America Needs Complete Streets: Mobility. When We Focus On Mobility, Fast

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America Needs Complete Streets

An aging population;1 Responding to Change ability to reach desired goods, services,

Our current transportation system and activities safely.4 Mobility affects ac-
rising fuel costs; provides relatively good service for motor- cessibility, but so do the quality of trans-
ists. It is possible to drive to most destina- portation options and land development
congestion, health, and tions with reasonable convenience, except patterns. When we consider accessibility,
under peak conditions. The major trans- we see how the modes affect one another.
environmental concerns; portation problems facing most commu- Efforts to improve automobile accessibil-
nities—traffic and parking congestion, ity, for example, may involve expanding
and changing consumer excessive energy consumption and pollu- roads and parking facilities and locating
tion emissions, the rate and severity of ac- activities along major highways, which
preferences are all cidents, and inadequate mobility for non- reduces accessibility for all other modes.
drivers—can all be addressed by creating Complete streets policies are aimed at
increasing demand for multimodal transportation systems that balancing access for all modes.
allow the best mode for each trip: walking
walking, cycling, and and cycling for local trips, public transit Complete Streets Policy
for travel on congested corridors and for A complete streets policy
public transit.2 These non-drivers, and automobile travel to ac- • Includes a vision for how and why
cess dispersed destinations and for car- the community wants to complete
trends indicate that an rying loads. Multimodal transportation its streets;
serves both drivers and non-drivers by • Specifies that the term “all users”
integrated multimodal allowing mode choice based on the type includes pedestrians, bicyclists, and
of trip to be taken. This is the heart of transit passengers of all ages and
transportation system the complete streets movement: Choice is abilities, as well as trucks, buses, and
fundamental to improving safety, service, automobiles;
is required if we are comfort, and performance for all. • Encourages  street connectivity and
Between 1920 and 2000, travel by au- aims to create a comprehensive, in-
to meet future travel tomobile became the dominant mode of tegrated, connected network for all
transportation for most communities in modes;
demands. the United States. During this period, sig- • Is adoptable by all agencies to cover
nificant resources were invested in roads all roads;
and parking facilities in order to accommo- • Applies to both new and retrofit
date increasing automobile travel demands. projects, including design, planning,
However, per capita vehicle travel has maintenance, and operations, for the
stopped growing, and total vehicle travel entire right of way;
is projected to be flat in most areas, except • Makes any exceptions specific and
those with rapid population or industrial sets a clear procedure that requires
growth.3 Now that the roadway system high-level approval of exceptions;
is mature and growth rates have declined, • Directs the use of the latest and best
there is less incremental design criteria and guidelines while
By Dan Burden and Todd Litman benefit from further ex- recognizing the need for flexibility in
pansion. (See Figure 1.) balancing user needs;
Benefits can, however, be expected • Directs that complete streets’ solu-
from redefining our transportation sys- tions will complement the context
tem. In the past, transportation meant of the community;
mobility. When we focus on mobility, fast, • Establishes performance standards
cheap travel is the desired outcome. This with measurable outcomes; and
focus is incorrect. The ultimate goal of • Includes specific next steps for imple-
transportation must be accessibility—our mentation of the policy.5

36 ITE Journal / April 2011

In a 2008 article in ITE Journal, John
LaPlante and Barbara McCann explained
how complete streets must focus on pol-
icy.6 In this article, they stated:

“A complete street is a road that is de-

signed to be safe for drivers; bicyclists; tran-
sit vehicles and users; and pedestrians of
all ages and abilities. The Complete Streets
concept focuses not just on individual roads
but on changing the decision-making and
design process so that all users are routinely
considered during the planning, designing,
building and operating of all roadways. It
is about policy and institutional change.”

Today, more than 200 communities

have adopted complete streets policies. In U.S. vehicle travel grew steadily during the 20th century but has since leveled off despite continued
2010, complete streets policies went into population and economic growth. By 2010, it was about 10 percent below the long-term trend.
effect in Minnesota, Michigan, and Colo-
rado. Local city councils, regional transpor- Figure 1. U.S. annual vehicles mileage trends (USDOT 2010).
tation commissions and state legislatures
across the nation are embracing complete • Over the past two decades, we have United States is the nation’s fastest-
streets policies. Some include supportive averaged approximately 43,000 fatal rising public health problem. Ac-
measures in transportation funding, de- accidents annually, with approxi- cording to the Centers for Disease
velopment policies, and zoning codes to mately 2.5million people injured on Control and Prevention, 16 percent
encourage multimodalism. These measures our roadways every year.10 Of the of children are obese, 12 million are
may include reduced parking requirements, pedestrians killed in 2007 and 2008, overweight, and 66 percent of adults
development impact fees in multimodal lo- more than 50 percent died on arte- are overweight or obese.14 The cost
cations, and targeted reductions in vehicle rial roadways, typically designed to of obesity and inactivity to society
miles traveled.7 Professional organizations be wide and fast, and more than 40 is enormous: In 2004, the total cost
and transportation agencies are producing percent of the pedestrian deaths that of being obese or overweight was
analyses, tools, and guidelines to support occurred were on roadways where no estimated at $117 billion, and physi-
complete streets, such as the multimodal crosswalk was available.11 Motor ve- cal inactivity’s healthcare costs are at
level-of-service standards developed by the hicle crashes are the leading cause of $76 billion per year.15 From 1969
Transportation Research Board,8 which are death for U.S. teens, accounting for to 2001, the percentage of students
being incorporated into the new Highway more than one in three deaths in this walking and bicycling to school in
Capacity Manual.9 Beginning in January age group. In 2009, about 3,000 teens the United States declined from 41
2011, new state legislation in California’s in the United States aged 15 to 19 percent to 13 percent. The major-
AB 1358 requires all California local ju- were killed, and more than 350,000 ity of these trips have been replaced
risdictions to plan for the development of were treated in emergency depart- by parents driving their childr en
multimodal transportation networks that ments for injuries suffered in motor to school—resulting in traffic con-
allow users to effectively travel by motor vehicle crashes.12 While the loss of gestion and safety issues around
vehicle, foot, bicycle, and transit to ac- life should be the most compelling schools and less physical activity for
cess key destinations within their com- reason to support complete streets, children. The federal Safe Routes to
munity and the larger region. Michigan’s we also know that traffic crashes cost School program, which was created
state transportation budget gives funding about $164 billion annually in prop- by the 2005 SAFETEA-LU federal
preference to communities with complete erty damage and injuries.13 transportation bill, provided $600
streets policies and to projects that further • Rates of individual and community million between 2005 to 2009 to
the objectives of complete streets. In doing health, fitness, and well-being can make it safer for children to walk
so, California and Michigan are encourag- increase when we build complete and bicycle to school; yet this fund-
ing local communities to adopt their own streets. According to the American ing is estimated to serve only 7.5
complete streets policies. Public Health Association report At percent of schools in the nation.16
Complete streets policies are central to the Intersection of Public Health and Safe Routes to School programs al-
addressing the following serious problems Transportation: Promoting Healthy low communities to conduct bicycle
we face: Transportation Policy, obesity in the and pedestrian safety education and

ITE Journal / April 2011  37

speed enforcement programs along incomplete streets that make it dan-
with assessment for improved plan- gerous or unpleasant for other modes
ning and engineering around schools. a rECEnT STuDY BY THE of travel. Complete streets can con-
A complete streets policy at the local vert many of these short automobile
level can supplement the National trips to multimodal travel. Simply
Safe Routes to School program to im- TEXaS TranSporTaTIon increasing bicycling from 1 percent to
prove conditions around all schools. 1.5 percent of all trips in the United
• Air pollution is associated with signif-
icant health issues, including asthma,
InSTITuTE FounD THaT States would save 462 million gallons
of gasoline each year. Using transit
respiratory illness, heart disease, and has already helped the United States
cancer. Asthma is a major public ConGESTIon WaS save 1.4 billion gallons of fuel each
health problem in the United States, year, which is a savings of 3.9 million
with 22 million people currently di- gallons of gasoline every day.27
agnosed with asthma, 12 million of rESponSIBlE For an
whom have had an asthma attack in The emphasis on multimodal trans-
the past year.17 Four thousand people
die each year from asthma-related
annual $78 BIllIon portation through complete streets is not
an entirely new concept. Roadways histor-
causes, and asthma is a contribut- ically were designed to accommodate all
ing factor for another 7,000 deaths loSS In FuEl DurInG modes, but complete streets policies pro-
every year. Asthma prevalence among vide the opportunity to build the political
children has increased an average 4.3 and community will to truly operational-
percent per year from 1980–1996.18 TraFFIC JaMS In 2007, ize multimodal planning at the street and
Each year, asthma accounts for 14 neighborhood level. Our transportation
million days of missed school days
by children.19 The cost of health is-
an InCrEaSE FroM planning priorities must evolve if we are
to have a better-functioning transporta-
sues associated with poor air quality tion system. Transportation policies and
due to transportation is estimated at $57.6 BIllIon In 2000. practices must ensure that roadways are
between $40 billion and $64 billion designed to safely, comfortably, and ef-
per year.20 The Urban Land Insti- ficiently accommodate all types of users,
tute estimates that carbon emissions of their income to own and drive including motorists, pedestrians, cyclists,
from transportation will be 41 per- a vehicle. Those families earning children, disabled, the elderly, and public
cent above today’s levels in 2030 if $20,000 to $50,000 spend as much transit travelers.
driving is not curbed.21 as 30 percent of their budget on trans-
• Nearly one-third of the U.S. popula- portation.24 The vast majority of this compLeTe sTreeTs BenefiTs
tion is transportation disadvantaged, money, nearly 98 percent, is for the Complete streets can contribute to the
which means that they cannot eas- purchase, operation, and maintenance improvement of traffic performance and
ily access basic needs such as healthy of automobiles. Drivers spent $186 provide a number of social, economic,
food choices, medical care, gainful billion on fuel last year, and with- environmental, and health benefits to
employment, and educational op- out improvements to fuel economy, communities. They respond to and sup-
portunities.22 Research shows that Americans will spend an estimated port other efforts to increase transporta-
half of all non-drivers age 65 and $260 billion on gasoline in 2020.25 tion system efficiency, including trans-
over—3.6 million Americans—stay • A recent study by the Texas Transpor- portation demand management, parking
at home on a given day because they tation Institute found that conges- management, improvements to alterna-
lack transportation.23 The economy tion was responsible for an annual tive modes, transit-oriented development,
cannot reach its maximum potential $78 billion loss in fuel during traf- and smart growth land use policies. The
when buyers are unable to reach retail fic jams in 2007, an increase from new FHWA/FTA Livability in Transporta-
destinations. Additionally, transporta- $57.6 billion in 2000.26 The 2008 tion Guidebook gives us a clearer picture of
tion is the second-largest expense for National Household Transportation the current orientation of federal agencies.
American households, costing more Survey found 50 percent of all trips The document explores how transporta-
than food, clothing, and healthcare. in the United States are three miles tion planning and programs can improve
Even before the recent increase in or less, and 28 percent of all trips community quality of life, enhance en-
gasoline prices, Americans spent an are one mile or less—distances eas- vironmental performance, and increase
average of 18 cents of every dollar ily accessible by walking, biking, or transportation and housing choices while
on transportation. The poorest fifth taking a bus or train. Yet, 72 percent lowering costs and supporting economic
of U.S. families, earning less than of the shortest trips are now made by vitality. Many of the case studies resolve
$13,060 per year, pay 42 percent automobile. In part, this is because of capacity and operational issues through

38 ITE Journal / aprIl 2011

a multimodal network and systems ap- public transit tends to increase af-
proach, reflecting better integration of fordability and economic opportu-
land use with transportation. The guide- nonMoTorIZED nity to disadvantaged people, helping
book recommends implementation of to achieve social equity goals.
complete streets policies for both new fa-
cilities and through “re-engineering exist- TraVEl IMproVEMEnTS Conventional roadway evaluation met-
ing roadways to improve vehicle capacity; rics tend to overlook or undervalue many
pedestrian, bike, and transit service; and
requiring new facilities to be complete
Can rEDuCE loCal of the benefits of complete streets.38 In a
white paper titled Evaluating Active Travel:
streets.” It also calls for creating more Decision-Making for the Sustainable City,
complete street networks by “developing a ConGESTIon proBlEMS British researchers point out that current
multimodal network of parallel roadways planning practices fail to account for the
through existing underused shopping cen- health benefits that result from more active
ters and strip commercial development, BY rEDuCInG SHorT TrIpS transportation, resulting in underinvest-
for local travel and to connect surround- ment in walking and cycling improve-
ing neighborhoods to jobs, shopping,
activities, and each other.”28
GEnEraTED WHEn poor ments. The researchers go on to state,
“Given the need to ensure high-quality
While travel impacts taken individu- decision-making in the transportation sec-
ally may seem modest, typically affecting WalKInG anD CYClInG tor, it is paramount that contemporary
just a few percent of total vehicle travel, evaluation practices keep pace with the
the effects are cumulative and synergis- shifting nature of policies that explicitly en-
tic.29, 30 An integrated complete streets ConDITIonS CauSE pEoplE courage uptake of walking and cycling.”39
program can reduce per capita vehicle Overall, conventional evaluation tends
travel by 10 to 30 percent or more com-
pared with data from more auto-depen-
To DrIVE JuST To TraVEl to overlook many ways that improving
walking, cycling, and public transit travel
dent communities.31 can help solve traditional traffic engineer-
Complete streets policies provide a a FEW BloCKS. ing problems such as traffic and parking
variety of benefits:32 congestion.40 Nonmotorized travel im-
• When automobile travel declines, nu- provements can reduce local congestion
merous impacts can occur, including the local environmental quality, and problems by reducing short trips gener-
congestion reductions, road and park- preservation of valued cultural and ated when poor walking and cycling con-
ing cost savings, consumer savings, environmental resources. Complete ditions cause people to drive just to travel
accident reductions, energy conserva- streets improve livability.35 Parents a few blocks. These short trips can create
tion, and emission reductions. allow their children to walk to school; significant congestion since they often
• The community can benefi t from the elderly and disabled regain their involve merging and turning maneuvers
investments that improve walking, independence; and residents and visi- that cause traffic friction.
cycling, and public transit. Such proj- tors have access to transportation,
ects, when combined with new land housing, shopping, and recreational case sTuDies
use patterns, support local economies activities. U.S. Transportation Secre- Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC,
by leveraging public investments and tary Ray LaHood said it best: “Liv- USA: In 1999, a group of more than 500
often include a revival in retail activ- ability means being able to take your citizens and other stakeholders mobilized
ity, private investment, social capital, kids to school, go to work, see a doc- in Raleigh, North Carolina, around Hills-
and tourism. Investments typically tor, drop by the grocery or post office, borough Street, the N.C. State University
increase retail sales by an average of go out to dinner and a movie, and “town/gown” connector, which was then
30 percent and land value from 70 to play with your kids at the park—all listed as the state’s most dangerous street
300 percent.33 North Carolina DOT without having to get in your car.”36 for pedestrians. At that time, the street was
studies (USA) have linked added tour- • Sidewalks and trails are an important run down and home to a few businesses
ism to the inclusion of bike trails in component of the public realm be- that appeared to be hanging on by a thread.
popular mountain, beach, and city cause they are the places where the Through a charrette-driven process, the
destinations, for example.34 community can interact. Improving community learned how street making is
• Livability refers to the environmen- walkability tends to increase commu- integral to their development. By the time
tal and social quality of an area as nity cohesion through positive inter- the first major phase of the street remake
perceived by residents, employees, actions among neighbors, which in was finished in October 2010, four round-
customers, and visitors. This in- turn tends to improve public safety abouts had been installed, a road diet was
cludes safety, health and well-being, and security.37 in place, and streetscape improvements
economic opportunity, social equity, • Improving walking, cycling, and included new medians, more parking,

ITE Journal / aprIl 2011 39

wider sidewalks, and ample crosswalks. oped; the other is empty save for a sea of
Today, the street is complete and alive. park & ride lots. These parking lots may
Nina Szlosberg-Landis, a former TV docu- a MaJor oBSTaClE condemn the areas around the stations
mentary producer and the “mother” of the to perpetual underdevelopment without
Hillsborough Partnership, noted that more
than $200 million in new mixed-use de-
To CoMplETE STrEETS massive subsidies to deck the parking to
free up land (though this land is 100 yards
velopment investments are coming to the from the mid-highway stations) or even
street, traffic is flowing well, and students IMplEMEnTaTIon IS more expensive subsidies to put a build-
and motorists are safer and more comfort- able lid over the highway.
able. A hearty business environment is in
place and growing. Even Raleigh’s own city
THaT ManY CurrEnT Complete streets are not simply about
street design but rather about combining
councilors have been amazed at how the proper land development patterns and
complete streets movement has affected TranSporTaTIon polICIES proper street designs that fit together.
the entire social and political processes. Street connections, block form, and other
Russ Stevenson, at-large city councilor,
and Mayor Charles Meeker (who is now
anD plannInG praCTICES patterns matter. Land use development
and transportation planning decisions
tied as Raleigh’s longest-serving Mayor) cannot be made in isolation from one
attribute their success in politics, as well FaVor MoBIlITY oVEr another. The standard practice should be
as their interest in walkability and transit, toward improvement of accessibility and
to the Hillsborough Street remake. These
leaders consider themselves well versed in
aCCESSIBIlITY anD safety and to build sustainable, economi-
cally viable communities.
how transportation investments can be lev-
eraged to build a sustainable future and a auToMoBIlE TraVEl oVEr perceiveD oBsTacLes anD risks
more enjoyable present for the community. A balanced transportation system re-
Washington DC, Region, USA: We
sometimes assume that there is an inher-
alTErnaTIVE MoDES. sulting from multimodal transportation
planning is often the most effective way
ent conflict between economic, social, to improve the driving experience while
and environmental objectives, but this is limits such as Dupont Circle, downtown, ensuring access to vital resources and re-
not necessarily true. By helping to create a the Capitol Waterfront, and those in the ducing the problems drivers face such as
more diverse and resource-efficient trans- suburbs such as Reston Town Center traffic and parking congestion, accident
portation system, complete streets tend to (Reston, VA), Arlington, Virginia, and risk, and chauffeuring burdens.
enhance economic development as well as downtown Silver Spring in Maryland. A major obstacle to complete streets
provide social and environmental benefits. Today, the Orange Line is the single- implementation is that many current
Complete streets can provide the policy most instructive metro line in the country. transportation policies and planning
and grassroots support to assist in this It is on this line that Arlington and Fairfax practices favor mobility over accessibil-
change by building streets that people Counties chose fundamentally different ity and automobile travel over alternative
want to live on or nearby. approaches. Fairfax County elected to modes.41 For example, a major share of
In a recent presentation, Chris Lein- take the cheapest option available: run- transportation funding is dedicated to
berger, an urban land use strategist and ning the new line down the undevelop- roads and parking facilities and cannot
visiting fellow with the Brookings Insti- able center of the existing I-66 highway. be shifted to support other modes or mo-
tute, discussed the challenges of translat- Arlington County chose, at its own ex- bility-management strategies, even if they
ing complete streets policies into success- pense, the harder placement, inserting are the most cost-effective transportation
ful on-the-ground projects. Leinberger transit into the center of a declining corri- system improvement options. The way
focused on two areas of Washington, DC’s dor, pulling the line from the highway and we traditionally evaluate transportation
Metro Orange Line. Twenty years ago, running it through its then-unwalkable system performance only considers delays
there were only two neighborhoods in the and rapidly decaying commercial areas. to motor vehicle traffic; the delays that
DC region that could truly be described Over the following decades, development motor vehicle traffic imposes on pedes-
as walkable urban areas: Georgetown and in Arlington’s section exploded, with the trians and cyclists (called the barrier effect
Old Town in Alexandria, Virginia. The price per square foot of real estate increas- or severance) is not generally measured in
expansion of the Metro system in the ing 200 to 300 percent, which translated economic or planning analyses. Gener-
1980s and 1990s, along with enlightened into 10 percent of the county’s land mass ous minimum-parking requirements and
local public sector leadership and an in- providing 50 percent of the tax revenues. other zoning practices force developers to
novative private real estate industry, led Just over the county border in Fairfax, build sprawl rather than compact, mixed-
to a walkable urban development boom. the metro line went down the middle of use communities.42, 43
Now there are 39 walkable urban areas in Route 66. Looking at aerial photos of the Additionally, conventional travel sta-
the region, including areas within the DC two areas is telling: one is densely devel- tistics tend to undercount nonmotorized

40 ITE Journal / aprIl 2011

travel activity, which leads to undervalua- vision is set by the community and that
tion and underinvestment in walking and all street-improvement projects align with
cycling facilities. Travel surveys also under- a FoCuS on CoMplETE the vision the community has set for itself.
count nonmotorized travel because they According to a new report by the Po-
ignore short trips, non-work travel, travel
by children, recreational travel, and the
STrEETS polICY anD litical Economy Research Institute at the
University of Massachusetts–Amherst,
nonmotorized links on trips that involve building bike lanes, pedestrian projects,
motorized travel. For example, a bike- proJECTS MaY appEar and bike boulevards creates more jobs per
transit-walk trip is often coded simply as a million dollars spent than road repairs and
road resurfacing projects.47 American Re-
transit trip, and a trip that includes walking
several blocks from a parked vehicle to a
rISKY BECauSE IT covery and Reinvestment Act investments
destination is often coded simply as an auto in public transportation created almost
trip. Nonmotorized travel is usually three rEQuIrES THE EnTIrE twice as many jobs per billion dollars in-
to six times greater than surveys indicate.44 vested as highway projects—16,419 versus
The 2009 National Household Travel Sur-
vey indicates that walking, cycling, and
CoMMunITY To SET 8,781 job months. Additionally, a $100
million investment in Portland’s streetcars
public transportation represent approxi- helped attract $3.5 billion in private invest-
mately 15 percent of all travel and often THE VISIon, BuT IT ment.48 We cannot afford to squander our
two or three times more on major urban transportation investments. The benefits
corridors. Inadequate walking and cycling
facilities force people to drive for even short
IS aCTuallY rISKIEr of complete streets can be vast. Complete
streets can improve safety. Complete streets
trips—sometimes to cross a busy road or to can target obesity rates by encouraging
travel a single block—which significantly For CoMMunITIES To walking and bicycling for transportation
increases traffic congestion. We need much and health. Complete streets can lower
more investment in pedestrian and cycling
improvements on our streets.45
ConTInuE WITH CurrEnT transportation costs for families. Com-
plete streets can reduce oil dependence
A focus on complete streets policy and and carbon emissions. Complete streets
projects may appear risky because it re- plannInG praCTICES can foster strong communities and build
quires the entire community to set the social capital. Complete streets can offer all
vision, but it is actually riskier for commu-
nities to continue with current planning
THaT unDErValuE anD people access to goods, facilities and com-
munity resources. Syndicated columnist
practices that undervalue and underinvest Neal Pierce said it best in a recent column:
in all modes and fail to prepare for aging unDErInVEST In “The old formula—easy mortgages, pro-
populations, rising fuel prices, climbing sprawl land patterns, almost total automo-
obesity rates, and increasing interest in less
auto-dependent lifestyles. Americans drove
all MoDES. bile dependency—was overturned by the
Great Recession. The excessive resources
almost three trillion miles in 2008, and aren’t there to go back to.”49
many of those trips were very short—yet bicycle program that includes a network
a vast majority of these trips were by auto- of trails and bicycle lanes, bicycle parking concLusion
mobile. Congestion is not solely an urban and changing facilities, and appropriate Jane Jacobs, author of The Death and
issue. Regions of all sizes have experienced education and encouragement programs. Life of Great American Cities, stated that
increased congestion, costing the economy Similarly, public transit facilities will pro- we were overbuilding our cities for our
$87.2 billion in hours lost to traffic jams vide little benefit unless implemented cars, stretching our cities out, making
and wasted fuel in 2007 alone. An evalua- with other efforts to improve public tran- vehicles required for travel. She wrote:
tion of auto-dependent transportation sys- sit service and encourage transit ridership. “Automobiles are often conveniently tagged
tems found that their per capita congestion However, when properly implemented, an as the villains responsible for the ills of cities
costs are significantly higher than systems integrated program will provide substantial and the disappointments and futilities of city
that provide alternatives to driving.46 benefits, providing a high economic return planning. But the destructive effects of auto-
Complete streets can be considered on investment. This is why the emphasis mobiles are much less a cause than a symptom
tools for building communities. One issue must be on a complete streets policy as of our incompetence at city building.
that can arise when considering complete opposed to any project-specific undertak- The simple needs of automobiles are more
streets is insufficient integration with other ing. Communities can spend years battling easily understood and satisfied than the com-
transportation and land development poli- about one street-improvement project, and plex needs of cities, and a growing number of
cies. Adding bicycle lanes on one roadway when that is complete, they begin the cycle planners and designers have come to believe
by itself will do little to increase cycling all over again. A complete streets policy, that if they can only solve the problems of
activity; it must be part of an integrated crafted by the community, ensures that the traffic, they will thereby have solved the

ITE Journal / aprIl 2011 41

major problems of cities. U.S. Department of Transportation, National
Cities have much more intricate eco- Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National
nomic and social concerns than automobile THE GooD nEWS IS Center for Statistics and Analysis
traffic. How can you know what to try with 13. AAA. Crashes versus Congestion Report.
traffic until you know how the city itself What’s the Cost to Society? Accessed October
works, and what else it needs to do with its THaT CoMMunITIES arE 2008. Cambridge, MD: Cambridge Systemat-
streets? You can’t.” ics, Inc.; 2008.
This was 1961. Today, a significant
portion of our transportation dollars con-
STarTInG To rEalIZE files/20083591910.crashesVscongestionfullre-
tinue to go to roads designed for a single 14. Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
use, exacerbating the problems associated THaT TranSporTaTIon tion. Overweight and Obesity. Available at: www.
with sprawl and contributing to the health
and economic problems we face as a na- 15. Pratt M, Marcera C, Wang, G. Higher
tion. The good news is that communities MuST aDDrESS direct medical costs associated with physical inac-
are starting to realize that transportation tivity. Physician Sports Medicine, 2000;28:63–70
must address accessibility rather than mo-
bility and they are looking for solutions
aCCESSIBIlITY raTHEr 16. Complete Streets and Safe Routes to
School are Natural Partners.
to improve their transportation networks.
A complete streets policy can help direct THan MoBIlITY anD safe-routes-to-school-are-natural-partners/
those dollars toward streets that support 17. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma
a broader range of social, environmental, and Immunology Web site.
and community-building goals while im- THEY arE looKInG For 18. Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
proving accessibility for all. ■ tion. Asthma’s Impact on Children and Adoles-

SoluTIonS To IMproVE cents.
19. Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
1. AARP (2009), Planning Complete Streets tion. National Asthma Control Program. Amer-
for an Aging America, American Association for THEIr TranSporTaTIon ica Breathing Easier 2007. Atlanta, GA: National
Retired Persons Public Policy Institute (www. Center for Environmental Health; 2007. www.; at
mobility/transportation/2009_02_streets.html. nETWorKS. 20. Federal Highway Administration. 2000.
2. Todd Litman (2006), “Changing Travel De- Addendum to the 1997 Federal Highway Cost
mand: Implications for Transport Planning,” ITE Allocation Study Final Report, May 2000. www.
Journal, Vol. 76, No. 9, September, pp. 27–33. Transportation and the New Jersey Department of
3. Adam Millard-Ball and Lee Schipper Transportation, Smart-Transportation Partnership 21. Urban Land Institute. Growing Cooler
(2010), “Are We Reaching Peak Travel? Trends (; at Report.
in Passenger Transport in Eight Industrialized cations/Reports/~/media/Documents/Research-
Countries,” Transport Reviews, Vol. 30 (http:// 8. Richard Dowling, et al. (2008), Multi- AndPublications/Reports/GrowingCooler.ashx; modal Level Of Service Analysis For Urban Streets, 22. Surface Transportation Policy Project.
previous version at NCHRP Report 616, Transportation Research Transportation and Poverty Alleviation. Avail-
Publications/Millard-Ball%20Schipper%20 Board (; at able at:
2010%20Peak%20travel.pdf. blurb_detail.asp?id=9470; User Guide at http:// poverty.asp.
4. Todd Litman (2003), “Measuring Trans- 23. Complete Streets. Economic Revitaliza-
portation: Traffi c, Mobility and Accessibility,” w128.pdf. tion.
ITE Journal (, Vol. 73, No. 10, 9. TRB (2010), Highway Capacity Manual, streets-fundamentals/factsheets/economic-revi-
October 2003, pp. 28-32, at Victoria Transport Transportation Research Board (; at talization/
Policy Institute website (; at www. 24. Policy Link. Equitable Development 10. NHTSA, National Center for Statistics Toolkit: Building Regional Equity, Transit Ori-
5. Complete Streets. Policy Elements. http:// and Analysis. Traffic Safety Facts: 2005 Data. ented Development. Oakland, CA: Policy Link; Washington, DC: NHTSA; 2005. DOT HS 2008.
icy-elements/ 810 620. Available at: Tool_FINAL.pdf
6. John LaPlante and Barbara McCann Pubs/810620.PDF. 25. Complete Streets. Transportation Costs.
(2008), “Complete Streets: We Can Get There 11. National Highway Traffic Safety Admin-
From Here,” ITE Journal, Vol. 78, No. 5 (www. istration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System. fundamentals/factsheets/transportation-costs/., pp. 24–28. 26. Representative Doris Matsui. U.S. Senate
7. PennDOT & NJDOT (2008), Smart Trans- 12. NHTSA[2009]. Fatality Analysis Report- and House Introduce Bill to Make Streets Safe
portation Guidebook, Pennsylvania Department of ing System (FARS), 2009. Washington, DC: and Encourage Healthier America. http://www.

42 ITE Journal / aprIl 2011 39. James MacMillen, Moshe Givoni And “back on its feet” have
nt&task=view&id=1567&Itemid=98 David Banister (2010), “Evaluating Active earned him lifetime-
27. Complete Streets. Complete Streets Poli- Travel: Decision-Making for the Sustainable achievement awards
cies. City,” Built Environment, Vol. 36, No. 4, Dec. from the New Partners
policy/policy-elements/ pp. 519–536; summary at www.atypon-link. for Smart Growth
28. FHWA (2010), Livability in Transporta- com/ALEX/doi/abs/10.2148/benv.36.4.519. and the Association
tion Guidebook: Planning Approaches that Promote 40. Md Aftabuzzaman, Graham Currie and of Pedestrian and Bi-
Livability, FHWA-HEP-10-028, Federal High- Majid Sarvi (2010), “Evaluating the Congestion cycle Professionals. The
way Administration. USDOT ( Relief Impacts of Public Transport in Monetary League of American Bicyclists named Dan as “one
gov); at Terms,” Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. of the 25 most significant leaders in bicycling for
guidebook. 13, No. 1, pp. 1–24; the past 100 years.” In 2001, Dan was named by
29. Reid Ewing and Robert Cervero (2010), JPT13-1.pdf. TIME magazine as “one of the six most important
“Travel and the Built Environment: A Meta- 41. Todd Litman (2007), Comprehensive civic innovators in the world.” Also that year, the
Analysis,” Journal of the American Planning As- Transport Planning Framework: Best Practices Transportation Research Board of the National
sociation, Vol. 76, No. 3, Summer 2010, pp. For Evaluating All Options And Impacts, Victo- Academy of Sciences honored Dan by making him
265-294; at http://pdfserve.informaworld. ria Transport Policy Institute (; at its Distinguished Lecturer. In 2009, a user’s poll
com/317792__922131982.pdf. by named Dan as one of the top
30. Todd Litman (2007), Land Use Impacts 42. “Barrier Effect,” in Litman 2010. 100 urban thinkers of all time. Dan’s work has
On Transport: How Land Use Factors Affect Travel 43. DfT (2009), Transport Analysis Guidance: been featured in coverage by Newsweek, CNN
Behavior, VTPI (; at 3.6.2: The Severance Sub-Objective, Department and Men’s Health. Dan has nearly four decades
landtravel.pdf. for Transport (; at of experience helping create livable communities
31. Reid Ewing, Keith Bartholomew, Steve uk/webtag/documents/expert/unit3.6.2.php. with a focus on non-motorized transportation. He
Winkelman, Jerry Walters and Don Chen 44. P. Rietveld (2000), “Nonmotorized Modes served as the first state bicycle and pedestrian coor-
(2007), Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban in Transport Systems: A Multimodal Chain Per- dinator for the Florida Department of Transporta-
Development and Climate Change, Urban Land spective for The Netherlands,” Transportation tion (1980–1996) and this became the model for
Institute and Smart Growth America (www. Research D, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, pp. 31–36. other statewide programs. He is a member of ITE. 45. Todd Litman (2010), Short and Sweet:
32. Todd Litman (2010), Transportation Cost Analysis of Shorter Trips Using National Personal Todd Litman
and Benefit Analysis Guidebook, Victoria Trans- Travel Survey Data, VTPI (; at is founder and
port Policy Institute ( executive director of
33. Todd Litman (2010), Evaluating Non- 46. National Complete Streets Coalition. the Victoria Trans-
Motorized Transport Benefits and Costs, Victoria Complete Streets Ease Traffic Woes. http://www. port Policy Institute
Transport Policy Institute (; at (, an tals/factsheets/ease-congestion/ independent research
34. NC Department of Transportation, Divi- 47. Estimating the Employment Impacts organization dedicated
sion of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation. The of Pedestrian, Bicycle and Road Infrastruc- to developing innovative solutions to transport
Economic Impact of Investments in Bicycling Fa- ture. Case Study: Baltimore. December 2010. problems. His work helps expand the range of
cilities. impacts and options considered in transportation
bikeped_research_EIAconclusion.pdf pdfs/baltimore_Dec20.pdf decision making, improve evaluation methods,
35. FHWA (2010), Livability in Transporta- 48. New Urban Network. Growing Wealthier and make specialized technical concepts acces-
tion Guidebook: Planning Approaches that Promote with smart growth. January 2011. http://newur- sible to a larger audience. His research is used
Livability, FHWA-HEP-10-028, Federal High- worldwide in transport planning and policy
way Administration. USDOT ( wealthier%E2%80%99-smart-growth-13902 analysis. Mr. Litman has worked on numerous
gov); at 49. The Seattle Times. It’s Time to Return studies that evaluate transportation costs, ben-
guidebook. to a Robust Urbanism. January 1, 2011. http:// efits, and innovations. He authored the Online
36. United States Department of Transpor- TDM Encyclopedia, a comprehensive Internet
tation. DOT Livability. type=story&id=2013808392&st_app=ip_news_ resource for identifying and evaluating mobility
livability/ lite&st_ver=1.2 management strategies; Transportation Cost
37. Todd Litman (2006), Community Cohe- and Benefit Analysis: Techniques, Estimates
sion As A Transport Planning Objective, Paper and Implications, a comprehensive study which
07–0550, Transportation Research Board 2007 provides cost and benefit information in an easy-
Annual Meeting; at Dan Burden to-apply format; and Parking Management
38. Todd Litman (2010), Evaluating Non- is co-founder and executive director of The Best Practices, a comprehensive book available
Motorized Transport Benefits and Costs, Victoria Walkable and Livable Communities Institute on management solutions to parking problems.
Transport Policy Institute (; at (, located in Port Townsend, He is a member of ITE. Washington, USA. Dan’s efforts to get the world

ITE Journal / April 2011  43

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