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On Monday Texas Governor Greg Abbott released the initial statistical ;indings from the ;irst two weeks of
Open Texas Phase 1. The results were very encouraging, and Texas is moving on to Phase 2. After
prayerful consideration of these results and the recommendations of healthcare professionals and
government agencies we believe it is safe and appropriate to meet together for worship once again!

Our leadership is working diligently to ensure that our gathering will strike a healthy balance between
our pre-pandemic worship and the safety protocols needed during this time of reopening. Though our
;irst gatherings back will look and feel different to us in some ways, the elements of our worship service
and the gospel-camaraderie of God’s people will be present in full force.

Our intention is to have that .irst gathering on Sunday, June 7. By God’s grace we have a very large
room for worship, and we have a plan to distance our chairs throughout the entire room such that we will
be able to hold our entire congregation while still following appropriate distancing guidelines. We will be
releasing more speci;ics about how the gathering will look as it gets closer.

We recognize that many of you are not yet ready to begin gathering in large groups such as this so we will
continue our Facebook live-streaming inde;initely for all those who continue to prefer worshipping at
home. If you have any hesitations at all about attending worship in person, please feel all freedom to
remain home without reservation.

The CDC and the State of Texas continue to encourage those with a higher risk of being affected by the
virus (those with underlying medical conditions and/or 65 years old or older) to remain at home as much
as possible. We encourage you to prayerfully consider that recommendation, but we know that some in
that category may still want to attend in person. We will be working hard to con;igure our worship setup
with your protection in mind.

We will continue to monitor data and guidelines over the next two weeks. As things change daily in
regards to COVID-19 it is possible that we may have to alter our plans and change our scheduled ;irst
gathering date. We will keep you updated at every point. This Sunday and next (May 24 and May 31) will
be livestream only.

Please pray with us that the Lord would continue to smooth the path for us to gather together again for
worship soon. Lord-willing we will see you on June 7!


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