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My Classmate

My classmate is Rebecca Wong. She is of average height. She has

medium-length hair and she always wears it in two ponytails. She wears

glasses. She has a pair of pretty black eyes, a tiny nose and scarlet lips.

There are three family members in her family. She has no siblings. Her

mother is an accountant and her father is a manager.

        Rebecca is generous. She always shares her things with me. She is

industrious too. She does the revision frequently. She is a role model.

She is helpful and obedient at home. She helps with the housework every

day. She also behaves well at school. She is polite to her schoolmates and


        Rebecca likes painting pictures and playing badminton in her leisure

time. We have the same hobbies. We both like swimming and reading

adventurous storybooks.

        I enjoy playing and studying with Rebecca because when I am upset,

she always gives me some advice and I become delighted again. We are

best friends forever.

Behave Well

Talk to the librarian politely.

Read quietly.
Don't be so messy, Mary!
You shouldn't eat or drink in the library.

Dress tidily.
Speak to the teachers politely.
Don't be so naughty, Dom Dom!
You shouldn't run in the classroom.

Line up patiently.
Walk slowly onto the MTR.
Don't be so rude, Tom!
You shouldn't jump the queue on the MTR platform.

Speak softly.
Eat and drink quietly.
Don't be so noisy, Robert!
You shouldn't shout or play around in the restaurant.

Wait for your turn to take photos patiently.

Speak to your friends softly.
Don't be so impolite, Jim Jim!
You shouldn't push others in the museum.
School Picnic

On 21st November, we had our school picnic. We went to Aberdeen

Country Park. We went there by school bus. At around 9 o'clock in the
morning, we set off to the country park. It was sunny and warm. It was a
perfect weather for an outing. We chatted and sang songs on the way to
the picnic site.

        We ate some snacks first when we arrived at the picnic site. Then,
we walked around the picnic site and took a good look at the barbecue
site. We met some morning walkers on the way. We gazed at the
wonderful view, too. The sky was a brilliant blue and the grass was an
emerald green. I liked the view very much. We ate our lunch at noon. We
put the mats on the floor and started to eat. I brought some chocolate,
sandwiches and chicken wings. We shared our food with our friends.
After lunch, we had an inter-class competition. We played paper-
scissors-stone with our classmates and found out the winner among all
of us. After that, we took our class photos and played card games with
our friends. We had a happy time.

        We started leaving at three thirty in the afternoon. I felt happy and
excited on the school bus. But at the same time, I was very tired.
However, I couldn't fall asleep because almost everyone kept on singing
and talking loudly on the school bus. I would like to go there again
because the view was amazing.
The Most Delightful Shopping Day

Today was windy. My best friend, June and I went shopping in

Central. We wanted to buy some birthday presents for our classmate. We
will join a birthday party next week.

        In the morning, we went there by tram. We visited a gift shop first.
There were different kinds of gifts. I chose a doll and a box of puzzles.
June chose a Hello Kitty kettle.

        In the afternoon, we went to a clothes shop. I wanted to buy some

party clothes. The saleswoman gave me a long dress and a short skirt. I
did not like any of them. I kept on trying different clothes. There were a
lot of dresses hanging on the rack. Finally, I chose a red blouse and a
green checkered skirt. I recognized the shopkeeper. He was my uncle. He
gave me a discount of ten percent.

        It was half past six in the evening. I had many shopping bags in my
hands. We took the MTR to Causeway Bay. Traveling by MTR was
comfortable and fast. We had a delicious meal at a Vietnamese

        I enjoyed this shopping day. I loved the red blouse and the green
checkered skirt most. I was very happy because I could go shopping with
my best friend, June.
Who Would Win?

Last Sunday, ABC Animal School had their sports day. They had it on

Happy Sports Ground. They had four events. They were high jump, 100 – metre

race, shot put and long jump. In the 100-metre race, Tim the Tiger, Joey the

Horse, Ken the Dog, Coco the Rabbit and Lili the Giraffe joined the


        Tim was as strong as a lion and it is fast. Joey was as fast as lightning.

They were all very fast. Ken was small but Coco was the smallest. Lili was the

tallest. I thought Tim would win the competition.

        The competition started. Tim and Joey were so fast. Oh! Tim fell down and

got hurt. Joey was leading at the beginning. Coco tried her best and did not give

up. She jumped and touched the finishing line. In the end, Coco won!

        All the animals were surprised. This story teaches us not to give up.
Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1471. He was an

explorer and a sailor. He believed that the Earth was round and

he wanted to sail around the world to prove this. Queen

Isabella of Spain paid for him to sail with three ships across the

Atlantic Ocean. He was the first person from Europe to discover


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