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Luis Alejandro Orozco Estrada

1. What do you know about garbage?

Garbage are all those wastes that leave the activities carried out by humans
on a daily basis, which after being used are disposed of as food and
machinery wraps, among others.
2. What are the consequences of garbage misuse?
The misuse that we give most of the time to garbage brings serious
consequences for our planet and therefore to all living beings, when we do
not properly handle these wastes we contaminate the ecosystems that
surround us causing them to be destroyed little by little. , the water sources
are finished the trees are burned by the contamination of the soil and the
atmosphere begins to be damaged since the waste as plastic wraps and the
materials of which many appliances are composed when they come in
contact with the sun generate radiation that break down the atmosphere,
causing the sun to enter the earth more directly and that is generating what
we know today as global warming.
3. What is the adequate way to handle garbage?
The proper way to manage our waste is to join the ecological campaigns
that currently exist which provide us with tools to give a better management
to the waste we produce, making use of recycling is one of the most
appropriate ways to perform a good process With the garbage, do not throw
everything into the landfill but separate those wastes that can be reused
from those that no longer have a useful life.

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