invites e-tenders from Original Manufacturers or their Authorized : 26.05.2020 upto (Part-I) 12.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. or later. Estimated Cost: Rs. 1,88,940.00, Earnest HTPS/2020, Name of Supply: Procurement Dealers/Authorized Representatives/ Registered Firms having experience in installation of Mechanical
14:00 Hrs., Extended due date of Submission Time of Completion- 12 Month. SUPERIN- Money: Rs. 3,779.00, Tender Cost: Rs. of liquid chlorine gas for WTP , DTPS,HTPS Equipments in Govt. Institutions/Department, Detailed in the tender document for the following works:-
of Hard Copy of all the requisite documents, TENDING ENGINEER,OPERATION & 590.00 Extended date of tender are as
,Kasimpur Estimated cost: Rs 6,00,000.00,
in the office of Undersigned: 28.05.2020 up to MAINTENANCE CIRCLE-II, ‘D’TPS, KASIM- below:-Due date of Submission of e-Bid Sr. Name of the Work Estimated
Earnest money: Rs. 12000.00 , Tender cost:
14:00 Hrs. Tender shall be opened on PUR (ALIGARH) 10- E-Tender Notice No. (Technical & Financial) at e-procurement No. Cost (In Lacs)
Rs 708.00, Extended Last Date of submis-
Extended date: Part–A: 28.05.2020 at 16:00 ET-05/BMD/CTPS/O&MC-II/19-20,“Work of website : 1. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of integrated Autoclave cum Shredder 142.00 Lacs
Hrs. and Part-B: shall be intimated later. Insulation and Refractory in different areas 30.05.2020 upto 14:00 Hrs., Due date of sion of E-bid: 27.05.2020, Tender shall be
opened on Extended date: 28.05.2020 (Part- with three years comprehensive maintenance and allied works at SKIMS Soura.
NOTE: (1) The details for submission of bids (Boiler furnace Ist & IInd pass, Pipes, Bends, depositing Tender Cost through RTGS (in the
are available in the bid document uploaded Valves, Ducts etc) of Boiler, Milling & Fan HTPS account) & Earnest Money through I) ,29.05.2020 (Part-II) E-Tender ID The complete tender document is available at website: Interested Bidders/Tenderers
on the e-procurement website: http:// system of Unit-7 -htps-kasimpur-aligarh for a RTGS (in the HTPS account)/B.G.: 2020_RVUNL_ 432415_1 Eligibility may view, download the e-Bid document, seek clarifications and submit their bids online upto the date and time (2) The bidders are period of one year” Estimated Cost Rs. 30.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of Conditions: Only manufacturers/their author- mentioned in the table below. Tender Document contains qualifying criteria for bidders. Specifications, Bills of
required to be registered with U.P. 4,04,864.00, Earnest Money Rs. 8,100.00, submission of hard copy of all the requisite ized dealers/ Experienced Supplier can par- Quantities & Terms and conditions of the contract and other relevant details.
Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, Cost of Tender document Rs. 500.00 +900.00 documents in the office of undersigned: ticipate in this tender. 22- Tender No. & Name
i. Date and Time of downloading/ Sale of Tender documents 13.05.2020 from 11.00 hours
Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- (GST) = Rs. 590.00 . Extended date of tender 01.06.2020, Tender Opening Date: Part–I of Division: ET-28/MMC/EPD/CTPS/ (Starting Date)
ticipation in the e-Tendering. The bidder must are as below:-Due date of Submission of e- 01.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: 1- The details HTPS/2020, Name of Supply: Study chairs
also be registered with their Digital Signature Bid (Technical & Financial) at e-procurement for submission of bids are available w.e.f. and office chairs for Vidyut Parishad Kanya ii. Date & Time of Bidding Queries/ clarification/Pre-Bid meet 20.05.2020 at 11.00 hours
Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, website : 09.01.2020 at 17:00 Hrs. in the bid document Inter College (V.P.K.I.C),HTPS Estimated iii. Last Date & Time of Bid uploading 03.06.2020 upto 16.00 hours
after that the bidder can participate in bid 27.05.2020 upto 14:00 Hrs., Due date of uploaded on the e-procurement website: cost: Rs 9,61,000.00, Earnest money: Rs. iv. Date of Submission of hard copies (Original EMD/DD for 05.06.2020 upto 14.00 hours
submission activity. Superintending depositing Tender Cost through RTGS (in the 2- The bidders are 20000.00 , Tender cost: 1062.00, Extended Document Fee)
Engineer, Operation & Maintenance Circle- HTPS account) & Earnest Money through required to be registered with U.P. Last Date of submission of E-bid:
IV, Hdj. ‘D’ T. P. S., Kasimpur, 3. Tender No. RTGS (in the HTPS account)/B.G.: Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg,
v. Date & Time of Commercial/ Technical Bid (Cover-I) 06.06.2020 11.00 hours (or next
27.05.2020, Tender shall be opened on opening convenient day)
ET-05/O&MC-IV/EMD-I/Hdj.‘C’T.P.S./2020- 27.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- Extended date: 28.05.2020 (Part-I) ,
21 “Grass Cutting of 220/132KV Switchyard, submission of hard copy of all the requisite ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must vi. Date & Time of Financial Bid (Cover-IInd) opening of the Shall be intimated separately
29.05.2020(Part-ll) E-Tender ID
HTPS, Kasimpur as per scope of work,” for documents in the office of undersigned: also be registered with their Digital Signature qualifying Bidders
2020_RVUNL_ 432421_1 Eligibility
the period of one year” Estimated Cost Rs. 2, 29.05.2020, Tender Opening Date: Part–I Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, vii. Cost of e-Bid Document Rs. 7,000/- (Rupees Seven Thousand only)
Conditions: Only manufacturers/their author-
84,880.00 Earnest Money: Rs. 5,700.00 Cost 29.05.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: 1- The details after that the bidder can participate in bid
ized dealers dealers/Experienced Suppliers viii. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit (CDR/FDR) Rs. 2,84,000/- (Rupees Two Lac & Eighty
of tender document: Rs.300.00 + Rs.54.00 for submission of bids are available w.e.f dt- submission activity. 16- Tender No. ET-
can participate in this tender. Note: - For fur- Four Thousand only)
(GST) = Rs. 354.00 Opening date of tender 23/10/2019 at 09:00 Hrs. in the bid document 20/BMD-II/DTPS/O&MC-II/19-20, Name of
are as below:-Due date of Submission of e- uploaded on the e-procurement website: Work: “Deputation of supervisory services ther details please log on our web site i.e. ix. Completion Time Six (06) months from the date of issue of LOI
Bid (Technical & Financial) at e-procurement 2- The bidders are personnel (Ex-BHEL) for the supervision of / 23- or Allotment Order
website 15.06.2020 required to be registered with U.P. overhauling work of Bowl Mills (XRP-903), Tender No. & Name of Division: ET- x. Budget Head Demanded
up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of depositing Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, Qty. 06 Nos., Gravimetric Raw Coal Feeders, 34/MMC/EPD/CTPS/HTPS/2020, Name of
Supply: Supply & Refilling of Carbon Dioxide No. SIMS 139 EX./MECH/-490/20-404-14-4633-36 Sd/- Executive Engineer
Tender Cost through RTGS (in the HTPS Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- Qty.: 06 Nos. and ID/FD /PA/Seal Air Fans,
gas cylinders & Hydrogen gas cylinders for Dated: 11.05.2020 Mechanical, SKIMS.
Account) & Earnest Money through RTGS (in ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must Qty.: 02 Nos. each, of U# 8, D’TPS, HTPS,
the HTPS Account)/ BG up to dated: also be registered with their Digital Signature Kasimpur, Aligarh” for a period of one year HTPS,Kasimpur Estimated cost:
15.06.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs. due date of sub- Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, Estimated Cost: Rs. 1,88,940.00, Earnest Rs 8,69,972 .00, Earnest money: Rs. Government of Jammu and Kashmir
mission of hard copy of all the requisite doc-
uments in the office of undersigned maximum
after that the bidder can participate in bid
submission activity. 11- E-Tender Notice No.
Money: Rs. 3,779.00, Tender Cost: Rs.
590.00 Extended date of tender are as
18000.00 , Tender cost: Rs 944.00, Extended
Last Date of submission of E-bid:
on dated: 17.06.2020. Tender opening date, ET-06/BMD/CTPS/O&MC-II/19-20,“Work of below:-Due date of Submission of e-Bid 27.05.2020, Tender shall be opened on SCIENCES, SOURA
Part–A: 17.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. NOTE: (1) De-scaling of pressure parts & removal of (Technical & Financial) at e-procurement Extended date: 28.05.2020 (Part-I) ,
The details for submission of bids will be soot from heating surface of boiler by steam website : 29.05.2020 (Part-ll) E-Tender ID
available on e-procurement website: blowing through wall blower/long retractable 30.05.2020 upto 14:00 Hrs., Due date of 2020_RVUNL_ 457408_1 Eligibility BEMINA & SKIMS, SOURA, SRINAGAR w.e.f. 18:00 Hrs. soot blower (LRSB) and their preventive depositing Tender Cost through RTGS (in the Conditions: Only manufacturers/their author- Tel.: 0194-2402617, Ext.: 2159, E-mail:
dated: - 11.05.2020. (2) The bidders are maintenance of boiler of Unit No-7-htps- HTPS account) & Earnest Money through
required to be registered with U.P. kasimpur-aligarh for a period of one year” RTGS (in the HTPS account)/B.G.:
ized dealers/ Experienced Supplier can par- NOTICE INVITING E-TENDERS
ticipate in this tender. 24- Tender No. & Name
Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, Estimated Cost- Rs- 2,28,975.00, Earnest 30.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of of Division: ET-35/MMC/EPD/CTPS/
Gist of e-NIT No. 08 of 2020-21 Dated 11.05.2020
Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- Money- Rs- 4,600.00, Cost of Tender docu- submission of hard copy of all the requisite HTPS/2020, Name of Supply: Procurement For and on behalf of Lt. Governor of U.T. of Jammu & Kashmir, Executive Engineer, Mechanical, SKIMS,
ticipation in the e-Tendering. The bidder must ment –Rs- 500.00 +90.00 (GST) = Rs. documents in the office of undersigned: Soura, MC&H Bemina, Srinagar, invites Online e-bids in Two (02) cover systems from Original Lift
of general consumables & electrical spares
also be registered with their Digital Signature 590.00 . Extended date of opening are as 01.06.2020, Tender Opening Date: Part–I Manufacturers or their Authorized Dealers/ Authorized Representatives/ Registered and reputed Firms having
for HTPS,Kasimpur Estimated cost: Rs
Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, below:Due date of Submission of e-Bid 01.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: 1- The details experience in installation of lifts in Govt. Institutions/Departments, detailed in the tender document for the fol-
3,55,787.00 , Earnest money: Rs. 7000.00 ,
after that the bidder can participate in bid (Technical & Financial) at e-procurement for submission of bids are available w.e.f. lowing works.
submission activity. 4. Tender No. ET-06 website : 09.01.2020 at 17:00 Hrs. in the bid document Tender cost: Rs 354.00, Date of Starting of E-
bid submission: 13.04.2020 , Extended Last Sr. Name of the Work Estimated Cost
/O&MC-IV/EMD-I/Hdj.‘C’TPS/2020-21, 27.05.2020 up-to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of uploaded on the e-procurement website: No. (In Lacs)
Technical Audit of Generators, GTs, depositing Tender Cost & Earnest Money 2- The bidders are Date of submission of E-bid: 27.05.2020,
220KV/132KV Switchyard & 6.6KV Electrical through RTGS (in the HTPS account): required to be registered with U.P. Tender shall be opened on Extended date: 1. Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Inspection and Commissioning of Sixteen (16) 22.50
System of U#7, U#8 & U#9 of Harduaganj 27.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, 28.05.2020 (Part-I) , 29.05.2020(Part-ll) E- Passenger Elevator with three years comprehensive maintenance and allied works
TPS”as per scope of work, for the period of submission of hard copy of all the requisite Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- Tender ID 2020_RVUNL_ 457409_1 for Nursing College at SKIMS, Soura.
one year” Estimated Cost Rs. 22, 70,000.00 documents in the office of undersigned:- ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must Eligibility Conditions: Only manufacturers/ The complete tender document is available at website: Interested Bidders/Tenderers
Earnest Money: Rs. 45400.00 Cost of tender 29.05.2020, Tender Opening Date: Part–I: also be registered with their Digital Signature their authorized dealers/ Experienced may view, download the e-Bid document, seek clarifications and submit their bids online upto the date and time
document: Rs.2300.00 + Rs.414.00 (GST) = 29.05.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: 1- The details Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, Supplier can participate in this tender. 25- mentioned in the table below. Tender Document contains qualifying criteria for bidders. Specifications, Bills of
Rs.2714.00 Opening date of tender are as for submission of bids are available w.e.f. after that the bidder can participate in bid Tender No. & Name of Division: ET- Quantities & Terms and Conditions of the contract and other relevant details.
below:-Due date of Submission of e-Bid 30.11.2019 at 17:00 Hrs. in the bid document submission activity. 17- E-Tender Notice No. 39/MMC/EPD/CTPS/HTPS/2020, Name of
(Technical & Financial) at e-procurement uploaded on the e-procurement website: E T- 2 5 / B M D - I / D T P S / O & M C - I I / 1 9 - 2 0 , Supply: Procurement of LT cables for i. Date and Time of downloading/ Sale of Tender documents 13.05.2020 (11.00 hrs.)
website 16.06.2020 2- The bidders are “Overhauling work of HP/LP valves and safe- DTPS,HTPS,Kasimpur Estimated cost: Rs (Starting Date)
up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of depositing required to be registered with U.P. ty valves of Unit # 9 ‘D’ TPS, Kasimpur” for a 6,86,080.00, Earnest money: Rs 13000.00 , ii. Date & Time of Bidding Queries/ clarification/Pre-Bid meet 20.05.2020 upto 14.00 hours
Tender Cost through RTGS (in the HTPS Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, period of one year” for a period of one year” Tender cost: Rs 708.00, Date of Starting of E- iii. Last Date & Time of Bid uploading 03.06.2020 upto 11.00 hours
Account) & Earnest Money through RTGS (in Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- under BMD-I ‘D’ TPS, Harduaganj Thermal bid submission: 11.05.2020 , Last Date of
the HTPS Account)/ BG up to dated: ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must Power Station” Estimated Cost Rs. iv. Date of Submission of hard copies (Only Original EMD/ 05.06.2020 upto 14.00 hours
submission of E-bid 06.06.2020,Tender shall DD for Document Fee)
16.06.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs. due date of sub- also be registered with their Digital Signature 3,71,000.00, Earnest Money Rs. 7,500.00, be opened on date: 08.06.2020 (Part-I)
mission of hard copy of all the requisite doc- Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, Cost of Tender document Rs. 400.00 + 72.00 v. Date & Time of Commercial/ Technical Bid (Cover-I) 06.06.2020 11.00 hours (or next
09.06.2020(Part-II) E-Tender ID
uments in the office of undersigned maximum after that the bidder can participate in bid (GST) = Rs. 472.00 Extended date of tender opening convenient day)
:2020_RVUNL_ 464712_1 Eligibility
on dated: 18.06.2020. Tender opening date, submission activity. 12- E-Tender Notice No. are as below:- Due date of Submission of e- vi. Date & Time of Financial Bid (Cover-IInd) opening of the shall be intimated separately
Conditions: Only manufacturers/their author-
Part–A: 18.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs.NOTE: (1) E T- 0 6 / T M D / C T P S / O & M C - I I / 1 9 - 2 0 , Bid (Technical & Financial) at e-procurement qualifying Bidders
ized dealers can participate in this tender. 26-
The details for submission of bids will be “Repairing of servomotors (Bore Machine, website : vii. Cost of e-Bid Document Rs. 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand & Five Hundred only)
available on e-procurement website: Honning and fitting of Bronze Bush) by main- 30.05.2020 upto 14:00 Hrs., Due date of Tender No. & Name of Division: ET-
40/MMC/EPD/CTPS/HTPS/2020, Name of viii. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit (CDR/FDR) Rs. 45,000/- (Rupees Forty FiveThousand only) w.e.f. 18:00 Hrs. taining clearance Unit-7 and when required depositing Tender Cost through RTGS (in the
dated: - 11.05.2020. (2) The bidders are basis date of tender are as below:- ” HTPS account) & Earnest Money through Supply: Procurement of local purchase of ix. Completion Time Six (06) months from the date of issue of LOI or
required to be registered with U.P. Estimated Cost Rs. 135700-00, Earnest RTGS (in the HTPS account)/B.G.: medicines for project hospital of HTPS, Allotment Order
Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, Money Rs. 2750.00 Cost of Tender document 30.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of Kasimpur for year 2020-2021,Estimated cost: x. Budget Head CAPEX Budget for the Year 2020-21
Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- Rs. 300.00+54.00 (GST) = Rs. 354.00 submission of hard copy of all the requisite Rs 4,78,000.00 , Earnest money: Rs 9000.00
ticipation in the e-Tendering. The bidder must Extended date of tender are as below:-Due documents in the office of undersigned: , Tender cost: Rs 590.00, Date of Starting of No. SIMS 139 EX./MECH/-439//20-395-403-4637-40 Sd/- Executive Engineer
also be registered with their Digital Signature date of Submission of e-Bid (Technical & 01.06.2020, Tender Opening Date: Part–I E-bid submission: 11.05.2020 , Last Date of Dated: 11.05.2020 Mechanical, SKIMS.
Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, Financial) at e-procurement website 01.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: 1- The details submission of E-bid 06.06.2020,Tender shall
after that the bidder can participate in bid : 27.05.2020 upto for submission of bids are available w.e.f. be opened on date: 08.06.2020 (Part-I)
submission activity. 5. Tender No. ET- 14:00 Hrs., Due date of depositing Tender 11.01.2020 at 09:00 Hrs. in the bid document 09.06.2020(Part-II) E-Tender ID Government of Jammu & Kashmir
63/O&MC-IV/EMD-I/Hdj.‘C’T.P.S./2019-20, Cost & Earnest Money through RTGS (in the uploaded on the e-procurement website: :2020_RVUNL_ 467628_1 Eligibility
Service support for checking & monitoring of HTPS account).: 27.05.2020 up to 14:00 2- The bidders are Conditions: As per the PQC mentioned in the DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT (PURCHASE-2ND)
different equipments of 220KV/132KV Hrs., Due date of submission of hard copy of required to be registered with U.P. tender document. 27- Tender No. & Name of
Switchyards, MCR & Unit#7 during odd hours all the requisite documents in the office of Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, D i v i s i o n : S E T- 1 5 0 / M M C / E P D / C T P S /
i.e. 16:00 Hrs. to 08:00 Hrs. in two shifts” undersigned: 29.05.2020, Tender Opening Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par-
(From 16:00Hrs to 00:00Hrs & From Date: Part–I 29.05.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must
HTPS/2019, Name of Supply: "Design, NIT No: SIMS 11 (P-II) OF 2020
Manufacturing, Supply, Erectioning &
00:00Hrs to 08:00Hrs)”as per scope of work, 1- The details for submission of bids are also be registered with their Digital Signature Testing” of Heavy Duty racking System in Dated: 11.05.2020
for the period of one year” Estimated Cost available w.e.f. 22-01..2020 at 09:00 Hrs. in Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system,
Rs. 7, 30,000.00 Earnest Money: Rs. the bid document uploaded on the e-procure- after that the bidder can participate in bid
Permanent Store Building of 1x660 MW , Sub: Abbreviated Notice Inviting e-tenders for outsourcing of Sanitation Services at
14,600.00 Cost of tender document: ment website: 2- submission activity. 18- E-Tender Notice No.
HTPS Estimated cost: Rs 28,29,000.00, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
Earnest money: Rs. 56000.00 , Tender cost:
Rs.800.00 + Rs.144.00 (GST) = Rs.944.00 The bidders are required to be registered with E T- 2 7 / B M D - I / D T P S / O & M C - I I / 1 9 - 2 0 ,
Nil, Extended Last Date of submission of E-
For and on behalf of Lt. Governor UT of Jammu & Kashmir, through Director, Sher-I-Kashmir
Opening Extended date of tender are as U.P. Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg, “Deputation of supervisory services person- institute of Medical Sciences, Soura, Srinagar, e-tenders are invited under two bid system from
below:-Now Extended due date of Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- nel (Ex-BHEL) for supervision during over- bid: 27.05.2020, Tender shall be opened on
Extended date: 28.05.2020 (Part-I) registered agencies with good track record, manpower capacity and relevant experience of three
Submission of e-Bid (Technical & Financial) ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must hauling work of Boiler Pressure Part, HP/LP years or more towards providing Sanitation services in any govt./ Semi-govt. department/
at e-procurement website http://etender. also be registered with their Digital Signature valves including Safety Valves, APH & ESP ,29.05.2020 (Part-II) E-Tender ID
2019_RVUNL_412601_1 Eligibility Institution/ reputed Public/ private organizations, for a period of two years, as per the scope of 26.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., Due Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, during overhauling of Unit # 9, 2x250MW,
date of depositing Tender Cost through after that the bidder can participate in bid HTPS (Extn), Aligarh” for a period of one Conditions: Only manufacturers can partici- work mentioned in the detailed NIT.
RTGS (in the HTPS Account) & Earnest submission activity. 13- E-Tender Notice No. year” for a period of one year” under BMD-I pate in this tender. Note: - For further details The detailed tender document containing scope of work and other terms & conditions is
Money through RTGS (in the HTPS Account)/ ET-08/ O&MC- I I/ B MD /C T P S / 2 0 1 9 -2 0 ,“ ‘D’ TPS, Harduaganj Thermal Power Station” please log on our web site i.e. available on and complete bidding process will be online on said e-tender
BG up to dated: 26.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs. Round the clock (Day & Night) lifting & Estimated Cost Rs. 6,15,000.00, Earnest Superintending portal as per following schedule:
Extended due date of submission of hard Shifting of Coal Mill reject spelled out from Money Rs. 12,300.00, Cost of Tender docu- Engineer (H.Q.) (Harduaganj TPS,
copy of all the requisite documents in the pyrite hopper or from mill (at “0”meter) of Unit ment Rs. 600.00 + 108.00 (GST) = Rs.
S.No. Description Schedule
Kasimpur(Aligarh) U.P.R.V.U.N.L E-Tender
office of undersigned maximum on dated: No-7 to coal yard of old plant or other speci- 708.00 Extended date of opening are as Notice E-Tenders are invited for the follow- 01 Tender Fee Rs. 2000/-
28.05.2020. Tender opening date, Part–A: fied place within the HTPS plant through trac- below:- Due date of Submission of e-Bid ings supply/works items in two parts. Part- I 02 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs. 5.00 Lakh
28.05.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. NOTE: (1) The tor trolley” for a period of one year under (Technical & Financial) at e-procurement shall contain Tender Cost/Earnest money and 03. Date & time for downloading of tenders. From 12.05.2020 to 30.05.2020 upto 4.00 p.m.
details for submission of bids will be already Boiler Maintenance Division, Harduaganj website : other necessary documents as per pre-quali-
available (ID No. 2020_ RVUNL_456618_1) Thermal Power Station” Estimated Cost Rs. 30.05.2020 upto 14:00 Hrs., Due date of 04. Date & time for submission of online tenders. From 19.05.2020 to 30.05.2020 upto 4.00 p.m.
fying conditions and Part -II will contain price
on e-procurement website: http://etender. 8,82,750.00, Earnest Money Rs. 17,660.00 depositing Tender Cost through RTGS (in the bid as per bill of quantity. Tender specification 05. Date & time for opening of technical bids 01.06.2020 at 2.00 p.m. w.e.f. 18:00 Hrs. dated: - Cost of Tender document Rs. 900.00 HTPS account) & Earnest Money through may be downloaded from the website (http://
01.04.2020. (2) The bidders are required to +162(GST) = Rs. 1062.00 Extended date of RTGS (in the HTPS account)/B.G.: and other specification
Any clarification will be entertained from 12.05.2020 to 18.05.2020 on all working days during
be registered with U.P. Electronics opening are as below: Due date of 30.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of office hours. No representation shall be entertained beyond the stipulated period.
details can be seen on Nigam website
Corporation, Ashok Marg, Lucknow by Submission of e-Bid (Technical & Financial) submission of hard copy of all the requisite
depositing requisite fees for participation in at e-procurement website http://etender. documents in the office of undersigned: The contactors have to The tender notice is also available on SKIMS website (for reference only).
the e-Tendering. The bidder must also be : 27.05.2020 up-to 14:00 Hrs., Due 01.06.2020, Tender Opening Date: Part–I submit the hard copy before the schedule
Complete bidding process will be online at Technical and Price bids shall
registered with their Digital Signature date of depositing Tender Cost through 01.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: 1- The details date/time in the concern office in sealed
envelope containing details of the tender
have to be submitted in electronic format on the said tender portal and in no case be submit-
Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, RTGS (in the HTPS account) & Earnest for submission of bids are available w.e.f. ted in physical form, unless demanded by SKIMS.
after that the bidder can participate in bid Money through RTGS (in the HTPS 11.01.2020 at 09:00 Hrs. in the bid document mentioned on the envelope. Tenders are
submission activity. SUPERITENDING account)/B.G: 27.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs., uploaded on the e-procurement website: advised to send their hard copy directly to the Director SKIMS reserves the right to accept/reject or cancel any tender or all tenders in full of part
ENGINEER, ELECTRICITY CIVIL MAINTE- Due date of submission of hard copy of all the 2- The bidders are concerned tendering authority of the Circles/ thereof without assigning any reason.
NANCE CIRCLE, Kasimpur 6. Tender No. requisite documents in the office of under- required to be registered with U.P. Division. Who reserve the right to reject any
signed:-29.05.2020, Tender Opening Date: or all the tenders without assigning any rea- The tenders should be submitted strictly in accordance with the provisions of the detailed eNIT.
71/ECMC/ECMD-II/HTPS/2019-20, Name of Electronics Corporation, Ashok Marg,
work “Construction of R.C.C. drain in the nala Part–I: 29.05.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: 1- The Lucknow by depositing requisite fees for par- son thereof. “Save Electricity Enhance NOTE: The Tender Fee/Earnest Money Deposit already prepared by the bidders against eNIT No.
near watch tower no. 02, approach road to details for submission of bids will be available ticipation in the e-tendering. The bidder must National Productivity” Superintending SIMS 09 (P-II) of 2020 dated: 07.04.2020 shall be entertained for the instant tender.
watch tower no. 02, connecting of discharge w.e.f 10/02/2020 at 17:00 Hrs. in the bid doc- also be registered with their Digital Signature Engineer(H.Q.) Harduaganj Thermal
line of S.T.P. to E.T.P. & foundations of differ- ument uploaded on the e-procurement web- Certificate (DSC) in the e-bidding system, No: SIMS 325 31/2019-976-84-4625-28 Sd/-
Power Station Kasimpur (Aligarh ´fÂffaI
ent crushers in C.H.P. 2X250 M.W. along with site: 2- The bidders after that the bidder can participate in bid 19/A²fe.Ad·f.(¸fb.)d½fÄff´f³f/I` ¸´f-1/(17)/20 dQ³ffaI 11.05.2020
Dated: 11.05.2020 Asstt. Materials Management Officer (Purchase 2nd)

New Delhi


The World

WATCH Corona clusters across Asia ‘US not out of the woods’:
Fauci, CDC chief warn
show fleeting face of victory against reopening too fast
A baby is given the
measles vaccine to a
demic, several nations in Asia DRROBERTRRedfield,thedirec-
baby in Tangerang,
have been hailed for curbing the torof theUS’sCentersforDisease
Indonesia. AP
spread within their borders. But Control and Prevention, warned
inthefaceof thecoronavirus,vic- theSenateHealthCommitteeon
INDONESIA tory can be elusive and fleeting. Tuesday morning that “we are
Tollcrosses Andasseveralcountriesmake
moves to lift measures aimed at
not out of the woods yet”, a day
after President Donald Trump
1000,those slowing the spread of the coron-
avirus, officials from the World
declared, “we have met the mo-
ment, and we have prevailed”.
under45urged Health Organization are urging Dr Redfield was one of four
toresumework governments and the public to
maintain “extreme vigilance” to
top health officials testifying re-
motely by video, three of which Donald Trump stands next to coronavirus testing machines
Jakarta: Indonesia's death avoid a new wave of infections. areinsomeformof self-isolation in the Rose Garden at the White House on Monday. Reuters
toll from the novel coron- Singapore, once a model for after exposure to a White House
avirus passed the 1,000 its speed and efficiency in trac- official who tested positive for
mark on Tuesday, even as ing the contacts of infected peo- the coronavirus, including Dr that it would not only lead to White House orders
authorities signalled they ple, has seen its cases balloon to Anthony S Fauci, the nation’stop deaths but would set the eco- staff to wear masks
were poised to ease some more than 23,000 as the virus infectious disease expert. nomic recovery back as well.
socialrestrictionsaimedat spreadindormitoriesforforeign Dr Fauci on Monday said he The two-hour hearing, be- Washington: The White House
curbing the spread of the workers. Workers disinfect a nightclub in Seoul, South Korea, after authorities detected dozens of would tell the panel that there nignly titled “Covid-19: Safely on Monday ordered all West
virus in the country. Officials in Wuhan, the coronavirus cases linked to club goers. Yonhap via Reuters could be “needlesssuffering and GettingBacktoWorkandBackto Wing employees to wear masks
Despite social restrictions Chinesecity where theoutbreak death” if the country opens pre- School”, is the first chance law- at work unless they are sitting at
scheduledtorununtilthe began and which celebrated its maturely, but steered clear of makershavehadtopubliclyques- their desks, an abrupt shift in
end of May, the head of recent emergence from more their workers be tested before Xinhua news service reported. curb its outbreak, but already that language during the early tiontheofficialsinCongresssince policy after two aides working
Indonesia’s coronavirus than two months in lockdown, returning to their jobs last In the north of China, the city scientists are warning that the part of the hearing, instead say- Mr Trump declared a national near the president — a military
response taskforce Doni said it would test all 11 million month. The new round of test- of Shulan near the Russian bor- feared “second wave” could in- ing, “the consequences could be emergency two months ago. valet and the vice president's
MonardosaidonTuesday residents after six new cases ing reinforces fears that the out- der has been declared “high- stead consist of a series of really serious.” Mr. Trump has The Trump administration spokeswoman — tested positive
that people under 45 were confirmed this week. break can re-emerge from hid- risk” after 15 people were in- smaller waves breaking soon pushed for states to reopen and officials did not have a quick an- for the coronavirus last week.
wouldbepermittedtore- The new cluster of cases, the den cases. fected, cases that were traced to across the country. at times has encouraged people swer to a question from Senator In an internal email obtained
turntoworkindesignated first recorded there since April, Morethan3,800peoplehave a 45-year-old woman. But how On Monday, Tedros to defy governors’ orders. Bernie Sanders, Independent of by The New York Times, people
sectors. The Indonesian were linked to a man who fell died in the city, according to the she caught the virus is still un- Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the di- More than 80,000 people in Vermont, about whether a free who work in the cramped quar-
governmenthasbeencrit- sick in March but was nottested. official tally. China has faced clear. rector-general of the W.H.O., theUnited States have diedfrom vaccine will be available for ters around the Oval Office were
icised by epidemiologists He recovered, then fell ill again questions about the accuracy of AndinSouthKorea,whichhas warned that only a “slow, steady thevirus,andDrFaucicautioned everyone.Theassistantsecretary told that "as an additional layer
for pushing to prema- last month. its coronavirus numbers and been a pioneer in using technol- lifting of lockdowns” could ease that the number is likely higher for health, Adm. Brett P Giroir, of protection, we are requiring
turely ease social restric- The notice ordering the test- whether it has divulged the true ogyforcontacttracing,morethan economic pressure while keep- andwillgrowevenmoreif some said people “should gain access everyone who enters the West
tions without compelling ing, which has not been made extent of its outbreak. 100 new cases have emerged af- ing infections at bay. areas if some areas of the coun- to it,” but that he was not in con- Wing to wear a mask or face
evidence the country is public, was reported by The The head of the street com- ter an infected man visited bars “Until there’s a vaccine, a try reopen prematurely. trol of that aspect. “I will cer- covering."
flatteningthecoronavirus Paper, a state media outlet. mittee for the area with the new and clubs in a Seoul nightlife dis- comprehensive package of “If that occurs there is a real tainly advocate that everyone is Officials said the new re-
curve,orshowingaslower Wuhan has already tested cluster was removed from office trict. The mayor ordered measures is our most effective risk that you will trigger an out- able to receive the vaccine re- quirement was not expected to
rateofinfection. REUTERS large numbers of residents. for poor management after the nightspots closed indefinitely. set of tools against the virus,” break that you may not be able gardless of income or other cir- apply to Mr Trump or to Vice
Many employers required that caseswerereported,thestate-run The United States has yet to he said. to control,” Dr Fauci said, adding cumstance.” President Mike Pence. NYT

Man behind N95 works WHO sees
Moscow: Russian
to make masks reusable needed 90 credits to graduate.
positive data’ on
virus treatments
PresidentVladimirPutin's SRIRAM VEERA He took up courses across the
spokesmansaysheishos- MUMBAI, MAY 12 spectrum:mechanicalengineer- EMMA FARGE
pitalized with the coron- ing, material engineering, elec- GENEVA, MAY 12
avirus. Kremlin PETER TSAI couldn’t sleep. The trical engineering, chemical en-
spokesman Dmitry 68-year-old Taiwan-born scien- gineering, physics and THE WORLD Health
Peskov told the Interfax tist, world-famous as the man mathematics. “I wanted a good Organization said on Tuesday
news agency on Tuesday, behindthepresent-dayN95res- base in mathematics and be- that some treatments appear to
“Yes, I've gotten sick. I'm pirator—thelastdefenceagainst came a teaching assistant.” belimitingtheseverityorlength
beingtreated.”Peskov,52, theCovid-19virusforhealthcare That multi-discipline curios- of the Covid-19 disease and that
has been Putin's workersaroundtheworld—had ity would later help him in forti- itwasfocusingonlearningmore
spokesman since 2008, retired last year. Peter Tsai fying the respirator. about four or five of the most
but started working him However, this January, he “I didn’t invent the N95 promising ones.
with in the early 2000s. was flooded with emails and mask.The charging methodthat “We do have some treat-
Russians who have the phone calls that had a common make the mask resuable. There increased its filtration is my con- ments that seem to be in very
virus but light or no refrain: could he suggest a way are other solutions like steaming tribution. I combined two tech- early studies limiting the sever-
symptoms of illness are
it wasn't immediately
Since the masks could only be
etc but this heating holds the
looking at it now. There was talk
nologies — melt blowing and
electrostatic charging — to pro-
ducealayerof melt-blownfabric
‘WE DESERVE BETTER’ ityorthelengthof theillnessbut
kill or stop the virus,” spokes-
clear if Peskov's hospital- mentslikehospitalsbeforeitlost aboutusingUVraysbutIsuspect that is at the core of the respira- Nurses and nursing staff protest at the German Health Ministry in Berlin, demanding higher woman Margaret Harris told a
izationreflectsthegravity its virus-stopping potency, the itcandegradethepolypropylene tor mask.” pay and better working conditions on Tuesday, observed as International Nurse Day. Reuters briefing, referring to the body’s
of his condition or was an world remembered him again. material of the mask.” Melt blowing turns fibers so-calledSolidarityTrialof drugs
extra precaution. AP Tsai decided to come out of Tsai might have cracked the into nonwoven fabric with very against the disease.
retirement and now believes puzzle in short time, but it had fine pores. The electrostatic “We do have potentially pos-
that he has cracked the case.
all this?” Tsai tells The Indian
taken him a long time to solve it
in 1992. “Five long years. We
knew it had to do something
charging gives the fiber electric
charge that traps and stops the
Sick man of Europe? Criticism itive data coming out but we
confident that we can say this
Express from his home in the US.
“The charging technology that I
had used in 1992 to make N95
surface of the mask and we tried
“My initial respirators were for
ers and painting workers. It was
mounts as UK toll tops 40,000 treatment over that one,” she
added, saying more research
was needed and planned.
capture the virus was called Tsai has always found a way later used for healthcare mask.” ple have died from Covid-19 in nations — Scotland, Wales and Harris did not name the
Madrid: Spain ordered a ‘Corona charging’.” out of a crisis. The son of a poor It’s now the major shield in ANDY BRUCE English hospitals, according to Northern Ireland — said that ad- treatments. Gilead Science Inc
two-week quarantine for Now, he was called to stop rice farmer, he had to struggle to the Covid-19 world. In 2018, he LONDON, MAY 12 thelatestdailydata,bringingthe vice given by Johnson only ap- GILD.O says its antiviral drug
alltravellersarrivingfrom the coronavirus. The technique achieve his goals. “I worked for had come up with hydro tribo- true death toll as of Tuesday to plied to England. They told peo- remdesivir has helped improve
abroadfromthisFridayin he used in 1992 was the electro- five years after graduating col- electrification process for air pu- THE UNITED Kingdom's COVID- just over 40,000. ple to stay at home still. outcomes for Covid-19 patients.
a bid to curb the coron- static charging on the microfi- legeinTaiwanin1975.Wedidn’t rifiers. “You apply the same to 19 death toll now exceeds While different ways of Such a high UK death toll in- The WHO official sounded a
avirus as the country bres on the mask that improved have much money at all. I had to N95 to reduce half its material 40,000, by far the worst yet re- counting make comparisons creasesthepressureonJohnson. note of caution around expecta-
emerges from a national the filter efficiency ten times, al- save up for travel and studies in and importantly, it increases the ported in Europe, raising more withothercountriesdifficult,the Oppositionpartiessayhewastoo tionsforavaccine,however,say-
lockdown. Health emer- lowingittostopthesub-micron- America. Iwas workingintextile filtration ten times more.” questions about Prime Minister figure confirmed Britain was slow to impose a lockdown, too ing coronaviruses in general are
gency coordinator sized microbes. industryinqualitymanagement Tsai is a hero in the medical Boris Johnson's handling of the among those hit worst by a pan- slow to introduce mass testing “verytrickyviruses”thatare“dif-
FernandoSimonsaidnow “I couldn’t sleep when the when I realised that the country worldnow.“Iamsogladthatmy coronavirus crisis. demic that has killed more than and too slow to get enough pro- ficult to produce vaccines
that Spain had managed callsandmailsstartedtopourin. lacked research and develop- invention has helped to save Figures published by the 285,000 people worldwide. tective equipment to hospitals. against”.
to bring the outbreak un- In fact, the last two months I ment work. All we did was pro- lives. You know some of my pro- Office for National Statistics for The data came a day after In March, Britain's chief sci- Harris said that the Americas
dercontrolandwasrelax- haven’t slept much, but now I duction; technology and equip- fessor friends jokingly say that I England and Wales brought the Johnson set out a gradual plan to entific adviser said keeping were the current “centre” of the
ingitsinternalrestrictions think I can relax a bit,” Tsai says. ment came from Japan or US or should get a Nobel prize. You United Kingdom's official death get Britain back to work, includ- deaths below 20,000 would be pandemic, although she also
on movements, it was “Heat treatment is the best of Europe. I went to Kansas State know what I tell them? I should tollto38,289asof May3,accord- ing advice on wearing home- a "good outcome". noted rising cases in Africa.
time to control people thesolutionsthatIhavecomeup University to study.” get the ‘NoBelly’ prize as I have ingtoaReuterstallyof deathreg- made face coverings — though InApril,Reutersreportedthat However, she said the continent
coming from other with now. Heat the mask at 70 Heastonishedmanythereby lost all my stomach-fat due to istrations that also includes hisattempttoliftthecoronavirus the government's worst had a “big advantage” over other
countries. REUTERS degrees for 60 minutes. That signing up for 500 credits, sleepless times in the last two Scotland and Northern Ireland. lockdown prompted confusion. case scenario was a death toll countries with little experience
should deactivate the virus, and though a PhD student only months,” he says. Sincethen,atleast2,251peo- The leaders of the devolved of 50,000. REUTERS of disease outbreaks. REUTERS


Day of violence: 40 killed in 2 Afghan attacks Pak reconstitutes minority commission

Meanwhile, Afghan said that religious minorities re- Harmony. ligious minorities, recommend
AGENCIES President Ashraf Ghani said he SAJJAD HUSSAIN mainedunabletoenjoythefree- According to the ministry’s steps to ensure maximum and
KABUL, JALALABAD, MAY 12 was ordering the military to ISLAMABAD, MAY 12 dom of religion or belief guaran- notification,thecommissionwill effective participation by the
move to ‘offensive mode’, away teedtothemunderthecountry’s have six official and 12 non-offi- members of minority commu-
GUNMEN DISGUISED as police from a defensive stance it had THE PAKISTAN government has Constitution. cial members. nities in all aspects of life, ensure
attacked a hospital in Kabul, on taken as part of efforts to reduce reconstituted a commission to “FortheminorityAhmadiyya The number of members in effective participation and asso-
Tuesday, killing 16 people in- violence in the war-ravaged protect the rights of minorities, community in Punjab, this in- the commission earlier is not ciationof minoritycommunities
cluding two newborn babies nation. including the Hindus, and pro- cludedthedesecrationof several clear as it was dormant. with their religious and cultural
fromamaternityclinicrunbyin- “In order to provide security mote inter-religious harmony in sites of worship. Both the Hindu The commission will formu- festivals and celebrations.
ternationalhumanitarianorgan- for public places and to thwart the country, days after a human and Christian communities in late a proposal for development The commission will also
isationDoctorsWithoutBorders. attacks and threats from the rights report revealed that they Sindh and Punjab continued to of a national policy to promote lookintothegrievancesandrep-
In a separate attack the same Taliban and other terrorist continued to face forced conver- report cases of forced conver- peace and interfaith harmony in resentations made by the mem-
day, a suicide bomber struck the Security forces at a hospital in which 16 were killed. Reuters groups,Iam orderingAfghanse- sions and persecution under the sion,” it said. the country. bersof anyminoritycommunity.
funeral of a police commander, curity forces to switch from an controversial blasphemy laws in The formation of the According to a report in the Its terms of reference also in-
attended by government offi- activedefencemodetoanoffen- 2019. National Commission for Dawn newspaper, it will formu- clude ensuring that worship
cials and a member of parlia- ple and injuring 68. Authorities claim of responsibility for either sive one and to start their opera- The Human Right Minorities was announced on late proposals for amending places of non-Muslim commu-
ment, in the eastern province of said that toll could rise. attack. The Taliban, denied in- tions against the enemies,” he Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), Monday by the Ministry of laws/policieswhicharereported nities are preserved and kept in
Nangahar, killing at least24 peo- There was no immediate volvement in both. said in a televised speech. in its annual report, on Thursday Religious Affairs and Interfaith to be discriminatory towards re- a functional condition. PTI

New Delhi


Executive Engineer, Civil Division No.
IV, Irrigation & Flood Control
Department Govt. of NCT of Delhi,
L.M. Bund Office Complex, Shastri
Nagar, Delhi-31 invites on behalf of
President of India online Percentage
rate tender from approved and eligible
contractors registered with of
Irrigation & Flood Control Department
upto 3.00 PM dated on 13.05.2020 for
the works:
1. NIT No. 197/RE/CD-IV/IFC/2019-
20 (ID No. 2020_IFC_190504_1)
Name of work: Maintenance of roads
(main & internal), cleaning of parks,
parking area & all toilet blocks
belonging to I&FC Department at L.M.
Bund office Complex, Shastri Nagar,
Delhi For the period of Twelve
Months. Estimated Cost of Rs.
37,06,684/- Earnest Money Rs
74,134/- period of completion 365
2. NIT No. 10/EE/CD-IV/IFC/2019-20
(ID No. 2020_IFC_190300_1) Name
of work: Deployment of Security
guard at Gokalpur Site Store of Civil
Division No. IV, I&FC Department,
GNCTD, Delhi. Estimated Cost of
Rs. 7,40,822/- Earnest Money Rs.
14,816/- period of completion 365
Note: 1) The enlistment of the
contractors should be valid on the last
date of opening of tender. In case only
the last date of opening of tender is
extended, the enlistment of contractor
should be valid on the original date of
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
2) The following Scanned copies are
required to be uploaded:- S. No.1:- (i)
Bemina Srinagar Kashmir-190018
Registration certificate of the firm Department of Materials Management
I&FC department or any other Govt./ 0194-2493226,, Mobile: 9419710885
organization. (ii) Documents satisfying Sub: Invitation of Bids for supply of Personal Protective Equipment
eligibility criteria at para 1.2 (iv) (PPE Kits), N95 Masks and other disposable items for SKIMS
Employee EPF registration certificate MCH Bemina Srinagar, COVID-19 designated Hospital.
issued by concerned Govt.
Organization. (iii) Employee ESI Short Term Quotations are invited from the manufacturers &
registration certificate issued by authorized dealers for supply of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE
concerned Govt. Organization. (iv) Kits), N95 Masks, Disposable Gowns and Disposable Bed Sheets with
TAMIL NADU WATER SUPPLY AND DRAINAGE BOARD The agency should produce PAN No. Pillow Covers, as per the specifications attached as Annexure-A to com-
(copy to be attached) (v) GST bat COVID-19 pandemic. The quotation should reach the office of the
ADDENDUM/CORRIGENDUM registration certificate issued by Govt.
Extension of Tender Notice Medical Superintendent on or before 18.05.2020 upto 03.00 P.M.
(copy to be attached) (vi) The firm/ TERMS & CONDITIONS:
No. 01-1 / F. CWSS to 73 /2020/ SDO/ CE-TNJ/ dt.08.05.2020
agency must enclose certificate that
Sub: Providing Combined Water Supply Scheme to 73 rural habitations in Veppur union of Perambalur
his firm/ agency not blacklisted in any 1. The rates quoted must be F.O.R. to SKIMS MCH, Bemina Srinagar
District (Period of completion: 12 months, Trial run: 6 months and Paid maintenance:12 months) inclusive of all taxes and charges.
– Extension of tender Notice – reg.
Govt./Semi Govt./ PUC/ other
departments etc. (vii) Scanned copy of 2. Quote both Indigenous/ Imported brands.
Ref: 1. This Office IFB No. 01 /F.CWSS to 73 / 2020/ SDO/CE-TNJ/ dt. 07.04.2020. 3. The Quotationers shall submit quotations in two bid cover system: -
2. GO.Ms. No.217/ dated. 03.05.2020. EMD (Earnest Money Deposited).
***** (viii) Valid Mobile Number, WhatsApp I. Cover 1st containing technical specifications and other HIMACHAL PRADESH
The sale period, Last date of receipt and opening of tender in the reference 1st cited for the above Number and E-mail ID related documents along with sample. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
work is here by extended as below in continuation of the Govt. announcement of 144 extension due to S. NO.2- (i) Scanned copy of II. Cover 2nd containing price bid quoted for the item.
prevailing COVID -19 Virus spreading precautionary measures. Registration with Home Department 4. The bids shall be received in the office of Medical Superintendent e-Procurement Notice
Sl. No Description Extended up to GNCT of Delhi (ii) Audited balance on or before 18.05.2020 upto 03.00 P.M. INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
sheet & Profit and Loss Account of 5. The bid date shall not be extended under any circumstances what- 1. The Executive Engineer HPPWD Chopal Distt. Shimla H.P. on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the
1 Date and time of Pre bid meeting 21.05.2020 at 11.00 A.M last three years (i) Copy of GST soever. online bids on item rate, in electronic tendering system, in 2 Cover System for the under mentioned work
2 The last date for Sale of Tender 29.05.2020 upto 5.45 P.M Registration/ upto date file returned 6. The bids shall be opened by the designated committee on from the eligible and approved contractors/Firms registered with HPPWD Department.
3 The last date for receipt of Tender 01.06.2020 upto 3.00 P.M roof. (iii) Scanned Copy of EMD (iv) 19.05.2020 at 02.00 P.M.
Scanned copy of ESI and EPF Sr. Name of Work Estimated EMD Cost of Eligible Class
4 Date & Time of opening of Tender 01.06.2020 at 3.30 P.M 7. The items shall be approved purely on the basis of sample/Brand.
registration. (v) Copy of Pan Number. No. Cost Tender of Contractor
8. The supplies shall be accepted on the basis of approved sample
All other terms and conditions already published remain unaltered. (vi) Valid Mobile Number, WhatsApp with brand. 1. Up-gradation and M/T on Sainj khad Dimmi Trahan Kupvi Rs. Rs. Rs. “A”
DIPR / 1788 / TENDER / 2020 Chief Engineer (i/c), Number and E-mail ID 9. Supplies shall have to be delivered within a period of 10 days from road km. 0/0 to 21/0 (SH: RIDF including R/wall, B/wall, 72423589/- 755800/- 5000/- Class
TWAD Board, Thanjavur (3) EMD’s in the form of DD/FDR in
SAVE WATER, CONSERVE WATER, EVERY DROP COUNTS the date of issuance of confirmed supply order. No further extension CD, MT road side V-shape drain, essential parapet solid
favour of EE, CD-IV may be submitted shall be granted in delivery period. cause way and sign board and km. stone in between km.
in the O/o of EE, CD-IV physically by R.D. 0/0 to 21/0) under NABARD RIDF-XXIV)
10. In case of delay in supplies, penalty @ 03% shall be imposed for
Nivida No.12 of 2019-20 CORRIGENDUM No.8 the 1st lowest agency within 7 days
from opening of tenders. If the same first 03 days and 06 % on next 03 days beyond which no supply 2. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission: The Bid document is available online and bid
Following rectification is made in Tender Notice No.12 of 2019-20 of shall not be deposited physically, the shall be accepted. should be submitted in online mode on website Bidder would be required to reg-
tender shall be treated as cancelled. 11. Identified source shall have to supply the items for future require- ister in the web-site which is free of cost. For submission of bids, the bidder is required to have Digital
Executive Engineer, Ver-II Project Division, Vyara PIN CODE NO.394650 ment as and when need arises on the same rates, terms and con- Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities (CA). “Aspiring bidders who
The Detail of above mentioned work
Phone No. 02626-222090 Dist: Tapi. can be seen and downloaded from ditions. have not obtained the user ID and password for participating in e-tendering in HPPWD may obtain the
website http://govtprocurement. 12. The quotationer will certify that the rates charged are the lowest same from the website: Digital signature is mandatory to participate in the e-ten-
Event Old Date New Date market rates at present and are as per company’s price list. dering. Bidders already possessing the digital signature issued from authorized CAs can use the same in 4) No manual tender
1 2 3 4 shall be accepted; only tender 13. The quotationer shall have to mention Drug License/ GST registra- this tender.
submitted through e-procurement tion on the offer. 3. Key Dates:
1 Online Tender 08/01/2020 to 08/05/2020 08/01/2020 to 20/05/2020 portal shall be considered. 14. 100% payment shall be released after supplies are received in full, 1. Date of Online Publication 06.05.2020 10:00 HRS
upload date Up to 18.00 Hrs. Up to 18.00 Hrs. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER its inspection & verification of bills thereof. 2. Documents Download Start and End Date 15.05.2020 1030 HRS upto 30.05.2020 1700 HRS
Dip/Shabdarth/0031/20-21 The detailed specifications are available at the website of SKIMS
2 Submission of Up to 15/05/2020 Up to 30/05/2020 MCH Bemina and SKIMS Soura Srinagar and 3. Bid Submission Start and End Date 15.05.2020 1030 HRS upto 30.05.2020 1700 HRS
Document Date at 18.00 Hrs. at 18.00 Hrs. respectively. 4. Physical Submission of EMD and Cost of Tender Document 01.06.2020 up to 1100 HRS
Materials Management Officer 5. Date of Technical Bids Opening, Evaluation of Technical Bids 04.06.2020 1100 HRS
3 Opening of Pre 16/05/2020 in the Office 01/06/2020 in the Office SKIMS MCH Bemina followed by Opening of Financial Bids
Qualification Bid of the Superintending of the Superintending No.: SKIMS/MCH/MMD/S-415/2020/1889-95
date Engineer, Ukai Circle Engineer, Ukai Circle Dated: 11.05.2020 DIPK-NB-224
(Civil), Ukai at 12.00 Hrs. (Civil), Ukai at 12.00 Hrs. The Tender Documents shall be uploaded On-line in 2 Covers:
i) Cover-1 shall contain scanned copies of all "Technical Documents/Eligibility".
All other conditions remain unchanged. No.: INF-Surat/45/2020 ii) Cover-2 shall contain “BOQ/Financial Bids”, where Contractor will quote his offer for each item.
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 5. SUBMISSION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS: The bidders are required to submit (a) original demand draft
Phone: 01905-272269, Fax:- 272862, Email: towards the cost of bid document and (b) original bid security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and other
Technical Documents in O/o Executive Engineer HPPWD Chopal H.P. as specified in Key dates Sr. No. 4
Dated: 08.05.2020 on Tender Opening Date, failing which the bids will be declared non-responsive.
6. BID OPENING DETAILS: The bids shall be opened on 04.06.2020 at 1100 HRS in the office Executive
(A Government of Gujarat Undertaking) The Executive Engineer, Dharampur Division, HPPWD Dharampur , Distt: Mandi (H.P) on behalf of Governor of H.P
Engineer, HPPWD Division Chopal H.P. by the authorised officer. In their interest the tenderer are
invites the item rate bids, in electronic tendering systems from the eligible class of contractors registered with HPPWD
Regd. Office: Block No. 14/1 for the work as detailed in the table. advised to be present along with original documents at the time of opening of tenders. If the office hap-
Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Sector-10 Gandhinagar Sr. Name of Work Estimated Starting Date Earnest Deadline for
pens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next work-
Ph. 079-23250767, 23250766, 23257696 No. Cost for Downloading Money Submission of
ing day at the same time and venue.
(In Rs.) Bid (in Rs.) Bid 7. The bids for the work shall remain valid for acceptance for a period not less than 90 days after the dead-
E-TENDER NOTICE : 09/2020-21 1 2 3 4 5 6
line date for bid submission.
8. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The officer inviting tender shall not be held liable for
Tenders are invited online for Medical Equipment / 1. M/T Guin Ubhak- Banerdhi-Kaounsal- Kandapatten road 41781515/- 25.05.2020 450315/- 08.06.2020 any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the bid-
km 0/0 to 24/0 (SH: C/o R/wall, B/wall, CD works ders of any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder. It
Instruments Surgical items & other Miscellaneous Industrial Mettaling and tarring, V-shape Drain Parapets and Sign
is the bidders’ responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to the tender.
Board in km 0/0 to 24/00).
Products (through internet) from reputed manufacturers. For Executive Engineer
imported materials Authorised representative / dealer The bidders are advised to note other details of tender from the department website
Executive Engineer, PPWD Division Chopal
appointed either by parent manufacturer or its subsidiary Dharampur Division, District Shimla H.P on behalf of
company should submit their offer. Interested bidders are HPPWD Dharampur, Distt: Mandi (H.P) 0325/HP Governor of Himachal Pradesh
0331/HP (on behalf of Governor of H.P)
requested to submit the tender through e-tender process. All
tender documents can be downloaded free from website Detail tender Notice is avalable on
wesite /
and this office notice board.
Sr. No. Name of item
Duration of Downloading Tender (online):
11/05/2020 to 18/05/2020 upto 15.55 hrs.
Last date for Submission (online) 18/05/2020 upto 16.00 hrs.
Last date for Physical Submission on: 19/05/2020 upto 12.00 hrs.
Due date of opening of Technical Bid (online): 20/05/2020 on 12.30 hrs.

CX.´fi. ´ff½fSX MÑXfaÀfd¸fVf³f IYfSX´fûSmXVf³f d»f. BÊX- ²fSûWS SfdVf E½fa A³¹f ½¹f½fÀffd¹fI ´fi´fÂf WfOÊ SXfdVf 32000.00 d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf IYf ¸fc»¹f CX.´fi. ´ff½fSX MXÑfaÀfd¸fVf³f IYfSX´fûSmXVf³f d»f. d³fd½fQf A±f½ff d½f»f¸¶f IZ d»f¹fZ d½f·ff¦f CØfSQf¹fe ³fWeÔ
d³fd½fQf Af¸faÂf¯f Àfc¨f³ff A³fb·f½fe R ¸ffZË/ I fg´fe ¸fZÔ A±f½ff ½¹fd¢°f¦f°f Àfa½ffWI IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f 3540.00 ªfe.EÀf.Me. ÀfdW°f, BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX Àfc¨f³ff d³f¸³fd»fd£f°f ¸fbW S¶faQ d³fd½fQfEa Qû ·ff¦fûÔ ¸fZÔ Wû¦ffÜ d³fd½fQfEa A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSI °ffÊ IZ I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ¸fZÔ
NZIZ QfS/ I f¹fÊQf¹fe ÀfaÀ±ffAûÔ ÀfZ d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f ÀfZ BÀf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ¸fZÔ ´fif´°f ³fWeÔ dI ¹fZ ªff¹fZÔ¦fZÜ d³fd½fQf A´f»fûOX IYSX³fZ IYe Ad³°f¸f d°fd±f A³fb·f½fe NZ IZ QfSûÔ ÀfZ d³f¸³f I f¹fÊ IZ Àf¸´ffQ³f WZ °fb d³fd½fQf £fb»f³fZ I e d³f²ffÊdS°f dQ³ffaI I û 14.00
¸faO »f ¸fZS N IZ Aa°f¦fÊ°f d³f¸³f I f¹fûË WZ °fb ¸fûWS BÊ -d³fd½fQf ·ff¦f dõ°fe¹f (´fifBªfd¶fO) £fb»f³fZ E½fa Àf¸f¹f 11.06.2020 Àff¹fa 05 ¶fªfZ °fI , Af¸fadÂf°f I e ªff°fe W`Ô Ü ´fi°¹fZI d³fd½fQf IZ ´fi±f¸f ¶fªfZ °fI ´fif~ I e ªff¹fZa¦fe AüS CÀfe dQ³f
¶faQ BÊ -d³fd½fQfEa BÊ -´fûMÊ »f I e d°fd±f WZ °fb °fQû³fbÀffS ½fZ¶fÀffBM ´fS Àfcd¨f°f BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX d³fd½fQf IYf ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f ·ff¦f ¸fZÔ ²fSûWS SfdVf ER .Oe.AfS./ Àfe.Oe.AfS. Àff½fʪfd³fI ø ´f ÀfZ NZ IZ QfSûÔ A±f½ff C³fIZ
( ´fS Qû I e ªffE¦feaÜ BÊ -d³fd½fQf I f ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f, £fû»f³fZ IYe d°fd±f E½fa Àf¸f¹f 12.06.2020 (SfáÑ e¹fIÈ °f ¶f`aI ) IZ ø ´f ¸fZÔ A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fa°ff, ´fid°fd³fd²f¹fûÔ I e C´fdÀ±fd°f ¸fZÔ 15.00 ¶fªfZ £fû»fe
d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f ¸f¯O»f ¸fZS N IZ ´fÃf ¸fZÔ QZ¹f Wû E½fa ªff¹fZÔ¦fe C¢°f d°fd±f I û A½fI fVf Wû³fZ ´fS d³fd½fQfEa
·ff¦fûÔ ¸fZÔ Af¸fadÂf°f I e ªff°fe W` Ü ·ff¦f-1 ¸fZÔ BÊ - °ffd»fI f ¸fZÔ AadI °f dQ³ffaI E½fa Àf¸f¹f A³fbÀffS ´fif°f: 12 ¶fªfZ °fI , BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX d³fd½fQf IYf
B³I ¸f M` ¢Àf E½fa ´f`³f ³fa. B³I ¸f M` ¢Àf dSM³fÊ, A¦f»fZ I f¹fÊ dQ½fÀf ¸fZÔ d³f²ffÊdS°f Àf¸f¹f ´fS £fû»fe
d³fd½fQfAûa IZ ´fi´fÂf d³f²ffÊdS°f Vfb»I Àff½fʪfd³fI ø ´f ÀfZ £fû»ff ªff¹fZ¦ffÜ BÊ -d³fd½fQf dõX°fe¹f ·ff¦f £fû»f³fZ IYe d°fd±f E½fa Àf¸f¹f ªfe.EÀf.Me. ´faªfeI S¯f ´fi´fÂf I e Lf¹ff ´fid°f °f±ff
AfS.Me.ªfe.EÀf./ E³f.BÊ.ER .Me. E½fa d³f²ffÊdS°f £fb»f³fZ I e d°fd±f ´fS A½fI fVf Wû³fZ I e dÀ±fd°f °fQ³fbÀffS ¶fZ½fÀffBM ´fS Àfcd¨f°f I e ªff¹fZ¦feÔÜ ªff¹fZa¦feÜ Af¸fadÂf°f d³fd½fQfEa d½f·ff¦f I e ½fZ¶fÀffBÊ M
A³fb·f½f Àfa¶fa²fe ´fi´fÂf A½fV¹f Wû³fZ ¨ffdWE A³¹f±ff ÀfZ ·fe OfC³f»fûO I e ªff
²fSûWS SfdVf AfS.Me.ªfe.EÀf./ E³f.BÊ . ER .Me./ ¸fZÔ BÊ -d³fd½fQf A¦f»fZ I f¹fÊ dQ½fÀf ´fS d³f²ffÊdS°f IiY¸f Àfa. 2 d³fd½fQf Àfa£¹ff E½fa IYf¹fÊ IYf I e dÀ±fd°f ¸fZÔ d³fd½fQf I f ·ff¦f-2 d½f¨ffS¯fe¹f ³fWeÔ
¶f`ÔI ¦ffS³Me (A»f¦f-A»f¦f) IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ Àf¸f¹f °fI À½feI fS I e ªffE¦fe E½fa d³f²ffÊdS°f d½f½fSX¯f MXe- 34/20-21:- kk´ffSm ¿f¯f ·f½f³fll ÀfI °fe W` dªfÀfIZ d»f¹fZ C´fSû¢°ff³fbÀffS d³fd½fQf
Wû¦ffÜ dõ°fe¹f ·ff¦f ¸fZÔ ½ffd¯fdª¹fI d³f¹f¸f, QSmÔ E½fa ´fi´fÂf I f ¸fc»¹f I f dO¸ff¯O OÑ fµM A²feÃf¯f
A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fa°ff, d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f ¸f¯O»f, Àf¸f¹f ´fS £fû»fe ªffE¦feÜ BÊ -d³fd½fQfAûÔ I û ¸fZS N IZ d½fd·f³³f I f¹ffÊ»f¹fûÔ ¸fZÔ À±ffd´f°f Vf°fZË Wû³fe ¨ffdWEÜ d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f Àf¸f¹f
¸fZS N IZ ´fÃf ¸fZÔ State Bank of India, d¶f³ff I fZBÊ I fS¯f ¶f°ffE BÊ -d³fd½fQf/ BÊ - B³MSI fg¸f IZ ½ffd¿fÊI A³fbS Ãf¯f ÀfZ Àfa¶fad²f°f Ad·f¹fa°ff, d½fôb°f ´ffSm¿f¯f ¸f¯O»f ¸fZS N IZ ´fÃf ¸fZÔ
¸fZÔ d³fd½fQf £fb»f³fZ IZ EI dQ½fÀf ´fc½fÊ 16.00 ¶fªfZ QZ¹f Wû, d³fd½fQf IZ Àff±f Àfa»f¦³f I S ·ûªf³ff
Cantt Branch, Meerut Account d³fd½fQfAûÔ I û AÀ½feI fS/ d½f·ffdªf°f I S³fZ I f I f¹fÊÜ ¹fW I f¹fÊ d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f J¯O-dõ°fe¹f °fI I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ÀfZ We A½ff´fÀfe¹f d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf I f
No. 11047201099, IFSC Code Ad²fI fS A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSI °ffÊ IZ ´ffÀf ÀfbS dÃf°f ¸fZS N IZ Aa°f¦fÊ°f dI ¹ff ªffE¦ffÜ ²fSXûWXSX SXfdVf Af½fV¹fI Wû¦ff A³¹f±ff d³fd½fQfAûÔ I û À½feI fS
¸fc»¹f ·fb¦f°ff³f I S ´fif~ dI ¹fZ ªff ÀfI °fZ W`Ô Ü
SBIN0000680 ¸fZÔ ªf¸ff I Sf¹fe ªff¹fZÔ¦feÜ SWZ¦ffÜ ²fSûWS/ BÊ -d³fd½fQf SfdVf SdW°f ½f ÀfVf°fÊ 2000.00 d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf IYf ¸fc»¹f 590.00 d³fd½fQfAûa IZ ´fi´fÂf d³f²ffÊdS°f Vfb»I E½fa d³f²ffÊdS°f ³fWeÔ dI ¹ff ªff¹fZ¦ffÜ dI Àfe A±f½ff Àf¸fÀ°f
¶f`ÔI ªf¸ff I e Àffùf ¹f±ff ¹fûª¹f ¹fc.Me.AfS. BÊ -d³fd½fQfEa À½feI fS ³fWeÔ I e ªffEa¦feÜ IÈ ´f¹ff ªfe.EÀf.Me. ÀfdW°f, BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX d³fd½fQf ²fSûWS SfdVf AfS.Me.ªfe.EÀf./ E³f.BÊ.ER .Me. IZ d³fd½fQfAûÔ I û, d¶f³ff I ûBÊ I fS¯f ¶f°ff¹fZ, d³fSÀ°f
¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fa°ff, d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f I S³fZ I f Ad²fI fS A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSI °ffÊ I û ÀfbS dÃf°f
Àfa£¹ff, ´fZ-B³f dÀ»f´f ¸fc»f I e ´fid°f d³fd½fQf IZ d½fÀ°fÈ°f ªff³fI fSe, OfC³f »fûO, A³¹f ÀfaVfû²f³fûÔ A´f»fûOX IYSX³fZ IYe Ad³°f¸f d°fd±f E½fa Àf¸f¹f
¸f¯O»f, ¸fZS N IZ ´fÃf ¸fZÔ State Bank of Wû¦ffÜ MXe-35/20-21 (d³fd½fQf £ffZ»fZ ªff³fZ
´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f IZ Àff±f Àfa»f¦³f dI ¹fZ ªff¹fZÜ BÊ- E½fa BÊ -d³fd½fQf ´fiÀ°fb°f I S³fZ IZ dQ³ffaI °fI 11.06.2020 Àff¹fa 05 ¶fªfZ °fI , BÊX-´fûMÊX»f
India, Cantt Branch, Meerut IYe d°fd±f 08.06.2020) d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f ¸faO »f
d³fd½fQf IZ ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f (¹fc.Me.AfS. Àfa£¹ff, ´fZ- d½fÀ°ffS AfdQ IZ Àfa¶fa²f ¸fZÔ ´fSX d³fd½fQf IYf ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f £fû»f³fZ IYe
Account No. 11047201099, IFSC ¸fZS N WZ °fb EI ³f¦f Oeªf»f ¨fd»f°f I fS, (¨ff»fI
B³f dÀ»f´f ´fid°f, d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf, ´f`³f I fOÊ , ´fS »ffg¦f Af³f d°fd±f E½fa Àf¸f¹f 12.06.2020 ´fif°f: 12 ¶fªfZ
Code SBIN0000680 ¸fZÔ ·fe ªf¸ff I Sf¹fe ÀfdW°f) 12 ¸ffW I e A½fd²f IZ d»f¹fZ dI Sf¹fZ ´fS
B³I ¸f M` ¢Àf dSM³fÊ, ªfe.EÀf.Me. ´fi´fÂf I e À½f¹fa I SmÔ Ü d³fd½fQfAûÔ I f d½f½fS¯f d³f¸³f ´fiI fS W` :- °fI , BÊX-´fûMÊX»f ´fSX d³fd½fQf IYf dõX°fe¹f ·ff¦f
ªff ÀfI °fe W` Ü ¶f`ÔI ªf¸ff I e Àffùf ¹f±ff ¹fûª¹f C´f»f¶²f I Sf³fZ I f I f¹fÊÜ ²fSûWS SfdVf ÷ .
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¹fc.Me.AfS. Àfa£¹ff, ´fZ-B³f dÀ»f´f ¸fc»f I e ´fid°f
AfdQ) BÊ -´fûMÊ »f ´fS ÀI` ³O ´fid°f¹ffg (PDF d½f½fSX¯f MXe- 33/20-21:- d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f ¶fZ½fÀffBM ´fS Àfcd¨f°f I e ªff¹fZ¦feÔÜ A²feÃf¯f ´fi´fÂf I f ªfe.EÀf.Me. ÀfdW°f ¸fc»¹f ÷ . 590.00/-,
d³fd½fQf IZ ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f IZ Àff±f Àfa»f¦³f dI ¹fZ ªff¹fZÜ
format) °f±ff BÊ -d³fd½fQf IZ dõ°fe¹f ·ff¦f £f¯O-dõ°fe¹f ¸fZS N IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f 132 IZ .½fe. Ad·f¹fa°ff, d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f ¸faO »f, 130-Oe, A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fa°ff d½fôb°f ´ffSmX¿f¯f ¸f¯OX»f,
OfI õfSf ¸fa¦ff¹fZ ªff³fZ WZ °fb ÷ . 300/- Ad°fdSö
(´fifBªfd¶fO) ¸fZÔ QSm E½fa ½ffd¯fª¹fI d³f¹f¸f ½f ¸fûQe´fbS ¸f (220 IZ .½fe.)-Ia I SJZO f-dõ°fe¹f kk´ffSm ¿f¯f ·f½f³fll d½f¢MûdS¹ff ´ffIÊ , ¸fZS NÜ 130-OXe, d½f¢MXûdSX¹ff ´ffIÊY, ¸fSmXNXÜ kkSXfáÑXdWX°f
QZ¹f WûÔ¦fZ, ´fûÀM»f AfOÊ S ªfû dI A²feÃf¯f
Vf°fZÊ BÊ -´fûMÊ »f (www.etender. »ffB³f IZ Mf½fS »fûIZ Vf³f ³fa. 42 ÀfZ 132 kkSf¿MÑ dW°f ¸fZÔ D ªffÊ ¶f¨ffEall ´fÂffaI / No. Ad·f¹fa°ff, d½fôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f ¸f¯O»f ¸fZS N IZ ´fÃf ¸fZÔ ¸fZÔ DYªffÊ ¶f¨ff¹fZÔllÜ ´fÂffaIY/ No. 1226, ´fSX d³f¸³fd»fd£f°f °ffd»fI f IZ IZ .½fe. C´fIZ ³ýi Ia I SJZO f-dõ°fe¹f °fI dõ°fe¹f 1226 d½f.´ff.¸fa./ETC/¸fZS N/MT dQ³ffaI : QZ¹f Wû, ·ûªfI S ´fif~ dI ¹ff ªff ÀfI °ff W` Ü OfI d½f.´ff.¸f./ ETC/ ¸fZSXNX/ dQ³ffaIY:
A³fbÀffS A´f»fûO I e ªff¹fZ¦feÜ d³fd½fQf Vfb»I , ÀfdIÊ M WZ °fb dÀMÑ d¦fa¦f ÀfZ Àfa¶fad²f°f I f¹fÊÜ ²fSXûWXSX 11/05/2020 õfSf ¸fa¦ff¹fZ ¦f¹fZ d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf IZ ´fif~ ³f WfZ³fZ 11/05/2020

New Delhi



`41,705 `75.51 $26.15 `38,100
Note: Spot gold markets shut due to lockdown in major states; Indian basket as on March 19, 2020

SENSEX: 31,371.12 ▼ 190.10 NIFTY: 9,196.55 ▼ 42.65 NIKKEI: 20,366.48 ▼ 24.18 HANG SENG: 24,245.68 ▼ 356.38 FTSE: 5,993.53 ▲ 53.80 DAX: 10,851.17 ▲ 26.18
International market data till 1900 IST


Industrialoutputcontractsbyrecord ‘Bold, not incremental reforms,

will help to boost the productive
16.7%inMar;shrinks0.7%forfullFY20 Production of capital goods, an slideto2.0percentinQ4FY2020
capacity, productivity of economy’
RAJIV KUMAR, Vice Chairman,
NITI Aayog, said the financial
ing with leading economists and
ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU Apr inflation figures not released as indicatorof investment,declined from 4.7 per cent in Q3 FY2020, packageheralds“boldreformsall they were saying that you have
lockdown prevents data collection by 35.6percentasagainst a con-
traction of 9.1 per cent in the
across the range” that aims at
India achieving global competi-
(to) look at fiscal space in a dy-
FACTORYOUTPUTcontractedby New Delhi: The government The data collected tele- same month last year. in that quarter. Overall, we ex- tiveness. In a interaction with grow,thefiscalspacegetscreated.
a record 16.7 per cent in March did not release the April CPI phonicallydidshowincrease As per use-based classifica- pect that the GDP growth mod- SUNNY VERMA after the Prime On the other hand, if the GDP
as the impact of the nationwide inflation data on Tuesday as inpricesof certainimportant tion, primary good registered a eratedto4.3percentinFY2020,” Minister’s speech on Tuesday, stops growing, then same fiscal
lockdown tocountertheCOVID- the nationwide lockdown commodities like milkprod- contractionof 3.1percent,inter- AditiNayar,principaleconomist, Kumar said the steps to be an- expenditure becomes much big-
19 pandemic reflected in sharp prevented officials from col- ucts, fruits and vegetables in mediate goods (-)18.5 per cent ICRA, said. nounced in the coming days ger (as a percentage of GDP), the
contraction of manufacturing, lecting price data at various April over March. and infrastructure/construction “Given the likelihood of mis- would focus on ensuring that ratio(fiscaldeficit)becomesmuch
capital goods, consumer centres. However, the release goods(-)23.8percentthisMarch matches in labour availability as Indiadoesnotshutitselfoutfrom Rajiv Kumar. Express file bigger. I think rather than asking
durables and consumer non- However, the Consumer said,“theGeneralCPIandin- over the same period last year. well as the possibility of supply theglobaleconomy,evenasitpro- thisquestion(onwhereisthefis-
durables output, which is ex- Price Index (CPI) data that dicesatState/UTlevelarenot The consumer durables out- chain disruptions, we expect the motes self reliance. Excerpts: cal space), one should ask the
pected totranslateintoa sharply could be collected telephon- beingreleasedforthemonth put fell 33.1 per cent, while non- drag fromsectors such as manu- He said bold and not incre- question “how is this extra fiscal
lower GDP growth for 2019-20 ically has been released, the of April, 2020.” durablesproductionslipped16.2 facturing, construction, and Whatareyourcommentson mental(steps)...thisisreallywhat pushbeingusedtoacceleratethe
and a contraction in 2020-21. National Statistical Office On account of the lock- per cent in March. trade,hotelsandtransportetc,to PrimeMinister’s itis.Youwillseeaspateareforms economy”.Mybelieveisthatwith
For the full financial year (NSO) said in a release. down, the collection of data Economists said the fall re- linger for a large part of May announcementof apackage? now, as you have seen in case of the bold reforms, this will help to
2019-20, the Index of Industrial Usually, price data is col- on prices for CPI through flected a pause in investment in- 2020, with a further delay in the The financial package along labourreformsinthestates.Heis boosttheproductivecapacityand
Production (IIP) recorded a con- lectedfromselected1,114ur- personal visits of price col- tentions and deferral of non-es- return to normalcy for a large with the two announcements bentuponcreatingthiscrisisinto the productivity of the economy.
traction of 0.7percent asagainst ban markets and 1,181 vil- lectors was suspended from sential consumption and the cross-segment of these sectors. thatit’snowtimeforboldreforms an opportunity, and I think this is
3.8 per cent growth in the previ- lages through personalvisits March 19. In April, price data dragonsectorssuchasmanufac- “However, we continue to all across the range, and the fact what will happen. You will see DoesfocusonAtmanirbhar
ous year. by field staff of Field waslargely collectedbytele- turing, construction, trade and expect the healthy rabi crop and thatIndiawillachieveglobalcom- that all the sectors are covered, Bharatindicatethatwearenot
Factory output growth was Operations Division of NSO phonic enquiry from desig- hotels is going to continue in the a pickup in government expen- petitivenessandnotshutitselfout and this talk about that “busi- keenonforeigninvestment?
recorded at 4.6 per cent in on a weekly roaster. nated outlets. PTI coming months. diture to provide some cushion from the global economy while nesseswillnotbehelped,”Ithink Not at all. He kept saying at-
February and 2.7 per cent in the “Withthey-o-yperformance to economic activity in remaining self reliance — these all of that will be proven wrong. manirbhar but not atmakendrit,
same period last year. The data of many lead indicators of man- Q1FY2021. ICRA projects Indian three together are what every- we have to be self reliant in a
is likely to be revised due to Manufacturingsectoroutput by 6.8 per cent as against a ufacturing and services portray- GDP to contract in a range of 16- body was looking for. Although I Onequestioniswhetherthe globalisedworld.Hesaidwewill,
lower response rate from the contracted 20.6 per cent com- growth of 2.2 per cent in March ing an unfavourable trend in the 20 per cent in Q1FY2021, which willwaitforthedetails,thePrime governmenthasfiscalspace therefore,workwithglobalvalue
units from which data is col- pared to a growth of 3.1 per cent 2019. Mining sector output re- just-concluded quarter, driven would translate to a contraction Ministerhasshownheisfullycog- forsuchalargepackage? chains and become a better part
lected, the National Statistical in the same month a year ago. mained flat compared to a by the COVID-19 related disrup- of 1.0-2.0 per cent in FY2021,” nizantofwhatthesituationisand Even the sternest of fiscal of it on the basis of our competi-
Office said. Electricity generation declined growth of 0.8 per cent earlier. tions, GDP growth is expected to Nayar added. willing to take the bold steps. hawks have stopped asking that tiveness.

‘Liquidity woes to intensify 1.9%: 3-12%: Self-reliant India Mission:

forbusinesses’ for MEC segment in FY21’ (GDP) GROWTH ESTIMATE

Total package includes reliefs
earlier announced by govt, RBI
New Delhi: Industry body The mid-size and emerging corporate (MEC) segment may
Ficci and consultancy firm witness a 6 per cent dip in their turnover and up to 1.25 per
Deloitte have, in a report, cent contraction in profit margins in FY21, India Ratings said
proposed that banks pro- ment’s “fiscal” package, even than Rs 12 lakh crore.
videRs3-4lakhcroreingov- <`750 crore: Revenue of CHALLENGES FOR MECs: UDITMISRA thoughonlythegovernmentcon- That’s because RBI has been
ernment guaranteed credit businesses that are included ■ Low ability to withstand NEWDELHI,MAY12 trols the fiscal policy and not the coming out with long term bond
to sustainable businesses. mid-size and emerging disruptions RBI (which controls the ‘mone- buyingoperations(longtermrepo
corporate (MEC) segment ONWEDNESDAY,PrimeMinister tary’policy).Governmentexpen- operation or LTRO, to infuse liq-
`100-crcorpus 2.85x: Downgrade to upgrade
■ Severely constrained access
to funding
Narendra Modi said the country
should view the COVID-19 crisis
diture and RBI’s actions are nei-
ther the same nor can they be
uidity into the banking system)
worth Rs 1 lakh crore at a time.
byICAI ratio in MEC segment in FY20,
which more than doubled from ■ Tepid growth in non-priority
If, for argument’s sake, RBI
comes out with another LTRO of
New Delhi: With an aim to previous figure; expected to sector advances by banks to to the nation, he stressed on the NR Bhanumurthy of NIPFP. Rs1lakhcrore,thentheoverallfis-
strengthenthefutureofstu- continue in FY21 as well MECs importance of promoting “local” For instance, when the US is calhelpfallsbythesameamount.
dents pursuing chartered ~25%: Share of investment products.Hecalledit said to have an-
accountancy,theInstituteof ■ Bigger portion of revenues Atmanirbhar Bharat nouncedareliefpack- Why shouldn’t RBI’s
grade rated MEC issuers who
Chartered Accountants of may report cash flow shortfall attributable to exports than Abhiyan (or Self-re- age of $3 trillion (Rs package be included in
India(ICAI)hassetupcorpus for debt servicing in FY21 that of large corporates liant India Mission) 225lakhcrore),itonly the overall package?
fundofRs100croreandear- and said that in the refers to the money
marked it to provide them days to come, his that will be spent by That’s because direct expen-
scholarships. ENS Low chance of positive rating actions: The likelihood Fall in liquidity profiles: A major Source: government will be the government — diture by a government — either
of positive rating actions “remains low” as it will fall in industrial activity will India unveiling the details and it has nothing to by way of wage subsidy or direct
Jubilant,Gilead take some time before trend of impairment in
credit quality reverses
translate into significant
deterioration in liquidity profiles
Ratings/PTI ofaneconomicpack-
do with what the
benefit transfer or payment of
salaries orpaymentforconstruc-
inkdealondrug including the earlier reliefs an-
nounced by Finance Minister
might have done. tion of a new hospital etc — im-
Bengaluru: Jubilant Life Nirmala Sitharaman and the RBI,
So will the actual latestheeconomy.Inotherwords,
ithadsignedanon-exclusive Finance Ministry begins annual exercise to review would be worth Rs 20 lakh crore
— or 10 per cent of GDP in FY20.
amount spent by the
government be less
that money necessarily reaches

guarantees against loans, aims to ‘avoid default’

licensingagreementforsell- than `20 lakh crore? If salary or someone’s purchase.
ingGileadSciencesInc’sex- Is this a new package? But credit easing by the RBI —
perimentalCOVID-19treat- Notentirely.WhilethePMdid so, by how much? thatis,makingmoremoneyavail-
ment remdesivir in 127 discharging repayment obliga- The review is also done to in 2004-05 to Rs 4.47 lakh crore notgivethedetails,hedidspecify Aroughestimatesuggeststhat able to the banks so that they can
countries, including India. ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU tionsorinterestobligationsasper monitortherepayingcapacityfor at the end of 2018-19, as per lat- that this calculation of Rs 20 lakh theRBI’sdecisionshaveprovided lendtothebroadereconomy—is
NEW DELHI, MAY 12 termsof theloanagreement,”the loan and guarantee amount of est available data from the crore includes what the govern- additional liquidity of Rs5-6lakh notlikegovernmentexpenditure.
Growthforecast THE FINANCE Ministry on
Ministry said in an official com-
munication to ministries on
the borrowers.
In terms of Article 292 of the
Finance Ministry.
During the year 2018-19, the
the steps taken by the Reserve
of crisis, banks may take that
cutslikely:IMF Tuesday asked all government
departments and ministries to
Financial advisers of respec-
net accretion to guarantees was
crore of the first fiscal relief pack-
age announced by the Centre on
money from RBI and elsewhere
and, instead of lending it, park it
Washington: IMF MD review guarantees against vari- tive ministries have been asked payment of borrowings, and the percentof GDP,withintheouter —thatisoverandabovewhatthe March 26. Together, the two al- back with the RBI.
Kristalina Georgieva said ous loans issued by them. to submit annual review of gov- government can provide up to limit of 0.5 per cent. government would have spent ready account for 40 per cent of Thisisexactlywhatishappen-
Tuesday it was “very likely” The Ministry said that gov- ernment guarantees to the 0.5 per cent of GDP (Gross The government typically evenintheabsenceofaCOVIDcri- theRs20-lakhcrorepackage.That ing right now. At the last count,
the Fund would cut global ernmentguaranteesare“contin- budget division in the Finance DomesticProduct)forincremen- provides guarantees against sis — will not be Rs 20 lakh crore. leaves an effective amount of Rs Indian banks had parked Rs 8.5
growth forecasts further as gent liabilities and need to be Ministry. For guarantees given tal guarantees in a particular fi- loanstakenbygovernmententi- It would be substantially less. 12 lakh crore. lakh crore with the central bank.
the coronavirus pandemic monitored properly to avoid against external loans, the nancial year. ties for executing projects that However,ifthegovernmentis Sointermsofcalculations,RBIhas
was hitting many econo- event of default” by the borrow- Departmentof EconomicAffairs Thestockof contingentliabil- have social and economic bene- Why? includingRBI’sliquiditydecisions givenastimulusofRs6lakhcrore.
miesharderthanpreviously ing entities. “The monitoring or will conduct a review. This is an ities in the form of guarantees fits. This helps improve viability That’s because the PM has in- in thecalculation, then theactual But the reality is that it has re-
projected. REUTERS review undertaken should ex- annual exercise done by the given by the government has in- of the projects and lowers their cluded the actions of RBI, India’s fresh spending by the govern- ceived an even bigger amount
amine whether the borrower is Finance Ministry. creased from Rs 1.07 lakh crore cost of borrowing. centralbank,aspartofthegovern- mentcouldbeconsiderablylower back from the banks.

Sebi eases compliance 32.6% fall in first China’s new list of US Anil Agarwal to 67% of workers lost jobs
year premium
norms on consolidated income of
imports eligible for waivers take Vedanta during lockdown: Survey
private, buy out
results for banks, insurers life insurers KJMVARMA public shares by Azim Premji University
countermeasures against the US
Section 301 measure, according
niesorhavingsubsidiarieswhich BEIJING,MAY12 to a statement from the Customs rural areas, 66 per cent casual
are banking and insurance com-
panies may submit consolidated
MUMBAI,MAY12 CHINAONTuesdayreleasedalist
Council. The exemption will be
wage workers reported loss of
employment, followed by 62 per
financial results for the quarter of 79 American products which valid from May 19, 2020, to May cent of salaried workers and 47
THE SECURITIES and Exchange ending June 2020 on a voluntary LIFE INSURANCE companies willbeexemptedfromthesecond 18,2021,itsaid.Thereare79prod- PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA ABOUT TWO-THIRDS, or 67 per per cent of rural workers.
Board of India (Sebi) on Tuesday basis,” Sebi said. However, they have posted a 32.60 per cent de- round of retaliatory tariffs im- ucts in total on the list published NEWDELHI,MAY12 cent,ofworkerslostemployment Average weekly earnings for
liberalised guidelines governing mustcontinuesubmittingstand- cline in first year premium in- posed at the peak of the bilateral on Tuesday by the Ministry of during the ongoing lockdown to non-agricultural self-employed
publishing of results and other alone financial results, it added. come in April, due to the lock- trade war, as it faced fresh pres- Finance that included rare earth ANIL AGARWAL Tuesday an- countertheCOVID-19pandemic, workerswhowerestillemployed
compliancenormsforlistedenti- With regard to the require- down. Total first year premium sure from the US to import more mineralores,aircraftradarequip- nouncedplanstodelisthisIndian with urban India posting loss in fell by over 90 per cent from Rs
ties as it eased norms pertaining ment of sending physical copies income fell to Rs 6,727 crore in to end the bruising dispute. ment,semiconductorparts,med- flagship Vedanta Ltd by buying employment for 8 in 10 workers 2,240toRs218.Forcasualworkers
to the requirement of sending ofannualreportstoshareholders, April2020fromRs9,981crorein This is the second list of ical disinfectants, and a range of out nearly 49 per cent of public and almost 6 in 10 workers in ru- whowerestillemployed,average
physical copies of annual reports Sebihasdispensedwiththisnorm the same month last year. Life American goods to be excluded precious metals, chemical and shareholding at Rs 87.5 apiece. ralareas,asperinitialfindingsofa weekly earnings almost halved
toshareholders,proxyformsfora for listed entities who conduct Insurance Corporation’s first from the second round of tariff petrochemical products. PTI Vedanta Ltd, whose shares have phone survey of nearly 4,000 re- fromRs940inFebruarytoRs495
general meeting and dividend their AGMs during calendar year year premium income fell 32.01 fallen over 40 per cent this year, spondents conducted by Azim during lockdown, the survey
warrants or cheques. 2020 (till December 31, 2020). per cent to Rs 3,581 crore from houses commodity as well as oil PremjiUniversityincollaboration noted.Halfofallsalariedworkers,
The regulator has relaxed the
“The requirement ... is dispensed
Rs 5,267 crore a year ago.
The total first year premium ‘Need basic income scheme and gas business.
Ithadamarketvalueof under
The survey was conducted in
or 51 per cent, saw either a cut in
their salary or received no salary.
consolidated financial results for
June quarter now as “voluntary
ings held through electronic
mode only,” Sebi said.
It has also eased the compli-
income of privateinsurers fellby
33.26 per cent to Rs 3,146 crore
from Rs 4,713 crore. ICICI
to make lockdown work’ Rs 33,200 crore going by
ontheBSE.Attheofferpriceof Rs
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi,
Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
Nearly half (49 per cent) of
not have enough money to buy
basis” in the wake of COVID-19. ance requirement related to divi- Prudential’s first year premium democraticleaderofthe21stcen- 87.5,Agarwal'sVedantaResources (Pune),Odisha,Rajasthan,Telang- even a week’s worth of essential
Further, Sebi said in a circular, dend warrants or cheques. income declined to Rs 256 crore PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA tury if it manages to address the will have to shell out Rs 16,218 ana,andWestBengaltogaugethe items, while 80 per cent of urban
thattheexemptiongiventolisted The norms prescribe the is- from Rs 633 crore and HDFC NEWDELHI,MAY12 issue of inequality. crore to acquire all of the public impact of the lockdown on em- householdsand70percentinru-
companies from publication of suance of ‘payable-at-par’ war- Standard’s to Rs 668 crore from “I think the government shareholding. ployment, livelihoods and access ralareasreportedconsumingless
advertisement in newspapers rants or cheques in case it is not 1,422 crore. SBI Life managed to INDIA NEEDS to come out with a would be well advised to intro- In a regulatory filing, Vedanta to government relief schemes. food than before. As per the sur-
abouttheirboardmeetings,finan- possible to use electronic modes arrest the fall with a new pre- basicincomeschemetomakethe duceabasicincomescheme,and said it has received a letter dated Loss of employment was the vey,overone-third,or36percent,
cial results and other events has of payment. Further, in case the mium income of Rs 917 crore as lockdown work, noted French moregenerallytodevelopasafety May 12, from Vedanta Resources worst for self-employed in urban ofvulnerablehouseholdsinurban
beenextendedtillJune30.Earlier, amount payable as dividend ex- against Rs 913 crore a year ago, economistThomasPikettysaidon net in India. I do not see how a Ltd (VRL) expressing intention to areas, with 84 per cent of them India received at least one cash
the exemption was till May 15. ceedsRs1,500the‘payable-at-par’ while Bajaj Allianz reported a 43 Tuesday. lockdowncanworkwithoutasys- acquire all fully paid-up equity losing employment, compared transfer from the government,
“Listed entities which are warrantsorchequesshallbesent per cent increase to Rs 314 crore He also said that India has the tem of income maintenance,” shares of the company that are with76percentsalariedworkers while 53 per cent of rural house-
banking and insurance compa- by speed postage. during April. potential to become the global Piketty told PTI in an interview. held by the public shareholders. and81percentcasualworkers.In holds received this benefit.

New Delhi

The postponed FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup in India was on Tuesday
rescheduled to next year from February 17 to March 7 after the world
body made a ‘thorough assessment’ of the situation arising out of the
COVID-19 pandemic.

‘Everyone has a camera phone, I just need to source

them … You can be at home and also on television’
Star head Uday Shankar delves into the challenges and opportunities in cricket broadcasting without fans at the stadium
WITH DOUBTS being raised about the creating and enhancing the atmosphere one thought we could operate without go- ruption itself means that we should do less. entertainment. It proved to be a good
October-November T20 World Cup in through graphics, audio, sound effects and ing to office. Every morning, we would get move. So, what is your core competence
Australia, BCCI officials says that IPL now has all that. into our vehicles and go to office. We felt it What about a larger correction, in terms now - is it entertainment or sports or is
a window. Star and Disney India chairman was important. Now suddenly, no one is go- of the kind of money that sports it cricket?
UDAY SHANKAR, while insisting that the Can you think of an innovation that ing to office and the world is okay. broadcasters pay for television rights The big difference between 2008 and
tournament should only be played when it’s recreates on TV the whole drama that We launched ‘Disney plus Hotstar’ in the and IPL salaries? Do you need to go back 2020 is that Star is far more diversified; it is
safe, talks about the creative challenge of used to be in the stands? middle of this lockdown. All our commer- to BCCI in terms of renegotiating these much bigger and much deeper in this coun-
broadcasting of what looks like the first You watch sports at home? Whenever cials for digital and our TV channels were already existing deals? try. In 2008, we were just doing entertain-
‘closed doors’ IPL. Speaking to SANDEEP you’re watching a tense moment, do you not producedinadecentralisedmannerandstill Look, first and foremost, we have a con- ment, nothing else. At that point, we had a
DWIVEDI, the man on the top of world have a very intense expression on your face? everybody came to know about it. tract.Weareanhonourablecompanyandwe sports business but that was a joint venture
cricket’s power list explains the importance So, all we need to do is capture it. And today We need to break our muscle memory. will honour it. But the sports bodies are also with ESPN.
of imagination in dealing with this unique technology is ready for that. So, you can be No matter which business you are in, those aware of the challenges in the market place I think the core competence of the com-
COVID-19 crisis, the fundamental changes in at home but you can also be on television. who are able to think differently and work ...theeconomyandincomeshavetakenahit. pany, The Walt Disney and Star in India, is
media business and how working from Our ability to recreate the same atmosphere backwards from the new reality, they will be And as far as Star and cricket are concerned, our ability to be creative, bold and disrup-
home has made him sharper and focused. for the fan who are watching it from home able to create much more value. it is the goose that lays the golden egg. We tive. I think the media business is going
islimitedonlybyourimagination,otherwise have invested more in cricket than any other through a very deep fundamental transition
You must be thinking hard these days … thefangivesyouenoughopportunitytocap- In the coming days, foreign travel, in and media company, any time in the world. where it is becoming more and more disin-
how are you spending your days? ture those moments of intensity and excite- out, will be tough. So, have you thought I thinkin myexperience,allsportsbodies termediated and leaning towards direct to
These days, we all are at home. Being ment. If this had happened 20 years ago, of going local or even hyper- local. and authorities value the fact that our com- consumer. Don’t forget that we have about
home is more productive. You are much withoutbroadbandandhundredsof millions First of all, we all know that travel is mitment to cricket is so high. If there is a real 200 million television sets in homes in this
more focused as you know you can only of smartphones with cameras, it would be a going to be a bit of a challenge. But look, problem, we will go to them and I’m sure we country and we already have more than
communicate electronically. I’m also think- challenge. Today it’s happening at a time players can come in. Earlier, they used to will get a fair audience. double of that number by way of mobile de-
ing sharply because there are no distrac- when we’re ready. come five days in advance; now they will vices, each with a screen and with data ac-
tions. And because there’s a crisis, every have to come two weeks before the game. There is no good time for a crisis. But cess. Over the next few years, we will be
team member is trying to think out of the So, you are replacing the guy in the They will be in quarantine; they will have take your five-year IPL deal, in business about 250 million TV sets and there will be
box. On the downside, there is no distinc- stands with the guy on the couch. Will to be more careful when training. there are phases - first investment, about 700-750 million mobile screens. So
tion between workplace and home. You there be webcam or go pro at homes? followed by breaking even, and then right now, the biggest opportunity and the
start in the morning and just keep going on, Why will I need them, everyone has a You will also have to take hard decisions, profits. So, this economic slump after biggest challenge is how do we make sure
so it’s exhausting. Uday Shankar is the the Chairman of camera phone, I just need to source them. isn’t it? You have got this huge network, two IPL seasons, is it a good time or bad? that in countries like India, the mobile de-
Star and Disney India and also So, we’ll have to start thinking differently. in terms of your regional reach, like the Of course, it was the wrong time for the vice becomes the default mode of content
Sports broadcasting is all about president of The Walt Disney It’s a creative challenge, it’s not a sporting very successful Tamil commentary whole world. But IPL has been very good for consumption.
understanding the minds of fans. But in Company for Asia Pacific. challenge. initiative. You also have heavy-duty us. So have been the ICC and also the other We have a sustainable economic model.
these unusual times, do you know what analytical shows like Dugout that cater cricket rights that we have. And you have Our subscription service ‘Disney plus
a fan wants to see? What about the changes on the field in to serious fans. Do you think you’ll have seen after all this, we took New Zealand Hotstar’ and the way we have invested in
The most important priority globally is ing? The experience of live sports on a small terms of broadcasting the game? to shrink operations? cricket rights and only recently we took the technology and consumer experience
for people to be safe. Only when it is safe to mobile phone, this doesn’t work. This tiny I can’t tell you all the details, the reason It’s tough for me to say that right now, rights of South Africa cricket too. should hold us in good stead.
have a tournament, we should have (it). We three-inch mobile phone, you will never be being we’re still working on it. I don’t have we’ll have to see the horizon for live sports. I So, it’s not that we ever stopped. It has
havealotof businessridingonlivesportsbut able to feel it, cricket is played with a small full clarity. Things evolve, say ‘day cricket’ don’t like to take tactical decisions quickly. hurt us greatly; butit hashurt everybody. So, How big is the logistical hurdle of
nothing is even remotely in the same zone ball.”Igotallkindsof theories.Andtherest,as became ‘night cricket’ and that in turn We are running a business, it’s not a charity, I won’t read too much into this. For us, the holding cricket behind closed doors?
as the safety of people. theysay,ishistory.Morethan100millionpeo- brought with it a new set of opportunities we have to be profitable, or else we won’t be two big challenging scenarios are: if cricket Like we are seeing in European football,
That said, to say that people will only like plecometowatchonegameonHotstarnow. and challenges. sustainable. So, if something doesn’t work, doesn’t work or the economy’s not good. But things like testing, isolation and keeping
something in a certain form is a very static Soif forsometimepeoplecan’tgotoasta- it doesn’t work. weknowthatcricketworks;thereisnoques- players away from their families.
wayof lookingatthings.Ibelievethatthe so- dium,itisfine.Viewerswillembracethenew So that’s the kind of game you love, you But just because there has been a disrup- tion about it. The key question in our minds It will be a challenge and we are required
cietyisalwaysopentotryingoutnewthings. experience. They know why it is happening. are in the habit of making new rules, tion,Idon’tseeareasontodownsize.Dugout is the how the Indian economy will perform. to deal with it for the first time. But it will get
In fact, it is the business and the experts who It (empty stands) is not a concern at all. I new sports … is averycompellingproduct.It’sthefinedin- How strongly and quickly it rebounds from easier. Look, on Day 1 of lockdown, even us-
are more stuck in their ways. don’t buy it when people say, ‘oh, the expe- Our biggest challenge is we have these ing experience of cricket. And also, by talk- the COVID setback. ing sanitiser and mask was a big disruption.
When we were launching Hotstar, our rience will be incomplete’. The presence of fixed ideas in the head about how to do ing cricket in regional languages, whether it I heard so many people say that they were
streaming service, five to six years ago, about audience at the ground does help to create things. Not just in the way sports is played or is in South or elsewhere, we have widened During the 2008 slump, you focused on notable tobreatheproperly.Noweverybody
a million people told me: “What are you do- an atmosphere, so we will figure out ways of produced; it’s about everything. Earlier, no the scope of cricket. I don’t think just the dis- your core competence, which was is wearing masks. We will get used to it.

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
Your mood will The financial
begin to change, and situation is looking
you are likely to fairly complicated,
become but there's nothing
considerably more serious and new in that. You should avoid
less sociable. This is fine just as any temptation to speculate
long as you are able to make use today, and at the very least
of the all-important time you you may secure whatever
must spend by yourself. The sensible and expert
best plans might arise from a advice is necessary. But don't
favourite fantasy, not from take risks with your own
the facts. security.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
It's definitely a It could be crunch-
moment for facing time at home as
serious issues. irreversible force
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson Partners will want to meets immoveable
know exactly how committed object. Don't be hasty, for it
you are, and also to what seems unlikely that anything
extent you are prepared to take will be resolved until
care of practical questions. this time next week. And if
What you need most is security. partners are urging you on, you
And what you need, you may explain to them why
ACROSS Down must have! they're wrong.
1 Increase support to control 2 Goes out of play (5) GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
violence (9) 3 He’s stupid in trying to open You'll have to work Although home and
8 Words of love among sisters it without a key (6) hard to achieve your family affairs do not
(5) 4 I’d turn up in a sort of orange
aims. One very seem to be
9 Grape producer holds a label fabric (8)
important reminder important in your
to mark its year (7)
is to watch out for legal long-term cycles, they figure
5 Destroy a one-sided listener complications at work. The vital today in your immediate
10 TV programme that’s being with charm (6) safeguard is always to be planetary aspects. You
reviewed? (6) 6 A grave ceremony (7) absolutely sure of your rights as should therefore pay extra
11 Fix a direction indicator (6) well as your duties. But, if you attention to matters which may
7 Hot lines upset Rose Smith (9)
fulfil your responsibilities have been allowed to drift.
12 Press for a reduction? (8) 11 I stay true to the principle of willingly, then you're more ou might even remember
Acrobats in glasses (8)
Characteristics begin 13
self-denial (9)
Car is not damaged, being
MARVIN by Tom Armstrong likely to receive what's
due to you.
something you’d forgotten
all about.
holding one back (6) strong (4,4)
CANCER (June 22 - July 23) CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
20 Make a second charge for 14 Insinuates one politician You are certainly in a You have every right
killing (6) isn’t truthful (7) very serious mood to expect that others
21 Stop before the outlet 16 Deserts for growing things when it comes to will respond to your
(7) (6) relationships. You suggestions in as
may be facing a desire for amiable a manner as possible.
22 Indicating the right quarter 17 Ravel’s composition may be commitment, perhaps deeper You also have a right to demand
(5) carried on (6) than you've known for some that partners observe financial
23 Italian girl in disorderly style 19 Fitting end for a piece of while, but it may be impossible propriety. If they let you down,
on arising (9) wood (5) to freeze feelings at a particular you will be entitled to complain
moment in time. But, then, - and loudly.
perhaps that's not what you
SolutionsCrossword4115:Across:11Laertes,4Crawl,7Nile,8Alsatian, really want.
10High-handed,12Creeps,13Allows,15Singleroom,18Abridged,19Asps,20 AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
Sinew,21Squalls.Down:1Lynch,2Eulogies,3Silent,4Craneflies,5Avid,6 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) You're now at a
Landaus,9Shopwindow,11Colossal,12Compass,14Agrees,16Moses,17Bran. You may put the professional and
spotlight on money, public turning-point
especially on joint and, if you ever had
business ventures or any desire to be praised by your
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel2s
investments. However, always peers for a personal

bear in mind that financial achievement, now is the time to

Instructions decisions are all too easily lay yourself on the line.
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, swayed by what others want, or Someone who has
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 by what you feel is expected of misunderstood you will soon

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe you. You will gain by doing the mend their ways.
Manforgiveswomananythingsavethe__to___him-MinnaThomasAntrim(3,.,6) right thing.
nineverticalcolumns,in PISCES (Feb 20 -
eachoftheninehorizontal VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) Mar 20)
DTIIO SPROUT rowsandineachofthe The approaching Now that the Moon
nineboxes. sober Sun-Saturn is aligned with your
picture suits your sign you can martial your
efficient Virgoan emotions and channel your
DOYTT AAPPWW DifficultyLevel
temperament, and you should energy in a positive manner.
spare no time for sloppiness Self-control will be a vital
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; and unpunctuality, least of all in quality, although you don't
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; yourself. If others fail to live up want to tip over the line into
- Minna Thomas Antrim 5s=VeryHard;6s= to your expectations, that's self-inhibition. I mean, you have
Answer: Man forgives woman anything save the wit to outwit him Genius their problem, not yours. to say what you think.

Vol LXXXVIII No. 158 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05

R.N.I. No.506/57. Printed and Published by R.C. Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, A-8, Sector-7, Noida - 201301 and Published at The Indian Express (P) Limited, Mezzanine Floor, Express Building, 9 & 10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002. Editorial office:
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