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Special Report

Special – Supplying
Report the Power
– Supplying Grid Grid
the Power

Intelligent Energy Measurement

Current transformers for "Smart Meters"
Let’s consider the public perspective: "Intelligent meters locate electricity hogs"; "Intelligent current
meters"; "How smart is the power customer?"; "The digital electricity meter gains broad acceptance".
These are only a few of the press headlines from recent months - under which one could than read more
and more analyses and estimates on energy meters. The development of electronic meters is driven by the
necessity to act in an eco-conscious manner and save energy.

By Dr. Ulrich Cebulla, GF-S Special Projects, Vacuumschmelze, Hanau, Germany

he European Union initiated For several years now, the engineering count via monthly advance payments.
the climate-control package of these "Smart Meters" has been under Yet the times are changing: energy
"20-20-20" in 2007 – with the aim way on a global scale. In this context, costs are continuously on the rise – and
of reducing the output of greenhouse the United States is the forerunner; yet suppliers as well as consumers have an
gases by the year 2020 to the extent of also in many European countries, the interest in establishing the most effec-
20%, to increase energy efficiency by old meters are being replaced by "Smart tive and most affordable energy-supply
20% and raise the percentage of renew- Meters". system possible. Climate-control policy
able energy sources by 20%. For the also demands of all parties involved the
electric-power market, this means that Current transformers (CT) made of intelligent and eco-friendly handling of
to achieve this aim, energy consump- nano-crystalline or amorphic magneti- resources.
tion must be calculated as accurately cally soft cores such as those manu-
as possible. For this purpose, new factured by the company Vacuum- Now, newly-passed energy legislation
electronic meters – so-called "Smart schmelze GmbH & Co. KG in Hanau are in Europe is forcing the energy compa-
Meters" - are needed. important components of this process nies to introduce (as of 2010) new, intel-
when it comes to measuring current. ligent meters.
These current transformers demon-
strate particular suitability for the exact Already in the past few years, in this
and reliable calculation of energy con- context, where the gauging of the con-
sumption. sumption of electrical energy is con-
cerned, new electronic meters (so-called
Intelligent meters squeeze old "Smart Meters") were tested by energy
meters out of the companies.
Each household has
at least one energy
meter which measures
the electrical energy
consumed – in kWh
(kilowatt hours). In
Germany, this is usual-
ly an old Ferraris meter
(an electro-mechanical
meter with an alumini-
um platform and a me-
chanical roller counter.
In this context, it is Figure 2: Hysteresis response of a current transformer
Figure 1: Exterior view of a "Smart still standard proce- with a homogenous core. Due to the highly linear
Meter". The transducers are in the dure to record energy characteristic curve around the operating point at H = 0,
lower section; the display unit can be consumption annually the very good response with regard to the DC stability
seen in the upper section. and to pass it to ac- and freedom from distortion for the output signal occurs.

44 Power Systems Design Europe September 2009

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Special Report – Supplying the Power Grid

These devices – unlike the old Fer- approx. 146 million kilowatt hours per be replaced by new "Smart Meters", a
raris meters – enable the calculation of year – which corresponds to approx. massive roll-out of these meters can be
consumption in virtually real time, along one quarter of total consumption of anticipated in Europe within the next
with the supply of this information to electrical energy in Germany. several years. In the NAFTA region,
the consumer via various communica- one can reckon with similarly high unit
tions channels (for instance, via WLAN Currently, the total costs for electrical quantities. Also in many Asian countries,
or power-line communications) – also energy (for a typical four-person house- work on the development of new energy
to one's home computer. This means hold in Germany) amount to 600 € - 1,000 concepts and electricity grid is under
that each household which has installed € per year. way – which will then require more than
such a new meter can individually cal- four times the quantity of Smart Meters
culated the current rate of consumption, Economic research assumes that estimated for Europe.
monitor consumption habits and with solely due to the comprehensive intro-
that, for instance, identify 'energy hogs' duction of intelligent energy meters, To gain experience with this new gen-
within the household. there is a possible savings in private eration of meters, test runs are taking
energy consumption which can amount place (in Germany, for instance, since
This measures must be flanked by to up to 7%. If this is flanked by the new early 2008), conducted by the four major
new rate models from energy companies price structures set by energy compa- energy companies RWE, e.on, EnBW
- which would then enable consumers nies which enable consumers to opti- and Vattenfall.
to act even more cost-consciously (for mise their consumption (for instance,
instance, by introducing load-variable to run the washing machine when this In this context, one of the most widely
rates or rates dependent on the time of is most affordable), even greater saving known test runs in Germany is be-
day. are certainly possible. ing conducted by RWE in Mülheim, in
which up to 10,000 households will be
With that, the old meters have be- Test runs with electronic meters connected. In this process (in addition
come obsolete and are being rapidly Since around 2007, test runs have to their technical quality), also the ac-
replaced by the new electronic meters. been ongoing in Europe conducted ceptance on the part of consumers and
by energy companies (on the use of the handling of these devices are to be
Electrical-energy consumption: electronic energy meters in private tested. The new meters are installed in
Germany as an exemplary model households. Throughout Europe, it is place of the old Ferraris meter – and the
In Germany, there are approx. 39 mil- estimated that there are approx. 200 data can be transmitted to the energy
lion households. Their energy consump- million energy meters. If all these coun- company – for instance, via Power Line
tion by way of electricity amounts to ters should (within the next few years) Communication (known as PLC, data

Figure 3: TERIDIAN semiconductor module (left) and simplified diagram (right) for 3-phase electricity meter with integrated
functions for temperature and phase compensation, manipulation detection, slight fluctuations and a high level of repetition
accuracy. 45

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Special Report – Supplying the Power Grid

transmission via the electrical grid) or suitable for metering alternating current are significant disadvantages with regard
via a mobile communications interface – and with that, to determine energy to linearity and temperature response
(GPRS), which is partially integrated in consumption more or less accurately. – or also when an electrical isolation is
the Smart Meter. With that, the pos- For each process, there are already required. In the U.S., therefore, due to
sibilities for remote reading and remote products on the market used in elec- the typically high amperages used there
interference by the grid service pro- tronic meters. In the household sector, and to the applicable quality standards,
vider and/or the energy company are current intensities of 20A to 320A are primarily current transformers are used.
tested in order to receive more accurate typical (according to whether these are
consumption data more simply than used in the 1-phase or 3-phase range All in all, there are "Smart Meters" on
before. In Figure 1, one can see such an – or, for instance, in the U.S., where the the market which function according to
electronic meter like the ones used in standard voltage is 120V). one of the four principles. Current trans-
the household sector. formers, however, have inherent techni-
Ideally, one expects from this current cal advantages compared to the other
From this perspective, "Smart Meters" metering that they meet the follow- principles.
are an investment in the future. They ing standards: highly linear across
supply a basic element for the further the entire current range, non-sensitive Current transformers for "Smart
expansion of the grid to create a so- to DC components, non-sensitive to Meters"
called "Smart Grid". With innovative interspersed DC or AC fields along with For many years now, current trans-
systems, the evolution of a grid which the simplest-possible calibration of the formers (and especially the applications
integrates the various elements in the phase response and the temperature in electronic meters) have been part of
energy market – such as high-fluctuation dependency across the gauging range. the Vacuumschmelze product portfolio.
energy capacities, de-centralised sup- None of the aforementioned principles, In this context, cores for these trans-
ply, block heat and power plants, solar however, completely fulfils all of these formers are wound from rapidly-settling
and wind energy, etc. - is enabled. conditions. amorphic magnetic bands. Here, the
material parameters are set so as to
Current Metering processes With current transformers based on enable the achievement of cores with
Before the level of energy consump- nano-crystalline or amorphic homog- low permeability and very high linear-
tion can be determined, the current yield enous cores, the best results can be ity in the subsequent process steps.
must be metered – correctly and accu- achieved in this process in terms of ac- In Figure 2, the hysteresis response of
rately. That initially sounds simpler than curacy, linearity and reliability. such a core is illustrated. In the operat-
it often is in practise. For this purpose, ing point at H = 0, one recognises the
one must interfere with the current flow Of course, the costs of physical highly linear response of this current
- and here, there are essentially four dif- metrology also play a role in the pro- transformer.
ferent metering principles for metering cess. However, in relation to the total
alternating current: system costs for a "Smart Meter" (that Based on these material properties,
is to say, including the analysis electron- these current transformers display sig-
1) With a shunt ics, the data interface and the display nificant advantages for the determina-
2) With a semiconductor component unit) are not the decisive cost block. In tion of electrical-energy consumption:
(hall sensor) this context, for example, the metering
3) With an air-core coil (Rogowski coil) shunt is a rather simple and low-cost a) Broad tolerances range on the part
4) With a coil featuring a magnetically solution – and is already used in many of the output signal towards DC compo-
soft core (current transformer) countries where only single-phase grid nents in the current path ("DC stability")
are installed (i.e., in numerous European b) Very constant phase error and con-
In principle, all of these processes are countries and in Asia). However, there stant temperature response which are
very simple to compensate electroni-
c) Very high linearity across the entire
current Metering range – particularly
also in the case of very low currents
and outputs (such as, for instance, in
energy-saving bulbs)
d) Very light metering errors in com-
plex loads for the electrical grid (such
as, for instance, in a household, where
ohm, capacitive and inductive loads can
occur simultaneously)
e) Very low interference due to stray
fields (i.e., electronic devices in close
Figure 4: VAC current transformers for use in "Smart Meters", in different proximity to a meter) due to the symme-
configurations (various intensities of current, with /without integrated insulation). try of the current transformers

46 Power Systems Design Europe September 2009

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Special Report – Supplying the Power Grid

As we have already mentioned in Item Meters") have yet to be implemented in ences is required.
b), due to the phase and temperature the form of requirements concerning the
response, an electronic compensation gauging principles. Highly-linear cores with high dynam-
is required for all metering principles. ics, minimal interference, very good
Due to the outstanding properties of the It is clearly foreseeable that the stan- linearity and extremely high reliability
current transformers, this compensation dards regarding the components for a enable meter manufacturers to place
is possible with very simple and afford- modern and reliable electrical-supply future-oriented "Smart Meters" on the
able ICs. The companies TERIDIAN and grid will continue to improve. market.
ANALOG DEVICES both already offer
integrated circuitry for these current The company Vacuumschmelze is Conclusion
transformers, with which simple signal closely following the developments "Smart Meters" will squeeze the old
processing can be warranted. Figure concerning standardisations and electro-mechanical meters from the
3 shows the finished TERIDIAN semi- engineering standards – and is in the market. The requirements imposed upon
conductor module (left) and simplified process implementing the specifications this new generation of meters have, in
diagram (right). The ICs are designed required by networks operators, energy- this context, significantly increased –
for three-phase electricity meters with supply companies and standardisation and particularly necessitate (on the part
integrated functions for temperature committees in the form of products. of metrology) highly precise and reliable
and phase compensation, manipulation Due to many years of experience in the components. For this purpose, the cur-
detection, low fluctuations and high ac- magnetic-materials sector, we have a rent transformers made by the company
curacy of the energy gauging (repetition technically and economically future-ori- Vacuumschmelze offer in the totality of
accuracy). ented solution in our portfolio – with the their properties a technically and com-
aforesaid current transformers based on mercially efficient solution. The portfolio
Regarding the required specifica- VITROPERM® or VITROVAC®. of components is completed by magnet
tions for "Smart Meters" (i.e., according cores and transformers for the sector
to the European norms IEC and MID), In Figure 4, various configurations for of data interfaces (i.e., PLC, "Power
there are currently several discussions current transformers (for various amper- Line Communication") for these "Smart
still taking place. Many conditions for a ages) are indicated. In this context, also Meters".
future-oriented energy-supply grid and metallic insulations can be integrated
its components (particularly the "Smart when non-sensitivity to external influ-

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