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Hi friend

I’m writing this letter because I want to say that It is the best place in the world. Iam in
Ambato. This city is really incredible. The traditional city and the costums are interesting and
have an story. Each place is beautiful also have parks with a lot of plants, and there is a park
where there are pigeons. Also I visited where there was a museum that was of Juan Montalvo
was amazing, Juan Montalvo was in a coffin and who is Juan Montalvo? He was writer and
essayist. He has a polemic phrase that said: “ My pen killed him” referring to the death of
Gabriel Garcia Moreno.

People eat “colada morada” in November nevertheless there is a place where you can eat
“colada morada” everyday of the year is Atocha. Other tradition is in Frebruary in carnival.
People celebrate “Fiesta de las flores y las frutas” where there is a parade and there are
dancers, with costumes and a lot of color.

You need to visit Ambato the experince is really amazing, you meet new people, new places,
new traditions, all is new here, but the most beautiful is the friendly people.

Best wishes


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