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Taylore Neve

Senior Project Reflection

Reflection Rough Draft

1) This artistic journey is a depiction of my mental health battles. I took pictures of myself,
which was difficult because I am not very self confident. The backdrop of my artwork is
my mental landscape. Some of the imagery is extremely dark. My personal experience
with depression and the internal dialog as well as the messages I receive from others.
There are also small windows of light-- the happy memories and the better feelings
because my emotions are often a roller coaster.

2) Through this project my relationship with drawing my own image has changed. I feel
more comfortable not altering my own appearance in my artwork and depicting myself
more directly. I have been drawing my dark thoughts since about 4th grade -- although I
wasn’t depressed then - It was just what I drew. I began associating my dark images
with my depression about 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with clinical depression.

3) I have been enjoying the combination of graphite and watercolor together. I am growing
as a painter, it has been a process of trial and error.

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