Daily LinkedIn Networking Tracker To Connect & Grow Relationship Organically by Khatija Qureshi

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Daily LinkedIn Tracker to grow + nurture relationship 1

with a targeted LinkedIn Profile

1 hr each day for 3 days/week for 2/3 weeks. Continue ‘giving value’ to your connection without
any expectation. Once you are known, liked & trusted, people will give back!

• Research about the targeted LinkedIn Profile you want to connect with
• Send customized invite to connect
• Review Profile notifications & respond
• Comment on posts of your targeted active Profile. Leave thoughtful insights
• Reply or React to comments on your post
• Share or Like posts which people in your network will care
• Connect them with another person in your network or share a relevant article to help
solve Profile’s current pain point
• Follow targeted Profile activity – LinkedIn Groups, People interacted, Organization
• Follow mutually-interested LinkedIn Groups
• Leave insightful comment on the post targeted Profile interacted with < author can be
a non-connection >
• Send Relevant & Value InMail <after few weeks of to/fro of comment communication>
• Tag on Relevant or Value Post Presentation by Khatija Qureshi – A social media consultant & trainer

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