2019 Free Astrology Personalized Reports Sun Signs Horoscopes Puja & Homams Remedies Editorial

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2019 Free Astrology

Personalized Reports
Sun Signs Horoscopes
Puja & Homams Remedies
YOU ARE HERE : > Free Astrology Services > Gand Mool Nakshtra Editorial
Your Horoscope (with Gand Mool Analysis) Discounted

You are having Gand Mool Nakshtra

Dear gopu,
ASC Mars Rahu Kindly check
your details.
5 3 Sun
6 2 Date of Birth:
Time of Birth: Free Services
4 Ven Ura 10:12
7 1
Time Zone :5
Place of Birth:
Jup Moon
8 12
9 11

Sat Ketu Plu Nep

Rouge,Louisiana - U.S.A.
Latitude / Longitude: 030.27N/091.09N

Your Lagna Sign is:: CANCER

Your Moon Sign: PISCES
Your Moon degree : 28051'
Your Nakshatra is:: REVATI

2019 Free Astrology

You are having Gand Mool Nakshtra
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Sun Signs Horoscopes
Puja & Homams Remedies

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