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vocabulary of the subject you we try to remember

are trying to memorize with the exact same details

other person, whether knows of our readings.
about the subject or not. by words that rhyme or
doing this your Brain makes we are very familiar
more connections with this useful when with.
vocabulary, preventing to use the
forget what you’ve learned. this Devices
is why we don’t forget our
Talking something we
already know into
something we want
to learn or not
Association conect to forget. This comes
not forget what we had Active very handy due to
learned in previous sessions in order to
studying how easy it is for
of studying. this is one of the us to associate
best ways to fully comprehend IMPROVING one thing with
a subject forever.....ever...ever. other.
MEMORY Making the
info more with
Visualization meaningful A resume of what you
Is use to just have learn, in
Remember information your own words, so
with images we already you will be able to
know or use in our daily remember it, in your
bases, but we use them to Storytelling Organize the own words.
recall a text, audio or information
conversations we had
before. By
use it to
chunking the
information you
need to memorize
memorize every single detail of into categories of
the information and give it a the subject you are
simple as
vivid sense in our minds. Next dealing with.
time we try to remember
something, our brain will tell
reviewing didactic
us the story we’ve created, and
material of the subject you
even more clear if we use the
have learned already, and
sense of humor.
keep doing it from time to
time. this also works for
keeping knowledge in long

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