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The faster air flows, the less pressure it has.

For birds and airplanes, lift is caused by air moving around their
wings creating pressure that keeps them up. Lift keeps airplanes
in the sky, while thrust gives them power to move forward.
Airplanes use airfoils to create lift using Bernoulli’s Principle.

Daniel Bernoulli was an eighteenth-century Swiss scientist who

studied the relationship between the speed of a fluid and the
pressure that fluid is able to exert. He discovered that as the
velocity (speed) of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases.
Bernoulli's principle applies to any fluid, and therefore, applies
to air. Bernoulli’s principle is that airplanes fly because the
pressure above the wing is less than the pressure below the

When air is moving, It creates areas of high pressure and areas

of low pressure. Fast moving air creates an area of low pressure
because the particles are spread further apart while high
pressure air has particles packed closer together.
Airplane wings are
designed to take
advantage of lift. They
are shaped so that air has
to travel farther over the
top of the wing than
underneath it. The
bottom is flat, while the
top is curved.

Air travels across the top and bottom at the same time, so air
travels slower on the bottom resulting in high air pressure. The
faster air travels on top of the wing resulting in lower air
pressure. This shorter distance under the wings results in higher
pressure, and this higher pressure underneath helps push the
wings of the plane up and produce lift.

You can demonstrate Bernoulli’s Principle with a piece of
notebook paper. Fold the paper in half the short way, so that
you have a tent shape. Now, set the tent on a table and blow
very carefully (slow and firm) through one of the open ends.

The sides of the tent will stick together but the tent won’t
collapse. This occurs because the velocity (speed) of your
breath is more than that of the air outside of the tent, causing
lower air pressure. The air outside the tent has higher air
pressure and pushes the sides of the tent inward.

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