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Executive Secretay, NYC





Pages 1 to 146

Greetings to all genuine and serious Seekers of Truth (Page 1) * See

"50, 000 inconsistencies, discrepancies, etc.. in the New Testament"
(Page 1) * Learn the The Laws and Test of Truth * Can we depend on
the New Testament? See with your own eyes: five

(5) full pages of verses with inconsistencies, discrepancies, etc.. in

the New Testament (Page 3-8) * Roman Catholic and protestant
Authorities confess about their counterfeit Sun-day (Page 9) *
Seventh Day Sabbath vs Sun-day (Page 13) * Do today's Sabbath
keepers really keep the Sabbath, or do they pollute it? (Page 15) *
"Concerning the Mezuzah (Deut. 6, 9 11;20) (Page 19) * See
fascinating illustration of a Sabbath observer that speaks EMeT
(Truth) and speaks with authority! (Page 23) * Salvation is in the
Book of the Prophets, not on TV! (Page 25) * See the name of
"Amen" the pagan god, that Christians love to pronounce (Page
27) * See newspaper clippings of the disasters caused by the
Pope's supposed "blessings" (Page 31) * See how the Hebrew
letters represent POWERS" (Page 33) * Noachides, beware of some
rabbis.. here are several factual reasons why! (Page 34) * Learn
and see the hidden meanings of each of the 22 Hebrew letters
(Page 35-38) * Learn all about the SECRET HOLY CODE VIDEOS
(Page 39 to 48) * Lean about the Masoretic Text, learn the exact
Hebrew letters decorated with "Tagin" (Page 49) * Learn about
"Is-ra-eF, "Jesus", Jehovah" (Page 50) * "Are Jews presently
"sitting in Moses'seat"? See Idolatry permitted by some rabbis
(Page51) * King James bible and PC bible and Matthew 28: 19

exposed! (Page 52-53) * See "The Mark ofElohim" (Page 54) * Learn
the The Holy Secrets of Genesis Chapter 1 revealed! (Page

55) * Learn about HaShem (Hashem is scriptural!) and Elohim (Page

56) * Meet the real Elohim of Genesis 1: 26 (Page 57) * Learn the
Secrets of Kabbalah concerning Abraham (Page 59) * Kabbalah
Secrets concerning Adam (Page 60) * What exactly will happen when
Messiah comes according to the Hebrew text? (Page 61) * The Jewish
PURIM examined! (Shocking!) (Page 62) * Secrets of Gematria
revealed (Page 63) * See "The Ancient Holy Books PRIOR to the
Hebrew Text"! (Page 65) * See "The Rapture Lie" exposed before your
very eyes! Learalso about RELIGIONS, the People of the Lie! (Page
67) * Learn the Secrets of PaRDeS" (Secret Holy Garden) Wow! (Page
69) * Learn about the real Zohar (Page72) * Learn about the
Tetragrammaton (Page 74) * Learn about TORAH! (Page 75) * See
how Kabbalah reveals the exact color designated to each of the 22
Hebrew letters (Page 79) * Learn the real truth about Salvation,
Sanhedrin, satan, Supreme Being (Page 81) * The Tanach (Hebrew
Scriptures) vs The Greek New Testament! (Page

83) * Meet "The Unholy Mother of Intolerance" (She is still alive

and well, simply.... wait-t-t-t-ing) (Page 85) * There are 2
Kabbalahs, One Sacred and One Evil (Page 87) * Who are these
Kabbalists? * Learn about the Merkabah, and "Veils" (Page 88) *
Learn about the "Qlippoth" (Page 90) * Who is the Eternal Rock?
(Page 91) * Our Fathers have inherited lies (Page 93) * Learn about
the real meaning of the Serpent. Learn about the 7 kinds of
Pharisees at the time of Yahushua ("Jesus") (Page 91) * What do
these pastors mean by "Free-Will" power? (Page 95) * See
Elohim's Truth vs Man's counterfeit (Page 99) * Here is what you
must know about the Zohar (Page 102) * Meet the true Messiah
(Page 105) * Here is what you must know about the Sepher
Yetzirah (Page 107) * Is there a "w" in the Sacred Name ? (Page
109) * See how
most "Assemblies of Yahweh" are ruled by iron handed people
(Page 113) * "New proof of the Messiah" (Page 114) * Here is
why the Christian Savior and the Jewish Messiah cannot be the
same (Page 123) * The Karaite Jews vs the Rabbanites, what a
battle! (Page 126) * See photo copy copy of William
Tyndale 1534 New Testament, see that the letter "J" was
not yet in existence! (So, no "Jesus" yet in 1534) (Page

129) * See the 1611 King James bible, still no "J" in

existence. So, still no "Jesus" in 1611) (Page 130) * See
scriptural proof that the The Bloody Sacrifices in the
bible are the invention of the false pen of the scribes!
(Page 131) * What should we now do? (Page 134) * The
False pen of the scribes" exposed again, see evidence
with your own eyes! (Page 137) * See what Noah does
right after the flood (Page 139) * Can we be saved by
the death of someone else? Better learn this! (Page
141) See how Moses receives awesome revelation
concerning YHVH and Circumcision" (Page 142 TO 146)
* Plus much more!

Table of Contents in ALPHABETICAL order for the 14

most Factual and Amazing FORBIDDEN BOOKS in

Total: over 2,008 large pages (8 1/2 X 11)

plus 1,051 of the rarest, unusual, strange,

shocking, amazing illustrations and photos you have ever seen!


"50, 000 inconsistencies, discrepancies, etc.. in the New Testament" (Page

1) Abraham: (Secrets of) (Page 1003}

Abrahamic Faith! (Presently being restored?)..321, 443

Abram becomes Abraham (Why?) (Secrets of the
Kabbalah)...59 Abram was not a Jew nor an Israelite...444

Adam and Eve: "The First Book of Adam and Eve"...

Wow! ...839 Adam and DNA (You must learn this!...1420 Adam
and the Secrets of the Kabbalah!...6
Adam (Secrets of ADAM)...60

Adam: Who really were "Adam and Eve" (P.1202)

Adam and Eve...499, 531

Adam's alien genes YES!...1419

Who really were Adam and Eve?...1202

Added: Matthew: Chapters 1 and 2 were added! ...492

Added no more: "He (YHWH) added no more" WOW!...151, 310, 313, 342,

Added: Men, however have added...plenty!...137, 151, 152

Added: See the added laws by the "false pen of the Hebrew scribes" (Shocking!)...151



Alef and Bet (Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully revealed!)
(Illustrated)...280 Alef: The Hebrew Alef-Bet is the "Holy City"? (Kabbalah
Teaching)...162 Alexandria (Capital of Egupt)...952

Aliens: Meet "Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came" (Illustrated) (P. 1421)

ALIENS: See "The Evidence for Alien Visitations in Ancient Times (Illustrated) (P.1763)

Alpha: Meet the real ALPHA to OMEGA (P. 1587)

Alphabet: In the Hebrew alphabet there are 32 elements...160

Alphabet: The Sacred Hebrew Alphabet...(Illustrated)...270

Alphabet: Hidden Secrets of each of the 22 Hebrew letters revealed! (Fullyillustrated)

A masterpiece!...280 to 291

Alphabet: The Greek Alphabet...479

Altered for theological reasons...325

Amen: (pagan g-d) (Christians love to pronounce his name!)...27, 28, 125

Amen: Illustration of the "god" Amen. All details...27, 28

"Amen": Last half of Matthew 6: 13 was ADDED, including "Amen"! (In

KJB) ...27 Ancient of Days...446
Ancient books mentioned by Mosheh
(Moses)...65 Ancient Ones...559

Ancient Sacred Knowledge is

Scriptural...41 Ancient World Religions
exposed!...848 Ancient Writers...781

Angelology...(The Science of the Angels)...776, 778

Angel: Abbir...679

Angel: Cherub...682

Angel: Mal'akk...683

Angel of the Air...787

Angel of Creative Work ...797

Angel of Earth...785

Angel of Joy...780

Angel of Life...780

Angel of Love...790
Angel of Peace...789

Angel of Power...789, 798

Angel of the Sun...780

Angel of Wisdom...799

Angel of Water...786

Angel of Wisdom...791

Angels: (Learn all about the real angels)...679 to 692

Angels: Duties of the angels...687

Angels: Fallen angels...559

Angels: "Three Angels"...566

"Angels of Elohim leave his body whenever

he...?"...567 Angels: When were the Mal'akh (angels)
created?...688 Angels: Creation of the angels...689
Anglican Confessions About Sunday!...11

Animals (What did Yahushua really say about eating animals? BIG surprise!...564 to 568

Animals: Dead animals...154

Anointed Oil...442

Ants: The ants are pouring in, and have begun to call the
bees W.A.S.P.s...SHOCKING TRUTH!..895 Anti-Semite?...832

Apocalypse: (Learn what it really

means!)...563 APOCRYPHAL GOSPEL...968

Apocryphas (The): Learn the truth about these

books!...556 Appointed Times of YHVH...554

"ARABIAN NIGHTS" (alias the

Apocalypse)...960 Arc of the Covenant ...456

Are those, who accept only the authority of the "Old Testament" without
hope? W0W!...430

Arm & Hammer: Shocking!...861

Arithmetic: Learn what exactly is "Sacred
Arithmetic" ...40 Artistic forgeries...589

ASLEEP: See "ASLEEP Jan 1, 3000 A.D." Child of the Void (Illustrated)
(P.1871) Assemblies of Yahweh (Surprise)...112, 113

Awesome Name of the Supreme Being

examined...326 B

Babylon's Great Masquerade 666 The Christian Connection!

WOW!!...127 Babylonian gods honored by Judaism...203

Baal worshippers (Many Jews are such worshippers!)...111, 154

"Back parts" of Yahweh shown to Moses. YOU can see them right now!
(YES!)...1278 "Bald man": See what happens, fully scripurally illustrated!...1339
Baptists Confessions About Sunday!...13
Baptist: See why Jesus (man of Galilee) said "There is no one greater than John the
Baptist" Why was he so impressed by John? (Illustrated) Learn the real Truth that
will set you free! (Illustrated) (P. 1536)


BEAUTY: See "The Sleeping Beauty" (Illustrated) (P.1849)

Beginning and End of All Things...463

Begotten son...260

Begotten son or Eternal Son?...472

Beings: (You: a Powerful Spiritual Being?)...563

"Behold, the false pen of the scribes has written falsely" (Jer.8:8) ...2

Beliefs: Our belief system began before we were born...753

Beliefs proves nothing....1190

Belief Causes Turmoil...1192

Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man (P. 1197)

Bell: (Like church bell) Bell=(Ball) ringing, calling...their zombies!...848

Berashyt: (Secrets of Genesis)...55

Berry, Marion (ex Washington DC major) Big

surprise!...845 Beware of Greeks bearing so-called
"scriptures"!...3 Beware of "The People of the Lie"...181
Beware of some rabbis...34

BEWARE OF YAHWEH (You better believe it!) EXPLOSIVE...1189

Bet Knesset: What is it really?...96

Bet Tefilah: What is it really?...96

Bet Midrash: What is it really?...96

Bet Diyn: What is it really?...79

BEWARE!!!... 85 and 606

Bible and religions responsible for millions of

murders...305 "Bible Fraud" (The) (Illustrated)(P. 1148)
Bible: Photo of Tyndale's 1534 edition contains no letter "J"...129

Bible: Photo of King James 1611 edition, still no letter "J" in 1611!...130

Bible: See all the scriptural proofs that the whole Bible is ANTI-WOMAN!
(Fully Illustrated) (P.1235)

Bible Code "Cracking the Bible

Code"...127 Bible Codes...818

Bible Code (Software): Where exactly to get the very best...128

Bible: Is there a perfect bible?...723

Bible: The Bible Fraud.....................1148

BIBLE: See "The Book of Lies" (Illustrated) (P. 1383)

Bible: "This is the Bible. Believe it or be damned"?...916

Bible: "What the Bible really says"...359

Bible: See and meet The Bible Terrorists. SHOCKING! (Illustrated) (P.1253)
Bible: "Immoralities, Indecencies, and Sexual Obscenities in the Bible"
(Most shocking!)...306, 307, 308

Bibles: Christianized bibles...83

Bibles: Bibles are heathen and of human origin...946

Bible: "On the Secrets of the Bible"...498

BLIND: Meet the "God of the Blind" (Illustrated) (P.1882)

Blood: There is no need for shed blood!...30

Blood: Jews obsessed with ..blood...1169

"Blood Covering"...418

BLOOD: What kind of people is this whose God loves blood? (P. 1176)

Blood: Blood is not needed for forgiveness of sins!...297

BLOOD: See "YUM! I just love BLOOD" (Numerous
unique shocking (scriptural) illustrations (P. 1445)

Blood: What kind of people is this whose God loves blood? (P.1176)

Blood 310, 000 gallons "sprinkled"?...155

Bloody mess!...133

Bloody sacrifices of the Bible (Shocking!)...131 to 133

Bloody sacrifices: Jewish bloody sacrifices........1156

Bloody killing...152

BODY: See "You are not your body" (P.1749)

Book of Concealed Mystery!...103

Book of Brilliance...103

Book: "Generation of Adam"...65

Book: "Wars of YHVH"...65

Book: "Sayings of the Seeres"...65

Book: "Book of Jasher"...65

Book of Equilibrium and Balance...103

Book of Formation (Kabbalah
Secrets)...174 Book of Splendour...87 Book
of the Dead...851

Books: Jews re-numbered the books of the Tanach (Hebrew Sriptures) from 22 to
24. WHY? WHY?...62 1

Both sides!...456

"Brain washed" by the Christian

clergy...1086 Brainwashing...204

Branded: Are you "Branded" as belonging to YHVH?...16

Branded: See with your own eyes, one who is "Branded" as belonging to YHVH.


"Bruised Reed"...663

Brit-ish means "Covenant-Man" in

Hebrew!...165 "Buried by pious hands"...1062
Burning heretics...175
Butchered (340, 000 oxen and sheep!)...157

Burnt offerings: ("I hate your burnt offerings")...133, 135,

136 Burnt offerings ("I have not required them"!)...153

Cabala of the Tanaim:...854

Calendar: Jewish Calendar. Annias changed the months from the simple scriptural
numerical designations of the 1st month, the second month, and so on, to the names
of Babylonian gods, plus numerous other changes!...203


Calendar: Secrets of the Calendar (P. 1321)

Calendar: The Covenant Calendar Confirmed?...544

Calendar: Concerning the Calendar...547

Cannibalism: "Roast liver or a heart anyone? (Illustrated) (P. 1481)

Councils: (The Father's) "Robbers Council"...936

Council: Armed mob rushed in...936

Council of Constantinople was a SYNOD OF FOOLS AND MADMEN...937

Council: The two bands fought in the streets and much blood was shed...936

Covenant Keepers...548

Cannibalism ("Religious")...301

CAMEL: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes a CAMEL meaning "travel"...35

Changes: Jewish scribes made 134 changes in Hebrew text!) (Approved

by rabbis!)...136

Chicago Slaughter House (wow)...156

CHILDREN: are victims!...205

CHILDREN: Does Yahweh love children? See proof that

the scriptures say HE DOES NOT! (Illustrated) (P. 1458)

CHILDREN: See our "loving Father" Yahweh order the slaughtering

of all children and all pregnant women (Illustrated) (P. 1459) "Christ"
the Ultimate Sacrifice?...306
CHRISTMAS is really Christ's mass...1030

Christian: There were no "Christians" until

Antioch...390 Christians and Sun-day...12


CHRISTIAN: Meet the Christian Zionists (P. 1503)

Christian: "The Counterfeit Christian

religion"...1011 Christian Faith Flourished On
Ignorance!...193 Christian mythology...362

Christianity is NOT rooted in Judaism...123

Christianity BEFORE Christ!...939

Christian paganism...376

Christians corrupted Hebrew text!...273

Christianity took up every pagan way with a vengeance: holidays, customs,
dress, habits,rituals, and superstitions...420

Christianity exposed!...319, 353, 354, 363

Christianity (Fundamental Flaw of Christianity)...417, 418

Christianity: Meet the Christian God, an Old White Bearded
Man Sitting on a Throne (Illustrated) (P. 1191) * Christianized
"bible" is not valid!...83

Christmas: "Learn not the ways of the

heathen"...490 Christmas trees...496

Christmas: The "Christmas" Story...492, 496,






Church: The prohibition against bible reading was further assured by the fact that the
Christian Church had essentially eliminated education in the "Holy Roman
Empire"...728 Church (The) with its pious impostures prostitute the minds of its
ignorant and credulous followers...589

Church and State...82


Circumcision: YHVH and Circuncision...(Holy Secrets of Circumcision

revealed here!)..142

Circumcision: Commandment of Circumcision! (15th Chapter of

Maase HaShilichim)...315

Circumcision and the Kabbalah!...142

Circumcision (Big surprise)...299

Circumcision of children, "The Perfect Crime"...1166 also

1175 CLAW: Meet "The Order of File and Claw" (P.1778) Close
Encounters of the Godly Kind...1212

Closet: Closet derives from Cloitre, cloister, and they, male and female have come
out. They are in your face, their signs are all around. ...1592
Codes: Reading Torah with Equal Intervals. What exactly is
this?...609 Codes (Hidden Yetzirah)...108

Codes: See with your own eyes, the word "Torah" hidden every 50th letter in
Genesis 1(Illustration)...186

Codes: See the Divine Name YHVH hidden at 8 letter intervals in Leviticus...187
Code identifies Yashua (not "Jesus") in Isaiah 53! See name appear in front of
your eyes!...267

Code identifies Yashua (not "Jesus") in Psalm 41:8 Amazing!...268

Code: Yashua hidden in Zechariah 9: 9 (not "Jesus") (See with your own eyes!)...266

Codes: Yashua hidden in Isaiah 53: 8-10 (not "Jesus") (Marvel!)...267

Codes: Yashua (not "Jesus") hidden in Psalm 41: 8...268

Code identifies Yashua (not "Jesus") in Zechariah 11:12-13 Wow!...269

Codes "Jesus codes" fabricated by Christianity!...42


Coffins: "The coffins were accidentally

discovered...1059 Color of each the 22 Hebrew letters
revealed!...79 Commandments: 613 Commandments?
(mitzvot)...349 Come Out of Her My People...127

"Come Out of Babylon" (Christian paganism)...376

"Computer research finds Hebrew text divinely written" etc...96



Conditions to qualify as real Machiyach (Messiah)...61

CONFESSIONAL BOX: See "The Confessional Box-Devil's Clap Trap" (Illustrated)


CONFESSION: See why this living man is confessing his sins while in the nude in
a coffin in front of a large gathering (Illustrated) (P.1856)

Confessions (by Christian churches) about the Sabbath...12

CONTRADICTIONS: "Of two contradictions, one must be false"...1

Contradictions in "New Testament:...1 to 8 (8 full pages!)

Contradictions in "New Testament"...220, 221, 222, 302

Contradictions and forgeries in the Christian Church...575

Contradictions in the (Yes) Hebrew text!...138, 223 227-232, 302, 569, 570

CONVENT: See the "Black Convent Slave Unveiled" (Illustrated) (P.1734)

Covenant: All you wanted to know about the Everlasting Covenant...545 to 555

Covenant...380, 381, 382, 455,

Covenant: Arc of the Covenant...456

Confessional: The Confessional and terror!...868

Convert to Judaism? Wait a minute!! You better know this first!...52,

200 Cosmic Blueprint: Torah is a Cosmic Blueprint...76 Cosmic
Cosmic Consciousness...797

Cosmic Energies...791

Cosmic Ocean...807

Cosmic Power or Force...327

Cosmic Thinking Body...807

Cosmic: "Gigantic Cosmic Power"...775

Covenant...WOW!...380, 381, 382, 544, 545, 547
Cradle: Your cradle determines your

Crass Episcopal forgeries were welcomed in the Church...588

Creation ("A look at Creation") A Kabbalistic revelation)...147, 161 to

163 Creation (22 kinds created in 7 days!)...158 Creation and
Creation: Learn about the scriptural "2 Different Creations"! (Illustrated) (P. 1431)

Creation: Were we created by Elohim in Gen. 1: 26 or by Yahweh in Gen. 2:7? (P. 1306)

Creator (Only One)...99

Creator's Name...1053

Creator on earth (Essene Teaching)...788 Creator

(the "popular" counterfeit!)...99, 100 Cremation:
The Fatal Path of Cremation...181-182
CREMATION: "Refusing cremation...1059 Crude
and fantastic Christian "legends"...586
"Crucifixion Chapter"...434

Cuomo, Mario (ex New York Governer) big surprise!...845

Daddy in the Sky....1146

Dance: Famous "Dance-act and the head of John the Baptist"!...592

Dark ages (Unholy Mother Prospers)...193, 194

David or Dawid?...110

David shall be their King...117

David and Ezechiel 37!...180

David: Meet King David, who overtly hated "the lame and the blind" (Illustrated)
(P.1256) Davidic Messiah...369

David: THE CASE AGAINST DAVID (Shocking!)...759

DAVID: David "a Paper Tiger" or a Lion?...765

Day: When does a Scriptural day begin and end?...(Big

surprise!)...253 Day of Atonement...1103

Day of Atonement: "The text was to the effect that all oaths which believers
take between one dayof Atonement and the next day of Atonement are declared

Day: "Are there not 12 hours in a day?"...254

Dead: (the dead)...79


Dead: The abode of the dead and "hell"...80

Dead Sea Scrolls...119, 383, 407,

Dead Sea Scrolls...1060

Dead Sea Community at Qumran...389

"The time has come for honest men to

denounce false teachers and attack false gods"


December the 25th exposed!...490

DECEMBER THE 25th with the "star in the east"...981

December 25th is the pagan holiday...1032

Denominations (Christian) exposed...67

Derekh (Way of YHVH)...47

Descendant: Could you be a Lineal Descendant of Abraham Through Isaac and Jacob?

Descendants: Who are the true descendants of the "Lost 10 Tribes" of Israel?...377,

DNA: See "We have forgotten our DNA alien origins" (Illustrated) * (P.1883)


Deviants exposed...902

"Devil's Claw"...868

Difference between "Jews" and

Yishrael!...115 Divine Authority...332

Divine Name was removed and replaced by something else by the Jewish
Massorets. See all...598

Divine Council in the Hebrew Bible...423 to 426, 518 to

522 Dog-priests! Learn about them!...873

DOME OF THE ROCK: Dome of the Rock and the Red Heifer (Illustrated) (P. 1506)

DOOR: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes a DOOR.

(Illustration)...35 Doorposts!...19, 24 (Mazuzah)

Duty: What is the WHOLE duty of man? Secret of all Holy Secrets!!!...Better
know this!...314

Egyptians: Ancient Egyptians...954

EL: See "My El, My El" (P. 1538)

El Shaddai...330, 506

Elect: "The Elect" ( Essenes Teachings)...794

Elements: 103 Primary Elements (Kabbalah)...159

Elohim: "Who are or What is...Elohim?...207,

Elohim: It is clear that the man of Galilee said "KNOW YOU NOT THAT YOU
ARE ELOHIM" (P. 1611)

Elohim: Assessment of Elohim...504

Elohim: Does Elohim exclude us?...210

Elohim: Was the real Elohim an extra-terrestrial? (Illustrated) (P.1203)

Elohim: (Kabbalistic meaning)...212

Elohim: Direction Without Dogma...207

Elohim: (Surprise!)...80

Elohiym or Elohim...1417
"The time has come for honest men to

denounce false teachers and attack false gods"

Elohim: Meet the real Elohim! (Illustrated) (P.1198)

Elohim: * THE MOTHER OF ALL BATTLES : Elohim vs Yahweh! (Illustrated) (P. 1428)

Elohim: Both masculine and feminine gender...80

ELOHIM: See ELOHIM vs YAHWEH Better learn this sooner than later! (Illustrated)

ELOHIM: See the verse in Deuteronomy that warns us of the awesome

difference between Elohim and Yahweh! (P.1902)

Elohim defined...504, 509

Elohim is hinted as being an extra-terrestrial in the Hebrew

scriptures...1203 Emet (Truth): Learn all about it...57, 58 Emet (Truth):
Illustration (Amazing!)...184


Emmanuel: It is Yahushua and not "Emmanuel"...494

EMeT (Real Truth):...57, 184

Emperors dictated the early theology of the church!...633

Encounters: See "Close Encounter of the Godly Kind"
(P.1212) Encyclopedia of Jewish Mysticism is...102 END: "End
of Days" (Illustrated) (P. 1502)

End: The Texts of the "End of the World"...563

Enki: Better find out who really was
Enki...1313 Enoch...783

Enoch: Meet "The Real Book of Enoch" (Illustrated) (P. 1433)

Ephraim re-gathered...217

Erasmus and his first Greek text (Shocking)...179, 476

ESSENES: "All you ever wanted to know about the Essenes" (The Essenes and
their Teachings"...769

Essene Brotherhoods...776

Essenes: "The Essene Book of Genesis"...778

Essenes: The Essenes and their
Teachings...1064 Essene Communions...782


Eternal Life:...26, 29, 30, 325

Eternal Son?...471

Eternal Torture?...295

Esoteric Knowledge...58

Esoteric Torah...103
Evangelist: See an evangelist prayed, and a washer "appeared" (Illustrated) (P.1727)

Every knee shall bend? whom? BIG scriptural surprise!...93, 395

Eye ball = I Ball?...852

Ezikiel: See Ezekiel's Chariots of Fire! (Illustrated) (P.1224)

Ezekiel Vision and all you ever wanted to know about that subject...1224

Facade: The stories of Torah are a facade.

Learn...76 Fallen Angel...853

False in one thing, false in all things...1

"The time has come for honest men to

denounce false teachers and attack false gods"

False pen of the scribes...135, 136, 137, 138, 139 Wow!

Family valies in the Bible (Fully illustrated-Shocking facts)...1349

Father: See "The Terrible and Jealous God of Israel" vs The Father of Jesus (man
of Galilee) (Illustrated) (P. 1532)

FATHER: Meet Yahweh the scriptural FATHER OF LIES! (Just

like Jesus said He was! (Illustrated) (P. 1379)

Fathers: Our fathers have inherited lies, and passed them down to us...93

Fathers: Christian Fathers exposed!...969

Fatima: "Believers "cheated" by Fatima revelation" headlines read. The

Fatima "secrets" are nothing but a gigantic hoax! Read all!...736

Facts Vs Faith...64 (Big difference!)

FATHER OF LIES (Meet him right now. Better take a valium

first!)...1204 Fear: (Learn what it really means in Scripture!)...563 "Fear
of YHVH" (What exactly does this mean?)...333

FEAR: "FEAR this glorious and AWFUL name" (Illustrated) (P. 1475)

FEAR: See how we were trained to FEAR, FEAR, FEAR Yahweh (P.1912)
Feast days: (You're feasts-I hate!)...150, 158

FENCE: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes a FENCE (Illustration)...36

Final letters (Hebrew)(5 of them)...64

First born son...387

Fish-god: Do you have a bumper sticker of a fish? Learn these facts and remove
it now...1014

Fish: See the Christian Fish for what it REALLY is! (Fully illustrated!) (P.1244)

Flames: Met the two Flames, male and

female...1314 Flesh (Eating of flesh)...158

FLESH: "You want flesh to eat? Here are quails, quails, quails, quails, quails, and
more quails (P. 1621)

Food: "Every moving thing that moves shall be food to you" Is this genuine?
Look out!...133
"Let Them Eat Meat": What?...829

Food: Where did the Sacrificial, Clean food, and Feast Day laws come from?...150

Food: Here is what man is to eat...154

Forces: "Invisible Forces"...778

FORESKINS: What does Yahweh do with all these 200 foreskins? Shocking! (P. 1495)

Forged "Apostles Creed"...586

Forged Athanasian Creed...586

Forgery of pious documents...595

Forgeries: 200 admitted forgeries they called: "Gospels", "Acts", and

"Epistles"!...575 to580

Forgeries: Forgeries..."For Christ's Sake"...589

Forgeries: Most notorious of the Christian forgeries...587

Forging the whole Hebrew scriptures (Shocking facts)...1415

Foreskins For Sale.....1167

Forty-two Laws of Kabbalah...72, 73

Freemason's Archives: Shocking!...854


Fringes ...339


Garden (Secrets of)...69

Garden of Eden: Learn what actually happened in the Garden of Eden, and what
it means for us today (Illustrated) (P.1766)

Garden of Eden (Kabbalistic Esoteric) A must to learn!!...523 to

537 Garde: "The sin in the Garden of Eden" Look out!...1038
Garments: "Parting His Garments" (Exposed)...669 Gemara...71

Gematria (Secrets of Sacred Arithmetic)...63

Gematria and the Great Pyramid...WOW!...172

GENDER: Genderless person is coming! Most shocking)...1025

Gentiles: "They even think themselves as

Gentiles"...365 "Genealogies" of Jesus...
(Shocking!)...672 Genesis 1: 1...505

Genesis 1: 26 (Secrets of)...55, 57, 60

"GET OUT" (Fully illustrated) (P. 1446)

Ghost: (What is The Ghost?)...441

Ghost: "The Missing Holy Ghost". You must learn this...263

Ghosts: The real meaning!...837


Gimel and Dalet (Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully revealed!)
(Illustrated)...281 Girl: "When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is
nothing" (Talmud)...1096
Glory: "I will not give my glory"...323

GNOSTICS: See how the early Gnostics were cut-up, burned for rejecting the
Hebrew tribal god. (Illustrated) (P.1911)

"God": The term/name "God" in 48 languages...317, 318

God: AN ANGRY GOD...951

GOD? What kind of "God" is this!...1233

"God": The term "God" exposed!...63

"God": Who is this "G-d"?...173


Gold: "The gold and silver belongs to ME" declares Yahweh (P. 1326)

GOLDEN: See the GOLDEN HEMORRHOIDS (made out of solid gold) the wackiest
story in the bible (P. 1633)

GOLEM: A golem is scriptural! (P.1815) * See "Return to your dust" (Illustrated) (P.1816)

GOSPEL OF THOMAS: The real Secret Gospel of Thomas (Illustrated)(P.1876)

Gospels: The four Gospels were heavily interpolated,

etc...325 Gospel Forgeries (Shocking!)...583, 584, 585, 586
Great Masters (Essenes)...79 4

Greater Holy Assembly...103

Greek text exposed...5 6

Greeks (Beware of)...1

Halacha (Jewish)...56

HaShem and Elohim!...56

Hashem: See the Hebrew "HaShem" ("the Name" in reverse! Wow! Wow!...630

HaShem (is scriptural) "The need to know HaShem"...292, 329

HaShem (Who is HaShem?)...56

HaShem's Truth Vs Man's counterfeit...99

HaShem: The term "HaShem"...329

"The time has come for honest men to

denounce false teachers and attack false gods"

HEADS: "Cut them in the head, all of them" said the "loving" Father
Yahweh (EXPLOSIVE)...1281

Heads: See "House of the Heads" (Illustrated) (P. 1483)

Healed? Wish to be healed? 127

Heaven: Everybody wants to go to heaven???...903

Heaven: learn the "secrets of Heaven"...1319

Heaven: Meet "Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came" (Illustrated) (P. 1421)

Heaven: Learn The Secrets of Heaven (P. 1319)

He and Vav (Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully

revealed!)...282 Hebrew text corrupted...227
HEBREW: Meet "The Inspired Hebrew Scriptures" (Illustrated) (P. 1397)

Hebrew Alef-Bet (Secrtets of)...33

Hell: "Eternal hell"?...561

Hell: "Doomed in Hell"?...421

"Hell": Is it hot in hell? Big surprise!...295

Hell: Jacob prayed to go to "hell"...296, 297

Hell: The Christian hell...297

Hellenistic Jews concealed the truth from

the...605 Hellenistic versions of Christianity...359
Hem: "The Hem of the Garment"...834

Heretics: Pope Innocent 1V in 1252 ordered "Crushed the heretics like

venomous snakes"...1001

Hidden One...856

Hidden and Concealed Wisdom!!!...532

History and Religion exposed!...851


Holy Fire...290

Holy Ghost: "The Missing Holy Ghost". You must learn this!...263

Holy Spirit (What or who exactly is the "Holy Spirit"?)...440

Holy Torah Kabbalah...23

Holy Sex...47

Hebrew Course...128

Hebrew letters (Illustrated)...35

Hebrew Myths...866

Heresies: List of Heresies and human inventions adopted and perpetuated by

the Roman

church in the course of 1600 years. See them all with your own
eyes!...97 Heavenly Throne...423
Hidden "Aeron" in Leviticus (Torah
Code)...613 HITLER CODE: (Most- most-
shocking!)...46 Horror: You must see and
learn this....1158 Horror and the Talmud...1174

HOOK: Hebrew letter that symbolizes a HOOK (Illustration).35

Hosea 11:1 Vs Matthew 2:15 (You must learn this!)...427
HOUSE: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes a HOUSE (Illustration)...35

HOUSE: See "House of the Heads" (Illustrated) (P. 1483)

House of Israel...215

House of Horrors (See proof)...1243

House: See "HOUSE OF DEATH and GATE OF HELL" (Illustrated)

(P.1731) Human sacrifices........1157

Human sacrifices to Yahweh....1161

Human sacrifice and the Jewish religion (EXPLOSIVE)...1168

Husband: "Meet your new husband" (Fully illustrated) (SHOCKING FACTS)...1355

"I and the Father are one" Learn the real interpretation of
this!...401 Ignorance is man's greatest enemy....1143

"Ignorance can be cured, but there is no hope for

stupidity"!...82 "In the beginning"...248

Inconsistencies (50, 000?) in the "New Testament"...pages 1 to

8 Incredibly profound passage!...324

Idolatry permitted for Noachides (Righteous Gentiles) by some

ERROR...944 Immigration: Waves of immigrations are coming fast!!...884
Infirmities: "He Bore Our Infirmities"...(Exposed)...663

Inquisition: Shocking!...85

Inquisition: "The Inhuman Inquisition" (withphotos)...1001

"Incense is an abomination unto Me"...312
Interpolated or forged passages in the Christian books...580

Inter-racial Genocide...1024

Inventions of the rabbis...32

Inventions of the Hebrew priests...133

Israel: "more wicked than the nations"...361

Is "Jesus" coming again? (Shocking

truth!)...503 Isaiah 7:14 (The "Virgin Birth"
exposed) Isaiah 9: 6...387 (WOW)

Isaiah 14: 12 (A correct translation!)...468

Isaiah 13 and 14 (The True Message in Isaiah 13 and

14)...469 ISIS exposed!...855

Israel: Who are the people of Israel in today's world?...115

J There existed no letter "J" until the 16th century (No

"J"esus!)...1049 Jacob: "Jacobs Wrestling Match"...836 Jehovah: 50
"The time has come for honest men to

denounce false teachers and attack false gods"

JEHOVAH YAHWEH: One cannot help but note that this cruel bloodthirsty and
selfish Jehovah god Yahweh bears a striking resemblance to the capricious gods of
Sumeria (Illustrated) (P.1899)

JEHOVAH: See "The Jehovah of the Jews is a tyrant, who breathes nothing but
blood, murder, carnage, and who demands that they should nourish him with the
vapors of burning animals" (ALL SCRIPTURAL! (P.1893)
JEHOVAH: See the "GuardTower" DEC. 25 4, 500, 000 BC, denouncing Jehovah
evils (Illustrated) (P.1869)

Jehovah : See how the Catholic Church, by accepting the Hebrew Bible in the
literal interpretation, MISTOOK the tribal god Jehovah (Yahweh) for the Supreme
Being (P.1909)

JEHOVAH YAHWEH: Jehovah (Yahweh) was not the Father of Jesus! Jesus NEVE
referred to the Heavenly Father as Jehovah or Yahweh. NEVER! (P.1904)

"Jehovah" is WRONG!...1055


Jeremiah 31 = The real New Covenant!...216

J no letter "J" in 1534 (photo)...129

J still no letter "J" in 1611 (photo)...130

JERUSALEM: "The Two Jerusalem"...693

JERUSALEM: Jerusalem at no time belonged to

Judah!...761 J-sus -who is this one?...63

Jesus: The Proclaimer of the Kingdom of Elohim ("God") became the

"Proclaimed"...409 "Jesus" is a Hellenized-Latin hybrid name...50

Jesus: The so-called "Jesus" of the pagan, Hellenized, Christian Church has no
historicalcorrespondence to the Yahudi ("Jew") the Nazarene, who faithfully taught
and followedTorah Faith, and "spoke with authority"...408, 409,

Jesus: The paganized Jesus (Zeous-Serapis) of Christian imagination is to be

wholly rejectedby BOTH Jew and Gentile...411

Jesus: He did not fulfill a single messianic passage!...393

Jesus: Did Jesus (Yahushua) practice Judaism?...1087

Jesus is referred as a so-called "Jew" for the first time in the New Testament in
the 18thcentury...1081

"Jew": The word "Jew" did not exist (prior to 1775) in any language...1080

Jew: "The modern Jew is the product of the

Talmud"...1102 Jewish abominations...201
Jewish traditions contrary to Torah
exposed!...316 Jews had never been

JEWS: See the "Language of Adam" and "The Lies of the rabbis" (Illustrated) (P.1716)

Jews are not a race (P. 1165)

Jews: Are today's Jews sitting in Mosheh's (Moses') seat?...51

Jews: See Jewish Ritual Murders (P. 1177)

Jews: It is the religious duty of a Jew to kill a goyim (non-Jew) (See proof)....1170

Jews ("Messianic") (Shocking!)...173

Jews: "The History of the Jewish Khazars"...512 to

514 Jews are not a race...1164

JEWISH: The Jewish alphabet is not HEBREW! (Illustrated) (P.1707)

Jews and Ritual Murder...1171

Jews: "The Jews of Khazaria"...516 to 517

Jews: (Today's "Jews" are not from the Tribe of Yahuda! (Judah) (See actual quotes
from17 of the world's best Encyclopedias!) Shocking? YES! True? Absolutely!.... 512
to 517

Jews: Origin of today's self-style Jews"...1107

JEWS: Man of Galilee (Known as "Jesus") clearly told the Jews of his day "YOU
YOU DO" (Wait till you discover who this "father" really is! (P. 1640)

Jewish Ritual Murder...1184

"Jesus Only" believers...43

Jesus: Jew or Judean?...1075

"The time has come for honest men to

denounce false teachers and attack false gods"

John the Baptist: Meet the REAL John the Baptist! WOW! (P. 1648) *

John the Baptist: What is clear or should be is that JEWISH DOGMA was NOT
what John the Baptist was preaching! (P. 1651)

JOHN THE BAPTIST: See why Jesus (man of Galilee) said "There is no one greater
than John the Baptist" Why was he so impressed by John? (Illustrated) Learn the real
Truth that will set you free! (Illustrated) (P. 1536)

John the Baptist: See how the man of Galilee then forsake all his Jewish beliefs
and without hesitation join John the Baptist. (P. 1654)

1674) John: 1st John 5: 7 in King James bible exposed!...261, 277

JUDAH: The corrupted blood line of the Tribe of Judah (Yahudah)...

(Shocking!)...767 Judaism (see numerous groups)...51

Judaism: "They BEGAN to name their religion JUDAISM"...1089

Judaism: Conservative and Reform Judaism approve of "gays"...They choose to ignore:

"Youshall not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is an abomination" (Leviticus


Judaism, Pharisiasm became Talmudim, etc...1088

"Judiazation" of the Christian message. Beware!!!...571 to 574

Judge (Only one)...100

Judge: (The counterfeit!)...100

Judas Hanged Himself?...667

Kabbalah (What exactly is the "Kabbalah")...87,

108 Kabbalah: Origin of the Kabbalah...89
Kabbalah: Super Unique Illustrations...23, 24

Kabbalah, Quabalah, Cabala, (What are the differences?)...42

Kabbalah and the Hebrew Alphabet!...33

Kabbalah: There are two Kabbalahs. One Holy, and One

Evil...87 Kabbalah (Secrets of the Kabbalah)...59 Kabbalah

Kabbalah: Amazing Illustrations!...294

Kabbalah and the "Presence"...88

Kabbalist (Who exactly is a "Kabbalist"?)...88,

90 Kabbalah (42 Laws of the Kabbalah)...73

Kaf and Lamed: (Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully revealed)
(Illustrated)..285 Khasars (King of Cattle) adopted Judaism...854

Khazars: "By the 7th century there was a MASS CONVERSION of the Khazars
into Judaism...1111

Khazars: Publications showing the Jews to be descendants of the Khasars

Khazar Empire...1164Khazars: "The Jews of haazaria"...516

Khazars: The Khazars WERE NOT SEMITES...1110

Khazars: EVERYTHING you wanted to know about the Khazars...1075


Karaite: The Karaites Jews vs The

Rabbanites...126 Karaite (Quaraite) Jews...376
Keys (There are two Keys)...59, 89

King (The anointed)...100

King (The counterfeit)...100

King: "The King Cometh" exposed!...664

King James: Who really was King James 1? (Most

shocking!)...623 King James preferred young boys to adult

King James was a "flaming sex

pervert"...646 King James bible exposed!...2

King James bible = 66 books! ("66"...Rings a bell?)...52

King James Bible: Countless millions of Christians are totally unaware that it's
"divine inspiration" came not from our Creator, but instead from an insane sex
pervert who supposedly worshipped the devil (Antonio Frazer)...4

King James bible exposed, unveiled before your eyes! Most shocking!...643 to 646

Kiss the son? Who? Who?...117

Knights (Kay-nights) Templar...862

Knowledge: (How to obtain it)...54

KNOWLEDGE: This Hidden Knowledge included the power of creation! (P.1817)

Knowledge: "There is not in every man this knowledge" Wow!...264

Kof and Resh: (Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully revealed) (Illustrated)...289

Law: Take my wife...PLEASE! See numerous fascinating illustrations about

Yahweh' laws (P. 1355)

"Learn first first what is to be believed"!...194

Letters (Powers of 22 Hebrew letters)...33, 147
Letters (22 Hebrew letters illustrated)...140, 141

Letters (Why are there a few LARGER Hebrew

letters?)...82 Liars: "The Liars"...222

Lies: (1700 years of lies!)...97

LIFE: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes LIFE (This letter appears TWICE in
the Divine

Life of Rabbi Jesus......1149

Name ) Illustration)..35

Life (How to scripturally receive eternal life!) (This is not a "mickey

mouse" salvation)...29

LIFE: "How to live forever" (Fully Illustrated) (P.1806 to 1814)

Limbo fraud!...870

Lion! Big surprise here. Deceitful translators exposed

here ...439 List: (Important, valuable contacts, addresses,
etc)...127-128 "Little Liars of the Lord"...587

Looking Beyond The Veil (Kabbalah)...162

Lost 10 Tribes...116, 347, 355, 366

Lost Tribes: (Return of the 10 Lost Tribes)...183, 364, 365,

366 Lost Tribes of Israel...364, 377, 378

Lucifer: The True Message of Isaiah 13 and 14...469

Lucifer: Is Lucifer mentioned in Isaiah 14:12?...466

Lucifer: Learn the real truth (EMeT) about this "Lucifer"...470

Luther: Martin Luther and the Jews...123

Lying: "The Lying Pen of the Scribes"

(Shocking!)...580 Lying pen of the scribes...1046

Maiden: "A maiden three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by
coition" (Talmud)...1095

Male and Female creative powers....1200

Male deviants declared "sane" by psychiatric textbooks in the 1970's.

Shocking exposure!...881

Man: "These things belong to the man who made me pregnant" Shocking-
Fully illustrated...1354

Man Can't "Pick and Choose" his Day of

Worship...13 Man was created perfect?...982

Manure, decaying blood, entrails, etc... (Scriptural

shocker!)...158 Mansions and Abodes...103

Marcion: The Leaven of Marcion...(The first New Testament) (Most

Shocking!)...707 Mark (The "Mark" of Elohim)...54, 379, 380 WOW! "Marked" To
Marks: (The Kethiv-Qere)...111



Masada Fortress...413

Masons: See why Masons have a strong interest in 'children' (P. 1563)

Masoretic text...49

Masorite scholars exposed! (Some were Baal

worshippers!) ...111 Masculine and feminine-man is!... 60

Master: "Be a master and not a slave" Better learn this...1333

Matthew 28: 19 is a counterfeit. So is it's phony "proof text" of 1 John 5:7!...53

Matthew (Gospel of Matthew exposed!) (Admitted by Rome!)...492

Meanings: The meanings of the 22 Hebrew letters...78

Meanings of The Signs (Kabbalah)...166

Medical Consequences of what sex perverts do! (Washington, DC)..233

Melis (Mediator)...683

Melchizedek...389, 390,

Mem and Nun (Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully revealed) (Illustrated)...286

Men In Drag=priests!...868

"Mercy" not sacrifice...132, 133

Merkabah: Divine vehicle (Kabbalah)...88

Meruba Hebrew letters...76

Message: Most Important Message to Sacred Name believers...472

Mesareth (MINISTERS)...683

Messiah (New proof of the)...114

Messiah: Christianity reinvented a Messiah utterly unlike the Messiah of the Prophets
of Israel!...124

Messiah Moshiyach (The True one!)...104, 383,

Messiah: Origin of the Messiah idea ("Anointed one")...384

Messiah: (Ezekiel Prophecies)...116

MESSIAH and SERPENT: See how they are so much alike! (See with your
own eyes!Amazing!)...627

Messiah: From YAHUDAH or JOSEPH?...599 to 605

Messiah: Was Yahushua the Nazarene the Messiah?...408

Messiah: (Pieces of the puzzle)...117

Messiah: (Jewish concept)...114

Messiah: (Christian concept)...114

Messiah: What about a Suffering Messiah?...402, 403, 404

Messiah: Of course no Hebrew text speak of a Messiah.."dying"...404

Messiah: A Heavenly Messiah?...406

Messiah: (General scriptural information)...114

Messiah: There are TWO different "Messiah: in the New Testament; one
real onefalse...926
Messiah: See (Illustrated) why the Jews are so excited
about the coming of the Moshiyach! (Illustrated)(P. 1323)
Messiahs: (Dozens of messiahs!)...385

Messianic Jews are... "Disguised Christians"...173

Messianic Age: David will be resurrected out of the

ground!...446 Messianic King of Israel...119

Messianics: Messianic Missionaries using Dead Sea Scrolls, and trying to be more
"Jewish",traditional Christianity and new "Jewish Christians" cults are becoming
very large, and very threatening!...571-574

Methodists Confessions About Sunday!...12

Mezuzah (Doorposts!) (Learn all about the Mezuzah)...19

Midrash (Majestic)...72

Mind Control!...868

MIND: See "OPEN YOUR MIND" (Illustrated) (P.1885)


"Mixed multitude": Who exactly were they? Big

surprise!...600 Moloch and his seven palaces......1159

Months: Months were given names of Babylonian gods by the Jews...51

MONSTER: The Birth of a Monster (P.1676)

Moon: Celebrating the New Moon...551

"Morning Star"? What or who exactly is this?...470

Moses: (Mosheh) "the meekest man on earth"...326
"Moses Wrote About Me"? Is that so?...675 Moses:
The Three Periods of Moses' Life"...777 Moses: See
Yahweh show his Man-like back-parts" to Moses! *
Scriptural pornography! (P.1272)

Moses: See "Oh, Moses! You're such a kidder" (Illustrated) (P. 1448)

Moses: See (Illustrated) how Yahweh ambushed Moses and "sought to kill him"
(P. 1287)

MOSES: See Moses writes a sketch of his own death and funeral obsequies (P. 1398)

Moses: Assumption of Moses...1059

Moses The Terrorist (P.1254)

MOSES: Meet the real Moses (Illustrated) (P. 1493)

Mosheh and Circumcision (Kabbalah)...142

MOTHER: "The Forces of the Heavenly Father AND Earthly Mother"...781

"Mother" ("Honor your heavenly Father and your Earthly Mother" Yahushua
said! Yes!...564

Mother: Mother Earth...568

Mother of Harlots...85

Mother of Intolerance...85, 98

Mount Sinai...341, 773

Mount of Olives...399
"Mouth to mouth"...331

MOUTH: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes a MOUTH. You will actually see
the mouth(and nose) of the letter...37

Murashu text...329

MYSTERIES: "Mysteries of the Ages revealed! (P.1794)

Mysteries of Wisdom (Kabbalah)...102

Nag Hammadi library...1060

Name (The Divine Name in the old Hebrew)...169

Name: Divine Name "chosen" by Sacred Name Believers. Is it correct?...328

Name: The Divine Name substituted at a 134 places! See them all with your
own eyes...185


Nazarene Codex...854

Nazarene Movement...349, 412

Nephelim: Who were they?...559

New Covenant...455

New moon: "Celebrating the New

Moon"...551 New Testament exposed!...222

New Testament can never contradict the Hebrew Scriptures and be

true!...908 "New" and "Old" Testaments...65


NEWTESTAMENT. (Christians: Better take a valium before learning this

scriptural facts!)...696to 757

New Testament CONTRADICTS the Hebrew Scriptures (The Old

Testament)...903 New Testament: Yahushua ("Jesus" saw no need for "another
book"!...905 New Testament DID NOT EXIST in the first two centuries...912

New Testament: What EVERY Christian needs to know about the New Testament...906

New Testament: A critical and historical study of the first New Testament...707
New Testament: Paul's Contradictions in the New Testament...708

New Testament: Marcion gives us our first New

Testament...708 "NEXT!" Shocking fully illustrated!...1354

New Testament: So how am I to read the New Testament and tell truth from
error?...716 Nine Golden Plates...1062

Noach begot Japheth and Ham..LOOK OUT!...1038

Noach in reverse (in Hebrew) = Wow! See with your own

eyes!...629 Noach's Ark...499

Noach took his family back to Babylon as commanded, in order to to retrieve

the burieddocuments...1061

Noachides (Righteous gentiles)...40

Noachides: Beware of some rabbis!...34

Noahide Code...349

Noachides being taught IDOLATRY by some rabbis (See with your own
eyes!)...1048 Nephilim: (Learn about them!)...559

New Covenant will be with the House of Yahudah (Judah). Not made with
the Gentiles!...218

New moon..."I hate"...158

New Testament exposed "50, 000 errors"?...1 to 8,

65 New Testament is a FRAUD!...922



OF 1611...740

New Testament fashioned into a Political

Document...124 Noachides: BEWARE of some
rabbis!...34 Notarikon...96

Numbers and their hidden meanings

(Kabbalah)...94 Nuns beat up girls...1197

Oil: Holy Anointed oil...106

Old Testament: "Which Old Testament are we to honor and use"?...923

Onan: See Onan, "spill his seed on the ground" (Fully illustrated)...1351

Origin of the Kabbalah...89

Orwell, George: Big Brother...847

Ox: The killing of an ox is murder...132, 155, 156,

311 Oxen and sheep (340, 000 killed!)...157

Pagan Jews...111

Pagan Christians...111

Paleo ( Old Hebrew) text... This is the Name of the Father im "Old Paleo Hebrew...
(This isthe only Hebrew text that Moses knew!) 34
Paleo Hebrew Illustration of YHVH ...165,
171 Paradise...74

Paradise and "maidens"...873

PaRDeS: (Secrets of Kabbalah!)...69

Path of the Upright...128

Paul admits to be a liar!...8, 189

Paul: Did you know that Paul calls the Scriptures that Yahushua ("Jesus")
used...a "stumbling stone"?...697


NOT EXIST!...700


Pe and Tzadi: Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully revealed (Illustrated)...288
Peace: "Sevenfold Peace" (Essenes Teachings)...792

Peace with the Body...805

Peace with the Family...810

Peace with Humanity...813

Peace with the Mind...807

Pentecostal Assemblies of G-d examined...40,

43 Perfume of Wisdom (Gematria!)...63 Peshitta
text exposed!...744

Peshitta by George Lamsa...932

Peter (the "Kristos" falsehood!)...68

Peter: Was peter the first pope? (A must to show Roman Catholics)...993

PHALLUS: See how Hebrews/Jews were worshippers of the phallus (Illustrated) (P.1711)

Pharisees: There were seven types!

Surprise!...94 Pharoah AKEN-ATON...856

PHOTO: You wont believe the scripture and photo on this page! (P.
1460) Pierced?...436, 437

Pious Christian frauds!...581 to 584

"Poor in spirit"...410

Pope's "blessings" bring disasters! See proof with your own eyes!...31

Pope: See the Pope "Come here, cute little catholic boy" (Illustrated) (P.1241)

Pope: See how John Paul 1 was murdered INSIDE the Vatican, and why! (P.1723)

Pope: "Pagan Origin of Papal Office (See all with your own eyes!)...1007

"Potter's Field" (The): (Exposed)...667

Pshat (What is "Pshat?)...70

Psalm 22:16 (in KJB) Exposed! ("They pierced my hands and my

feet")...434 Psychiatrist: A psychologist is a priest of his own religion (See
why).....1145 Practical Kabbalah...188

Pre-Existence of Yahushua: Fact or Fiction?.. (You must learn this!)...471 to

487 Pre-Historic Troglodytes...858
Pregnent: "I have gotten a man from Yahweh" (Illustrated-Shocking
facts)...1413 Priests and nuns admit failure of celibacy!...488

Priests: See why the priests wore women's clothing (P. 1544)

Priests: "Mankind will never be at peace until the last stone from the last church
falls on....1147

Prince (Who will be Prince?)...101

Pronunciation of the Divine Name...328

Prophecies: WARNING! The "Prophecies" of Jesus Christ exposed! (Many will be

shockedas the falsehoods and lies we have been taught are exposed our eyes)...651
to 678


the wilderness?)...963

Prophecy: (Christianity's fabricated "prophecies"!)...199

Prophet: Do you know this prophet? (Surprise!)...192

Prophets: (Listen to them!)..."He revealed His plan to His

prophets...134 Protestant Confessions About Sunday (Shockiung)...11

Proverb 30: 4 The correct translation...475

Protestants are followers of the
Greeks!...52 Prostitutes with Yahushua?
(Ha!)...67 Pure and Perfect

Purim festival (Big party!) (Not of

YHVH!)...62 "Pyramid" means...862

Pyramid: The Great Pyramid text of Scripture of Isaiah 19: 19-20 Amazing!...172

Pyramid: "Some Secrets of the Great Pyramid". Who they were and how they built their

Pyramid remains...etc... Learn more...843


Qlippoth (What is this?)...90

Questions and Answers...299

"Queen of Heaven"...497

Quotations about Jews by Jews themselves (Shocking!)...541 Qumran

documents were "imbalmed" before they were buried...1059


Rabbis are teachers, not...holy men...498

Rabbis: Inventions of the rabbis (According to the Karaite Jews)...126

RACES: Where do the different races come from? Eve? No way!!!...1038

Rachel: Why was Rachel really weeping?...601

Rapture Lie: "The Any Moment Rapture Lie"...43, 67, 124

Redeemer: (Only One!)...99

Redeemer (The counterfeit!)...99,

Redeemer: The True Redeemer of Mankind...143, 144, 145

Redemption: Is this Hebrew word written in or on your forehead? WoW!...630

Reed: The "Bruised Reed" exposed!...663

RED HEIFER: See "Beware of the Red Heifer" (Illustrated) (P. 1498)
Reincarnation. Find out why there is a strong "push" for people to believe
in reincarnation!...880

Religions: The People of The Lie...67

RELIGION: See that all religious cults (all religions) stem from Abraham! (Illustrated)
(P. 1437)

Religious deviants...875

Religions exposed!...68

Religions: Why all ancient religions were alike...951

Religions, and our corrupted bibles, are responsible for millions of murders!
See it!...305,306
Religious Insanity...1195

Religious duty of the Jews to kill Goyim (non-Jews) (Illustrated) (P. 1170)
RELIGIONS: See proof that all religions are a DEADLY POISON! (Illustrated) (P.
1523) Repent: REPENT and "YOU SHALL LIVE"...25, 26

Repentance: "Christianity teaches something totally unscriptural"...431

REPRODUCE: We are to reproduce after our own kind...1045

RESURRECTION: Meet a real eye-witness to the

resurrection of the man of Galilee! (Illustrated) (P. 1405) (1926 to 1928)

Retrieved from coffins...1061

Revelation: "The Grand Revelation"...313

REVELATION: See "The Revelation" (P.1755)

Revelation 5: 5 You will never forget THIS revelation!!!...765

Reward: Another $1,000.00...11

RIB: There is no "sleep" or "rib" in the Hebrew concerning Adam and

Eve!...60 Righteous only will rise!...77

Righteous: "Who is righteous then?...314

Righteousness: (What exactly is this? How can one know for certain if he or
she is..."righteous"?)...336

Righteousness apart from the Law....Does it exist?...696

Rock (The Eternal Rock!)...91, 92, 93

ROD: "The Rod Blooming Almonds"...833



Roman Catholic Confessions about Sunday (Shocking!)...9

RUTH: The book of Ruth the Moabitess (Shocking!)...764

Sabbath Vs Sun-day...9, 14

Sabbath: Seventh Day Sabbath for ALL HUMANITY!...344

Sabbath: Sunset to Sunset?...247

Sabbath: "The Seventh Day Sabbath" 12 hours or 24 hours? Big

scriptural surprise!...247to 258

Sabbath keepers: Do they really keep the Sabbath, or pollute it?

Shocking revelations!...15

Sabbath: Mosheh (Moses) reveals the TRUE Sabbath!...257

Sabbath: The Seventh Day Sabbath...342

Sabbath: "THE GREAT SABBATH" (Essene's

Teachings)...792 Sacred Name Assemblies examined...328

Salvation and the "Old" Testament...430

Salvation but...according to the Prophets!...25
Salvation: (The real Salvation!)...303, 304
Sacred Arithmetic (Kabbalah)...63
"Sacred Name Believers" argue for this or that "correct" pronunciation of the Name
andinsist that one use the form they have convinced themselves is correct...328
Sacred Name Believers: Message to Sacred Name Believers (You must learn
this!)...473 Sacred Name: Regarding the Sacred Name...209

Sacred Name Assemblies and their 5 bibles examined...45

Sacrifices: See human sacrifices to Yahweh! (Illustrated) (P. 1161)

Sacrifices "I hate"...133, 153

Sacrificial Laws-Where does this come from?...150 to

158 Salvation: "How are we really saved"?...29

Salvation: Can We Be Saved By The Death Of Someone Else?...141

Salvation: What must I do?...81

Salvation: There is no salvation without regeneration...68

Samek and Ayin: (Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully revealed) (Illustrated)...287

Sanhadrin: The Great Sanhadrin...79

Sanhadrin: Bloody Sanhadrin!...74

Sanhadrin was wrong!...203

Santa Claus...204

Satan: When did a "satan" begin?...81

"Satan": Who-what-is the real "saw-tawn"?...81

Satan: Is Satan real?...485

Satan's rabbis...190


Satan (Is "Satan" real, with horns and pointed tail?)...485 Sa-TUR-day:
The Roman/Christian "Satur-day" revealed! Most shocking

Sarai becomes Sarah...59

Savior: "I am YHVH and besides Me there is NO SAVIOR" (Clear enough?)...430

Savior: Why the Christian Savior and the Jewish Savior cannot be the same!...123
Saved by someone else?...141

Savior: (None beside Me!)...99, 448

Savior: The True Savior Of Mankind...146

Savior (The popular counterfeit!!!)...99



Savior (The Christian Vs The Jewish!)...123



"Saxon" (Anglo-Saxons) "Saxon means "sons of Isaac"...116

Scarlet and the Beast...876

Scroll (Torah) illustration...174

See "The Bible Fraud" (Illustrated) (P. 1148)

See Moloch and his seven Palaces (Illustrated) (P. 1159)



Shocking scriptural information!...137

Scholars baffled...107

Scriptural: (The scriptural ignorant, must remain

silent!)...54 Seal of YHVH? What is it exactly?...82 Secret
Holy Code...294

Secrets of the Divine Name! Wow!...41

Secrets: "Secrets of the Great Elohim" (Illustrated)

(P.1318) Secrets of Mount Sinai...THIS you must learn!...45
Secrets of Secrets revealed!...39 to 48, 103 wow! Security
or "Sucker-You're-Ity"...849

Semen: "It is no coincidence that semen and seamen sound the same (P.
1583) Sepher Yetzirah (Amazing!)...90, 107,108, 174

Sepher Yetzirah is a commentary on Genesis. Sepher Yetzirah is outside the

flow oftime...108

Serpent and Moshiyach (Amazing!)...41

"The time has come for honest men to

denounce false teachers and attack false gods"

Serpent: Meet the serpentine hominid (P. 1607)

Serpent...285, 287

Serpents and DNA: The double-helix of the DNA is rendered as ENTWINED

SERPENTS! WOW Learn this...1422

SERPENT: Meet the real Serpent in the Garden of Eden (P. 1509)

Serpent: Who exactly was the "Serpent"? Learn this before you die!...1044

Serpent: Meet the "Serpent Priest" (P. 1551)

Serpent: Hidden meanings of "THE SERPENT"...834

SERPENT: ALL you want to know about the SERPENT, DRAGON, DEVIL, SATAN...964
Serpents: Meet more of the REAL Serpents...1394

Servant: Suffering Servant...405

Shin (Secrets of this Holy Hebrew letter fully revealed)

(Illustrated)...290 Second Coming: The "Second Coming" is of YHVH
Himself!...393, 397 "Seven Laws of Hillel"...71,

Seven: "The Sevenfold Vow"...1073

"Seven Laws of Noah"...348

"Seven Laws of the Son of Man"...565

Seventh Day Sabbath...(Wow) 342, 343, 344, 345

SEX: See "The Lusts of Yahweh" scripturally SHOCKING (Illustrated) (P. 1384)

SEX: "Keep all these beautiful women for "your holy selves" (Illustrated) (P. 1391)

SEX: Learn the real reason why there exists perverted sexual desires
in this world. (Illustrated!) (P. 1435)

SEX: See Yahweh order a man to walk stark naked for 3 years (Illustrated) (P. 1455)

SEX: Uni (one) SEX..(Shocking!)...853

Sexual roles now being confused for a "grand purpose"!...885

Sexual forbidden practices and others listed...352

Shekina means...75

Shema (The great)...323, 325, 334, 447,

Sheol (grave) was mistranslated into: "hell", "pit", etc.. See all!...622

SHROUD (of Turin) The Shroud of Turin is genuine indeed! (Illustrated) (P. 1406)


SLAVES: Do you know who really brought the slaves to America? Shocking!...543

Signs: The meaning of the signs (Kabbalah)...168 to 171

Sin: "Every man shall be put to death for his own sin"...141-142

SIN: "The sin in the Garden of Eden" WOW!...1038

Sins: See that "Every era hammered its subjects with religion and a list of
sins containing eternal damnation" (P. 1543)

Six: "The Aspect of Six" (Kabbalah)...243

SIX SIX SIX: See "Jehovah Yahweh 666 Wickedness" MOST SHOCKING

Slavery: Does Yahweh favor slavery? (Illustrated) (P. 1329)

See the scriptures where "Slavery is part of Yahweh's wonderful plan for
our lives"...1331

SNAKE: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes a SNAKE that is swallowing it's own
tail! (Illustration)...37

SNAKE: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes a SNAKE or SERPENT...that

is s-t-r-i-k-i-n-g!...36

Sod (The Deepest Secret Level of

Kabbalah)...72 Sodom and Gomorrah...337

Sodomy: "if one commits sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is
incurred" (Talmud)...1093
Soil: Man was created to...dig the soil...1313
Solomon's Colossal Massacre...156
Solomon: THE BOOK OF SOLOMON...556
Solomon, really is SOL-OM-On's...853

Son: "Son of Man coming in the clouds"?...407


"SONS OF Elohim"...681

SONS of "God"...972

Soul: "He shall save his own soul"!...141

Soul (nephesh in Hebrew) was mistranslated into all different terms. See
exact scriptures!...622

Sound Words...473
Spaceships in the Sky (See proof)...1207

Sperm: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes man's SPERM

(Illustration)...36 Spermatozoa (Divine!)...42

SPHINX: See "The Great Sphinx stumps the experts again" (Illustrated) (P.1792)

Star of David (Magan David) is a Zionist movement symbol...188, 189

Suffering Servant: Who?...46, 401

Sun-day (Origin of)...346

Supreme Power...797

Square Hebrew Script rewritten by Esra...49


BIRTH_PLACE...979 Sticks: "two sticks"...367

Stone: "Last stone will fall on the last"..?...181

Stones: See exactly who it is that declare "We are "the stones (rocks) the
builder rejected". (P. 1538-A)

Supreme Being: The Supreme Being is not only a Him/Her/It...832

Sword: Two-edged Sword...164

Sword: The real Sword!...101

Synagogue: "The Synagogue finally wrested the Torah from the priesthood and
created thereligious democracy of Judaism...50


Synagogue: How to find a "Kosher" synagogue (Good luck)...190

Tabernacle of David...390, 456

Tagin: (There are 7 of them. What are they, what do they mean?)...49

"Take my wife...PLEASE (Fully Illustrated) SHOCKING FACTS!...1355

Talmud: What is the Talmud?...56,

Talmud: (Babylonian)...74, 349

Talmud: The Jerusalem Talmud...71

Talmud: Horror in the Talmud (Illustrated) (P. 1174)

Talmud: EVERYTHING you wanted to know about the AWFUL

Talmud!... (Shocking truth before your eyes) 1075

Talmud does not supersede the Holy Scriptures!...459

Talmud: "The Talmud was constantly and consistently denounced by Yahushua

(Jesus) inno uncertain terms...1119

Talmud today virtually exercises totalitarians dictorship over the lives of so-called
or self-styled "Jews"...1089


Talmud: What REALLKY is the Talmud? Most

shocking...1091 "Talmud Unmasked" (Most shocking)...1120

Tammuz: (pagan g-d, that most Jews honor)...189, 191,

497 Tammuz...1033

Tanach: (Hebrew Scriptures)...49, 83

Tanach: Koren edition of the Tanach...84

Tav: (Secrets of Tav (the last of the Hebrew letter) fully revealed) (Illustrated)
Wow!...291 Thirty-two Laws of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Gallil...71, 72

Teachers: Teachers of Emet (Truth) do

this...67 Television = TE-LEVI-SION...847

Temple: (of the Holy Spirit-Kabbalah)...89

Temple of YHVH...389

Temple: (Rebuilt by Mashiyach!)...388

Temple of Unreason is situated in...67

Ten Commandments...(Essenes Teachings)...783

Ten Commandments in their full implications...326, 330, 342

Ten Commandments (in Hebrew) ready to "cut-out" and paste on your

doorposts!...213 Ten Commandments: "Will the real 10 Commandments please stand!
Shocking but true!...311

Ten Laws or 613?...151

"Ten times ten the Scribes and Pharisees have made a hundred times
ten commandments"...565

Ten Tribes: (Gathered by Moshiyach)...61

Ten Tribes: (Return of)...183

Ten Tribes ...217-218

Ten Words (10 Commandments)...19, 326, 330, 331,

Ten Laws only!...150

Ten Sephiros...107

Terrible: Meet the REAL "Terrible God of Israel"...1409

Terror: (The reaction of the people is terror-Why?)...450
Terrorists in the Bible (Most shocking)...1257
Terrorists: Now meet the Christian Terrorists (Illustrated) (P.1262)

Tessla, Nikoli (Scientist)...862

Test (e) Amen-t. "Test" comes from testicle...881

TESTIFY: The Origin of the word "testify". (A woman cannot "testify")...831

Tet and Yod: (Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully revealed!)...284

Tetragrammaton...(The four Hebrew letters YHVH conceal profound secrets!...74

Tetragrammaton: illustrated (Paleo)...171

Temple: Second Temple...362, 389,

The Coming Race! You must learn

this!...877 The Ghost in the Machine...885
Theologians of saw-tawn...205

Three Words That Show the Way...453

Testing Your Religious Beliefs System Against The

Truth...751 Thirty-two elements of Kabbalah...158 Thirty-two
paths of Wisdom...63, 107, 159

Throne: The Heavenly Throne...423

Throne Room...424

Throne Visions...425

Thumin: (Knowledge only to Priest!)...148,

164 Tithes? (To whom?) ...17

TOMB: See "The Secrets of the "Tomb" (Illustrated) (P.1776)

Tongues of Religions is (Profane language!)...96

Torah: There are FOUR Methods of Interpretations. Learn all exciting

details...76 Torah of YHVH...337,

Torah is for all humankind...338, 339

Torah and Testimony ...340, 455

Torah: (Esoteric)...103, 337

Torah: (The Torah is)...338

Torah Scroll...77

Torah is...338

TORAH: What is the "Golden Torah"?...1062

Torah and Testimony WoW!...340, 341, 455,
Torah is a cosmic blueprint!...457 Traditions:
Jewish Traditions exposed!...316 Translators:
(Lying pens of the translators)...177 TREE OF
LIFE...432, 433,

TREE OF LIFE: "The Essenes' Tree of Life...776, 803, 804

Tree: Pagan "Christmas tree" being decorated (illustration)...1034

Tribes: (13 Tribes?)...115

The Great Work...866

"The Lost Tribes of Israel"...364

"Trinitarian's Dream"...476

Trinity: See graphic of the Christian "Holy Trinity". Shocking!...278, 324 Trinity-G-d
exposed!...(The "Trinity" is Christianity's self inflicted wound!)...324 and 631 Learn
this! See this "Trinity" destroyed before your eyes! We need not be deceived
anymore!...631 to 638
Trinity: The "Trinity" was rammed through by Athanasious (who in the future
would usestrong-arm tactics that would make modern day mobsters proud)...631
Trinity: Those who refused to believe in the pagan doctrine of the "Trinity" were:


True worshippers (Are you one?) Big surprise!...192

TRUTH: Here is the REAL truth. (Illustrated) (P.
1367) TRUTH: The Path of Truth 1132

TRUTH: "The Laws and Test of Truth". You must learn this!...1

TRUTH: The Science of Truth" 1130

TRUTH: What exactly is Truth?...58

TRUTH: See exactly how humanity was blinded to the real Truth (P. 1396)
TRUTH is?...84

TRUTH: The Principle of Truth is with us 1131

TRUTH: To find the truth we must die to the ILLUSION around and familiar to us...901

TRUTH: In Search of Truth...434

TRUTH: "Truth in the WORD does not alter, but our concept of what is truth
does"...149 TRUTH Answers the Missionaries!...127

TRUTH: The Way of Truth is not Based on Blind Submission 1133

TRUTH: Now, you will know the Truth 1140

Torah: (Four Interpretations of Torah)...76
"Turn to Me and be saved"!!!..(WOW)...414,
415 TV evangelist and sex...498 Two ENEMIES
of man are...605

Twenty-two: See the 22 Hebrew letters that equals 22 verses in the Hebrew
text!...629 Twenty-two Signs & 10 numbers! WoW!...157

Two hundreds (200!) admitted forgeries called "Gospels", "Acts",

"Epistles",...575 Two-edged Sword (Secrets of Kabbalah)...162 "Two sticks" ...367

"Uncovering a man's nakedness" really means this...1047

UFO's and the Bible...1209

Unholy Mother unveiled!...66

Unholy Mother of Intolerance...85

Unholy Mother must pay $118, 000, 000.00 (118 millions!) for sexual
abuse...176 Universe: WHERE IN THE UNIVERSE DID WE COME FROM?...559

Unclean foods brought from far

not!...568 "unto" was added in this verse!!...118-119
"up' was added in this verse!...120

"upon" was added in this verse!...117

Urim (Kabbalah)...147, 167

Urim (Applying the Kabbalah)...162

Vatican seeks pardon for 1800 years of horrors. (See with your own
eyes!)...606 Vegetarians: Adam and Eve were vegetarians...60 Veil "Looking
Beyond the Kabbalah"...162

Veils which we create...88

VIDEOS: See the 32 Videos "Secret Holy Code" completely described...39 to 48

Virgin: The Iron Virgin...1002

Virgin Birth (Misinterpretation in Isaiah)...177

Virgins: See "Keep the virgin girls alive for yourselves" (Illustrated) (P.
1449) Virgin Birth (The "Miraculous Virgin Birth")...195, Virgin Birth: "The
Myth of the Virgin Birth"...494

Virgin Birth: The Miraculous "Virgin Birth" of Jesus exposed!...654


Vow: The" good Jew" prays "Every vow which I make in the future shall be null"
(Kol Nidre) (Shocking)..1103

WAR: War War 2 biggest secret, see it right here!! (Illustrated) AMAZING
FACTS! (P.1829)

Warning! The Messianic missionaries are coming, again, again, and

again! Beware! ...571to 574

Warning: Peter's warning...717

Warning: Yahushua's warning...717


WATCHERS: "The Watchers" and the nature of Elohim...831

WATCHERS: See the "Watchers from Outer Space (Illustrated) (P.1836)

WATER: See the Hebrew letter that symbolizes WATER

(Illustration)...36 Wave Sheaf Offering...410

Way: The Way of the Eternal Elohim!...335, 336

Way: Eternal Way for all Mankind...342,

Way of Salvation has never changed...416

Way: Defining the Way of YHVH...336

WEAPON: See the Hebrew letter, that is the symbol of a WEAPON...(See

Illustration)...3 What should we do-now?...134

What happened here? Shocking Hebrew text discovery!...223 to

226 Where in the universe did we come from? (You will love
this)...559 "W" in the Father's Name?...109

White man regarded as evil and is the target of the world!...1025

White Slaver: Meet the Great White Slaver (Fully and scripturally
illustrated)...1389 Who are we?....1201

Worship: Have we been worshipping the wrong "God" all these

years. (EXPLOSIVE)...1206

Wicked: (Their real destiny)...80

Wife: (You have an excellent wife? Then sign here please!)...18

Witness: Meet a real live witness to the resurrection of the man of Galilee YES!...1405

WOMAN: See scriptural proof that the bible is ANTI-WOMAN...1235

Womb: (The) You will love this!...562

Word: Does John 1: 1 in the Greek read "In the beginning was the Word"? NO!
NO! NO!...222

Word: The Word Vs The word...478

"Word and son": Is there a difference?...480

Whore: The Great Whore...420

Wrestling: See the all-night wrestling match...1279

YEAR 2012: YEAR 2012 WOW! You must learn these amazing facts! (P.1779)
YHVH Elohim...464

"The time has come for honest men to

denounce false teachers and attack false gods"

Yahweh from outer space? Big surprise!...1267

Yahweh vs Yahushua (EXPLOSIVE) ...1162

YAHWEH: See "THE BIG BATTLE between Elohim and Yahweh (P.1916) * See the
verse that reveals that the early Hebrews KNEW the difference between Elohim and
Yahweh. (P.1918) * See with your own eyes that YAHWEH was NOT the father of the
man of Galilee! (P.1920) * Once again see how Jesus' meeting with John the Baptist
changed him completely! See the disdain of the Jewish religion develop in Jesus'
ministry! (P. 1921)

YHVH Elohim: Determination of YHVH Elohim...508

Yah...(2 letters) ...75, 161

"Yahshua" examined...113

Yahushua: (Who was he...really? Scriptural

Surprise!...192 Yahushua not Emmanuel!...494

"Yahweh" is the pronunciation just now favored in academic circles. This is no more
thana guess at the true sound of the Hebrew Name of the Supreme Being...75

YHVH Elohim (A closer examination)...508

YHVH's Truth Vs Man's counterfeit...99

Zayin and Chet (Secrets of these two Hebrew letters fully revealed!) Illustrated!...283

Zohar and the Kabbalah (Secrets
Zohar and the Sepher Yetzirah (Secrets 9
of)... 0
Zohar: The Zohar is a commentary on
Zohar: (Secrets of) 10,
Zohar: Here are the most important parts of the 1
Zohar... 0
Zombie: Being a Zombie is not a religious 1144
Plus much

Total: over 2,008 large pages (8 1/2 X 11)

plus 1,051 of the rarest, unusual, strange,

shocking, amazing illustrations and photos you have ever seen!

No where else on this planet

can you find such an enormous amount of factual information in

one package that will finally set you free from all man-made
religions that have been terrorizing your mind all these year

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