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TEST 80p Angelika Kokla õp Berit Tafenau

Task 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 My brothers Paul and Alan          always          (play) computer games.

2 Mrs Carter          (teach) at our school since 2016.
3 I          (work) in a café in California this summer, but there were fires so I couldn’t go.
4 Here's the plan – we          (go) to book the holiday in Mexico first. After that, we can surprise Dad with the news!
5 In three years’ time, it’s likely that you           (study) at university.
Task 2
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

6 I’m not too keen on English tea. It tastes much worse /much worser than tea in my country.
7 I don’t want to be a waiter when I finish school. Waiters don’t earn too much money / enough money for me to
achieve my dream.
8Several /Plenty students in my class are hoping to travel abroad this summer.
9 When you’re a vet you have to be good at caring for each /many animal that you see.
10 I love writing about cycling on my blog. The sense / Sense of achievement it gives me is great.
Task 3
Read the article and decide which answer (A, B or C)best fits each gap.

My interests
What job will you do in the future? I wanted to be an astronaut when I was ten, but now I’m (11)     older that’s
changed. I’m hoping to become a sports instructor because I love exercising in the gym and outdoors. Of course, if you
are(12)     my brother Jack, who spends most of his time in front of his computer, then you are (13)     to want to
stay indoors. Sometimes we play interactive computer games in front of the television and pretend we’re skiing or playing
football. If you are an outdoors sort of person that can’t drive, then there are (14)     places better than your local park
or gym. Or how about persuading some of your family to go for a long walk? You don’t have to live in the country to do
this. You can (15)     walk thousands of steps in the city!

11 A many B more C much

12 A as lazy as B lazier C laziest
13 A likelier B more likely C likeliest
14 A afew B few C fewest
15 A more easier B the easier C easily
Task 4
Complete the sentences with these words.
down high responsible sympathetic thrilled

16 Going to the Ice Hotel in Sweden is          

on my list of places to visit in the world.
17 My cousin is          for ensuring the customers have enough to eat and drink at the restaurant where she works.
18 The tour guide was very          when I said I was feeling ill. He arranged for me to sit quietly at a café while the
rest of the group continued with the tour.
19 Kelly was          in the dumps yesterday when I saw her as she’d failed her history exam.
20 You can imagine how          I was when I found out I’d won a trip to New York. I’m so excited – I can’t wait!
Task 5
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
21 Some people are petrified at/of/over/on the dark. My friend Faisal didn’t like it when we went on a night walk on
22 It’s best to tell your boss something is wrong at the first time/sign/impact/happening of trouble.
23 My teacher insists in/at/on/up us being on time. He doesn’t like it when we are late for class.
24 It’s good to have control from/over/under/out your own time – I’d like to work for myself when I leave school.
25 Employers like people who can manage/rely/cope/benefit with change. Things never stay the same for ever!
Task 6
Read the textand complete the gaps with one word only.

Which job?
In my school, our teachers often talk about (26)          future and what we will do when we are older. Sometimes,
they ask someone’s mum or dad to come and talk to us about their job. Most of us have an idea of what we want to do,
but a (27)          students don’t know this. So it’s great to hear about different jobs. Astrid’s dad is an engineer and
he came and gave a presentation about his job last week. He told us about the exams you need to do to work in airports
or in a (28)          of places where engineers work. I'm not at all keen on the idea of working as an engineer as I'm
hopeless at maths and science. I'm much (29)          at art and music and I enjoy working in a much
(30)          creative way. I never run out of ideas! I’m hoping to work in an art gallery or possibly even the music
industry when I leave school.


Task 7

Match the words with the definitions on the right. Put the correct letter into the box next to each word. (5p)

1 gadgets a) prevented them from coming close

2 lined up b) a feeling of thankfulness

3 hailed c) shown, displayed

4 acquiring d) left his position

5 commencement e) praised, said how good it was

6 kept reporters at bay f) stood in a line

7 revealed g) students who had just got their degrees

8 gratitude h) graduation ceremony

9 stepped down i) small useful devices or machines

10 grads j) getting, buying

Task 8

Translate! 20p
1. Endale lubama 11. Söekaevur
2. Kodutööd 12. Perearst
3. Väärtus 13. Kirurg
4. Tähtsusetu töö 14. Torujüri
5. Osakoormus, osaliseajaga 15. Diskor
6. Vahetus 16. Kalaärikas
7. Ületunnitöö 17. Korstnapühkija
8. Lahti laskma 18. Kindral
9. Tööjõud 19. Treener
10. Kohtunik (õigus) 20. Mehhaanik

Task 9

Translate! 10p

In 1976 Jobs co-founded Apple Computer and within a few years was worth one hundred million dollars. In
1984 he was showing off his new pride and joy, the Macintosh. “And this has turned out insanely great.” As
critics hailed the Mac, Jobs was on the losing end of a power struggle at his company and left Apple a year
later. He went into computer animation acquiring Pixar Studios and striking failure with a string of hit movies
starting with Toy Story “To infinity and beyond!” Jobs came back to Apple in 1996 and began reinventing the
Mac dressing it up in a variety of colors. “They look so good you kinda wanna lick them.”

Task 10

Translate 15p

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