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Press Release

We are all members of a greater community coming together, to preserve through this
pandemic. Our part at Matson Fruit Company has been to help maintain our nation’s food supply.
However, nothing is more important than the health of our team here at Matson Fruit Company. Since
the beginning of the pandemic, we have been implementing new policies and procedures to minimize
the risk to our team. In addition, last week, we preemptively met with Shawn Magee with Yakima
Health Department to ascertain what additional measures we could put into effect. This morning some
of our team members approached their supervisors to let them know they would not be returning to
work. We look forward to meeting with the group’s representatives to see what steps Matson Fruit
Company can implement to increase everyone’s safety while abiding by local, state, and federal law.

Jordan Matson

Press Release

Yesterday, Matson Fruit Company management met with five team members representing the
protesters. It was a productive hour and a half meeting. During the meeting, we learned of numerous
safety and corporate cultural concerns. We have already begun implementing changes on both
fronts. Through the great work of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association, and the Yakima County
Emergency Operations Center, we were able to obtain enough cloth face masks to give every member of
our team one free of charge. To further help identify areas of improvement, we opened our doors to
the Yakima Health Department, Washington State Department of Health, and Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries. I am pleased to report the meetings went well, and we look
forward to hearing their recommendations on what we can do it improve safety here at Matson Fruit

Jordan Matson

Press Release

Over the past week Matson Fruit Company has continued working on the top concerns of our
team members – safety and corporate culture. We have had over 15 additional meetings with
individuals to hear their personalized concerns to see how we can address them. One issue that became
apparent, was the status of their employment. A horrible rumor spread that the protesters had all lost
their job. This is far from the truth, everyone is welcome back, no one has lost their job for speaking
their minds and protesting. We have not yet heard back from the Yakima Health District on other
possible areas of improvement. This has not stopped us. For instance, today we began issuing out Face
Shields to any team members who want one. This afternoon, we reached out to the team member
representatives to schedule a meeting for tomorrow.

Jordan Matson

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