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Trans by: Dela Cruz, G. , Manauis, N.

OUTLINE transporting or selling in distributing or using

processing and disposing any product or substance
I. Introduction
considered as a nuisance which are engaged in
II. Definition of terms offensive trade and occupation.
III. Sanitary Permit ❖ Nuisance –means anything that injures health or
IV. Requirement of the sanitary facilities endangered life or offend the senses or produce
V. Requirements for construction of establishment discomfort to a person or a group of persons.
engaged in nuisance occupation ❖ Noxious- anything that is offensive in the human
senses or tends to cause injury
❖ Objectionable odor- any odor that is present in the
I. INTRODUCTION outdoor atmosphere which by itself or in combination
❖ Nuisances include: with other odor is or may be harmful or injurious to
1. Establishments or entities in public or private human health or welfare and which unreasonably
premises that are likely to produce nuisances. a interferes with the comfortable used of the
public or private premise that maintain and used environment of life and property or which creates
in a manner injurious to health nuisance.
2. Breeding places or harborage of vermin ❖ Offensive trade or occupation - any trade or
3. Animals and their carcasses which are occupation that has a potential to cause damage to
injurious to health life and property or cause injury, pain or unpleasant
4. Accumulation of refuse or nauseating sensation or produce uneasiness and
5. Noxious matter or waste water discharge unbearable condition to a person or group of person
improperly in streets or waste water that are consider offensive trade or occupation
discharge properly in the streets ❖ Noise- erratic intermittent or statistically random
6. Animal stockage that are maintained in a oscillation or any unwanted sound is a noise
manner injurious to health ❖ Lye- is any strong alkaline solution that is used for
7. Excessive noise cleaning purposes
8. Illegal shanties in public or private properties ❖ Offal- these means the glands the tissues or other
internal organs of animals in the slaughterhouse
❖ Those engaged in offensive trades and ❖ Sanitary permit- certification in writing that is issued
occupations include: by the local health officer or in the absence the chief
1. Soap boiling of the sanitation division or section or unit attesting
2. guts cleaning or cleaning of animal guts that is the establishment comply with the existing
3. Boiling of offal, bone, fat or lard is permissible if sanitary requirement upon evaluation inspection that
the process is performed in a public slaughter has been conducted by the health office in
house under prescribed regulations but if not it is accordance of the PD 522 PD 856 and other local
considered offensive trades and occupation ordinances.
4. Manufacturing of fertilizer ❖ Vermin- group of insects like flies mosquitoes
5. Skin curing cockroaches like ticks or other bed bugs and small
6. Scrap processing animals like mice and rats that is vector of diseases.
7. Manure storing .
8. Lime burning III. SANITARY PERMIT
9. Lye making ❖ Establishments that are likely to produce nuisances
10. any manufacturing process in which lead or engaged on offensive trade and occupation
arsenic, mercury, phosphorous or other should secure sanitary permit (form no. 101).
poisonous substances are used. The use of
such chemical however is permissible in the a. Issued by
practice of pharmacy and in printing were ready the local health officer before they operate. Any
made lead type are used.
extension or additional construction or alteration in the
establishment shall require a new sanitary permit before
it could operate.
❖ Establishment- collective term that is construed to
conclude all the firms, institution, entities including
premises facilities equipment and machineries which
are engaged in the production, handling, storing and
b. Validity the other hygienic practices that maybe called
Sanitary permit is valid for 1yr. starting the day of for the nature of their work in the establishment.
issuance until the last day of December of the same year - Employees of the establishment shall observe
personal health and safety practices at all times
and it shall be renewed every beginning of the year then
while working. There should be no smoking of
after. So supposed one establishment secures a sanitary cigarrete or tobacco, no drinking of alcoholic
permit on a month of September that sanitary permit will beverages, no eating of any kind of food while
end December of the same year and it was to be they are working, no speaking or blowing of
renewed January of the following year. noise, no littering, no unnecessary chatting of
distraction and other personal health and safety
c. Revocation or suspension practices that are especially called for the nature
of their work
Upon the recommendation of the local health officer. The
- Workers suffering from a contagious or
sanitary permit shall be suspended or revoke by the communicable disease shall be immediately
local health authorities upon violation of any sanitary rule reported to the operator and referred for
or regulation. So it can be revoke or suspended by the treatment
local health officer - The used of PPE is a very popular term now.
These PPE shall be provided to and used by
d. Posting of permit any worker as per recommended by the
industrial hygiene by the code of sanitation of
The sanitary permit shall be posted in a conspicuous
the Philippines. so if the work of worker in the
place in the establishment for public information and it establishment calls for the use of PPE then they
must be available for inspection by authorized health should use it. Following the provisions of
personnel or other regulatory personnel industrial hygiene and the code of sanitation of
the Philippines.
e. Requirements for the personnel of the
1. Personnel should have health certificate. IV. REQUIREMENT OF THE SANITARY
- The operator and the employees of the FACILITIES
establishment shall be required to secure health 1. Water supply
certificate or form 102d. This is usually a card
Like other establishment and it is necessary
that is cream in color and it is issued by a local
much so in this establishment engaged in
health officer.
offensive trade and occupations. Drinking water
- The health certificate shall be issued after the
supply covered under this rules n regulations
employee or the operator has undergone the
shall also confirm with the code of sanitary of the
required physical and medical examinations and
Philippines. Water supply is part of the CSP.
Then it should confirm with the standard for
- The health certificate shall be renewed at least
drinking water. the sources either from private or
once a year or as often as required by the local
public water supplies shall be capable of
supplying the minimum daily water demand of
- The health certificate shall be clipped visibly in
40L per person per day in an adequate can
the upper left front portion of the uniform that is
produce these amount of water supply . They
worn by the employees while working.
say the adequate pressure 138kpa.
- When such condition is not practical due to the
nature of their work in the establishment, the
2. Food and drinks
health certificate must be made available upon
inspection or it must be in the establishment so All food and drinks handed or stored or prepared
that they can easily show it to the inspecting or served in the establishments or within its
authorities if they ask for it and the health premises should confirm to the pertinent
certificate is non-transferrable. provision for the CSP. Should confirm with the
standard of food establishments contain in the
2. Personal health and hygiene practices in the CSP (PD856)
establishments 3. Sewage disposal and drainage
- Employees of the establishment shall at all times All sewage, stored water or waste water shall
observe good personal hygiene like wearing of be discharge in a manner complying with the
clean appropriate working garment washing of sewage collection and disposal and excreta and
hand with soap and water after smoking or after disposal drainage of the CSP. The effluent
smoking or after using comfort room or quality to be discharged for the establishment
coughing, sneezing in to the hands and as often also meet the minimum standard in requirement
as necessary to remove dirt and contamination set by the DENR and other concerned
regulatory agencies.
4. Plumbing system j. Toilet paper and paper holder, soup,
It should also be in accordance with the soup dispenser, or paper towels shall be
provisions stated in the national plumbing code supplied at all times.
of the phil. solid waste management. All refused k. Paper towels or hot air machines, or
including animal litter and manure animal waste hand dryers shall be used for hand
food products and other waste matter shall be drying.
dispenses with the accordance with the refused l. Mirrors shall be installed in every toilet
disposal in the CSP. or bathroom facilities
m. Windows of toilet rooms should be
5. Vermin control located above the eye level and it shall
be provided it a number 16 mesh screen
The operators of establishments should
unless otherwise air-conditioned.
maintain a vermin abatement program. With
n. All doors shall open outward and must
shall confirmed with the vermin control CSP.
be self-closing.
During vermin control operations all the foods
including food preparation and equipment and
feed for animals should be covered or protected V. REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF
in contamination. Likewise all animals shall be ESTABLISHMENT ENGAGED IN NUISANCE
protected from toxic chemical substances OCCUPATION

6. Toilet, bath , hand washing facilities ❖ They shall be in accordance with the national
- The sanitary facilities shall be located within a building code of the phil. PD 1096.
distance of at least 25 meters from the service ❖ They should submit the plans and specifications
area. That is about 82 feet away. Adequate to the local health officer for review and
number of plumbing fixtures should be give approval.
accorded to all persons in the establishment.
❖ All plans shall be submitted in duplicate copies.
- And the minimum appurtenances shall be as
follows: Before it is allowed to operate the local health
a. 1-29 Employees= there should be 1 officer must inspect it to see it if really complied
water closet for male, and 1 for female. the requirement of the rule and regulations
For Urinal 1 for male 1 for female. according to the building code.
Lavatory 1 for male 1 for female.
b. 30-49 Employees= the water closet a. Walls, ceilings and partitions:
should be 1 for male 2 for female, urinal
2 for male. Lavatory 2 male 2 female. - The walls, the partitions and the ceilings rooms in
c. 50-99 Employees the water closet
areas where excessive noise or vibration is produced
should be 2 for male 3for female, urinal
2 for male, lavatory 3 for male, 3 for shall have sound resistant walls extending up to the
female ceiling the wall covering should not have an open
d. For each additional 60 person there space or crack that would provide harbourage of
should be additional water closet 1 for vermin.
male 1 for female. Urinal Additional 1 for - The walls and partitions inside the sanitary facilities
male. lavatory, additional 1 for male 1 shall be made with smooth and impervious material
for female
with a minimum height of 2 meters or about 6.56 feet
e. Now for shower bath. There should be 1
shower for each 15 persons, exposed to starting from the floor all the walls that exceed the
excessive heat or to skin contamination said height shall be painted with light colored paint.
on poisonous materials. Partition walls between water closets shall have a
f. Take note that there is 1 additional height of at least 2 meters or about 5.56 feet and it
fixture unit provided to a disabled should terminate 30 cm or 1 foot above the floor for
employee. easy cleaning.
g. There should be a separate clearly
- All ceilings shall be made with smooth light colored
marked toilet room for male and female.
h. A minimum toilet/bathroom area should nontoxic materials.
be 1.2sq.meter with a min. dimension of
0.9 meters shall be provided. b. Windows
i. Toilets and bathroom shall be properly - Windows of every room that is intended for use that
located lighted and ventilated and is not provided with artificial ventilation system shall
proper maintenance of toilet and be provided with windows and the total free are of
bathroom shall be done regularly. opening of the window should equal to at least 10%
of the floor area of the room to which it shall open
directly into a clear space.
- When natural ventilation id provided a room
c. Floors intended for use shall be provided with window with
- shall be constructed with concrete or any impervious total free areas of opening that is equal to at least 10
material that is easily cleaned and nontoxic % of the total area of the room.
materials. When the floor is constructed of wood with - Such windows shall open directly to a clean space.
dove tail or tongue and groove design, the floor In the absence of effective natural ventilation,
boards shall be clamped together and laid in a clean mechanical ventilation shall be provided as follows
foundation. - Air conditioning units should provide 1.5 horsepower
- Floor coverings such as vinyl tiles, wood parquet, air conditioner for every 50 mm3 room volume
linoleums, or other similar materials shall be fixed to - Should provide 1 unit of 1.5 horsepower air-
the floor with cement glue or any suitable adhesive condition unit for every 50 mm3 room volume
materials. - If they use exhaust fan or blowers, they should use it
- Carpets when they are used should be maintained in storage and supply room and this should be
ion a clean and satisfactory condition. There should provided with exhaust fan and blowers with a
be sufficient floor space for comfort and for carrying minimum fan diameter of 15.25 cm. the minimum fan
out duties effectively and efficiently. diameter of 15. 25 cm /35 m3 room volume. One
- Working spaces, stairways, aisles and other exhaust fan per 35m3 room volume or an equivalent
passage ways shall have an at least dimension of minimum m3 air per minute is 3 air changes per hour
1.2 m to permit free unobstructed movement of - For kitchen, dining and study rooms, it should be
person. provided with a minimum fan diameter with 15.25
cm/ 35m3 room volume
d. Lighting - For toilets and bathrooms they should provide a
minimum fan diameter of 15.25 cm/ 35 m3 room
- All areas in the establishment shall be properly
volume. Windowless bathrooms shall be provided
lighted either by natural or artificial light or both. with a mechanical exhaust system that is connected
- Minimum standards for illumination, in the hallways, to the light switch. Air circulation of the room of the
exits, stairways, and landing elevators and establishment shall be supplied through air inlet
escalators or dining room, the minimum illumination arranged, located and equipped so that personnel,
should be 20 ft. candle or 215.2 lamps. guests and visitors are not subjected to air velocities
that exceed 1.02 meters/ sec.
- In the latter rooms, toilets and bathroom shall be 10
ft. candle, in the kitchen, study room, storage room f. Sound and vibration
and supply room; the minimum illumination should - Sound absorbing materials shall be installed in all
be 20 ft. candles. areas where excessive noise is produced. Anti
- Outdoor pathways, 2 ft. candles. The lighting shall vibration mountings hall be utilized for sound and
be reasonably free from glare and evenly distributed vibration producing equipment.
to avoid shadows. - Insulation and absorbing materials and equipment
- The intensity of the required illumination inside the shall be installed to minimize excessive sound and
establishments shall be maintained at a point of 72.6
cm or about 30 in above the floor.
g. Safety requirements
- The intensity of the required illumination inside the
- The health and safety of the individuals working
establishment shall be maintained up to the point 30 environment shall be in accordance with
in above the floor. Occupational Health and Safety Standards
- There shall be provisions for sufficient lighting emergency telephone number of ambulance
fixtures or open areas that are capable of services, doctors and hospitals shall be
illuminating dark place in the establishments conspicuously posted in the premises of the
especially at night.
- The establishments shall provide the prescribed
- Switches of lighting fixtures shall be conveniently medicines readily accessible first aid equipment
located. and supplies and medical staff should be
- The level of illumination of the other areas shall be available according to the number of workers.
of such intensity as may be required by the local Ex. There should be 1 occupational health
health officer as recommended by the sanitary physician, 1 dentist, and 1 occupational health
engineer of the locality nurse and 1 first aider for every 200-600
workers. There should be PPEs that is
appropriate for the type and nature of the work.
e. Ventilation It should be provided to the employees by the
- Natural or mechanical ventilation which is effective operator of the establishment
and suitable for comfort and safety of the personnel - The fire protection system and safety instruction
and clients shall be provided in all areas of the program of the establishment shall be in
establishment. accordance with the fire code of the Philippines
PD 1185 with its implementing rules and
- Fire and earthquake drills shall be conducted in
the establishment at least twice a year.
- Electrical designs, electrical equipment,
specifications and circuit installations and all
electrical systems shall always conform to the
Philippine Electrical Code as adapted by the
board of Philippine Electrical Engineering
pursuant to RA no. 184 otherwise known as
Electrical Engineering Law
- Mechanical designs, equipment and installations
and all mechanical systems shall conform to the
Philippine Mechanical Engineering code as
adapted by the by the board of Philippine
Mechanical Engineer pursuant to
Commonwealth Act no. 295 otherwise known as
the Mechanical Engineering Law
- the minimum requirement for the accessibility of
differently or disabled persons in the
establishment shall be in accordance with Batas
Pambansa Blg. 344 which is the law to enhance
mobility of disabled persons together with its
implementing rules and regulations

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