OCN Level 2 Booklet 1

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& Discrimination
OCN Level 2
Booklet 1

Name: Jack O’Hara_________

Group: __________________
Date: ________

Assessment Criteria

AC 1.1 Describe what is meant by the term Prejudice

Prejudice is when in your mind, you have already prejudged somebody before you
have got to know them that aren’t based off reason or actual experiences.
Describe what is meant by the term Discrimination
Discrimination is when you act upon your prejudice or prejudgements and cause
harm to another human physically or mentally because of that.

AC 1.2 Explain THREE stereotypes linked to prejudice.

Prejudice stereotypes:
Example 1:
Thinking that women aren’t as strong as men or that they aren’t as talented as
athletes as men.
Example 2:
Thinking that all Jewish people are wealthy, stingy with their money or greedy in

Example 3:
Thinking that all teenagers are rebellious or ‘hoods’, especially from the clothing
that they wear or the area they are from.

Explain THREE stereotypes linked to discrimination.

Discrimination stereotypes:
Example 1:
Paying a woman less than a man while they do a comparable job – sometimes
paying a woman less than what they pay a man for doing a job of a higher level
than the man.
Example 2:
Treating a person differently because of their career is another form of
discrimination, such as looking down on workers like bin men or plumbers because
their careers are typically not as attractive as others.

Example 3:
If you choose to ignore or treat people of a different skin colour differently, that is
an act of discrimination.

Learner Signature: Jack O’Hara_____________________ Date: ______________________

Assessor Signature: _____________________________ Date: ______________________

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