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The Agnya Chakra

Where and What is the Agnya


The Agnya Chakra is located in the optic
nerve in the brain.

It’s position corresponds to the forehead.

It can be understood as the gateway to the
last Chakra (The Sahasrara) and to the
state of thoughtless awareness.
What are the Qualities of the
Agnya Chakra?

The qualities of the Agnya Chakra are
forgiveness, humility and compassion.

However, the main quality of the Agnya
Chakra is forgiveness.
– Forgiveness of others and of yourself.
– Thus, the affrmation we use at the Agnya
Chakra is “I forgive myself, and I forgive
everyone”. Additionally, this affrmation can be
used to clear an obstruction in the Agnya.
Left Agnya

The Left Agnya is connected to the
superego which retains memories,
experiences, habits and emotions.

Problems with the Left Agnya can lead to
extreme self-doubt and a loss of

To resolve obstructions in the Left Agnya,
meditation and mental silence is
Right Agnya

The Right Agnya is connected to the ego
within the brain which regulates our focus
on the future, planning and action.

Obstructions in the Right Agnya can lead
to over-aggressiveness and agitation.

Like the Left Agnya, meditation, mental
silence and raising the Kundalini serve to
remove obstructions in the Right Agnya.
Central Agnya

The Central Agnya can be obstructed by
an inability to forgive, or a lack of humility.

As above, the Central Agnya is the
gateway through which the Kundalini rises
to the Sahasrara, and through which we
can achieve thoughtless awareness.

To remove this obstruction, one can
meditate, and use the affrmation, “I
forgive myself, I forgive everyone.”

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