Reflective Skittles Project

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Emily Rimmasch


Reflective Skittles Project

This year was a year of growth. I had to learn a lot of new things in a lot of

different ways due to the coronavirus. This skittles project was a great opportunity to

put some of the things I have learned this year in this class to use. We were able to use

a real world example which was able to help me better understand why it is important

that we are learning these things now. I was a little bummed that I ended up taking this

class when quarantine hit because I was struggling a lot with keeping up with the

workload and learning new things every class period. But as I was talking with my sister

about this, she helped to realize how grateful I should be that I am learning these

certain subjects before I even go into college. This way, when I am actually in college

next year, I will be a step ahead when I am having to take more stat classes. This

project was a big help with realizing that and how it will benefit me in my future classes.

This project was a little bit of a struggle for me just with everything going on with the

world and my other classes. So, I had to figure out a lot of things on my own, which

helped to develop my problem solving and critical thinking skills. But I know that college

will be a lot like this, so it was good that I had some practice with it now. A lot of the

time in math I get frustrated thinking when am I ever going to use this in real life, but this

project helped me understand that there are a lot of creative and important ways that we
can use these math lessons in real life. Even though I may not become a statistician

when I am older, I can always have these skills with me.

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