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Climate Change Research Paper 1

Climate Change Research Paper

Estefani Arias

GLST 179

Professor White

May 19, 2020

Climate Change Research Paper 2


In recent years, many scientists worked hard in order to bring awareness to global

situations, such as climate change. Scientists, along with many other people such as myself,

could agree to the fact that this is a very serious issue that should be prevented. This research

paper will examine the many different ways humans cause climate change as well as the many

life-changing disasters that could potentially come along with it. This research paper will also

include the definition of climate change as well as, what the world needs to do in order to

prevent it from getting any worse. Our planet relies on us to keep it safe and healthy, but in

return, we have failed and caused climate change. We need to bring more awareness to our

current situation and prevent it from continuing into the future.

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With the advent of new developing technologies, humans seem to be too distracted to pay

attention to our poor decision makings which caused climate change. Our world relies on us to

make the right decisions every day by protecting it and keeping it healthy, but sadly we have

seemed to fail. Humans are the main resource as to how climate change begins, and according to

the New York Times, “​The world’s oceans are littered with trillions of pieces of plastic —

bottles, bags, toys, fishing nets and more, mostly in tiny particles — and now this seaborne junk

is making its way into the Arctic” (cite). This is just one of the many reasons why humans are the

main cause of climate change. In order to make a difference, we need to work together and make

a positive change. ​As a global community, we are sadly facing climate change and the negative

effects that come along with it, are closer to home then we think.

Climate Change

Climate change focuses on the severe change in temperature that could lead to more

effects that come along with it. ​Climate change consists of “ a long-term change in the average

weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional, and global climates. These

changes have a broad range of observed effects that are synonymous with the term” (Shaftel,

2020). Although climate change mainly focuses on the temperature, climate change brings along

many negative effects such as; high-temperature heat waves, increasing ocean temperatures, and

putting the lives of marine organisms and humans at risk. Therefore, just how our earth depends

on us to protect it, climate change depends on humans to prevent it from getting any more

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The Cause

Many people continue to litter and make poor decisions that increase climate change and

its effects. Humans are the main cause of climate change because “Changes observed in Earth’s

climate since the early 20th century are primarily driven by human activities, particularly fossil

fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere, raising

Earth’s average surface temperature” (Shaftel, 2020). The decision that was made back in history

caused us to get to where we are today, but instead of people making changes to their lifestyle to

prevent climate change, we seem to be encouraging it. The decision making that was made back

then was made due to the fact there were not many resources back then, but we now have many

alternatives and new materials to prevent us from making the same mistakes. Scientists now have

many new materials in order to be able to make more realistic predictions about what our world

has to expect in the near future, but regardless humans are the ones who are able to prevent it

from occuring. Sadly, our world fails at doing so, instead, we continue to harm our world and

make poor decisions every day that our world reflects on. We are not stopping but encouraging

climate change to continue.

Sadly, the green-house gasses that were exemplified in order to protect us, actually cause

danger to our atmosphere; “As understood from the work done by climate scientists, impacts of

climate change will be very wide-ranging—extreme climate, increased losses due to floods and

storms, rising sea levels, food scarcity, clean water shortage, increased mortality and illness,

devaluation of assets, constraints on energy use, and so on. The actuarial community has to

obtain a good understanding of the ​issues involved. Just sitting there without doing anything will

severely damage the profession’s reputation” (Black & Weisel, 2010). Technolog​y has grown
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very rapidly making it easier for a scientist to run labs and make more accurate predictions. It is

our job to take that information in and amplify it into our daily life routines. We need to bring

more awareness into situations that could have a positive impact on us all. Just how the decision

made in the past by our ancestors has reflected upon us, the decisions we all make today will

reflect in the future, therefore let’s be the change and stop climate change.

Who is at risk?

Who and what is at risk is everything and everyone. Climate change is in control of our

form of survival because if we let it continue, our corral reef will begin to die causing higher

ocean temperatures and heatwaves and causing a lot of the marine organisms to slowly die.

Humans rely on the marine organism as a source of protein just how many animals do as well.

Climate change could cause “extreme climate, increased losses due to floods and storms, rising

sea levels, food scarcity, clean water shortage, increased mortality and illness, devaluation of

assets, constraints on energy use, and so on. The actuarial community has to obtain a good

understanding of the issues involved” (SPUR, 2011). Climate change could be the end of what

the world has to offer because it could cause it to slowly begin to destroy itself and that could be

from any natural disaster climate change is able to cause. We need to not just be thinking about

ourselves but the world as a whole. The lives of many humans, animals, and marine organisms

are relying on us to make a change. The animals all around the world do not have the ability to

make such a positive change just how us humans do. We need to work together and have a plan

on how we want to make such a change.

Our world is so used to living day by day with their own custom routines but we need to

amplify a time where we dedicate on giving back to the earth. The earth is what gave us the
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ability to have what we have but we are taking advantage of it by not helping protect it. That is

able to show the fact that many of us are not taking climate change very seriously and we need to

realize the effects will affect us all. The future generations are also at risk, the decisions we make

now will reflect upon the future. Our generations are relying on us to make the change now and

set the example.

What are the effects that come along with climate change?

As if climate change is not enough, there are many negative effects that come along with

it. Some of the negative effects that come along with climate change include; coral reef

deterioration, rising sea levels, global warming, and potential health risk. According to research

done by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, “Climate change is more than global warming. The

rise in average temperature is only one indicator of broader changes also translating into extreme

temperatures, drought, flooding, storms, rising sea levels, impacts on food production, and

infectious diseases. Although the scientific community has been aware of the link between

greenhouse gases (GHGs) and climate change for many years, world leaders have been slow to

react and implement measures to mitigate the risks” (CIOA, 2015). People might believe that the

rise in high temperature is a problem but these high temperatures could lead to many lands

drying out and causing food production to slow down. With slow food production, the prices of

groceries and many other foods will begin to rise. The negative effects that come with climate

change cause so much danger for the world and people need to do anything possible to bring

more awareness to these situations and create a stop.

Corral Reef Deterioration

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Coral reef deterioration is one effect caused by climate change, and it could lead to corral

reef becoming instinct. Coral reef deterioration is putting the lives of marine organisms and

humans at risk. The coral reef environment mainly consists of “scleractinian-corals and ​coralline

algae​, while the foraminiferal assemblages play a major role in this ecosystem” (Mazumder,

2012). Coral reef deterioration is becoming worse due to many reasons, but one of the main

reasons is climate change. Climate change causes sea levels to rise and “induced rise in sea level

will adversely affect the coral community as the process of coral growth cannot keep pace with

rising sea level. Also, the changes in water temperature may have a negative impact on the

ecology of the coral” (Mazumder, 2012). For humans, coral reefs protect us and our world from

flooding. Floods could cause a lot of damage to our world and even end the lives of many. About

71,000 kilometers of coastline around the world is protected from over flooding all because of

coral reef (Fleetham, 2018). The characteristics of a coral reef are able to help us know when a

tropical storm could be close to occurring, their response to tropical storms are highly known.

(Peter, 2014). Corral reef has the ability to protect humans just how they protect marine


Corral reef plays a main role in the ecosystem by providing shelter. Crustaceans are one

of the many marine organisms that rely on the coral reef as a form of shelter; “the total of

crustaceans in a very small corral reef area was five hundred and twenty-five” (Krueck, 2017). A

variety of the “marine ecosystem relies on coral reef very heavily” (Makino 2013). They rely on

the coral reef as a form of shelter and potentially a habitat in times of danger. Coral reef gives

many marine organisms the protection and shelter they need to survive and be able to live. As for

humans, they rely on marine organisms as a form of protein so without corral reef our seafood
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production could become smaller and higher in price. Corral reefs are also able to protect

humans from any dangerous wave action that could lead to flooding. Coral reefs are also able to

protect us from tropical storms because they are able to respond to them, causing us humans to

become aware of their actions and lead us to the storm (Peter, 2014). Therefore, humans causing

climate change to increase and get worse will only cause corral reef deterioration to become

worse and put not just our lives at risk but also the marine organisms.

Sea Level Rise

The rise of sea levels could cause many floodings to occur all around the world. The

main factor of how to prevent it is preventing climate change. There are two main causes of the

rise in ocean/sea levels and that includes “One process, thermal expansion of the oceans, refers

to the oceans increasing in volume as they absorb atmospheric and land-generated heat, pushing

them higher onto the shore. The second process is the melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers

and ice sheets that occupy vast areas if Greenland and Antarctica” (SPUR, 2020). The two main

causes of overflooding lead to climate change, so in order to prevent overflooding, you need to

prevent climate change. It has the ability to make the weather be very high in temperature or

even cause it to get to its lowest.

Overflooding could put the life of us, humans, at risk as well as the marine organisms.

Overflooding for humans could cause damages to their belongings and even cause health

conditions. It is putting the lives of many at-risk and the marine organisms could die due to the

fact that people will rely on them as a resource of protein. Overflooding is caused by many days

of hard rainy days. It is known that rainy days are most likely to cause people to get into car

accidents due to the very wet road. Overflooding could make us lose the advantage to even be
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able to drive, or us your car to get into a car accident. We need to make sure we bring awareness

into these situations that could occur just because we do not do what should be done in the first

place, take care of our planet. A flood could be caused because of climate change due to the

effects of irregular wether. The over flooding of the environment could cause the world to be in

danger mainly because it is underwater. This could put our lives at risk because we could fail to

survive with the marine organisms.

The rise of sea level could put us all in potential danger and climate change could be a

major cause of that. With sea levels rising that could definitely mean that there are more storms

and rainy days occuring. Climate change can also be in control of how long these tragics occur

for, “ 40 percent of California’s land drains to San Francisco Bay, which means that storm floods

will last longer here than in higher-elevation regions” (SPUR, 2011). Although climate change is

what makes these tradegies occur we are the ones who are in control of being able to fight

against it and make it stop. We need to make positive changes into our lifestyle in order to make

a stop to climate change and not only protect ourselves but everything it puts in danger due too

its effects it can bring along.

Droughts Cause Danger

Along with climate change comes the negative effect droughts becoming more likely to

occur and global warming could support this effect. Water uncertainty is caused due to the rise or

drop in temperature that is caused because of climate change. According to the New York Times,

“The average temperature on the surface of the planet has already increased 1.7 degrees” (Gillis,

2017). That statement was made in 2017, which makes me believe the number has increased so

much higher up to date. The high rise in temperatures could cause a drought to occur due to the
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fact the sun will dry everything out. A good example of a drought that occurred recently is the

droughts in the Bay Area. From my personal experience, I remember seeing all about it on the

news, how so much was becoming dry and I remember them stating the fact that “Sierra

snowpack that provides natural water storage for freshwater supply-essential for many Bay Area

water agencies- is likely to melt earlier and more rapidly” (SPU, 2020). I remember my parents

taking this very seriously and up to date they still make sure to remind my siblings and I, to

preserve as much water as possible because droughts could come back easily.

With droughts could come the danger of no more food resources. Many farmlands and

food production farms could begin to dry out and not have much of anything to offer. This could

cause many people to also become jobless because maybe their job is growing the crops or

helping maintain them. Many people could also become homeless because their farm could be

what is helping them create an income. Something that affects us all is the fact that less

production means an increase in pricing. Any people could no longer be able to afford the high

prices for food causing them to sell what they have to offer such as their houses or personal

belongings. This, in the long run, could lead to more homeless people in our world or cause

many people to become crazy because they are not able to afford to buy food in order to survive.

Stop WildFires

It is expected that “due to the dry season starting earlier and ending later- wildfires are

expected to increase in both frequency and intensity” (SPU, 2020) Therefore, droughts could

also increase the causes of wildfires and affect our air pollution. Wildfires could cause many

homes to become destroyed and putting the lives of many in danger. Los Angeles California

suffered a massive wildfire in the year 2019. I remember the day I became informed about the
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tragedy my family called my sister telling her how my family’s home had got on fire. Luckily

my family made it out of their house on time, but all of their belongings were affected. My

family is now struggling to find a way to get a new birth certificate and personal documents. This

fire affected many other families the same way as it did to mine, some even worse. Overall this

fire was hard to identify the cause but the main answer given by many newspaper articles was

the fact that it was caused by climate change.

The scientist did not hesitate to predict that climate change was the cause. The Los

Angeles area had been experiencing a drought problem that could have caused the wildfires to

occur due to the dry land and high heat of the sun. The massive wildfire in Los Angeles

“​expanded to nearly 6,000 acres overnight in the San Fernando Valley, as officials warned that it

could become Los Angeles' largest fire on record” (NBC, 2019). This massive wildfire should

have been a wake-up call for everyone around the world. It should have caused people to realize

that we are putting ourselves in danger by not preventing climate change, but instead, people

continue to wait and make changes until it is too late.

Wildlife fires could cause the lives not only of humans to end but also animals.

Animals rely on the rainforest or any other natural resource as a form of shelter, so wildlife fires

could cause their shelter to be destroyed. These wildlife fire could put the resource that animals

have for food to get on fire and cause them to starve. Many wildlife animals are already

beginning to become closer to neighborhoods due to their land drying out and not being able to

provide. Therefore, they go to local neighborhoods or parks and search for garbage cans to find

old human food waste. We are slowly destroying our earth day by day and all of the beautiful

things it has to offer.

Climate Change Research Paper
Health at Risk

A major risk that comes along with climate change is the risk of making it easier for

viruses or other sicknesses to spread. Climate change is able to “alters how we relate to other

species on Earth and that matters to our health and our risk for infections” (Bernstei, 2020). Due

to the change in heat, it causes many animals on land or sea to interact with one another because

they are headed in the same direction, they want to avoid the heat. By animals doing so, “animals

are coming into contact with other animals they normally wouldn’t, and that creates an

opportunity for pathogens to get into new hosts” (Bernstei, 2020). This is putting the life of

humans and animals at risk and it could lead to many people not being able to survive and pass

the viruses.

The current situation our world is facing could have been easily spread due to the fact

that we are suffering from climate change. COVID-19 has now caused many people to stay in

the shelter for more than two months. There is still no say as to when everything will be able to

go to what we identified as “normal” because our world currently is just trying to stay clean and

stay safe. Climate change has made many conditions easier to spread, some of them could

include “​ ​Lyme disease, waterborne diseases such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus which causes

vomiting and diarrhea, and mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Future

risks are not easy to foretell, but climate change hits hard on several fronts that matter to when

and where pathogens appear, including temperature and rainfall patterns” (Bernstei, 2020). That

s able to prove the fact that climate change could have a major effect on our health conditions

because it could be a major role in the spreading of some viruses and more. In order to be able to

help prevent putting our lives at risk it is our job to make the world a greener and cleaner place
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by keeping it clean and healthy. We need to do anything to “limit the risk of infectious diseases,

we should do all we can to vastly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming to

1.5 degrees” (Bernstei, 2020). The world and the future generations are relying on us to leave

them a good and healthy planet, so we need to do anything possible in order to make that happen.

Those generations could be our kids or even friends of our family members or loved ones, we

need to care before it is to late.

Us humans have now begun to make drastic changes to our lifestyle in order to help

prevent the spread of the COVID-19, so we should do the same with climate change. There have

also been new laws and regulations that are not simplified such as not being allowed to enter any

store without a mask. We should bring more awareness to climate change and how it could have

been a major effect of why the COVID-19 spread so quickly. We need to amplify new laws and

regulations that will encourage people to pick up trash or at least clean up after themselves. We

need to begin making changes as soon as possible because the later, the worse climate change

could get.

US President Donald Trump's Position on Climate Change

Many people are not aware that climate change is even occurring and one of the main

reasons why is because the political press decides not to talk about these current situations we are

facing. US President Donald Trump takes a very bad position on climate change. He seems to

want to ignore the fact that it is causing many dangers and tries to make jokes out of such serious

situations. In one of his tweets on Twitter he wrote: “It’s freezing in New Your- where the hell is

global warming?” The fact that the President does not take global warming, climate change or

any other environmental issue serious is very bad.

Climate Change Research Paper
The lives of many people are at risk due to climate change and global warming and

instead of trying to amplify new laws and regulations r set the example of the changes you can

make to help prevent climate change, he decided to make inappropriate jokes about serious

issues we are facing together. The President should be setting an example and encouraging

others to do things for our community in order to make a difference. The President needs to show

his interest in trying to do anything possible to keep us safe, and by him making jokes about

situations that should be taken seriously is really sad. It makes people look at serious issues as a

joke. The fact that he makes jokes about serious situations also makes people think that maybe

science predictions are not true because he is not taking it seriously. In the end, the fact that we

are currently experiencing climate change should be more than enough proof to make people

want to change their lifestyle for the better. We should make it known that our President is not

setting a good example and he needs to set an example for everyone.

Scientific Predictions

Scientists have always done anything possible to help us prevent any danger that is ahead

of us, and climate change was definitely one. From years back climate change has always been

discussed but never really taken seriously. Many scientific predictions did predict that the current

situations we are currently facing could have been prevented if we would have listened to

scientific research shared before. One of the common scientific predictions regarding climate

change involves “​Scientists studying global warming also face a different, though no less vexing,

the difficulty of communicating their results to others and of convincing them that the knowledge

that they have gained has value in spite of its unavoidable uncertainties” (Blac & Weisel, 2010).
Climate Change Research Paper
The graph below (figure 1)is also able to show a graphical representation of the

predictions made “depending on how much control green gas emissions, average temperatures in

California will be 4 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit Higher by 2100 than they are today” (SPUR, 2011).

It shows the fact that greenhouse gases are making a negative effect on us, causing the

temperature to go down. Not only are greenhouse gases causing this negative effect to occur, but

the main resource is climate change. We have the ability to stop the graph from becoming

realistic and our biggest answer is making climate change come to a stop. The irregular weather

is causing the live and heath of many.

Figure 1:

(SPUR, 2011).

How to Prevent Climate Change

In order to prevent climate change humans need to make many changes in their lifestyle

and most importantly they are going to want to make a change. Everyone should have the

motivation to make a difference and give back to the earth by keeping it clean and healthy. We

need to reduce, reuse, and recycle. By recycling we are helping keep the environment cleaner

and helping create less waste. We need to be responsible with our trash and help others keep the
Climate Change Research Paper
environment clean as well. The amount of marine organisms in danger due to plastic waste is

crazy and all the waste could lead to climate change occuring and soon the world could become

flooded or even dried out. We need to make sure to reduce the greenhouse effect because

although it claims to protect us it could also do us harm. We need to make sure not to burn any

fossil fuels because that is a major cause of climate change.

We could begin helping the environment so much more and keeping it healthy by

planting more trees and taking care of nature. We make sure we are picking up after ourselves

and always doing what’s right for ourselves and the environment. Taking more public

transportations or walking. We should try to avoid driving our cars because it could cause

damage to the environment. We could create many different organizations that help communities

struggling with the motivation to prevent climate change. We could start fundraisers to help pay

people to help keep the environment clean and pick up trash or even plant trees at local parks

with children. We need to focus on everything green and everything clean! We need to be

thinking not only about ourselves but the future as well and what better way to make a difference

than to be the difference and set the example.

In my opinion, I feel that more laws and regulations need to be amplified in order to see a

change as well. I think all school districts should require all grade levels to participate in a

community service which could include, picking up trash or planting trees or any other activities

that help keep the earth nice and healthy. By kids beginning at such a young age to add these

lessons into their lifestyle routine, our world would benefit so much from it. It will become an

everyday routine for students to make a difference or make the right decision that helps protect
Climate Change Research Paper
our environment. I feel that people need to care about the earth just as much as they care about

their loved ones. In the end by them caring about the earth it is helping protect their loved ones.


There are many organizations around the world that are created in order to help bring

more awareness to climate change. There are also many organizations that help bring people

together to make a change. Some of the organizations that are also able to educate people more

on climate change and the reasonings of why we should care are; U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) - Climate Change Science, NOAA Education - Climate Change, and Our Planet,

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and, National Center for Atmospheric

Research (NCAR)” (AAG, 2010).

People need to become more aware of the different organizations created around them because

many of them could involve environmental information that helps protect our planet. We need to

become informed on the different things our planet does not benefit from and what we need to

stay away from in order to help keep it healthy. The only people who are able to prevent climate

change from continuing or getting worse is all of the human population. We all have either a

negative or positive approach and participation in our current climate change situation as a


San Jose State University Making a Change

Although humans are the main cause of climate change, there is a large percentage of

people who are already striving to make a positive change. Their is many organizations that

currently are taking place to prevent climate change from getting worse. At San Jose State

University, their is many resources to become informes with climate change and its negative
Climate Change Research Paper
effects. Due to our recent COVID-19 outbreak and having to stay quarantine it made it

impossible for San Jose State to be able to do their Earth Day event where they have many

different booths showing the effects of climate change and how we should be making a change. I

had the chance to take part throughout my whole college experience and luckily COVID-19 did

not stop us from making earth day just as special.

The earth day event I participated in was on: April 9th at it was titled - Green Career

Panel. This meeting was run by the Green Career Panel group at San Jose State University and

the people involved in the zoom call were: Kristin Keller, Chad White, Hannah Greenberg,

Christophe LaBelle, Sarah Abdelaziz, and Tia Labherz. In the zoom meeting they started off

with a little ice breaker by introducing themselves as well as a little sneak peeks of what they

were going to be discussing in the 5 minutes each of them was given. The zoom meeting overall

really focused on the environment and what we could do in order to make it a greener and better

place as well as what we can do to bring more awareness into situations our current world is

facing together. The main question that many of the Green Carrer Panel asked throughout the

meeting was “How can we make people care about these things/ how can we make them

matter?” When they started this question I thought to myself we can’t make people care about

things they don’t care about it but as Sarah spoke up in regards to the question she talked about

the community and what she does herself in order to get people to realize that when it comes to

the earth and environment everyone should care. Her best piece of advice on making a change

was to start off somewhere, no matter how big or small your change is, it’s making more of a

difference than not doing anything at all.

Climate Change Research Paper
Something that really spoke out to me was when Mr. White introduced us all to the

“pyramid of matters” I believe that is what he called it but in the pyramid there was energy,

water, air, materials, land, and food. All of the important essentials one needs in order to survive.

Something that also outspoke to me was when he stated that “People will forget what you say but

remember what they feel.” He was providing us with tips and tricks in order to get into realizing

that we need to make changes. His words of wisdom really outspoke to me also because I feel

like it is completely true, and that could be a way to make people realize that they have to love

and care for the environment. Without us there is no such thing as change so it is our job to make

things happen. Overall this zoom meeting was very informative but also very helpful. This zoom

call is just one way that San Jose State University already made a difference, now our job as

students is to take the information and bring more awareness to it. I believe that many schools

should take San Jose State University as an example of what they can do in order to get their

students informed and more involved. The many organizations and clubs San Jose State

University is able to offer helps motivate students to care and spread that awareness around the


Organizations In San Jose

I am from San Jose, California, and I am proud to be able to say there are many

organizations and fundraisers that are able to help prevent climate change not just for our city but

all over the world. +350 is a Silicon Valey organization that helps bring people together to

spread awareness and make a change. Some of the past events the organizations have put into

place include marches to protest water waste and some of the events they are planning to do this

upcoming year include “Grounded in Community” which involves a “clime-friendly, plant-based

Climate Change Research Paper
dinner, and learn about regenerative agriculture” (350 Silicon Valley, 2012). This organization

also gives the ability of people to donate in order to help continue these organizations and

protests that are upcoming. This is able to set an example of what all the communities around the

world need to be doing, in order to help make a positive difference. We all share this planet, so

we should all be responsible and take some action into keeping it healthy and preventing it from

getting any worse.


Humans are the major cause of climate change and only we can stop it. We need to

realize the seriousness of the current situations our world is facing. We can, make changes by

volunteering at organizations, making our own organizations, and making the right decisions that

our planet benefits from. Past history decision makings are what lead us to suffer from climate

change, as well as us continuing to make poor decisions every day. We should encourage each

other to go plant trees together or pick up trash in our local community or beaches. It does not

matter what or how much we do to make a difference, its the fact that we are setting the example

and trying our best what matters. No one else is gonna care about our earth as much as we should

so we need to make changes to leave our world a great place for future generations. We need to

make it known that our President is not setting a good example when it comes to earth crisis

situations. We all have a voice and we need to use it by bringing more awareness to climate

change. We are all in this together, and together we will stop climate change.
Climate Change Research Paper

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Climate Change Research Paper

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