Power Protection

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Differential relays are commonly used to protect generators, transformers and buses. The
basic method of differential relay protection of an equipment (generator) is shown in Figure 1

Figure 1

The method is illustrated for one phase but repeated for the other two phases. When the relay
in any one phase operates, all three phases of the main circuit breaker will open, as well as the
generator neutral and field breakers (not shown).
A systematic diagram of a differential relay is shown in Figure 2. The relay operation

I1 n:1 n:1 I2

Equipment to
be protected
I1 I2
n n

I1 -I2

Figure 2

takes place when

there is slight differences between the two CTs, hence the relay reqires biasing by introducing
two auxiliary windings in series with CTs (Figure 3)

I1 n:1 n:1 I2

Equipment to
be protected
I1 I2
n Nr 2 Nr 2 n

I1 -I2

Figure 3

Calling 𝐼1′ = 𝐼1 /𝑛 and 𝐼2′ = 𝐼2 /𝑛. The relay operation is achieved when

𝑁𝑟 ′
𝑁𝑜 |𝐼1′ − 𝐼2′ | ≥ |(𝐼 + 𝐼2′ )|
2 1
𝑁𝑟 (𝐼1′ + 𝐼2′ )
|𝐼1′ − 𝐼2′ | > | |
𝑁𝑜 2

(𝐼 ′ + 𝐼2′ )
|𝐼1′ − 𝐼2′ | > 𝑘 | 1 | + 𝐼𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘−𝑢𝑝

where k=Nr /No is constant and isknown as relay bias. Ipick-up is added to relay operation.
Assuming 𝐼1′ and 𝐼2′ are in phase we have two cases wrt to magnitutes of 𝐼1′ and 𝐼2′

2+𝑘 ′
𝐼2′ > 𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐼2′ > 𝐼1′
2−𝑘 1
2+𝑘 ′
𝐼2′ < 𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐼2′ < 𝐼1′
2−𝑘 1

These inequalities are plotted (Figure 4) to obtain the block and trip regions of the differential
relay for k=0.1

Figure 4

Note that as k increases, the block region becomes larger and the relay becomes less sensitive. In
practice no two CTs are identical and the differential relay current 𝐼1′ − 𝐼2′ becomes considerable
during external faults, even though 𝐼1′ = 𝐼2′
Note that differential relaying provides primary zone protection without backup. Coordination with
protection in adjacent zones is eliminated, which permits high speed tripping. Precise relay.settings are
unnecessary. Also' the need to calculate system fault currents and voltages is avoided'


Differential bus protection is illustrated by the single line diagram of Figure 5. In practice,
three differential relays are required' one for each phase. Operation of any one relay would
require of the three-phase circuit breakers connected to the bus to open, thereby isolating the
three-phase bus from service

Figure 5

For the case of no internal fault between the CTs that is, no bus fault 𝐼1 + 𝐼2 =𝐼3 . Assuming
identicar CTs, the differentiar relay current 𝐼1∙ + 𝐼2∙ − 𝐼3∙ equals to zero., and the relay does not
operate. However, if there is a bus fault, the differentiar current 𝐼1∙ + 𝐼2∙ − 𝐼3∙ which is not zero
'flows in the operating coil to operate the relay

A problem with differentiar bus protection can result from different levels of fault currents
and varying amounts of saturation. For example, consider an external fault at point P in Figure
5. Each of the CT1 and CT2 primaries carries part of the fault current, but the CT3 primary
carries the sum 𝐼1 + 𝐼2 =𝐼3 . CT3 energized at a higher level, will have more saturation,.such
that 𝐼1∙ + 𝐼2∙ ≠ 𝐼3∙ . If the saturatioi is too high, the differential current in the relay operating coil

could result in a false trip.This problem becomes more difficult when there are large numbers
of circuits connected to the bus.


The protection method used for power transformers depends on the trans former MVA rating.
Fuses are often used to protect transformers with small MVA ratings, whereas differential
relays are commonry used to protect transformers with ratings larger than l0 MVA.
The differential protection method is iilustrated in Figure 4 for a single-phase, two-winding
transformer. Denoting the turns ratio of the primary and secondary CTs by 1/n1 and 1/n2,
respectively . The CT secondary currents are
𝐼1 𝐼2
𝐼1′ = 𝐼2′ =
𝑛 𝑛

and the current in the relay operating coil is

𝐼1 𝐼2 (1)
𝐼 ′ = 𝐼1′ − 𝐼2′ = −
𝑛 𝑛

For the case of no fault between the CTs that is, no internal transformer fault the primary
lated by
𝑁1 𝐼1 (2)
𝐼2 =

Using (1) and (2) I’in terms of the CT turn ratios can be expressed as

𝐼1 𝑁1 /𝑁2 (3)
𝐼′ = (1 − )
𝑁1 𝑛2 /𝑛1

To prevent the relay from tripping for the case of no internal transformer fault, where both
equations are satisfied, the differential relay current I’ must be zero. Therefore, from (3) we
𝑛2 𝑁1
𝑛1 𝑁2

If an internal transformer fault between the CTs does occur (2) is not satisfied and the
differential relay current 𝐼 ′ = 𝐼1′ − 𝐼2′ is not zero. The relay will trip if the operating condition
given by (3) is satisfied. Also, the value of k in (3) can be selected to control the size of the
block region shown in Figure 2, thereby controlling relay sensitivity.




When a transformer is initially energized. it can draw a large "inrush" current, a transient
current that flows in the shunt magnetizing branch and decays after a few cycles to a small
steady-state value. Inrush current appears as a differential current since it flows only in the
primary winding. If a large inrush current does occur upon transformer energization, a
differential relay will see a large differential current and trip out the transformer unless the
protection method is modified to detect inrush current.
One method to prevent tripping during transformer inrush is based on the fact that
inrush current is nonsinusoidal with a large second-harmonic component. A filter can be used
to pass fundamental and block harmonic components of the differential current I’ to the relay
operating coil.
Another method is based on the fact that inrush current has a large dc component.
which can be used to desensitize the relay. Time-delay relays may also be used to temporarily
desensitize the differential relay until the inrush current has decayed to a low value.
Figure 6 illustrates differential protection of a three-phase Y- two winding transformer.
Note that aY/  transformer produces 30o phase shifts in the line currents. The CTs must be
connected to compensate for the 30o phase shifts, such that the CT secondary currents as seen
by the relays are in phase. The correct phase-angle relationship is obtained by connecting CTs
on the Y side of the transformer in . and CTs on the A side in Y.

Figure 6

For three-phase transformers (Y-Y. Y-, - Y, -), the general rule is to connect CTs on the
Y side in  and CTs on the  side in Y. This arrangement compensates for the 30o phase
shifts in Y- or -Y banks. Note also that zero-sequence current cannot enter a  side of a
transformer or the CTs on that side, and zero-sequence current on a grounded Y side cannot
enter the -connected CTs on that side. Therefore, this arrangement also blocks zero sequence
currents in the differential relays during external ground faults. For internal ground faults,
however, the relays can operate from the positive- and negative-sequence currents involved in
these faults.

Differential protection methods have been modifled to handle multiwinding transformers,
voltage-regulating transformers, phase-angle regulating transformers, power-rectifier
transformers, transformers with special connections (such as zig-zag), and other, special-
purpose transformers. Also, other types of relays such as gas-pressure detectors for liquid-
filled transformers are used.

Determining CT ratio current transformer connected for phase compensation.

A three-phase Y- connected power transformer produces 30o phase shifts in the line currents
on the secondary side. This causes no fault operation of the relay. To avoid 30o phase shifts
CTs must be connected in the reverse form, that is, Y- , such that the CT secondary currents
as seen by the relays are in phase.

For the three-phase 33kV/11kV Y- connected power transformer, determine the connection
and the CT ratio current transformers to be applied for differential protection.. Against Y-
connection of the power transformer the current transformers are to be connected as on the
HV side  and on the LV side as Y. If the -connected current transformer’s CT ratio is
500:1, determine the CT ratio of the Y-connected LV currrent transformer .

SOLUTION Assume that primary -connected CT has CTR of (500:1) and Y-connected
CT has CTR (x:1)

Power transformer’ primry and secondary current ratios

Line currents on the primary side IY and on the secondary side is I
Using power balance requirement of the power transformer:,
SY= S
or √𝟑(𝑽𝑳 )𝒀 𝑰𝒀 = √𝟑(𝑽𝑳 )∆ 𝑰∆
√𝟑(𝟑𝟑) 𝑰𝒀 = √𝟑(𝟏𝟏) 𝑰∆

𝑰𝒀 = 𝑰
𝟑 ∆

Reflection of IY and I line currents on the CTs

CTR (500:1)
CTR (x:1)

I' I'

3 I'Y
√𝟑 𝑰′𝒀 = 𝑰′∆
√3 𝐼𝑌 𝐼∆
500 𝑥

√3 𝐼𝑌 3𝐼𝑌
500 𝑥

Connection CT-Ratio
Power Transformer Y- 500:1
Current Transformer -Y 1500



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