Seed Portfolio

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Bringing old world flavour

to the new world

Seed Portfolio - 2010

w w w. i t a l i a n s e e d s p r o n t o . c o . n z
Bringing old world flavour
to the new world

B r i n g i n g o l d w o r l d f l av o u r
to the new world

We are a small-scale business who import and

distribute within New Zealand the authentic vegetable SEMENTI
DAL 1783
and herb seed of Franchi Sementi dal 1783.
About our company
It’s quiet astonishing, that this is a seed company formed only 14 years
after Captain Cook and astronomer Charles Green observed the transit A story that begins in 1783 in Bergamo Northern Italy. The same year
of Mercury at Te Whanganui-a-hei (Mercury Bay) on the Coromandel Mozart’s opera ‘The Marriage of Figaro’ opens at the Burgtheatre in
Peninsula. An astute sea Captain who ensured his crew had fresh
Vienna, the American war of Independence ends and the Montgolfier
vegetables daily to avoid the dreaded scurvy.
brothers fly their hot air balloon over Paris.
For more than 227 years, Franchi has been top of mind for discerning Franchi are the oldest family-run seed company in the world and are
kitchen gardeners, and more recently high profile chefs throughout
much more than just seeds in a packet - they are a story of tradition,
the globe by offering their range of heirloom varieties, some dating
back to the 17th and 18th century, selected for superior taste rather experience, quality, passion and excellence handed down over
than homogenised characteristics. seven generations that continues today alongside state of the art
technological solutions.
The diet of many New Zealanders has been influenced through
accessibility to global travel and the discovery of fresh flavoursome The vast majority of Franchi’s vegetable seeds are still commissioned,
Italian produce found in the many farmers markets and regional not bought in and many continue to be produced in their home
ristorante. Freshness and simplicity will always remain the two great regions. Some of our growers have been producing seeds for Franchi
qualities of Italian cooking. Most food and wine travellers ‘in the know’ for generations. Each farmer is given Franchi stock seeds, is regularly
understand the importance of regional Italian cooking and we will visited, and must meet our rigid standards. We produce hundreds of
endeavour to accommodate with regional varieties to inspire your
cooking. tonnes of seed in this way - just for our customers, and Franchi have
sole responsibility for maintaining 70 important national heirloom
Some people have asked will they grow here? The answer is yes varieties which would have otherwise been lost.
and I would like to reiterate the importance of regionality. The vegetable
varieties are more multi-faceted to imagine they would only grow well in While vegetable descriptions and
Italy. Italy’s vegetables are about regionality just think about the different growing information on the back of
zucchini on offer from Venice, Genoa, Rome Milan, and Piacenza. most Franchi packets is in Italian, a
brief description and cultural Bringing old world flavour
to the new world

The most telling interpreter of agricultural difference is the plant itself, information in English is also Wild Rocket (Arugula)
dbo115/5 A stronger more intense spicy
peppery flavour, very robust with deeply

provided. The pictorial planting guide

lobed leaves, harvest at any stage but best

integrating as it does the effects of climate, soil and geology into a when small. Can be slow growing. If you
leave some plants in the ground the seed
will be scattered and come back year after

composition of authentic flavour. Just imagine where the New Zealand can be used by adding around 6 year. Good to use in pasta dishes as well as
salads. 2g approx 7000 seeds

wine industry would be if Sauvignon Blanc had never left the Loire Valley! months to the month indicated by Diplptaxis Tenuifolia L.
The pictorial planting guide can be used by
adding around 6 months to the month

Roman numerals allowing for todays’

indicated by Roman numerals allowing for
todays’ changing climatic conditions in your
province of New Zealand. •RED Mediterranean
climate •BLUE cool to cold climate

changing climatic conditions in your

Imported by Mrs Hurley’s Trading Mix Limited

The range represented here is but a fraction of what is available from

Trading as Italian Seeds Pronto t/f: 06 758 4190

Franchi and with each new shipment we will bring in more varieties. province of New Zealand.
Every varietal is chosen for flavour so we are not about having the • RED Mediterranean climate
largest range on offer - only the very best seeds that can be grown for
both flavour and texture. All the seeds are packed at Franchi in • BLUE cool to cold climate
Bergamo and not sent as bulk seed to New Zealand for re-packing.
This is paramount in ensuring the integrity and purity of the Franchi
brand is maintained.

The larger than normal stylish Franchi packets contain a very generous
quantity of seed. In most cases more than 3 times that of many seed
companies globally. This high seed quantity is normal for Europe.
Most are double-sealed for freshness and the 3-year use by date ensures
excellent value for money.

Organic & Selezione Speciale seed packets NZ$8.00

All other seed packets NZ$7.00

Know the origin of your seeds, grow your own and...

‘buon appetito’

Counting individual seeds at Franchi, Bergamo Circa 1920
telephone•facsimile: 06 758 4190
Pomo d or i
Italian Tomatoes (Pomodori) are considered the best in the world. San
Marzano, is the best cooking tomato, dry and meaty this is the tomato for
17th Century Gourmet Castelvetro Giacomo's Sacred Law of salads
insalata ben salata poco aceto e ben oliata
salt the salad quite a lot, then generous oil put in the pot,
and vinegar, but just a jot
sauces and is kept in jars year-round throughout Italy. For eating raw try Cuore
di Bue, Costoluto Fiorentino. For salads choose Principe Borghese, Marmande Castelvetro Giacomo The fruit, herbs and vegetables of Italy, Viking 1989
and of course the delicious little cherry tomatoes to eat anytime.
Nothing compares to a great tasting Italian tomato.
Tomatoes need warm weather to thrive and are best grown
as six to seven week old transplants.
Po mo d or o L at t u g a (Ro m a n a)
Tomato Astro Ibrido F.1 dbos106/113 Lettuce Degli Ortolani dbo84/4
“Selezione Speciale” Bush plum variety sometimes called small Romaine lettuce (Cos) with large tight head and dark green
nano or dwarf San Marzano. This hybrid is resistant to rot and crunchy leaves packed into a cylindrial shape. Grow from
also verticillium and fusarium. An excellent producer of small seedlings or direct 20cm apart. Does best in winter and spring.
oblong tomatoes. Ideal for cooking. 0.2g packet approx 60 seeds. Determinate Around 65 days to picking. 9g packet approx 5000 seeds.
Po mo d or o L at t u g a
Tomato Costoluto Fiorentino dbo106/18 Lettuce La Resistente Sel. “Franchi”
A large ribbed heirloom beefsteak variety from Florence. Slightly dbos 79/18 “Selezione Speciale” A very resilient lettuce
flattened fruit, large vigorous plant that is a good producer. developed by Franchi that is slow to bolt. It has soft vivid green leaves.
Around 350g. Slice off the top, add some olive oil and bake, the A hardy variety of lettuce with soft flavoursome leaves. 5g packet
flesh will develop into a delicious sauce. 2g packet approx 300 seeds. approx 3000 seeds.
Po mo d or o L at t u g a
Tomato Cuore di Bue of Liguria dbo106/24 Lettuce Lingua di Canario dbo78/19
“Heart of the cow” round, ridged meaty and low acidity this is a “Canarys tongue” An oak leafed green-headed variety. Oak leaf has a
superior beefy tomato. Incredibly sweet and at its best when not dense, dark green head of tender crisp leaves. Suitable for spring,
too ripe. Around 250g A favourite of many International chefs. summer and autumn planting. 8g packet approx 4500 seeds.
2g packet approx 350 seeds. Indeterminate

Po mo d or o L at t u g a
Le ttuce M isticanza dbo93/1
Tomato Marmande dbo106/25 14 lettuce and radicchio varieties. A mix of varieties for an evenly
From across the border this French heirloom comes from the balanced salad mix. Direct sow seed about 20cm apart on a smooth
small commune of Marmande in the south of France and is a firm well-prepared bed and cover with soil. Ready in around 35 days. Plant
favourite in Northern Italy. Large,flat with pleats,beefy tomato that every few weeks for continuous harvest. 12g packet approx 6000 seeds.
has thick flesh and a sweet flavour. Prefers a longer growing season and can do really
well in cooler summer climates. Try the well-known succulent Marmande Tomato L at t u g a
Tart with basil breadcrumbs and cheese. 2g packet approx 200 seeds. Indeterminate Lettuce Parella Rossa dbo79/36
Also known as Rougette Montpellier lettuce. This French heirloom
Po mo d or o butterhead has a perfect rosette shaped head that is loosely formed
Tomato Pantano dbo106/64 with burgundy tips. Has good resistance to low temperatures. Best for
An ancient tall beefsteak variety from Rome. Few seeds and tasty spring or autumn planting. 10g packet approx 3000 seeds.
thick flesh. A good producer of fruit up to 300g, pick when shoulder
is tinged with green. Indeterminate 2g packet. L at t u g a
Misticanza Quattro Stagioni dbo93/4
Po mo d or o (Four Seasons) A mixture of 14 of Italy’s finest lettuces,
Tomato Principe Borghese dbo106/50 radicchio, endive and chicory leaves. Adds colour, flavour and
Small heirloom egg shape vine with few seeds, bottom shaped texture for great salads. Cut and come again salad mixture so
like a heart. Big sprays and good for fresh eating. Can also be stagger the sowing for a continuous harvest. 12g packet approx 7000 seeds.
used for drying and roasting. About 60g in weight. 1.2g packet
approx 300 seeds. Indeterminate L at t u g a
OUT OF STOCK Lettuce Rossa di Trento dbo86/33
crop d or oMarch 2010
arrives Regional red lettuce from the alpine area of northwest Italy. Early
To ma t o R ed C h erry dbo106/111 to mature with a great taste and a loose head of red tipped very
Open pollinated oblong plum style red cherry “Pomodorini” crisp green leaves. Can be transplanted, or sown direct in warm
with full flavoured fruit. Dependable vigorous plants producing weather, 20cm spacing. 9g packet approx 5000 seeds.
an abundance of fresh good tasting Tomatoes. Ideal for pots if
space is limited. 1.5g packet approx 300 seeds. Determinate L at t u g a
Lettuce Testa di Burro d’ Inverno dbo79/8
Po mo d or o An Italian winter butterhead lettuce. An early variety that is
recommended for autumn/winter harvest. The head is slightly
Tomato Red Pear Sel.Franchi dbos 106/107 closed but not tightly wrapped and has soft melt-in-the mouth
“Selezione Speciale” A really special Italian tomato in its shape
of a lightly scalloped fat pear. Very meaty, few seeds and leaves. 10g packet approx 6400 seeds.
although juicy not a wet tomato. Its ideal for stuffing because of
its robustness and shape. It is an inderminate tomato and is usually picked
green or just turning pink, and stored. 1g packet. Italy’s greatest seed company
Po mo d or o SEMENTI
DAL 1783

Freshness of the seed

Tom Parker-Bowles (Daily Express)

Tomato San Marzano 2 dbo106/16

Italian heirloom plum tomato, oblong and great tasting. San Seeds won’t commence ageing until hermetically double foiled sealed
Marzano have thin skins, less water and high in pulp 70 to 100g. seed packet is opened.
Ideal for cooking sauces, and traditionally used to make Passata. All Franchi seed is tested for germination and purity and is
1.5g packet approx 300 seeds. Indeterminate unconditionally guaranteed to meet or exceed the stated specifications.
For recipe stimulation read the many outstanding Goods damaged in transit
New Zealand & Australian publications on offer such as: We will fully refund your seed cost plus freight on damaged goods.
TASTE - DISH - GOURMET TRAVELLER - DELICIOUS We will need to have the goods returned for our assessment.
telephone•facsimile: 06 758 4190
Cetri ol i n o C ic o r ia
C u c u m ber B eth A ph a dbo38/16 Misticanza Di Radicchio dbo93/2
Mid/early. A balanced mixture of 12 varieties of red radicchio and
Lebanese-style cucumber, which is not readily available in New green leaf chicory for a crisp tasty salad mix. A cut and come again
Zealand. This variety is one of the most popular cucumbers mixture so stagger the sowing for a continuous harvest. 12g packet
around the globe. One of the earliest to produce and certainly approx 7000 seeds.

I f y o u f i n d a n y o f y o u r C h i c o r i e s t o o b i t t e r , soak i t i n c old salt e d w at e r f or 30 m i n u t e s.

one of the tastiest, crispest cucumbers. Thin skin and productive over a long
season. Cucumbers will only do well in warm weather so plant late spring. C ic o r ia “Selezione Speciale”
Transplant or direct sow approx 1 metre apart. 6g packet approx 180 seeds Radicchio Rossa Di Treviso Tardiva
dbos 40/60 This is the latest of the red Treviso-type radicchios. It
Ravan e l l o easily resists frosts and can be harvested quite late. Compact and tight
with a long head and thin meaty, curved leaves. Sow 1 cm in depth late
Radish Dattero Rosso dbo112/38 summer to autumn and harvest through winter. Try it grilled with melted Taleggio. 4g
Bright red mid-length cylindrical crisp-crunch radish. Best direct packet approx 4000 seeds.
sown spring and autumn and avoid the mid summer temperatures to
prevent from going to seed. A sprinkle of sea salt on a perfect peppery C ic o r ia
radish is simple but so delicious. 12g packet approx 1000 seeds Radicchio Rossa di Treviso dbo40/4
Highly prized and flavoursome Rossa di Treviso, treasured in Italy
where it is only grown near Treviso. Has a very pleasant bitterness,
Rava n e l l o upright red and white striped leaves. Needs cold temperature to turn
it red. Use hearts raw in salads or sprinkle olive oil and grill. Plant in
Radish boxes or direct in summer for autumn maturing, has a high resistance to cold. 12g
Ravanello Candela Di Fuoco dbo112/9 packet approx 4000 seeds.
“Candle of Fire” radish. Has long tapering vivid red skinned
roots with crisp white flesh. Succulent and very quick maturing.
Direct sow most anytime of the year avoiding the high heat of
C ic o r ia
summer. 12g packet approx 1200 seeds
Radicchio Cicoria Rossa Di Verona dbo40/13
The red radicchio of the Veneto. Ball shaped radicchio with thick
white ribs. This variety is very frost hardy and needs cool weather to
Ruco l a improve the distinctive bittersweet flavour and bold colour. Very
tender and crunchy. Apparently, this variety was bred from rosso di Treviso in the
Rocket (Arugula) Coltivata dbo115/1 1950’s. Sow 1cm deep from late summer. Eat it raw in salads, cooked in risottos or
Slightly peppery, milder and meatier than wild rocket. Scatter the grilled and splashed with fruity olive oil. 12g packet.
seeds about 1-2cm apart and cover. It is at its best when its not
too hot and the leaves are 10-15cm long in around 40 days. Can C ic o r ia
be grown in pots. 15g packet approx 6000 seeds. Bis de Cicorie Grumolo Rossa e Verde
dbo93/9 Mid early ancient red radicchio that you ‘cut and it comes
Rucol a again’. Forms the beautiful characteristic rosette-shaped heads late in
the season with the cold. Sow 1 cm in depth from spring to autumn
Rocket (Arugula) and harvest during winter months. Looks spectacular when used in a salad dish. 12g
Coltivata sel. Ortolani dbos 115/3 packet approx 6000 seeds.
“Speciale Selezione” market grower selection. Very high
quality. Early rustic plant with dark green lightly serrated leaves. C ic o r ia
Robust flavour. 15g packet approx 7000 seeds Chicory Variegata di Lusia dbo40/80
Mid/late large variety with ample leaves. Green with red specks. Tasty
Rucol a and crunchy. This variety has good resistance to frosts. Sow 1 cm in
depth late summer/autumn for winter harvesting. Try it grilled with
Wild Rocket (Arugula) dbo115/5 melted Taleggio cheese. 11g packet approx 4000 seeds.
A stronger more intense spicy peppery flavour than cultivated
rocket. Very robust with deeply lobed leaves, harvest at any stage C ic o r ia
but best when small. If you leave some plants in the ground the seed Chicory Variegata Di Castelfranco
will be scattered and should come back year after year. Good to use in pasta dbo40/5 This green chicory looks like a traditional head of lettuce
dishes and salads. Can be slow growing. 2g packet approx 7000 seeds. but has deep syrah-tinted speckled bitter-sweet leaves. It is a cross
between radicchio and a round-headed endive. This is very highly
regarded and a well-known chicory in Europe. Green chicories have the same
growing season as winter lettuce. Sow 1cm deep from late summer. 11g packet.
C ic o r ia
Chicory Bionda Foglie Larghe
dbo40/25 Light green cutting chicory with a mild taste and is a
Melon e perfect balance in a salad mix. Sow in beds with a spacing of around
30cm after risk of frost. Cover lightly. Cut at about 10cm and
Melone Zatta dbo91/28 succession sow for continuous supply.12g packet approx 6000 seeds.
In Italy called ‘Brutto ma Buono’ (ugly but good) what it lacks in
good looks it makes up for with intense rich flavor. This is the
melon believed referred to by Jefferson in 1771 as ‘cantaloupe
massa’ and has been viewed lost by many even to this day. Scalloped scaly skin
but with sweet dark orange fruit. Sow 5-6 seeds in a hill when soil is warm and
thin to 2-3 plants or grow from transplants. Melons need warm weather so I n d iv ia S c a r o l a
don’t plant in cool or very wet soils. 90 days. 3g packet. Endive Cornetto di Bordeaux dbo121/5
“Cone from Bordeaux” is a large upright escarole endive with white
ribs and green leaves. Easy to grow. Best for autumn if growing full
Melon e sized heads. Plant direct at 1cm. Try in a winter salad with fennel,
chicory, persimmons and apple. 12g packet approx 5000 seeds.
Melone Retato Ortolani
dbo91/3 Distinctive heavily netted melon. An almost globe
shape fruit with thick orange flesh. The classic melon to serve I n d iv ia R ic c ia
with Parma ham. Start off indoors for 3-4 weeks before Endive Riccia Pancalieri A Costa Bianca
transplanting into warm soil. Melons need warm weather so don’t plant in dbo75/1 Pancalieri is near Turin. This is the classic ‘frisée’ type of
endive (or curly endive) with serrated, tough leaves; that is green on
cool or very wet soils. 5g packet. the outside and pale green to white at the heart. An early, vigorous
plant. Tie up a week for before harvesting to blanch. It is best braised as a side
Melon e vegetable dish. Sow in summer for autumn harvesting. 12g packet.
Melone Giallo Da Inverno dbo91/43
Late vigorous plant with a very productive round smooth yellow
I n d iv ia
skin fruit, Very sweet and perfumed. Melons need warm weather Endive Riccia Romanesca Da Taglio
so don’t plant in cool or very wet soils. 5g packet.
dbo75/10 A Roman cutting endive with thin, serrated upright dark
green leaves that grow in a small bunch. This is a very easy variety to
grow and has a long sowing season. Best in spring and autumn but autumn but can be grown year-round in the cooler provinces. Commonly used in
salads but do try in a soup made with tomatoes pancetta and celery. 12g packet
approx 4000 seeds.
a rcrop
o taarrives March 2010
Carrot Parisie r dbo23/41
Small round ancient French carrot. Paris is built on clay and over
A spar a go generations this carrot has adapted. A clay carrot, which is easy
to grown in containers. This variety is not prone to carrot root
Asparagus Argenteuil dbo5/1
A French heirloom Asparagus developed from the 18th century. It fly, as it only grows very shallow in the ground. 8g packet approx 5000 seeds
grew around a convent founded by Charlemagne in the 7th
century. Aregenteuil is synonymous with white Asparagus C a r o ta
Produces large 2cm thick silver green/purple spears earlier in the spring than Carrot Jaune Du Doubs dbo23/40
most varieties. Plant seed to produce crowns in the first year and then move to Dates back to the 16th Century. This rustic saffron-yellow French
a more permanent position. 1st year leave 2nd year cut half. Can adapt to a heirloom comes from the town of Doubs in central east France.
wide variety of free draining soils. Needs full to semi-sun. Will produce for 20 Once used just for forage but then discovered for its culinary
years 5g packet approx 300 seeds quality . Lucky us! A late variety that is a good reliable producer. The long
tapered roots have a crisp texture and a lingering sweet flavour. Plant directly
Carc i of o 1cm deep into prepared friable soil, spring to early summer in rows 15-20cm
Artichoke Violetto Precoce dbo21/2 apart. Thin to 8-10cm and keep weed free. 8g packet
Medium size delicately flavoured, fleshy buds with rich violet
colouration. These are less iron flavoured to the larger variety.
The edible bits are delicious sliced finely and added to salad
Cardoon gobo di Nizza dbo22/8
leaves, a little dressing and shavings of Parmigiano-Reggiano. Sow under cover ‘Hunchback of Nice’. Very popular in Piedmonte where it is
in early spring and transplant, or sow direct into well drained soil. Thin to 80cm usually braised. The stems resemble rib-like celery and have a
spacing. 3g packet approx 70 seeds subtle artichoke flavour. Sow under cover in early spring
Mela n z a n a transplant or direct sow into fertile, well-drained soil after frost at 80cm
spacing. Fleshy stems should be wrapped with straw or paper two weeks
Aubergine tonda bianca sfumata di before harvesting to blanch. 5g packet approx 120 seeds
rosa dbos90/43 “Selezione Speciale”
Mid/early vigorous bushy plant producing very tasty rounded
large white fruits with lilac shading. Firm white flesh with few
C avo lf io r e
seeds. Direct sow 1 cm deep when soil is warm or grow from 8-week Cauliflower Romanesco dbo30/51
seedlings. Space to 40-50cm and provide support. Eggplants need sunlight to “The cauliflower of Rome” Green spiralling florets from Roma.
thrive. 3g packet approx 350 seeds It has a sweet nut like taste. Plant in fertile soil in late summer for
autumn–winter picking. 5g packet approx 500 seeds.
Mela n z a n a C avo lf io r e
Aubergine Violetta Lunga dbo90/1
‘The classic Italian eggplant’ Beautiful glossy deep purple hues. Cauliflower Di Sicilia Violetto dbo 30/29
Long slightly curved rustic Italian eggplant grown throughout From Sicily. A great deep purple colour which turns green when
Italy. It is firmer and a little sweeter than other varieties. Use for cooked. A very tasty Cauliflower. Plant in fertile soil in late
traditional dishes such as Melanzana alla Parmigiana or warm Moroccan summer for autumn picking. 4g packet approx 500 seeds
salad with tomatoes and coriander. Good reliable producer in around 70 days.
Grow from 8 week old seedlings or direct sow when soil is warm, space 40 to
50 cm apart and provide support. 4g packet approx 400 seeds.
C avo l o L a c in iat o
Cavolo Nero di Toscana dbo35/7
Bieto l a Da Or t o Franchi Laciniato Nero di Toscana is considered the best quality kale
available by many kitchen gardeners. A native of Tuscany it is also
Beetroot Egitto Migliorata dbo11/2 known as Black Kale. A dark green colour that turns almost black
This ancient beetroot dates back to around 1850. Medium size when cooked. Wonderful in winter soups braises and curries. Used to make the
with flat purplish-red roots. Intense sweet taste as opposed to the
more savoury varieties. The tops can be used in your green salad Florentine National dish “Ribollita Toscana” Develops more flavour as it grows so
mix. Excellent sweet taste! Sow direct in rows 10cm apart and thin to 10cm choose leaves about 25cm. Thrives in the cooler temperatures. Direct plant 2-3
spring through to summer. 9g packet approx 400 seeds. seeds every 20cm, and thin to one plant. 8g packet approx 1200 seeds.

Bieto l a Da Or t o C el e r ia c
Beetroot Bietola Da Orto Celeriac Bianco del Veneto dbo125/4
Tonda Di Chioggia dbo11/13 A traditional Italian A late variety from Venice and one of the best in Italy.The plant is
beetroot that has reddish skin with candy striped ringed flesh. medium sized with ample leaves. A knobbly exterior and creamy
Incredibly sweet tasting beetroot. The stripes are not so fibreless white flesh that has a subtle celery-like flavour with added
pronounced when cooked but when raw look great sliced. Direct sow in nuttiness. Wonderful as puree, smash or the classic Remoulade. Transplant outside
spring 25cm apart and thin to 1 plant every 10cm. Keep the soil covering the and space 15 to 20cm after the last frosts. 4g packet approx 1200 seeds.
top to ensure the entire bulb will develop the same colouring. 9g packet

Cavol o B r oc c ol o B iet o la Da C o s ta
Chard Verde a Costa Bianca dbo14/3
Broccoli Ramosa Calabrese dbo25/23 Stems are broad and white with intense green leaves. This Chard
“Sprouting Broccoli from Calabria” is tender with a superior favoured by the Italians has crunchy, large white mid ribs and
taste and produces plenty side shoots. Compact med sized head. deep ruffled leaves. Can be substituted for Spinach but somewhat
Sow in seed boxes and transplant or direct sow 50cm apart from sweeter in taste. In Italy the stems are considered its best feature. Plant spring
summer through to spring. Allow 60–80 days to pick. Small florets will grow though summer. 9g packet approx 450 seeds.
back after harvesting. 7g packet approx 1200 seeds.
Cavolo Nero growing in Taranaki
Cavol o Ve r z a
Cabbage Savoy Mantovano dbo33/19
A green Savoy cabbage with a large head of thin crinkled leaves
and sweet texture. Popular with the Milanese. After blanching the
sweet green leaves you can stuff with many options. Can be grown
all year round in all but the coldest provinces, but does need cold to mature.
8g packet approx 1200 seeds.

Carrot Nantese di Choggia dbo23/7
A mid-early deep orange heartless Venetian carrot. Sweet taste
and crisp texture. Plant directly 1cm deep into prepared friable
soil, spring to early summer in rows 15-20cm apart. Thin to
8-10cm and keep weed free. 10g packet approx 6000 seeds.
telephone•facsimile: 06 758 4190
For wise gardening information read the many
outstanding publications currently on offer
such as: New Zealand Gardener • New Zealand House & Garden
• Your Home & Garden • Alfresco • Lifestyle Block
• Organic New Zealand
P ep er o n e
Cima d i r a pa Pe ppe r Corno Rosso dbo97/7
“Red Bulls Horn “and also known as Dulce Italiano is a very sweet
Cima di rapa Quarantina dbo41/2 meaty pepper of good size with thin skin and thick walls about 20cm
Broccoli type Turnip tops. A bitter-sweet taste that Italians love. long and tapering. Brilliant red when ripe and ideal to stuff, fry or
Use in the well-known pasta dish from Puglia, Orecchiette with grill. Start off inside sowing 1 cm deep with warmth and light before transplanting
turnip tops (cima di rapa) and chilli. A small plant 20 to 25cm outside when the soil has warmed up. 2.5g packet approx 250 seeds
high, ready in about 40 days. Succession plant for continuous harvest. Pick as
heads form as they quickly go to seed. 15g packet approx 6000 seeds.
P ep er o n e
Cima d i r a pa Peperone Friggitello dbo97/101
Cima di rapa Novantina dbo41/5 Famous Neapolitan sweet eat-all pepper also known as
Ready to eat in 90 days from sowing. The 40 and 90-day Friariello. Most well known of all Italian peppers. Sweet and
varieties can be sown every month for 5 months from spring to good for frying. Turns brilliant red when ripe. Paolo, the
late summer. Franchi Cima di Rapa should be harvested when it Franchi agent in the UK suggests serving them pan-fried in olive
looks like the picture on the packet as it quickly goes to seed. It oil, salted with sea salt and enjoyed with a cool beer! A very productive plant.
is also called Broccoli Raab but it is not sprouting Broccoli. A small plant 1.5g packet approx 200 seeds.
20-25 cm high. 15g packet approx 6000 seeds.

Finoc c h i o Peperone
Fennel di Parma sel. Prado dbos62/8 Pepper Giallo d’Asti dbo97/1
Yellow from Asti. The most highly prized pepper in Italy. Is a
“Selezione Speciale” Small mid/late Alpine fennel with classic, large non- pungent pepper from the Piedmont region in
excellent flavour and texture. Sliced finely and added to salad it Northern Italy and ideal for stuffing or roasting. Peppers thrive
gives a lovely aniseed-like flavour crunch. Italians believe raw
Fennel cleanses the palate and often serve it at the end of a meal in warm weather and are best grown from 8-10 week old transplants 40 cm
thickly sliced with a little lemon juice and olive oil. It is easy to grow and apart in full sun. Ready in around 80 days. Peppers continue to produce fruit
generally requires cool weather. Plant late summer for autumn and winter until the weather cools. 2.5g packet approx 300 seeds.
harvest. 8g packet approx 1000 seeds.

Finoc c h i o P ep er o n e
Fennel Montebianco dbo67/17 Peperone Giallo Di Cuneo dbo97/72
Mid/late variety. ‘Mont Blanc’ alpine fennel. Large tight head which Yellow pepper from Cuneo Brilliant yellow thick flesh. It is an
is tasty and crisp. A vigourous plant that prefers light fertile soil excellent producer and very sweet. Ideal for roasting. Set out 8-9
and will run to seed in hot weather, Plant 1.5cm deep 15cm between week transplants well after last frosts. Space 40cm apart 90 days.
plants late summer for autumn-winter harvest. 7g packet approx 900 seeds. 2g packet approx 300 seeds

Porr o P ep er o n e
Leek Gigante d’Inverno dbo107/23 Peperone Padron dbo97/38
“Winter giant” big and long. This hardy vegetable adds tangy
sweetness with even the thinnest slice from the long white stems. Some are hot some are not! Heirloom small horn- shaped
Thrives in the cooler months . Sow 1cm deep from spring to pepper from Spain that is impossible to distinguish the hot
early summer allowing 5cm between each plant. They are good pepper from the milder. Eating a potion is popularly linked to
winter harvesting plants only needing an air temperature 10c once planted. 6 g Russian roulette! Fried in Olive oil this is the tapas pepper. This compact plant
packet approx 1500 seeds. produces a large quantity of small green peppers. Grow from 8-10 week
transplants 40cm apart when the soil has warmed up. Suitable to grow in
Cipo l l a containers. 1g packet approx 120 seeds.
Onion Cipolla Barletta dbo42/1
Small white salad onion with a smallish bulb about 2cm in
diameter and slightly flat at maturity. Direct sow in spring after P ep er o n e
last frosts and keep well weeded. The thinnings can be used in Pepper Piccante Calabrese dbos97/115
salads. 4g packet. “Selezione Speciale”. An early hot variety from Calabria. A cherry
chilli pepper with round, red fruit about 5cm in diameter. Quiet a hot
Cipo l l a pepper and previously called “Satan’s Kiss”. Use fresh, dry or pickle.
Like all peppers start off from spring in a protected area sowing
Onion rosso lunga di Firenze dbo42/23 them 1cm in depth. They must have light and heat at this stage. Transplant outside
Narrow 10cm in length red onion with a mild taste. Direct seed or after the last frosts. 2.5g packet approx 300 seeds.
transplant in spring and keep weed free. Thin to 10cm apart in rows.
Superb grilled or eaten raw in salads. 5g packet approx 1250 seeds.

Cipo l l a P ep er o n e
Onion Tropea Rosso Tonda dbo43/22 Pepper Piccante Di Cayenna dbos97/11
The most famous of all Italian onions and possibly the “Selezione Speciale”.
highest-quality red onion in Italy. This Calabrian variety is very This medium early plant has lots of branches and leaves
sweet and ideal for making onion paste and for stuffings. producing many long very- hot thin red fruits. Ideal for drying or
Changes from white when young to red in maturity. It stores very well in a shady ground to make cayenne pepper. Sow early spring and plant out
cool room. 5g packet approx 1250 seeds. transplants after risk of frosts. 3g packet

Cipo l l a P ep er o n e
Cipolla Tropea Rossa Lunga dbo43/25 Peperone Topepo Rosso dbo97/91
Red onions from Tropea in Southern Italy have been famous for ‘Red tomato pepper’ a round flat sweet pepper that looks like a
centuries. These elongated bulbs with pink skin and great for mini beef tomato. Very thick sweet tasting flesh which is ideal for
eating raw and also for making onion jam. They will keep for a few months. stuffing. A compact and very productive plant. As with all peppers
Direct seed or transplant in spring. Thin to 10cm apart in rows. 5g packet. transplant after the risk of frosts. 1.5g packet.

telephone•facsimile: 06 758 4190

Zucc a
Pumpkin Marina di Choggia dbo145/2
An heirloom rustic winter squash from near Venice with
abundant fruit and sweet orange flesh. Excellent for roasting,
Basci lcnaews u pdat e
soups and tortelli di zucca. Many renaissance artists have For making Pesto Genovese, the basil to use is the Classico Italiano
captured this varietal on the canvas. Plant 6 seeds 2cm deep in late spring, in (formally ‘Genovese’), but now because it has an IGP- Indicazione
hills and thin to 2-3 plants. Separate hills by 2m. 4g packet approx 25 seeds. Geografica Protetta, which is not dissimilar to DOC classification system
Zucc a used for Italian Wines, it can no longer legally use that name.
Pumpkin Tonda Padana dbo145/13
From Padana in North West Italy. This pumpkin has alternating All basils can be planted in pots and allow around 70 days for picking
vertical grey/orange /green ribs. Very sweet dry orange flesh that can
be used in pasta roasted or soups. Sow 2 cm deep when soil is warm.
5-6 seeds per hill and then thin to 2-3. 4g packet approx 25 seeds. Ba s ilic o
Basil Italiano Classico dbo13/2
Spina c i o Classic “Genovese”-style basil which is brilliant green in colour
S p i n a ch Merlo Nero dbo127/20 and very aromatic; with sweetness and the distinctive flavour of
‘Blackbird’ small brilliant green Spinach which is a very hardy basil. It thrives in warmer temperatures so be sure to give it the
plant, slow to bolt. Ready for picking in around 50 days. Direct right growing conditions. This is the basil for making pesto. Sow outside or
sow 20x10cm autumn through to spring and pick when young. transplant late spring, thin to 25x10cm. 8g packet approx 3000 seeds.
15g packe approx 1000 seeds.

Zucc h i n o Ba s il ic o
Zucchini Tonda di Piacenza dbo146/17 Basil Bolloso Napoletano dbo13/8
A dark green round zucchini from near Parma. The shape ‘Blistered leaf from Naples’ Famous Neapolitan large leafed basil
makes it easy for stuffing. Bake them whole as they stay soft and with intense aromatics and flavour. Has many uses. In Italy it is
creamy inside. Sow in warm fertile soil in a sunny position sometimes used for wrapping Mozzarella balls. Sow outside or
in spring, or plant out 5 week-old transplants. 10g packets approx 60 seeds. or transplant late spring into a sunny position. 8g packet approx 3000 seeds.

Zucchino Ba s il ic o
Zucchini Fiorentino dbo 146/2 Basil Foglie di lattuga dbo13/3
A long green zucchini and quite deeply ribbed. Fiorentino is a ‘Lettuce leaf basil’ has large leaves, a mild taste and does best in
large robust plant and a good producer of firm fleshy nutty a warm sunny position in light fertile soil. Sow outside or
flavour. Lots of flowers for stuffing, remember to pick when quite transplant in late spring and thin to 1cm deep x15cm apart. 8g
small to fully appreciate the trademark flavour of this variety. A favourite of the packet approx 3000 seeds.
River Café in the U.K. 10g packet approx 50 seeds.

Zucchino Pimpinella
Zucchino Striato D’Italia dbo146/2 Garden burnet Pimpinella dba96/1
The classic striped Italian zucchini. Dark green with light green An annual evergreen herb that grows in a circular mound. Little
stripes and small ribbing, a productive bushy plant with med size crimson-tufted flowers form little balls on the featherlike round
fruits yielding up to 5 kg of fruit per plant. Plant 2cm deep after the tooth edged leaves. With its cucumber-like flavour Pimpinella
frosts have gone. Pick when the fruits are no more than 10cm to blends well with salad greens. Use only the tender leaves. Direct sow 1cm in
appreciate the full flavour either raw or cooked. 10g packet approx 50 seeds depth in spring after the last frosts. 3g packet.
Zucchino Cappero
Zucchini nero di Milano dbo146/1 Capers dba 20/2
The ‘black zucchini’ from Milan. Regionally found in Lombardia.
Dense dark green. A very productive Zucchini with open plant habit Capers require a dry heat and intense sunlight to thrive. Freeze
making it easy to harvest. 10g packet approx 50 seeds. the seeds in sand for 2 weeks prior to germination which can
take 3-12 months so- be very patient! Bring them indoors during
2009 crop h i n oMarch 2010
winter. Capers plants are very attractive and highly aromatic. They may have
flowers in the first year but you may also need to wait for two years. They are
Zucchi n i Rom a nesco dbo146 /11 ideal for pickling for later use in antipasto or added to pasta dishes. 1g packet.
A good producer of grey/green fruit with prominent ribs and
excellent flavour and abundant flowers. A favourite of many
international chefs. Stuff the flower blossoms with the many C er fo g l io
fresh options available. Try fresh ricotta and finely chopped spinach and Chervil Cerfoglio Comune dba36/1
nutmeg. From transplants or direct seed 2cm deep, 60cm spacing in late Chervil has a subtle aniseed flavour reminiscent of Tarragon. A
spring to summer. 10g packet approx 50 seeds. hardy biennial plant but best grown as an annual. Direct sow
Zucchini ‘trifolati’ cooked with fresh New Zealand olive oil, garlic and 1cm deep in late spring-summer. Keep out of direct sun. If the
parsley is easy and very tasty, (Trifolati is an Italian cooking term for leaves turn pinkish the plant is too hot and all the flavour is lost. Will self-seed.
slicing and cooking the ingredients). You could add tomatoes or basil. Chervil is at its best when matched with delicate foods such as fish, soft fresh
cheeses or Asparagus. 8g packet.
Cima di rapa growing in Taranaki
E r b a S t el l a
Erba Stella dba54/1 ‘Star of the Earth’
A small perennial plant with slender green leaves that have a
crunchy texture and will re-grow after cutting. A cold hardy
plant that is perfect for summer or winter salads. When it bolts
the leaves turn bitter. 2g packet.

M a g g io r a n a
M arj oram ge ntil e dba88/1
Sweet Marjoram has robust aromatics and grows to 80cm as a
perennial in warmers areas. Plant under cover in early spring or
direct in warm weather. At its peak just before it flowers.
1g packet approx 4000 seeds.

telephone•facsimile: 06 758 4190

O rig a n o C a r o ta
O r e g a n o dba94/1 Carrot Nantese di Chioggia bio23/7
No Neapolitan cooking is complete without the use of origano A mid-early deep orange heartless Venetian carrot. Sweet taste
whether fresh of dried. It is a staple in Italian cuisine. Retains its and crisp texture. Plant directly 1 cm deep into friable soil.
flavour in hot dishes if it’s added toward the end of cooking. spring to early summer, 15 to 20 cm apart. Keep weed free.
A robust plant with large leaves and a robust flavour to match. Very easy to grow. Recommended by Cucina Caldesi. 6g packet approx 3500 seeds.
Pick the leaves in the morning, once the sun warms up the leaves they begin to
lose the oils that provide taste and aroma. 0.5g packet approx 6000 seeds.
F in o c c h io
Prez z e m ol o Fennel Finocchio Montebianco
bio62/17 Mid- sized, rounded, very white bulb with rigid
Parsley Gigante di Napoli dbo108/2 stalks This vigorous alpine fennel is more suited to cooler
‘Naples Giant’ this classic variety is flat-leafed and so much more weather and can run to seed in hot weather. Plant 1.5 cm deep
refined in flavour than the curly type. It is a tall aromatic plant and 15cm between plants. 5g packet approx 1000 seeds.
suited for pots or the garden. Sow 1.5cm deep in seedbeds or
direct in spring to autumn for continuous supply. Can be slow to germinate.
15g packet approx 3000 seeds. L at t u g a
Lettuce Quattro Stagioni bio79/5
Menta Piperita “Four Seasons” A mid/early rustic lettuce with striking
scarlet-red staining and a closed head that is green inside. Good
Peppermint dba92/1 solid flavour and crunchy leaves. Sow direct when soil warms.
There are many types of mint but this is the one most used 5g packet approx 2000 seeds.
in Italy. This hardy perennial is easy to grow from seed.
The flavour is quite intense. Try making a homemade peppermint
syrup that is very popular in the north of Italy. Direct sow in spring. Best suited L at t u g a
for pots as it spreads quickly in the soil. 0.5g packet. Lettuce Bionda Ricciolina bio78/1
A sweet vivid lime –green ruffled cutting lettuce that is held up
Senap e B i a n c a by a crunchy rib at the back. Can be grown any time of the year
in temperate climates. Broadcast sow and in about 35 days you
White Mustard Senape Bianca dba3006/1 will have 10-15cm leaves for cutting. 5g packet approx 2000 seeds.
Mustard is an annual herb that favours full sun, so plant in spring
after the last frosts. Mustard greens can be eaten raw or cooked.
Harvest when the leaves are young and tender. Can be used in P r ez z e m o lo
pasta dishes as you would cime di rapa or rocket. 3g packet. Parsley Gigante di Italia bio108/2
Classic flat leafed Italian parsley and so much more refined than
Raba r b a r o the curly type. A medium to tallish plant with small leaves that
have the typical aromatics associated with this herb. Great
Rhubarb Rabarbaro dbo109/1
A perennial plant that should start to harvest the year after initial flavour! Try making the well-known Piedmontese salsa verde
sowing. Prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade. In Europe (green sauce for fish or meat). 10g packet approx 2500 seeds.
they sometimes force the rhubarb by depriving it of light and
thus producing a more delicate flavour. Try a splash of rose water when C ic o r ia
cooking your rhubarb for tart or pie fillings. 1g packet. Radicchio rossa di Verona bio40/13
An awesome radicchio from Verona. It has deep
Sant or e ggi a crimson/burgundy leaves, a great contrast to the thick stark
Summer Savory Santoreggia dba120/1 white stems. As with all chicories for best results plan for
An annual herb that grows to around 30-60cm in height. It has maturity in the cooler times of the year. Plant direct from summer to autumn
slender bronze-green leaves. Its delicate aromatics are similar to and thin to 10cm. 7g packet approx 2000 seeds.
Thyme albeit with a slight peppery edge. Sow late winter to spring
1.5cm deep. 2g packet. P o mo d o r i
Tomato San M arzano bio106/16
Timo Italian heirloom plum tomato, oblong and great tasting. San
French Thyme Timo Di Provenza Marzano has thin skins, less water and high in pulp 150g. Ideal
dba132/2 A staple in Mediterranean cooking. Intensely for cooking sauces, and traditionally used to make Passata.
aromatic and so much sweeter than English Thyme. Plant in 1g packet approx 300 seeds. Indeterminate
spring in an area that gets full sun. Preserve by drying or
freezing. Perfect for container planting. 0.5g packet.
Tomato ACE 55VF bio106/69
This is a productive, heavy producing plant with trusses of good
tasting round fruit in about 70days. Highly disease resistant.
1g packet approx 150 seeds. Indeterminate
Controlled and certified by the Internationally recognised
‘Consorzio per il Controllo dei Prodotti Biologici’bin Bologna.
Z u c c h in o
Bas il i c o Zucchini Ge nove se bio146/10
Ba si l I talian o classico bio13/2 From Genoa, this is a large light green Zucchini with smooth
Classic Genovese-style basil that is brilliant green and aromatic. fruit, very flavoursome with many blossoms for cooking. Can be
Adopted by Italy basil has a hero role in Italian cuisine. This is sauteed, roasted and added to risotto and frittatas. In spring
the basil for making pesto. Sow outside or transplant late
spring, thin to 25x10cm. 4g packet approx 1400 seeds. plant 5-6 seeds or 4-week-old transplants in ridges 60cm apart; thin to 2-3
plants. 6g packet approx 40 seeds.
Cavo l o B r oc c ol o
Broccoli Ramosa Calabrese bio25/23 Zu c c h in o
“Sprouting Broccoli from Calabria” is tender with a superior
taste and produces plenty side shoots. Compact med sized head. Zucchini nero di Milano bio146/1
Sow in seed boxes and transplant or direct sow 50cm apart from The ‘black zucchini ‘from Milan. Regionally found in Lombardia.
summer through to spring. Allow 60–80 days to pick. Small florets Dense dark green colour. A very productive Zucchini with open
will grow back after harvesting. 7g packet approx 1500 seeds. plant habit making it easy to harvest. 6g packet approx 40 seeds.

telephone•facsimile: 06 758 4190

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