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Unit 9 Revision
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple and the past perfect simple form of the verbs.
1 After we had paid (pay) the waiter he brought (bring) us our coats.
2 When she got (get) to the airport, the plane had already left (already / leave).
3 We learned that we missed (miss) the last bus, and so we had taken (take) a taxi back to the hotel.
4 By the time the train had arrived (arrive) in Mumbai, they traveled (travel) more than a thousand
5 I didn't want (not want) to eat on the plane as I had just eaten (just / eat) a big meal at one of the
airport restaurants.
6 He suddenly had realized (realize) that he forgot (forget) to bring his camera.
7 Had she tried (she / try) camping before she decided (decide) to go on this holiday?

2 Look at the first sentence in each pair. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning. Use
the past simple and past perfect simple forms, and the words in bold.
1 Alicia put up her tent. Then she began to explore the countryside. when
Alicia began to explore the countryside when she had put up her tent.
2 Paul checked in online. Then he drove to the airport. already
When Paul drove to the airport he had already checked in online.
3 It stopped raining. We went to the beach immediately. as soon as
We went to the beach immediately as soon as it had stopped raining.
4 They did some research online. Then they booked the hostel. after
They booked the hostel after they had done some research online.
5 We switched off our mobile phones. Then we entered the underground tunnels. when
We switched off our mobile phones when we had entered the underground tunnels.
6 Julie sailed around the Galapagos Archipelago. Then she wrote a travel blog. after
Julie wrote travel blog after she had sailed around the Galapagos Archipelago.

3 Write subject questions (S) or object questions (O) with the words given. Use the present simple.
1 Who / organize / the tour / each year / ? (S)
Who organizes the tour each year?
2 Which / camper van / be / more expensive / ? (S)
Which is more expensive camper van ?
3 Why / you always / get lost / ? (O)
Why do you always get lost ?
4 Where / be / the tickets / ? (S)
Where are the tickets?
5 What / you / want / to see next / ? (O)
What do you want to see next ?
6 When / you / plan / to book / the bed and breakfast / ? (O)
When do you plan to book the bed and breakfast ?
Unit 9 Revision
4 Circle the correct option.
1 Where you intend / do you intend to go?
2 What you enjoyed / did you enjoy most on your skiing holiday?
3 How he affords / does he afford to go on all those luxury holidays?
4 What happened / did happen next?
5 How many photographs did she take / she took?
6 Who did pay / paid the travel agent?

5 Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing form of these verbs.
amaze annoy bore excite tire worry

1 It was an annoying flight. We waited an hour on the plane before it finally took off!
2 Your photos are amazing ! I had no idea Alaska could be so beautiful.
3 The tour guide took us to a famous museum, but I hate museums, so I was bored .
4 The trip was so tired . I slept for ages when I got back home.
5 I was worried when Jo didn’t come home that night.
6 My brother’s leaving for India soon. He’s so excited !

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