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Nome: Cesar Motta

Nível: Básico 2
Professor: Fabrizio
Data: 30/11/2019

How will your journey be?

Hi, i’m cesar. I’m twenty-two years old, a sushiman, i live alone
and work with sushi, i’m ​shy​ and ​lazy​.​ About my profession, ​it is ​cool​,
requires caution, agility and concentration, but if you make each part
of the process as the last,​ it will be fine.
About my family, ​I have three brothers, Eduardo, Alex and

Eduardo is twenty-six years old, lives in florianopolis, he is a

builder, is t​ all​ and m
​ uscular​, l​ ikes​ to go to the gym, has brown eyes
and black hair, he is ​nervous​ and a​ ngry​, but is a ​good​ person.
Alex is twenty-four years old, lives in são joão batista, He also
has brown eyes and black hair,​ but i don’t know much about his
personality. However he looks also like a g​ ood​ person.
Kaue is eleven years old, lives in guaramirin with my mother
and my stepfather. He is ​thin​ and still ​small.​ Has blue eyes and blond
hair, he is ​smart​ and l​ ikes​ games.
My mother is Marli, she is forty-six years old is s​ hort​ and
chubby​, but ​nervous​ and ​angry,​ she has brown eyes and black hair.
My father is Isair, he is deceased,​ had heart problems. He had
brown eyes and black hair. Was ​tall​ and ​thin​, he was ​stubborn​ and
proud​, but he was ​cool​.

I really ​like​ the world of games, i watch a lot of game news, i

play many games, m ​ y preference are games with rpg elements and
upgrades.​ I also ​like​ to watch several series from netflix. I watch a lot
of anime,​ ​I ​like​ reading books, light novel and web novel.​ I d​ on’t
like ​household chores and ​i don’t go out of home much.
I have almost no routine, my day is very random,​ the hours of
work and the course are the only hours i take care of.​ ​From sunday to
friday, i wake up after twelve P.M; from saturday to thursday, i go to
sleep after three A.M; from wednesday to monday, i work from four
P.M. to twelve and a half. My day off is on tuesday, on saturdays, i go
to the course which starts at nine A.M. and end at twelve P.M.

For me the four important characteristics of a ​good​ manager

are teamwork, vision, organization and devotion. The teamwork is
necessary for the manager to get the team, to the best of his ability,
which needs to be done.​ ​Vision is necessary for the manager​ be able
to see the goals to be achieved, ​the failures in the processes that are
happening, ​and even the ones that will happen. ​Organization is
necessary for the manager to create systems​ that will help achieve
goals, ​an organizes system facilitates future modifications and the
identification of errors and failures.​ ​A devoted manager is always
focused and engaged​, ​trying to get even better and find system
errors​, search for the best possible way to reach the goal.

Henry Ford was a ​great​ manager, he had a vision to create a

cheap​ product and give his employees ​high​ salaries to consume his
products. He adopted an organization system in his company, the
mass production model, this model became famous in the future.

I’m currently working on a project.​ Some friends and i are

creating a game.​ ​our final goal is to create a company focused on the
development of games. We are currently in four people. I’m the
programmer, the level designer is Maykon, the three-D (3D) artist is
Douglas and​ we recently called a two-D (2D) artist named Lucas.
We are currently making maps, NPC (​Non-player character​)
interaction systems and images for the GUI (graphical user
interface).​ ​We have our own areas, but whenever possible we help
each other.

How will your journey be?

I help to organize what each one should do, but i don’t consider
myself a ​good​ manager, because i’m ​lazy​ and i leave things for the
last minute whats i need to do.​ I would ​like​ to have a ​big​ company,
produce game for the world and be famous ​doing what i ​like​ best​,
Games. I wish that my games were creative and had a personality. I
would ​like​ to make games that i always wanted to play.

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