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Example Script France-

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Savannah. Bienvenue en France.

Hello, I am Savannah. Welcome to France. (explain relation to culture)
France is well known for hosting one of the world’s biggest sporting events, The Tour de France
and for big Mardi Gras Celebrations, celebrating a day of feast before Lent in the Christian
religion which some of you may know as “Fat Tuesday” that just happened this past Tuesday.
However, France is probably most well known for housing the second tallest man-made
structure in the world, the Eiffel Tower. (Largest is Chrysler building) The Palace of Versailles is
also located in France which is known for its beautiful architecture and historical significance.
The Treaty of Versailles was signed in the Hall of Mirrors in the palace in 1919 ending World
War 1. A lot of ballet culture also comes from France and many of the formal positions and
steps came from France. (ask about ballet, make connections)
Paris is the capital of France known for its fashion, art, and architecture. Many high end fashion
houses reside here including Dior, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel. Paris is also home to many art
museums including the Louvre which houses the original Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo
paintings. Another very important piece of French culture in Paris is the Notre Dame Cathedral
known for its beautiful architecture and religious significance. Unfortunately, Notre Dame caught
fire last year and is still being repaired. The day it caught fire was a tragic day for many people
in France as well as around the world.
(show magazine on the day Notre Dame burned down)
(show Versailles pamphlets)
Activity- Notre Dame Coloring Page
Materials- pages and coloring utensils

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