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Week 1 Quiz Due Nov 3, 11:59 PM PST

Graded Quiz • 28 min

Lesson 1

Lesson 2
Week 1 Quiz
Week 1 Assessments

Quiz: Week 1 Quiz
Week 1
14 questions
Quiz Get closer to your goal
What differentiates an embedded system from most other desktop or server computer systems? 1 point
Peer-graded Assignment: Week You are 32% more likely
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1 Application apply) to complete the course if
You must review more classmates you finish the
Review Your Peers: Week 1
Application Assignment
There are more resources on Embedded Systems

Embedded Systems have virtually unlimited memory Submit your assignment

DUE Nov 3, 11:59 PM PST ATTEMPTS 3 every 8 hours
Embedded Systems focus on efficient execution of code

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Embedded Systems have a limited amount of hardware

Embedded Systems are sensitive to timing

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TO PASS 80 % or higher
Embedded Systems require a user interface

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2. Which of the options below is a valid function declaration? We keep your highest score 1 point


foo(int x);

int foo(12) { return ((x*x)/2)); }

int foo(int x);

int foo(int x) { return ((x*x)/2)); }

int foo() { return ((x*x)/2)); }

3. Which code declares two variables, an 8-bit type named foo (initialized to hexadecimal FF) and an 1 point
8-bit pointer variable named bar that points to the variable foo?

int foo = 255; int bar = *foo;

char foo = 255; char * bar = foo;

char foo = 0xFF; char bar = foo&;

char foo = 255; char * bar = &foo;

char foo = 0xFF; char * bar = *foo;

4. What Embedded Software Development components are necessary for developing a project? 1 point
(select all that apply)

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