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NUST Business School


Course Code: MGT-120


Submitted to;
Sir Yaruq Nadeem
Submitted by;
Oneeza Cheema
Ahmad Waqas Dar
Haseeb Rehman
Haider Bin Tariq
Ahrar Shah
Date:14th May 2018

As the video starts, we can see the arrogant behavior of the manager with his peers and
subordinates. He even uses foul language with his fellow employees and forces them to
follow his own work ethic. This makes his colleagues uncomfortable to work with him.

He is also displayed showing misogynistic behavior with women employees. His attitude
results in a substandard annual report by his boss upon which he is deeply concerned.

In the next scene, a colleague recognizes his concerns and tries to counsel him as she
is aware of the difficulties his fellow employees face. She makes him realize that his
behavior towards his subordinates and colleagues is not appropriate and he should
improve it to make his own repute better not in the eyes of top management but also
fellow employees. She advises him to create a friendly approach towards his
subordinates so they work with enthusiasm and become more productive.

In the last part, the manager realizes his mistakes and tries to rectify them. He develops
a helping and respective approach towards his employees. He's shown helping his
subordinates in their work and changing his disrespectful behavior. He is also
commended by the top management. Teamwork of the firm improves substantially thus
increasing the efficiency of employees.


A healthy employee relationship is fundamental for the employees to discover their work
intriguing and play out their level best. It is vital for everybody to comprehend that one
goes to his company to work and clashes must be avoided at all costs to save time.
Employees must be alright with each other and work as one towards a shared objective.
An individual can't stay silent and work for vast hours, he needs individuals around to
converse with. One must have companions at the working environment whom he can
trust well and share his secrets without the dread of them getting spilled.
Along these lines employees feel inspired and appreciate going to office every day.
They come regularly and work hard for the company’s approval. For a company to
perform well, it is vital that the employees are comfortable with each other and stay
away from criticism, double-crossing at work, a solid reason to ruin the relationship
among the workers. No individual can perform alone. Errands are refined at a
considerably speedier rate when the work stack is shared among all and everyone
contributes in his most ideal way. Employees are the most valuable assets of every

Bad attitude can create stress in the workplace and people in turn are reluctant to
speak to you. Things like hatred, ego and jealousy have no place in the corporate world.
It is constantly better to acknowledge things with a grinning face. If your manager
appoints you some task, it implies that he discovers you sufficiently skilled to deal with
the task. View yourself as lucky. One should avoid unhealthy as your prevalent may feel
terrible and in the long run lose his trust on you. One should avoid blaming others. No
two people are similar.

The other individual might not be as intelligent or educated and therefore should be
offered help. Adjustments do not mean tolerating any wrong things, rather it is
bargaining here and there. As evident from the video the person has a very unhealthy
environment at work. Though his technical ability cannot be denied, he is a source of
negativity in the workplace. His treatment is harsh and portrays a very bad impression
about him. The way he dealt with the incomplete report situation demoralized his
subordinate and greatly increased his stress. It is sometimes better to ignore the small
things such as when the girl was late. One shouldn’t be egoistic at workplace and
consider everyone his equal.

Because of the attitude of his friend, her sound advice will now make him a better leader
for his subordinated in the future. In the long run this will prove very beneficial for the
organization. The plans set by the top management will now be executed very
effectively. Employees will be more motivated, and the management will get work from
them. There will be better guidance for them to help them work efficiently. It will make
them more confident and they will strive to achieve their goals.
Their morality will also be boosted and as a result they will work to the best of their
abilities. The work environment will greatly improve, and perfect synchronization can be
achieved by coordination. As seen in the last part when the employee is still working on
the report, he is highly stressed, but the positive behavior shown by the manager
improves his mood by miles and lifts his morality. It makes him very happy and he will
not dread coming to work the next day. Showing positive behavior will greatly improve
the ethical part of any organization. Happy employees are more committed to the


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