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-basic information to make known who I am and how other people can contact me.

-names and surnames, residence address, phone

-What's your name?

what is your contact phone?

what is your residence address?

In English In Spanish
-Interchange -Intercambio
-Role -Papel
-Organization -Organización
-channels of communication -canales de comunicación
-Verbal communication -Comunicación verbal
-Spoken communication -Comunicación hablada
-Written communication -Comunicación escrita
-non-verbal communication -comunicación no verbal
-eye contact -contacto visual
-Workplace -Lugar de trabajo
-Employees -Empleados
-Duties -Deberes
-Hierarchical -Jerárquico
-Command -Comando
-Network -Red
-Requests -Peticiones
-Reports -Informes
-Bottom up -Abajo arriba
-Top down -Arriba abajo
-Strand Chain -Cadena de hebras
-Cluster Chain -Cadena de racimos
-Gossip Chain -Cadena de chismes
-secrecy -Secreto
-time-consuming -Tiempo
-reliable -Fiable
-Supporting -Soporte
-Available -Disponible

1. Formal communication defines how each member of the organization is to behave; it

confirms the type of relationship that the members of the organization have to maintain
with each other. Formal communication in the organization allows for decision-making. To
ensure decision-making, the organization forms structures that facilitate the transmission
of information.
2. It may refer to the chain of command or regular channel to be followed in an organization
for example the regular channel to be followed at the hierarchical levels to talk to the
owner of the company example accountant to the manager, from the manager to the
president, from the president to the owner etc.
3. Informal Communication is a casual, unforeseen and unofficial type of communication. In
this type of communication, information is exchanged spontaneously and without
complying with the prescribed official rules, organizational guidelines, formalities and
chain of command. This type of communication is based on personal or informal
relationships such as friends, partners, family, club members, etc. Therefore, they are free
from the conventional rules that are generally maintained by companies, institutes, public
entities, among others.
4. Formal communication is communication that passes through predefined communication
channels throughout the organization. On the contrary, informal communication refers to
the form of communication that flows in all directions, that is, it moves freely in the
organization. both can be oral or written
5. Formal communication takes longer because it goes through a hierarchy level from top to
bottom and from bottom to top has a specific direction, and informal communication has
free direction.
6. It is more feasible because it handles restrictions and parameters at the time of disclosure,
informal communication is free-will because it has no specific address and formal
communication if it has a specific address. And often the information is sensitive and
confidential for such reason only a group of people has access to it.
7. Formal communication is designed by the organization since not all of the organization
can have access to the information of the organization and takes levels of hierarchy to be
able to be divulged to a limited extent, informal communication leads to free direction and
to this information of informal communication everyone has access.
8. Documents in formal communication are always available because formal communication
has hierarchical levels and restrictions, because information in informal communication is
not highly confidential.

Formal communication Informal communication

- It is the one that occurs through the - It is the one that is given from person to
channels and means deliberately and person and from group to group, outside
explicitly established by the administration any official channel and completely
(management) to deliver information independent of the organizational
where necessary and at the appropriate structure. They often have the advantage
time, in order to ensure the efficient of being much faster than the formal ones.
functioning of the organization.
- covers labor issues and outside the
- follows the relationships established by organization.
the organization chart
- deals only with issues related to the - the transmission of information is faster
company and the productive performance because it leads to free direction.

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