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Nome: Cesar Motta

Nível: Básico 3
Professor: Victor
Data: 07/02/2020

Got a Plan?
Hi, I will speak ​a little​ about myself. I ​moved​ out ​a few​ times. I
lived​ in Itapema, Nova Trento, Jaraguá do Sul and now here.

I ​was​ born in Nova Trento, but soon i ​moved​ to Itapema, in

Itapema i ​did​ elementary school, but i ​moved​ again to Nova Trento,
after i ​completed​ high school, i ​moved​ to Jaragua do Sul, like at that
moment, i ​didn’t​ know, what professional career to follow, i ​got​ into
gastronomy, through my brother, he ​taught​ me how to do sushi, and
got​ my first job.

As i ​remember​, the first times i ​played​ video games, it ​was​ also

thanks to my brother. I ​remember​, he ​used​ to​ rent video games, and
we ​spent​ the afternoon ​playing​, until my mom ​told​ us to hang up to
watch soap operas. My passion for games ​followed​ on. I ​was​ always
more reserved, i ​used​ to​ spend my free hours p ​ laying​ games, which i
still do today.

I ​don’t have​ a definite life mission, i just ​want to be​ where i

want to be​, with the people i would like to be, ​doing​ things that i ​need
to do​ and that most of them ​are​ things that i ​like to do​.

I currently ​want​ to produce a satisfactory game and ​enter​ the

games market. I ​hope​ that in about two years, i am ​going​ to college in
the area of games and ​producing​ the second or third game.

Plans a​ re​ needed to achieve long-term goals, currently

unreachable goals m ​ ay​ become reachable in the future if you h​ ave
good planning.

In the last ​few​ months my life ​has​ been reduced to work, english
course and project, but whenever i ​can leave​ these activities aside to
watch​ anime and ​play​ games, that ​is​ my biggest defect nowadays.
These three activities will be my focus for a long time to come. This
month, i ​want​ to focus on programming the initial menu of my
project’s game and the english language project. I currently ​don’t
believe that i am ​spending​ enough time on activities related to my
goals, because i ​spend​ ​a lot​ of time on unrelated activities, i ​must
focus more on my goals. My schedule ​is​ very random, if it ​weren’t​ for
work or the course, i ​don’t​ know what my routine would be like or if i
would have a routine, but ​i’ve​ already adapted.

Got a Plan ?

I ​have​ a plan, currently it ​is​ to learn english and ​finish​ my game,

after that ​go​ to college and ​create​ another game. ​no matter how ​many
times i am w ​ alking​ slowly towards my plans, i still t​ ry​ to continue on
the path.

Simple Past
Used To
Simple Present
Giving and asking for opinions
Present Continuous
Expressing Quantity

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