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VOICE www.weeklyvoice.net Evart | Reed City | Hersey | Sears | Chase Thursday, May 21, 2020 : Ce Odea on TOE Wa nae Say Pec ETO oaD a thatsmem have died 10 congaiam ; S[teubdin Dsioossyahe While Red iy’ VW is caning tec parade and ceremonies or Memoria Day on Monday May 25, rat VF wil planing on aldng 2 medifed event Evart plans Memorial Day tribute, Reed City cancels activities verona naar down Upton Avenuearound9 "OF courseitis disappoint. a2 gunsaluteat Guyton Park at_Bvart VEW is also stil trying to esac ‘am. stoppingatthecornerof ing."hesald."We etoneday a 10am.on Monday May 25 along, get student volunteersto help Upton and Park trot foriving yearandit's@sappolnting we withthe wreath ceremony The place flags at veteran gravesites Usually fllingthe streets with ofthe wreath at Osoeola County don't gett celebrate i.” fuard will hen mareh down to Inthe Forest Hill Cemetars people to watch aparade and Court House memorial Evart,howeverIsteving to Riverside ark tooldtssecond “Last year we were able to remember soldiers lest battle, making the decision tocan- still Keep the tradition golng wreath ceremony and then to place over 0 fags, sald Rohe, Memorial Day willbe very dif cel, Reed City VEW Quartermas- with modifications to Keep safe- Forest Hill Cemetary for thef- "Ths year we have mae that ferent this year terRichard Gibbonssala twas tya priority. nal wreath ooremons ‘nM But, with most of us belts For Reed City evervthinghas the best call. personally wasagainstthe "Attendance willnotbepro- Dor older tis hard for ws to been canceled for Monday May "Hadadiscussion withthe dear holdinganything."Evart hibited, though attendees are gecaroud so we really need the WSincludingthetraditional mayorandmy post commander VFWServiceOmicer AlRohen encouraged topracticosafedis- help. parade 21gunsaluteandcer andwecame tathedeciston said."But,weare goingtoat.tancing, Roben said “Though the VEW usualy gots emony outs the Osceola __‘thatallthose people inone place tempt to have something "The commander sald that help fram more than 20 students County Court Houseamid the didn't seemlike the bestideainToKeeperowdsdowntoa _—_peoplecancomeat their own Rohen said even I0ar 15 will do coranavirusand Gow Gretchen followingthe governor” Gib- minimum, there willnotbea risk," hesaid."Twouldask that the rick Whitmer'sexecutiveorder bons sai traditional parade and there will_ people stayin thelr ears and ‘may take us longer to get prohibiting large gatherings of "Though Gibbons sald thedecl-_bonospoakor to kick things off wath. done. normally wearedono ina people sion to cancel makes sense, It is at Guyton Park addition tostillholdinga few hours but weneed the help "Theparadenormallyeame — stilla disappointment “The honor guard wilstllhave Memorial Day Celebration, the he sal. Osceola, Lake counties remain closed while bordering counties open ence for Osceola County, Reed City Brewery Owner Kevin Murphy While parts of Nothern sald not boing included in the Michigan can start reopening Monday it makes no sense. businesseson Friday perGow. "Honestly tome, it makes no Grefchen Whitmer'sannounce- sense that we have ben grouped ment Monday Lake and Osceola the way wehave,” Murph said counties willremain closed. "Osceola County bas so few eas ‘Starting Frida, May 22,- es when You compare It to paces taurantsand retailshops located lke Traverse or Grand Rapids. inNorther Michiganandthe [don't see any reason for us to Upper Peninsila willbe abloto. still beelosel the way we are" sar re-opening, but only at30% "Though hesald the brewery capacity ‘sgolng tomake tdhrough the ‘Social gatherings of upto10 executive order, Murphy sai people” willbeallowed in Re- notrelaxingresrictionsin the sions and, per the governor's county isstill not OK newest versionof theexecutive "Tean only speak fr my bus. order that shutdown much of ness, but the locals have treated thestate'seconomy inresponse us well uringall this.) We ‘othe COVID 9 pandemic. aregoingtosurvive this” he However thisreopeningonly Said. "Butitisstillan issue that applies tasome industries Sa- we havebeen put inthe same jansand barber shopsarestill groupas Grand Rapids and our notsupposed tobeopen tothe Aumbersare so low publicand gymsandmoviethe- Hoplngtoremedy some of torsare supposed tobe closed thelocal businesses’ concerns, atest through May 28 Remote Reed City Mavor Trevor Gules x m work salso the option ofehoee sald he plans on reaching cut Despite areas of northern Michigan abe to re-open on ry May 2, Ocela County businesses lave trea on foroffie workers unless remote ‘othegovernorandaskingtor — tokdown works impossible, ‘heeounty tobe looked at differ ‘Thismeansbusinesses in ently than theregion hasbeen Grand Rapids. (.)Tgetit,you what it would ike to see done, he going to be happy about that Wexfordand Missaukee counties. grouped in, havetodrawthelinesomewhere saidopening up snotan option but that isall we can do.1am ‘Region 8) can reopen. “Tthink tiswonderfulthat but itnever hurtstoasletobe right now not going to sugges that we go However, businesses in Lake (the governor) is starting to open. lookedat differents” “Tam going o ask the counell_ against the executive order.) and Osceola Region jeannot. things up."hesaid.“Itisunfor- While Gullesasked the public that wereach out(o thegover- That isopeningup a huge can of ‘Soeakine on te tackof lite tinmedeusthat weputwith atareceatéowuball meeting noch" haeeld "Feoglesemt worma” 2° weekly voice ‘warw.weeklyvoice.net | THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2020 Memorial Day started following Civil War ‘Thehistory of Memorial Day cane traced to the years ater the Civil War (196065) when a specific date wasset to annually remember the soldiers who had given thelr ves during the great conilit between the states, Ot May 5, Li, General John A, Logan, lear of an organization of Northern Civil War veterans, called fora nationwide da of remembranoeon May 3. "The date, Logan declared, “is designated forthe purpose of strewing with fers, o th ervise decorating the graves of comrades wio did in defense of their county daring the late rebellion, and whose bodies now ie in almost over ety: village and hamlet churchyard in the and, Tas originally known as Decoratlon Day and the date was chosen for ewo reasons, because ie wasn’t the anniversary of any parteutar battle and because DY May 0 the lowers wou be in bloom. (On the frst Decoration Das: General James Garfiel, who would later serve as President, madea speech at Arlington National Cemetery before 500 attendees. Fullowing the speech, ae q aad “ wt. the graves of 20,000 Union and)” Fags have been placed by volunteers tthe gravesites of ltr veterans at cemeteries in atiation of Memorial Day this weekend Confederate soldi ion were decorate. Aaling By 1800 allo the Northern gress passed the Uniform Mon- sates observed Decoration Day day Hollday Aet establishing The Memorial Day'asthe Binal Mon: Southern states dldinothaveaday'In May each Yea: Ths went uniform date to remember those Intoefeetn 1971 and Memoria who gave heirivesduring the Day has been afederal holiday on May 9 asa state holiday Civil War ut each statoheld its ever since soemsto signal to theskies that ral Day ten Isralsed tothe fop _alsoused the holiday to honor Dood ot heroes never dies, of the stall hon-weterans-~ the Lincoln Me Moinaalso came upwith the +*Taps"isoften played atcer- morial was dedicated on Memo- dea of wearing ed poppleson emonieson Memorial Day. ral Day of 1922. Memorial ay in honarof those "Americans areencouraged _" =Citlesand towns across the Wwhodiedservingthenationtopausefor national Moment U.S. host Memorial Day parades duringwar She as thefirst to of Remembrance t Spm. local and ceremonies each year, often oun ceremoniestor thefallen —Thetraditionof wearingred wear oneandsold poppies toher time. incuing military personnel, soldiers on diferent dates poppieson Memorial ay was friendsand eoworkers with the + New York was thefirst state andmembers of veterans’ orga Decoration Day continued inspired ty the poem that Moina money goingto benefit service- toofficially recognize Memorial nizations. tobe observedon May 0but Michael wrote in 1915.Moina, men in need Day People often take trips or hav itwasexpanded over timeto owas inspired by the oer "Some ther interesting Memo.» Flowersand lagsare the two outdoor parties and barbecues ude military personnel who “In Flanders Field rote: We rial Day fact: save ther livsfor thecausef cherish too, the Poppy red that foedom inall wars. In 1968,Con- grows on fds wore valor ld: It ‘most popular items people use to during the three-day weekend ‘The American flagremainsat_temember soldiers, ‘which unofficially marks the be halfmastuntiinoonon Momo. +Thofodoral government has ginningof summer Hersey was founded as a lumber town ‘The elected county of cers included Sheriff Isa {ah Manes, Treasurer Rt NOTE:INFORMATIONcbout the fus Morris, Cleric and nstary of Herey taken from Register of Deeds John. sontenporary scount writ” Granger, Prosecuting At fen about 187 and acessed_torney and Circuit Court iz alinktothe Michigan Commissioner Sylvester Genealogical Socey website, F Dwight and Surveyor Edwin F French. HERSEY —"Oneot the" Atthe time when the pretest tie townsin portrait ofthe vilage was jorthwestorn Michigan.” writen in 187, there were That Ishow the Vilage two hotels, the “Hersey of Hersey isdescribed in House," alarge threesto an 1670 portrait available ry building owned and op joallonthe Michigan eratedby A.D. Wood, and Genealogical website tis the "Lewis House.” owned further described as being and operated by William ISmilesnorthof Big Rap. Lewis. idson the western sideof Some other prominent the Muskegon River "ata citizens ofthe day in point where the waters of cluded James Kennedy the Hersey and Muskegon and James Rooney in the Rivers unite moreantile trade along Delos A Blodget, the with two other men whose famed businessman, um: last names Were Jones and berbaron and philanthr- Adams pistfrom Grand Rapids, Vele and Olson carried isnot only thefoundor of —onalarge “wagon and ihe vilage Dut Iemamed as. acksmithing establish the fst setler"as wel. ment” and were noted for Iwas Blodgett — referred thelr distinctive crafts: toaffectionately as“Dock manship in building waa: Blodget! inthe iio onsandsleighs. spotlight whohadthe "Henry Gerhardt could jown surveyed and platted_makea new harness or initially in the summer of repair an old one"on 1067. At the time when the short notiee.” Jacob Schl town was platted, the only adel, called the "knight, existing structure of any” of thew,” made boots kind within he limits of and shoes that many the plat was “an old Water. townsfolk Wore. C18. Bar powered sawmill. Tesmmanufactired doors, Blodget who likeso—_sashesand blinds many suecessf bust Here Isa colofil nessinen wasa visionary, description of «woof erected "alargethtee- the clef eltizens."S.F sory hotel,atwostory Dwight, Esquire reads sioreanvlseveral other and expounds law to all buildings” that same sum: mer of 1857, Just two years after the Civil War ended "The place suddeniy transformed from a for sstto an embryo city it says inthe 1970 socount, all through the untiring energy and perseverance ofthe proprietor, Me Blodgett Blodget’ welt situated umber town as eon strted two yearsbefore te state legislature ap praved the borders of Osceola County and its name, and it was only natural thatthe Village of Hersey would be chosen as the fret county seat. ‘who are troubled in mind land unable toadjust their Imatters of difference, and Dr EH, Wood prescribes pills and drugs for those ‘whoare ailing in bods ‘Alarge and substantial church edface,” meas Ing 16360 fet, was being completed in 1a7oby the [Evangelical Association and was expected 0 be ‘ceuped in 1871 Avery Targeand commodions district school house” was located not far from where the chureh was being con structed. Another ehureh, this one tobe constructed by the Coneregationat Ist, was planned for the following year and Mr. Blodget, “witha spirit of berality whieh is truly commendable." was pro Widing the land and al ‘the lumber and materials forboth churches. The Hersey Congregational Church not oniy stil, Stands at the site where it swas constructed at the in tersection of Main Street land Fourth Street, bt is home ton active no ddemoninstional church, ‘Abistorieal marker has ‘heen installed onthe srounds ofthe church "The Hersey Rivor pro vided the water power fora “large, lourishing” four mil ana saemill in town in 1870, ‘The village “is sur. rounded yan exceeding: Iy fertile farming county uitea large proportion ‘of which is ready oc feupied, and the forests are rapidly disappearing ‘under the sturdy efforts bf industrious and per Sovering poople. Several Jarge and beautiul farms under a high state of eu LUvatlon are to be seen in ‘the Immediate vleinits" Two ofthe more prom nent pleces of realestate belonged to Mr. Blodgett ‘comprising between two and three hundred acres of impraved lana” ying fadjacent to the vllaze fonthesouth side, and the spacious farm of BE Gooch “on rather high and rolling land” tothe ‘ME Blodgett aso hada large impressive estate Intown and an attorney named NL. Gerrish Isa: sonoted for having alarge house n the village Teas expected thatthe Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad fine wou be in stalled within afew sears About two or three miles ‘west ofthe village, The Flint and Pere Marquette allroad was already located about three quar tersof a mile from Hersey anda bridge was planned be constructed across the Muskegon River for that Tine ‘There would then be “cars running into Osceo 7 laCounty) from hoth Tisha blng has been the home of the Hey south and east” alterseard. Congregational Church sce 1873 The and wes proved by “The crossingof the to Here fender and resident Delos Blodget along with ll he great lines of railroad tke lumber and mates {hese ina county so rich Intimber, soll and water tomake the Hersey area__os of natural resources in privileges” wouldserve “one therichest”soure- this part of the state WEEKLY VOICE May 21, 2019 Volume 14, Issue 4 ‘ete oie esther all oman rede spa yt Mt ok a ib atl shot etna Wy Ws pb. Cones xpi al ress mi. "BOW 20 ar 4 Cail, 8 6 ‘The Weeky voce published Youcan abosubnit Newsroom: 886 30-168 weekly and coves hase, "information onlin to newsbwoetjoice net ar, Hersey and Reed Cy, wera weeklwoice net. ‘Advertsing representative (nds We accept submissions of Publicar Chris Huckle 23477-41550 231.820- photos arele and opinion HuckleBweekipoice net 9486 steommunty@week noice. Cacted representative Tetormaledto Week, Etor: Matt Sevard Contact ust 8) 3304144 Voie, PO. Box 68, Cadac, meewardeweekwoicenet —cistomererice® Mi #3601, weekl yvonne THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2020 | www.weeklyvoice.net Reed City, Evart farmers markets are opening with changes srvecronanasmn Farmers markets in Reed City and Evart are expected toopen, inne Despite the coronavirus, both sites will have thelr farmer's markets up and running starting on Saturday, June 13, "Evart Farmer's Market Prost dent Angela Hunter wrote in an email tis important to give farmersand others a place to safely sel their gods, ‘Man farmers are strugaling right now because f the (CO- VID 1g) virus and the farmers market isa great opportunity for them osellhetr prods and not have them goto waste, Hunter wrote, "Farmers et to sll their products and consum ss get fresh produce. I's win Reed City will only be open cach week on Saturday rer 10 1m. to pm. inthe Pompe’ parking lo ight now the market bas shout thrve oe four vendors signed up and has room for around 150, "Tokeep vendors and custom: ers safle, Reo City Wil be imple menting somenew precautions. ‘Weare asking that everyone ‘wear a mask if they can,” Reed (City Farmer's Market Cootdina tor John Vandenbos sid. "We ‘wil havea station up front with hand sanitizer and to controt thenumber of people walking around ‘Vendors willeven be asked to ‘ep about three fet of space petion thelr tables to allo for Customers to place items down land pay The spaces wil then be ‘leaned after each customer “Tsent out letters toall ot ‘our vendors," Vandenbos sald “They have been made aware ot thechanges we are making and Fopely that doesnt deter any ‘one from coming (Currently the feed City ‘Farmer's Maret is ooking for ‘ore vendors todd t the mar et If interested, contact John st 81-46-4900 21.012 4858 for ‘ore information, Vendors can sll things lke vgitables, ruts, rafts or homemade desserts, “alle asks that 5% of What: ceveranyone isselling be made by ‘hem," Vandenbos sad ‘Starting on the same day as the ‘eed City market, Evatt’ Farm fers Market will sart on June 13, from$ am. to1 pm. our side the "Evart Depot ast has inthe past. Stl inthe planning stages, ts known fom ight now Hunter wrote that more informs ‘ion wil be available when more tomove forward with a market tosce what thestateonhow andwe will “Like many others, 'm waiting fn what preeantions tuse,"she weekly voice * 3 the governor says proceed from there Farmers and afters alike wil stil beable to sl he products at local farmers markets come ne 13. Hunter id add thatthe Evart armer’s Market would also be looking tothe Centers for Dis: tense Control and Prevention for guidance Reed City mayor receives backlash from holding town hall meeting REEDCITY —The Reed City Mayor received back ash at Monday night’ meetingafter holding ‘own hall meeting ast week Cotineil members were not pleased with Trevor Guiles at the Monday May 18meeting and his town ah si, hall held the week pei at the Reed City Depot, don’t think it was OK tohosta publie meeting ikea tov hall without talkingtotherestot the sonnel rs,” coun member Dave Seharlow "The meoting was held Wednesday ay 18 with just afew days notice out Side the Reed C "The purpose of the meet Ing wasto hear residents ‘opintons abot opening the elt back up once able. "My goal tonight is not totell you what think should happen,” Guiles Sida the start of the ‘meeting. "The point isto hear what youall haveto say and then relay that i formation to the council. ‘Many at the meeting told Guiles they wanted to see ‘businesses open and that nothaving them open was only hurting the town, Tse no reason Wh the cityof Reed Cityand the ‘County of Osceola doesn ty Depot HERE'S MY CARD SHORE NURSERY ALLYOURLAW & GARDEN NEEDS! «Fone agra Corral Po Ferns "ons" fonsa Se Salleh Feta ‘AcsosznesDuor ‘TMETO GET YOUR GARDEN See05, 'SEED POTATOES & ONON SETS. WINDOW |] SHOPPING? Polar Seal Vinyl Wit ‘Sor Your Home! “Vea eri a Se DouGLASs IS YOUR BUSINESS READY TO WIN AT THE INTERNET? Call: Kevin D. Mist 231-779-4127 GQ romational @ = roducts @= CN Promotional Products ‘an supply any customized promotional items! All available ‘with your unique branding. IF You Can Thnk, We Can Make It Find A Better Pri EERIE ALE CALL LINDA AT 231.779.4155 DIRECT (OF 231.920.9486 CELL TO ADVERTISE IN THE VOICE VOICCe sgeton the bandwagon, ‘Jacke Youngs sad “This isridicutous.(Gox Grete fen Whitmer) iskiling theses towns, ‘They are the ones that in esther Hamas owner spect my shon. of Blown Away Salon in After the town hall meet Feed Cty said thatit isnot Ing Gulles said he would justas simple as opening upshop. "Tneed more than one person tojivemea plan as tohow Lam to open my ‘hop back up.” she sad “Gretchen Whitmer Is not te only person Thave {get information rom Thave to hear what the Doar of cosmetology has tosayon the issue, to. ‘They are the ones whol have my license through. be bringing information to thecitycounel's attention, Butafter hearing the counel’s response tothe ‘meeting. leas were not Shared with the counel ‘Though Guilessaid he Aid not believehe was ‘wrong for hong the meeting. he apologized fr ‘not coming to the counc! fist “Tposted itas the city ‘on Facebook, Lean see ‘Mayor Tevx Gules took notes the owe of Bow ay Salon Heater Hamer spoke on why she snot opened up shop. ‘where that is problem, besa. "But, have done Coe with the mayor and ‘twas nota problem then foholda meeting without thecouncl-(.)Tam going fobestraight up with you all this eels really bad We hhave been tying tomake headway to hear from peo ple. Tat sour job, totale {opeople. Weal do tana regular basis, That is my Impression of what town hall meeting is; hearing people out (.) wanted to bring heir concerns tothe counel” ‘Council embers were also concerned with Habil fy that may come from hav Ingan in-person meeting ‘when people ae supposed tobe social distancing lunder Gov. Gretchen Whit mor sexecutie orden ‘Online. looked ike sou were holding city tent,” Reed City Police Chie chris Lackhaet sald if that were the case, sou eauld have ada ive Stream or something and have goten comments that way Tho issue ls that this has garnered attention. withagencles larger than ‘Carol Tilotson, who was theonly othe coun eilmember toattend the mmeetingat the depot said She was worried at fist butane iste upon a ving Twill be honest, Iwas litle concerned when T first heard about what was sgoingon, but itis done Pov she sd I dont fel Violated the onter Ev eryone kept thelr distance fhomeach other The issue Asthat twas labeled | ‘own hall meeting” Gulles apologized again and told thecoune he ‘would not be holdingany meetings without nuns pproval in the future Graduation dates undecided for Evart and Reed City Bvartand Rood City high schools graduation are stil n imo, ‘A gradation ceremony forthe class at 202018 ‘must, said Bvart Superin tendent Shirley Howard, “For me, Lam in favor of still having a tradition al graduation once this is allover” she said "It is Important for students to walk across the stage and receive that diploma. Ieis closing ofa chapter for WOOD PELLETS them. BBL With restrietions| stillin place on having Jarge gatherings, Howard sald graduation cer femony eaninot be consi fered until restritions on the sizeof gatherings are lifted Prior toa graduation ceremony, however, the high school staf is ‘working on some things behind the scenes to cel. trate the clas of 2020, “The hgh school staft hhas come up witha plan {odo Just that but we can- $5/bag $230/fon not doit until some of the restretions are lifted, In cluding parade through {own," Howard sal “Rah now four possible dates have been chosen; ‘tunes, June 20, uly 20, nd August 2. "In Rood City a survey has been sent out to st dents of the graduating ‘lass The survey aske Students to pick froma list of dates being consid fered for graduation. The dates boing considered are in June, duly and August depending on the fexeeutive order fFom the fovernor. Interim Super Inendent Dean MeGuire sad. Tn the meantime, the schoo is looking at other ‘wavs to celebrate its se Rego Ciry FiELps SMinon Cae lor lass. The parade originally set for May 15, has been moved to Friday, June And will tart atthe Reed City Depot and go down Chest Street "MeGuire said the shoo is also ooking into ways to celebrate its top schol ars, but nothing has been finalized "every year we do something to celebrate ur top students of the fgraduation class." Me Guire said. "But this year weare having to come Up with something that tan celebrate them while Still maintaining social distancing, Weare golng {odo something. We ust don't know what that something is ow Expansion ‘Opening Soon - Includes Memory Care Unit Exceptional Assisted Living at ‘all-inclusive Pricing 231 SMITAILUMBER | ur new memory cae unit is designed to meet {the ever-evolving, personal care needs of our residents who display signs of Alzheimer’s ‘or other related dementia Residents enjoy multiple dally actives that ate specific tothe needs ofthe ‘memory impaired 231.465.4371 SB 734-5513, at dane it | 4 weekly voice Obituaries Ruth Marie Gamble REED CITY — Ruth Marie Gamble, 81, of Reed City, passed aivay peacefully May 8, 2020, after a long. coura’ goous battle with ovari- an cancer, spanning nearly 15 years. She was born June #0, 18%, in LeRoy, Michigan to Milion and Elizabeth (Mager) Steinhaus. Ruth is survived by her husband of 60 years, Richard Allen Gamble; her four chile dren Brian (Lana) of Wixom, Janet of Lyons, Michael (Lisa) of Tus” tin, and Andrew (Mi- chelle) of Reed City Wwo sisters, Norma Steinhaus and Karen (Lance) Cornelius, both of Reed City: 10 grand- children and 19 great grandchildren, She was preceded in death by her parents, formerly of Ashton; brother, Raymond (Sella Stl haus, formerly of Area- dia; sister, Joyce (Bruce) MeDonald of LeRoy: and grandso Derrick Thomas Gam. be Ruth worked at Wol verine Worldvide for approximately eight years and retired from Reed City Hospital af fer 23 years of servi. She wasa lifelong mem ber of Ashton United Methodist Chureh and also attended the Cal: vary Gospel Chureh of Ashton for many years. She enjoyed many hob Dios, which included bind watching, reading, loved driving her golf cart through the woods, quilting, canning, walking, bike riding and she especially en joyed time with’ her grandchildren and ‘reat-grandchildren, Iniew of flowers, me. morial contributions can be made to Calvary ‘Gospel Church of Ash ton or the United Meth. dist Chureh of Ash: ton. "There will be a grave side service held at a Tater date, Ruth will be lid to rest at Deer Lake Cemetery No.2 wwrw.weeklyvoice.net | THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2020 Two special education teachers resign from Evart schools anc half a year that we di, Howard said. "But with all the qualifications she has, lewasn't surprising that she decided to move one froma job that only pala 10,00 when she could ‘make more than $100.00 elsewhere ‘Munroe had previously been the superintendent at Reed City Area Public School District from 2017 ‘ont late 200 when she re ‘Signed from the position. ‘Hwa said i willbe tough to replace the teach fers and, though the vacan- EVART—Duringits first board meeting in two onthe, the Evart Publle ‘School Board af Education Approved the resignation fof two special education teachers. ‘On Mondas, May 11 the ‘board approved te rs. ignation of Blementary ‘Special Education and Mu Sie Teacher Anna Mounts, fand Middle School Special Edlucation Teacher Siyra ‘Munroe. “The only one we were surprised about was An-eleshave already boon ha," Bvart Superintendent posted she is already look: Howard said. "She Inga alternative plans for hasn'tbeen here very long, fillat east one of the open sonoonesaw her leaving positions ustyet “Wehavea teacher atthe ‘Though surprise, How. mide school who as ex: ardsald sheunderstood pressed interest in going fs Mounts is leaving Ev- hack toschool to get her Aartbecauseher husband special edueation certifies: foundajoboutof sate. ton," Howard said. "So al “Nou haveto gowhere lowing her to teach while thejotsare;"she seid. she ie going to school since ‘When iteameto Munroe, she already has her teach Howard said she wasex- Ing certification, issome- pectinghertoresign after thing we could do fnly half'a year of teach. Butlooking to the new Ingspocial education. "year, Howard sa she "We were justexcited to knows there willbe an is hhave someone with her ex- sue n finding someone to pertise and background in fille second position at Special education forthe the elementary school Reed City moves to keep parks closed REED CITY — Parks and facilities will re closed until further notice for the City of Reed City: ‘The Reed City Counell decided to keep camping and park faclities ofits for the time belng ata spectal meeting held Thursday May 1 “There are exceptions to what is golng on right now. ..) That includes maintaining parks," Clty Attorney Cindy Wotla sald, “But thus fa. the ety has done an excelent job in providing What itneeds to but also recognizing what resources are not available. Lalso don't think the aceptions extend into camping or large birthday parties.” ‘When asked what his take on the opening up of facilities was, Reed City Water System Operator In Charge Rich Rehkopf said it was notan easy dec is tough cal,” he said. “The state has changed its dates two times nov when parks will start opening back up again. (..)1 would guess that itis going to 20, ‘even longer I's ore labor intensive than anvthing to get everything ready to open. Yeah, i's hard deck ‘When asked how much the eity would be out if they ‘dud not open the parks for camping this summer Re: hhkopf sald May was not the buslest month but that heading into June and July would make difference, Reed City Chief Administrative Officer Barb West cerburg added that missing out on this year’s camping ‘Season would not hurt the ety Dut next year would be ‘different stars "We have already exceeded revenue” she said. ‘Closing off camping won't hurt us this year if we ‘don't open at all but i will rt us next year” Upon discussing the issue, Reed City Couneil Mem ber Dave Schariow motioned that the elty wat to see ‘what the governor does next in opening up the parks ‘The motioned unanimously passed. wellve ina rural area,” shesald. "Special educa tion Isa tough spot tf {obegin with and now we arelosing two. It isn't go Ingo be an easy task to {he elementary position, Tan have teachers teach muse, forthe time being, thatisn'tan iste eis having someone with the ‘certifeation fo feach spe- tal edeation that s the SUDOKU Ontop of trying tol analready dificult post: tion, Howard sald she can't even formulate plan yet with so much stil ‘up in the ai in regards to thestart of the 20002021 school year. “How mach we are act ally goingto struggle is fooeary to tell. It's too ‘early to now anything ‘when trying to plan right ‘oki noo Yo can ue ot he tenn Promos _— BesrOapsexat ABCDEFCHIORLMNOPORS ee T zenane OVWXYZ CRYPTO FUN = Delermine the code lo reveal the ansoer! WORD SCRAMBLE Resrange te letra se someting patanng to buyers. CBNOA Soh eS SaaS BIT och number carespnds a thine a=) 6 24 17 17 20 25 3 10 16 25 19 24 24 4 4 23 13 10 16 12 3 7 12 |lam an actress bom in Tennessee (on May 26, 1887. My half-sister Is a famous TV star and singer, and ‘my father is a country singer. !had iy first acting role on a Nickelodeon ‘show al the age of 21 poo om) Sib tng snus WORDS GRZKOSZHNSKCCZ3VSLWT NLESMFFZM0UB8BHWFUS EF P BEEF CSTNGIUTCYAVKPPENTEOL Bat LLVONNCLEYFLTAICOTWY suncen CED EYITSANUBARTBUUEN ereese CVEPSUDRWZO3FSUCTCVO nen ZLMPHSNANNBHYRTUHEYS ae GKAADETCIOCHGROGHLPT at ‘or VVETNAAOUNTEYP KPA HU B| — renrnes TAETIRNYERRNBHNETUVK ct AEAYNSURTYPEOLLBEQFY os CLSZNYFRYFEWKVKTRBEFO tive LzTZHGETITFESMEFSTICIA ‘inc OFF CWOTFLATTOPTONN 2 6| Munurenne RIOGGHPGSvV3J0G6zSCGYCR| mma PSOLALKBVEZOLARUNHOT Pe TyYDPUBTLOGLODLHSEUVUL ou UVRNEVTCREGCAREENPPL sou RTCVITHIFIWOTHSRODILN a VHRADINEREYVSTEVNALBT a Find te words hidden vertical horzentlly agonal and backwards. CLUES ACROSS ST Bkinten cp & fewieareuan atop ciurmpows re i er tc) too 7 ) 3 | 2| 9 7 I NI iN =) i THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2020 Osceola County holding re tre dp off MARION — Osceola County isholdinga fee tire dropoff Wednesday May’21 through Sat urday, May 29,200 rom a.m. to pm. and Saturday: May 30, 2000, from dam. to nom. over tall oF over 12 wide If youhave over elght tres neod a diferent ine call Poy 21 6018970, “Just south ofthe intersee tonof NelI5and Mat the Midae Branch Township Hal in Evart Police Department, weekly report Tursday 5/14 Harassment — Officers were dispatched to a ha rassment complaint. Off cers spoke with both sub- ects to attempt to resolve the Issue without further conic. Reed City Police Department, weekly report Sunday 5/10 *Ofticers were dispatched to respond to & possible PPO violation, The officer found there was no PPO on ether person. There was 1 dispute between a man and a woman over belong: ings that had been jeft at er house prior tothe man being incarcerated. She a vised hm he wasn’t going. (get them back. The of oer explained that it was sei matter and advised rhe man to contact small claims court regarding his property disputes. | www.weekivoice.net Marion, volunteers Dutnot necessary. ~ Officers were requested to check on a couple of probationers and perform preliminary breath test (BT) on them. The officer ‘administered the PET in Which both probationers Fopistered 000 The officer reported the information Taek tothe Probation OM corand cleared Manda’ 5/11 + Officers responded to a cl matter between root mates. Officers spoke to both involved "Tuesday 5/12 s"otticers were dis patched to assist an el erly woman who wanted to make a social socurity fraud complainant. The matter was unfounded, Of ficers explained the situa ton to her and assisted in putting her in contact ith the appropriate people to sel the matter figured out * Officers were dls: patched to.an apartment complex regarding’ the mental state-of a tenant. "The office's investigation found the woman was not Inany danger to herself or ‘otters anda mental Beat Bvare Garden Club seeking ART The Evatt Garden Clu is soeking volunteers to Delp with maintaining the ne tive garden plots downtown. The Tiresmustbecleananddry garden cub is re No forestry or loaded ties, none “The ony qualification isto Briefs Delieve in the project and want to ‘accomplish something positive forthe community” sh si "Werdefinitely could use your help if you're interest.” "Those who would like tovolun teershouldcontactthe garden birds. club via ema, evartgardensis tly involved gmail.com. {nitsannual spring eleanup, ‘whlch involves diguing up the for plots spreadingfresh miuleh and opting native plants, ‘Kathy Febigo the Garden Cut said experience ishelptul Remove food source for wild turkeys Whilehuntersloveto see wid turkeys Inthespring theirs. owe areatless welcome sight in some residential communities, Found PUBLIC RECORD ‘caseworker was coming to evaluate her state of mind Officers took a report of damage to the parking lot fand the tart on the ball ‘eld in Westerbury Park ‘Anyone who ma’ have in formation on the incident Is asked to contact the Reed City Police Department, Wednesday 3/13, + Officers were dis. patched to an apartment complex regarding an un lawful entry and lareeny of prescription mediation complaint. ‘The matter is ‘under investigation. "Officers were requested to assist an elderly woman with a retrieving a bank tard that she had tet with hor guardian/payee by ac cident, The officer made feontact with the payee who ‘Stated she eta voice mall message that she would be returning the bank eard at the end of the day. The of Acer assisted by returning thecard to theawner "Thursday 5/14 + OMiers were dispatched back toa complaint of so cial security fraud from farlier in the week. I was The Cadillac News can help you reach over 37,000 households/with over 92,500 readers in our coverage area! Northern § Cadillac News Michigan News, WOICC: determined the individual bad not made contact with the necessary people as Instreted. The fear plained the matter again land made sure the woman ‘was in phone eontact with {the proper people prior departing Priday 5/15 Officers arrested a 2B year-old male who was in violation of his bond Conditions, The individual ‘was transported to_and lodged inthe Osceoa Coun: ty dil without indent Officers received re (quest for assistance from ‘Woman who reported her ex-boyfriend had her bank tard and Was refusing © return it. The 57:¥earold ‘man returned the bank card to the officer, along ‘with most of the money he had withdravn, The Mat ter has been turned over 10 ‘the man’s probation officer * Officers responded 10a car fire. Upon arrival, the fowner had the fire ott. It fnpeared a transmission line had broken and gotten tonto the exhaust causing the transmission ud (0 throughout most of the tate and fren in some suburban ates furkeysare raven to birdsoed bird feeders and agricultural feldsoten attract wald turkeys —sousecare when feding son Turkoys that grow comfort able ina suburban setting may become aggressive. Male turkeys, especially can beagaressve dur Ingbreeding season and may peck at their reflections in shiny far paint, sliding doors and win So, what can you do? Start by removing all ood sourees that weekly voice * 9 can attract wild turkeys, Cover o park vehicles inside, where pos ‘sible, and use gentle hazing tech igus todeter turkeys Startby ‘making loud noises and waving {ofrighten the turkeys. You also can open and lose an umbrella ‘while walking toward a turkey t ‘With alteefort, all Michigan ‘residents can share the respon sibility or reduelng potential ‘wildlife cones no comm nites, Get tps and information at Michigangov/ Wii ‘nite. The ire department arrived to ensure it would ‘ot reignite and the officer cleared «Dispatched to “holdup alaeny” at vacant bulla Ing. ‘The responding of fleee found the doors and ‘windows were secured and locked. The owner tas a: vised. The matter was tn founded. * Officers were notified of 1 suspicious situation re farding 2 man seen hang ing around a building that has had past problems with frospastors getting into things and Ieaving trash Deind. ‘The oficer spoke with the man in question ‘who explained his presence land stated he understood the situation and would avoid thearea inthe fture Officers were ap proached by a man who handed hima 20ollar bill fnd stated he was informed it was counterfeit when be tried to make a purchase ‘The man added that he often gets money handed folbimon the street, 0 floes’ know who i came ‘Questions? Conta Wildlife Divisionat Investigation, Saturday 5/16 Officers were dis patched to meet with 3 ‘man who reported a miss Ing and possibly stoler call phone. They reviewer Video showed no evidence of larceny. The matter Is Under investigation, ‘Oiiors were notified of asinkholot the road at th Intersoetion of W Todd an S Higbee, The responding fier found a hole nthe road approximately fon feet long by three fet wide find about thre to four fe deep. The Reed City De partment of Public Work ‘was notified, and men ar ed to place up barrel land caution tape around the hole until icould be re paired. Officers were dis batched to assist a woman ‘who was requesting to a to the hospital for a mental evaluation, The responding fier assisted the woman by transporting her to the Reed City Spectrum Healt ER, getting her admitted for an evaluation, then Cleared the sen. Call Linda at 231-779-4155 today to start promoting your business! * weekly voice wwrw.weeklyvoice.net | THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2020 WEEKLY e voice classifieds www.weeklyvoice.net DEADLINES: mau. Business EvERvonysPecins ves” ynaeen oun mdm wine Be one 201-775-6565 conmenctat Tou Fe 1388 0-184 GARAGE sae ADs pas ‘ak (31) 758790 aS som oe . ome NALS: pestle at hii BR z 3 He cestomerericawesonce nt ava 1301 Mitchel st PO Box 60 Calc 49601 MON-FRI 8AM5:309M | SAESOAM oy. Bee |= Cie — ca (owas Sten Cadac aren Cea Cpen'Endays ane Saturdays S07 he, Ene ahh estoy. Cal BS1G67 047% Lc coms WANTED: Buying Honda ATCS, Singer soning machine, wo tion El ease. ea cart ann ga earoree rab Ca (ati Solas eels Vineet norae sum rasts, $0 ‘ove, Hm Ga (asnaee 2108, a (251720102 sed ciean sta iz aront fr 78 mont aaron sorted on esi mls ch a= WANTED, Double sve for CaN Tele messes Wool norse 81 rlor 8280 Fac win ger neon Cat C8! 231)84-5104 (2sipe.osea POD 0) nde, new n Sis Cat" (260042103 Ca (9) Haein spe omanee, OT near eats 2012 Choy to mNDUT Anne we | fretree Speer 125 gran be 0) rounds. $80. (ajot-erer baaitee Slesssnonve ses Csi MRO tea ofl Cat 251864 6108 riage goog condton Gren] [2730820 Tein ‘Phone, $20. Please call or text ape pa Bsneazren SOLD! 1996 Crest Pontoo Spat at at cape ing $100 of Beet, ‘Sora0 an copper pla 120 Run your legals in the Weekly Voice. Get in front of 7500 readers! Call Today! @ agg |e sn sis Sree geet | tt ee ts Fond’ er. 7% mes, Stockrti20e8. Deter rivers o ce | mG] cere ee) 2200 echo Geach 960 Get your paper, the delivered to your home every Thursday! Try 3 months for ! only $14.88 il & see ye your self! ce Subscribe today! ee leer iee ascey news oo Loon Gall231-775-6565 News delivered right to your home every Thursday. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2020 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice * / Osceola County is under a flood warning for the Muskegon River Lae E = ey eis inghas been issved forthe ningand continue to rise Muskegon River in Osceo. to near 122feet by Thurs. IaCountyfollowinghesvy day evening, Watkins said rains earlier this week. the water levels are start. ‘With water levels eon ing to go down, linuingtoriseaftertwo "Aso right now, our tofiveinches of rainfell gagesarestarting to go scrosethearea Osceola down insomeareas;"he County forthe Muskegon said. "Sono, don't think River was placed under'a| we will see reached that ood warnlingon Wednes. original predicted level.” lay May 29 untilaround?” Atthispoint.nospecfte pm. on Saturday May. concernsor damage re Injust24hours, the portshave been reported Muskegon Jumped from tothe mergeney Manage- usual level of 8feet to ment Department or the 10.2 feet, Osceola County Bvart Department of Pub- Emergency Management lic Works, Director Marke Watkins Osceola County Emer sid. gency Management's ‘ASof 1130.am.Tuesday, advising motorists to not May 19thestage was 1 attempt to drive around fot The river reached to arricadesor drive cars justover feet Wednes- through floodod areas. ay morning "The Reed City police de ‘Water has begun toflow partment cautioned res over lower area roads, but dents to keep children out Watkins sald that isnot of the water and low lying unusual areas. Flash flooding even Rightnow weareget- _inraadside ditches, can ing wateronto lower __edangerous, the police portions of roads, but that department sai. The happensalmostevery strengthot the current year” hesaid."Wevwould ean be stronger than ex consider that minor lood- pected, Drivers are also re ingat this pot. mninded to use caution and ‘Though it was originally avoid areas where there is predicted that the river standing water ot Water wouldriseaboveslood across aroad, police sald. Walkway along the Hersey River of of US 10. kayak lunch test par ood bridge in Red Gy. Let's spread your Voice! Call Linda today to start promoting your business! VOICE Lina 22 ae auyessss Businesses in need of bulk surgical masks call 231-775-6565! romgtional roducts 231-775-6565 www crpremotionalproducts.com ‘promo@caciiocnewscom Wd Heavy let water on ane and ead in the Eat ae, 8* weekly voice ‘warw.weeklyvoice.net | THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2020 > WO 2 “& CONGRATULATIONS “@5 TO THE CLASS OF 202 9 g m m 5 a 2 mS 2 = = a 5 = 5 2 S 8 = FA F Ea 2 = | = 2 = g 2 = =} = = Ss a g 3 s 5 g = 4 2 bs aa Fy a ~ Lal Em |\\ FA Es tra erat ean a tig Shoo sighs sighs tig So igh Soa ih Shoo fate Pn fate Pas Fate Pans fate Pans fs Pn fa as: Grtounmen Dyan prs ogo Ear sn ter igh oa Goto than Panstw ated School andbecome rte th wok sino te flavtoke creck ‘becomes Ok Cernertone nena an re feet hgh Sorc ht Syst nd sty Seis 0 funy tomar Soo an wa er ganna ‘Rares te fone Manny becae opr ier {ere Baneh doings heat diy pinto Pipes et mee pion onan ove ‘clog yoy ‘nthe oym dong fondest Menon emgulwtobea oy fondest Menon Bitte pot stat | | rnd Henare fant Manor fase lve 109 tale rye ba {eon agist i rin, || ume ont | | he outage when nt |] ad scans ey mytennnnte tinge od ates | | ft the uer ser tee | | Bpe ems nse fondest Memory Gadsing Pd FS S F = a Ab GAR = 2 ral ry} ~ hae Fy FA = Fs Send your local stories, news, a Gg Ey Ss] \ Ss 4 events, and pictures in to the cd Weekly Voice. The FREE et co weekly paper for Evart, Reed High chal Wh Seo Mgr Soot ct City, Hersey, Sears & Chase. gh Schoo fae Pans fate Pa ste Pans Horn Teas Cota ok Forayea tm Fur ans to wor com ingover the Tango tothe Ket paso et Stconith Sane a 9 wos then fing ceed oan ana Becta isn haan ape clase or Ent sd atenng Constructo, nc Community Colege rursing at Baker’ inthe fal for eat Colege Lansing Community Colege fondest Nema education Every dy nas. memony Fendest Memory: Fores emory being surcunded by tends |} Fendst meron Getting tow our forsgn | aking it tothe Dis everyday truly great My |] Being ncompetive cose. | | exchange students, speiay | | Finals her senor yea of ba ‘favorite would hve tobe ft, etal, senor ight for foot, being wth my teammates on ‘the field one ls ie LCT our The of Local News, Sports & Advertising Information. Email: newst@weeklyvoice.net Cadillac News - Weekly Voice 130 N. 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