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TS or Dept./Group or Supplier/Contractor Document No.
Geneva 23 File name:




This note describes the present state of the CERN electrical network. A general overview of the
electrical installations and equipment at all voltage levels is given. The note is intended as a
reference for any purpose requiring knowledge of the CERN electrical network structure and its

Prepared by : G. Gumer Checked by: G. Gumer Approuved by: J. Pedersen

Date: July 2005 Date: July 2005 Date: July 2005


History of changes

Rev. n° Date Pages Description of changes

001 January 1998 SL-PO Technical Note n° 22 (G. Kowalik – G. Cumer)
002 July 2005 All

Version du template: 2000-09-18

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1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................3

2. GENERALITIES.................................................................................................................................................3

3. NETWORK TOPOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................6

3.1 Main Prévessin substation (EDF)..................................................................................................................6
3.1.1 The 400kV substation (BEH)................................................................................................................6
3.1.2 The 66kV substation (SE9) ...................................................................................................................6
3.1.3 The pulsed load 18kV substation (BE) .................................................................................................6
3.1.4 The general services 18kV substation (BE9)........................................................................................7
3.2 The Meyrin main substation (EOS) ..............................................................................................................7
3.2.1 130kV substation ..................................................................................................................................7
3.2.2 18 kV substation (ME10)......................................................................................................................7
3.3 66kV network................................................................................................................................................7
3.4 18kV network................................................................................................................................................8
3.4.1 18kV SPS pulsed network.....................................................................................................................8
3.4.2 18kV SPS stable network......................................................................................................................8
3.4.3 18kV LHC machine network.................................................................................................................8
3.4.4 18kV LHC general services network ....................................................................................................9
3.4.5 18kV network on the Meyrin site..........................................................................................................9
3.4.6 18kV network interconnections ............................................................................................................9
3.4.7 18kV summer and winter configurations............................................................................................10
3.4.8 18kV automatic source transfer EDF/EOS (AUTO TRANSFER) ......................................................10
3.4.9 18kV earthing system .........................................................................................................................10
3.5 3.3kV networks ...........................................................................................................................................10
3.6 Diesel-generator assured network ...............................................................................................................11
3.6.1 Meyrin ................................................................................................................................................11
3.6.2 SPS and North Area ...........................................................................................................................11
3.6.3 LHC....................................................................................................................................................11
3.7 Emergency Stop System .............................................................................................................................11
3.8 Low voltage 400V network.........................................................................................................................12
3.9 48V DC network .........................................................................................................................................12
3.10 Layout of a typical electrical substation......................................................................................................13
3.11 Power distribution network SCADA system ..............................................................................................13
4. EQUIPMENT QUANTITIES...........................................................................................................................13
4.1 400 kV.........................................................................................................................................................13
4.2 130 kV.........................................................................................................................................................14
4.3 66 kV network.............................................................................................................................................14
4.4 18 kV network.............................................................................................................................................14
4.5 3.3 kV network............................................................................................................................................14
4.6 400 V network.............................................................................................................................................14
4.7 Uninterruptible Power Supplies ..................................................................................................................14
4.8 110/48 V DC network .................................................................................................................................14
4.9 Diesel-generator sets ...................................................................................................................................14
4.10 Gas turbine powered generator ...................................................................................................................14

Fig. 1 - General lay-out of the CERN power network
Fig. 2 - Simplified layout of the CERN electrical network
Fig. 3 - Simplified layout of the assured network on the Meyrin and SPS sites
Fig. 4 - CERN power pulses

Appendix 1 - Electrical substation SE2

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The following note presents a general overview of the CERN electrical network. It is
intended as an Appendix for market surveys, technical specifications or any other activity
requiring general knowledge of the CERN electrical network and its future developments.

Fig. 1 shows the geographical overview of the CERN power distribution network.
Fig. 2 shows a simplified single-line diagram of the CERN electrical network.

The CERN electrical network is supplied from two sources:

• EOS (Energie Ouest Suisse) Swiss regional grid company, through a 130kV overhead
line from the Verbois power station near Geneva.
• RTE (Réseau Transport Electrique), French national grid company through a 400kV
overhead line from the Génissiat power station, via the Bois-Tollot station near
CERN’s Prévessin site.

There are two input substations corresponding to these two sources:

• RTE - The main 400kV/66kV/18kV substation on the Prévessin site with 66kV and
18kV distribution.
• EOS - The 130kV substation on the Meyrin site with its 18kV distribution.

CERN has a 66kV cable net which assures the power transmission to the substation BE9
and the high-power LHC access points: 2, 4, 6, 8 and also to the access point 1. In these
points further transformation 66kV/18kV is done.

CERN internal power distribution is done at the 18kV level.

The accelerators require large amounts of pulsed power, supplied through thousands of
controlled rectifier stations. Apart from the large fluctuating active power, the rectifiers also
consume a high level of reactive power and produce large harmonic currents, injected back
in the mains network during the operation. To limit the propagation of this pollution, the
network is divided in many sectors. The parts that contain large quantities of rectifiers, and
in particular several with pulsed operation, are equipped with compensating equipment to
reduce the pollution to an acceptable level. Fluctuations of the reactive power consumption
are compensated with saturated reactors or thyristor-controlled reactors. Harmonic currents
are nearly eliminated with large harmonic filters, which simultaneously generate the
necessary reactive power with capacitor banks. The large fluctuations of active power are
dealt with by the direct connection to the French 400kV grid, where the high short-circuit
power reduces the effect to a negligible level.
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The 18kV distribution covers all of CERN. It is divided into several parts related to the
• A pulsed network supplying the power converters for the SPS machine as well as
North and West experimental areas. In the future it will also supply the PS machine
converters. Because of the specific pulsed load it cannot be interconnected with the
other parts of the network during the machine run.
• A stable network supplying non pulsing loads of the SPS machine, the North
experimental area and the Prévessin site.
• LHC machine network, issued from the transformation 66kV/18kV, supplying the
loads linked to the LHC accelerator operation.
• LHC general services network supplying the LHC infrastructure loads.
• Meyrin 18kV network which supplies all loads in the Meyrin site, including the PS
accelerator complex.

The end users are supplied at 18kV, 3.3kV and 400V voltage levels.
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Figure 1: General lay-out of the CERN power network

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3.1 Main Prévessin substation (EDF)

3.1.1 The 400kV substation (BEH)

The substation is fitted with five 400 kV feeders which supply:

• Three 400kV/18kV transformers EHT1, EHT2 and EHT 3, each 90MVA.
• Two 400kV/66 kV transformers EHT4 and EHT5, each 110 MVA.

There is no CERN circuit-breaker on the incoming line from the Bois-Tollot. A hard wired
system assures the operation of the line circuit-breaker in the Bois-Tollot substation, a few
hundred meters away outside CERN boundaries.

The Bois-Tollot substation is integrated in the French-Swiss interconnection and is

connected both to EDF in Genissiat and to the Energie Ouest Suisse (EOS). Presently the
upstream configuration of the Swiss 400 kV network does not allow machine operation
supplied by EOS. However, studies are under way in order to analyse this possibility when
the Bieudron power station is again available.

The 400kV substation is under CERN’s Electrical Services responsibility.

3.1.2 The 66kV substation (SE9)

The 66kV substation supplies the CERN stable loads (all the general services, the PS
complex, LHC). It’s a double bus-bar substation powered by two 400kV/66kV, 110MVA
transformers, connected in parallel. It has six outgoing feeders supplying:
• Access point of LHC 2.
• Access point of LHC 4.
• Access point of LHC 6, serving also LHC 5 via a 30MVA 18kV cable link.
• Access point of LHC 8.
• The 18kV substation BE9 essentially serving the SPS stable network, the North
experimental area stable network, the Prevessin site, and the LHC general services.
• The point 1 of LHC essentially serving the ATLAS experiment and the Meyrin site.
3.1.3 The pulsed load 18kV substation (BE)

The 18kV BE station is devoted entirely to the SPS pulsed loads. It consists of three power
sections each equipped with a 400/18kV, 90MVA transformer, compensator and filter. Two
of these 95Mvar compensators are based on the saturated reactor technology. A third
150Mvar compensator is based on the newest thyristor control state-of-the-art technology.
The three power sections are reconfigurable for flexibility of operation. Two sections are
enough for the SPS to run as an injector for the LHC.

In 2006, a second 150Mvar compensator based on the newest thyristor control state-of-the-
art technology will replace one 95Mvar compensator.
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3.1.4 The general services 18kV substation (BE9)

The 18kV BE9 substation is, as opposed to the BE substation, devoted entirely to the
CERN stable loads. It supplies the SPS stable network, the LHC general services and
assures the power exchange between the Prévessin and Meyrin sites via the point 1 of LHC.

3.2 The Meyrin main substation (EOS)

3.2.1 130kV substation

The 130kV input substation located on the Meyrin site is fed from the Verbois SIG
substation. The substation has a double bus-bar layout and is fitted with three 130kV
feeders which supply:
• two 130kV/18kV transformers EHT 611*10 and EHT612*10, each 63 MVA
• one 130kV/18kV 30 MVA transformer EHT 613*10.

The 130kV substation is under the responsibility of SIG.

3.2.2 18 kV substation (ME10)

The 18kV ME10 substation is powered from the 130kV station via the two 130kV/18kV
63MVA transformers and one 130kV/18kV 30MVA transformer. The substation has a
double bus-bar and supplies the EOS power to the main Meyrin substation Jura (ME9) via
five cable links, 15MVA each.

A low power 18kV link coming from the Renfile SIG substation is also available. It can
supply by manual operation, up to 6MVA in case of the 130kV power cut.

3.3 66kV network

The 66kV substation SEH9, see § 3.1.2, supplies the LHC high-power points 2, 4, 6 and 8
via 66kV cables laid in trenches (L2, L4, L6 and L8 correspondingly) and 66kV/18kV
transformers installed in these points. Points 4, 6 and 8 are equipped with one 38 MVA
transformer each. Point 2 has two 38 MVA transformers connected in parallel.

Another feeder of the 66kV substation supplies, via a 66kV cable and a 70 MVA
66kV/18kV transformer, the 18 kV substation BE9, see § 3.1.4, which is a source for the 18
kV stable network.

A 66kV/18kV 70 MVA transformer in the point 1 of LHC, fed via a new 66kV link L1,
supplies the ATLAS experiment and the Meyrin site.

The 66kV cables operate at a voltage varying between 63 and 69kV, the rated voltage
therefore being 42/72.5kV. They are of the single-core aluminium type, XLPE-insulated,
with a waterproof metal sheath, laid in trenches on public property, in accordance with EDF
rules. These trenches are also used for fibre-optic data links.
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The secondary neutrals of the two 400/66 kV transformers are earthed via an 80 ohm
resistor each, limiting the fault current to under 500 A. The 66 kV system thus obtained will
be of the resistive neutral type, tripped instantaneously at phase – ground fault.

3.4 18kV network

3.4.1 18kV SPS pulsed network

The 18kV SPS pulsed network consists of:

• BE substation, see § 3.1.3.
• Sixteen links from the substation BE to the BA’s (Auxiliary Buildings) of the SPS
machine, supplying the conversion stations.
• SPS pulsed loop passing through all SPS auxiliary buildings and supplying the
auxiliary converters.
• North Area pulsed loop passing through the north experimental area auxiliary buildings
and supplying the auxiliary and experimental converters.
• MP2 inter-site 11MVA links between the BE substation and the ME68 substation in
the Meyrin site. The substation ME68 supplies the West Experimental Area converters
and PS machine converters with a limited power in case of the main PS power source
• In 2005, MP6 inter-site 30MVA will link the BE substation and the ME59 substation in
the Meyrin site and will supply the Meyrin site between periods of maintenance on the
stable network i.e.: auto transfer tests. The ME68 substation will be suppressed and the
MP2 will be directly connected to the PS machine substation (ME6).
3.4.2 18kV SPS stable network

The 18kV SPS stable network is supplied form the BE9 substation see § 3.1.4.
It comprises:
• an 18kV loop supplying the SPS auxiliary buildings including the Prévessin heating
• an 18kV loop supplying the North Experimental Area auxiliary buildings,
• an 18kV link supplying the Assembly Hall, workshops, storage and office buildings.
3.4.3 18kV LHC machine network

The 18kV LHC machine network is fed from six 66kV/18kV transformers mentioned in
§ 3.3. The 18kV machine distribution supplies the LHC machine systems (magnets, radio
frequency, cooling and ventilation of the LHC tunnel). In each of these points a thyristor-
controlled reactor compensator is installed at the 18kV level. There are no interconnections
between the 18kV machine networks in the different points. There is no machine network
in the 3 and 7 points of the LHC.
The 18kV machine network of point LHC5 is supplied via an 18kV link 30MVA from the
machine network in the point 6.
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3.4.4 18kV LHC general services network

The 18kV LHC general services network is fed from the 18kV cable loop following the
tunnel of the LHC machine. The loop starts in the point 1 and passes through all LHC
points where it supplies 18kV switchboards, on the surface and twenty Ring Main Units in
the underground caverns and stub-tunnels. In the LHC 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 points the general
service network can be connected to the LHC machine network.

The 18kV LHC general services network can be also supplied from the Meyrin site via the
60MVA 18kV link MP5.

In the LHC 2, 4, 6 and 8 the 18kV bus-bars EMD3 fed by the loop are connected to the
local 20kV network for a second line manual back-up (autotransformer 20/18kV) In the
future the LHC5 will also have the same configuration.
3.4.5 18kV network on the Meyrin site

Apart from the 18kV pulsed network in the West Experimental Area fed from the 18kV
pulsed network (see § 3.4.1) the whole 18kV network on the Meyrin site is supplied from
the main substation ME9-Jura.

The substation ME9 is supplied by:

• five 15MVA links from the EOS/SIG input station (ME10),
• a 60MVA link MP5 from the LHC1 station SEM12.

A 17Mvar TCR compensator is connected to the bus-bar of the ME9 substation to

compensate booster pulses. In order to eliminate harmonics, a 15Mvar filter is connected to
the bus-bar of the ME9 substation.

A co-generation plant with a gas turbine supplies 4 MVA of power to the ME9 substation
during the winter period.

The 18kV distribution in the eastern part of the Meyrin consists of several loops:

• the 18kV loop for the physicists and administration buildings zone,
• the 18kV loop for the PS accelerator complex,
• the 18kV loop for the Isolde/AA/Booster/Computer Centre.

The distribution in the western part of the Meyrin site is assured by the 18kV substation
ME59-SW, supplied from the ME9 via two 15MVA links.
3.4.6 18kV network interconnections

The 18kV network is interconnected by a number of significant links, these are:

• MP2 11MVA 18kV link from BE to Meyrin site ME68 (pulsed).
• MP3 3MVA 18kV link from Meyrin secure network (ME9 Jura) to SPS pumping
station (BB6).
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• MP4 0.8MVA 3.3kV link from Meyrin secure network (ME59) to SPS (SE0).
• MP5 60MVA 18kV link between Meyrin site (ME9 Jura) and LHC1 (SEM12)
bidirectional transfer , stable network, part of auto transfer EDF/EOS system.
• MP6 future 30MVA 18kV link from BE to Meyrin site (pulsed).
• MP7 30MVA 18kV link between BE9 and LHC1 (SEM12) bidirectional transfer,
stable network, part of auto transfer EDF/EOS system.
• MP8 30MVA 18kV link between LHC1 (SEM12) and SPS (BA6) stable loop.
• 30MVA 18kV link from BE to BE9 site (pulsed).
3.4.7 18kV summer and winter configurations

The entire CERN network is fed through the 400kV EDF supply during accelerator
operation (summer operation) and fed through the 130kV SIG/EOS supply during the shut-
downs (winter operation).

The switching is manually performed without power cuts twice a year.

3.4.8 18kV automatic source transfer EDF/EOS (AUTO TRANSFER)

An 18kV automatic source transfer exists between the two 400kV and 130kV incomers. In
case of a mains failure on the bus-bar in service, the load is transferred to the other source.
In case of a transfer from the 400kV to the 130kV supply only certain loads continue to be
supplied due to the power limits. Machine operation on the 130kV supply is not possible.
The source transfer causes a supply interruption of about 20 seconds.
3.4.9 18kV earthing system

The earth fault current of the 18kV network will be limited to 1000A via a neutral point
coil, earthed by a resistor. The whole 18kV network site remains of the resistive neutral
type, tripped instantaneously at phase – ground fault.

The earth fault current of the assured 18kV network (ME9) will be limited to 300A via a
neutral point coil, earthed by a resistor.

3.5 3.3kV networks

The 3.3kV distribution supplies mainly compressors for cryogenics and cooling. It is
obtained from local 18kV/3.3kV transformer supplied form the machine networks. 3.3kV
networks are installed in:

• LHC 1, 1.8, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 points,

• the North Experimental Area, Prévessin site (BB81),
• the West Experimental Area, Meyrin site (ME67).
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3.6 Diesel-generator assured network

The diesel-generator assured network is a part of the CERN electrical network, which, in
normal operation, is fed from the ‘normal’ distribution, but in case of any voltage loss in
the main network, is automatically separated and supplied from the diesel generators. It can
be divided into three subsystems: Meyrin, SPS/North Area, and LEP.
3.6.1 Meyrin

The assured network on the Meyrin site is supplied from three diesel-generator sets
EFG1*9, EFG2*9, EFG3*9. The distribution is done at the 18kV level from the
switchboard in the ME9-Jura substation. The loads connected to this network cover safety,
operational and administration facilities.

Fig. 3 shows a simplified single-line diagram of the diesel generators assured Meyrin and
SPS network.
3.6.2 SPS and North Area

Apart from the switchboard supplying the Prévessin Control Room the entire assured
network of SPS and North Area is dedicated to the lift supply, the safety equipments and
the BA’s smoke extraction. The distribution is done at the 3.3kV level from the substation
SE0. The system is fed from the 18kV Meyrin assured network via an 800kVA, 18/3.3 kV
transformer and the MP4 link.

The assured network on the BB81 north area substation is supplied from a 1MVA diesel-
generator set. The distribution is done at the 3.3kV level.

The assured networks of BA6, BA7, LHC1.8 and the pumping stations Ws-net and Ws-SPS
are supplied directly from the Meyrin site (ME9- Jura) at the 18kV level via 18kV
switchboard EFD1/1E.
3.6.3 LHC

All points of the LHC, with the exception of the point 1, are equipped with a diesel-
generator set, which feeds a 400V switchboard. The switchboard supplies local, safety
oriented loads: smoke evacuation, lifts, gas detection, fire detection, emergency lighting,
UPS, electrical sub-station auxiliaries and communication systems.

Points LHC1 are supplied from the 18kV Meyrin assured network and 18kV/400V
transformers. The 400V distribution is similar to other points.

3.7 Emergency Stop System

The emergency stop system is a safety system installed all over the CERN, especially in the
accelerators, experimental and test areas, workshops, substations and any other places
where danger to personnel may occur.
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Activation of a push-button in the emergency stop system cuts all electrical installations
with a voltage higher than 50V in the building or area concerned. The exception to this is
where a supply is needed for the safety system; these will have to be fully protected and

An alarm is sent to the Fire Brigade. The emergency stop system can identify an activated
channel (series of buttons).

3.8 Low voltage 400V network

As the 18kV network, the LV distribution is designed to facilitate a load-shedding schedule

with a hierarchy of networks; these are listed below:
• A pulsed network.
• A machine network.
• A general-services network, backed up by auto transfer.
• An “assured” LV network, backed up by auto transfer and by the diesel-generator set.
• A safe supply, forming the part of the assured network maintained in the event of an
emergency stop.
• A certain number of technical systems: safety transmissions, communications,
cryogenics, cryogenic instrumentation, power converter control systems etc. require
uninterrupted power supplies. In case of a mains fault static systems with battery back
up will assure the supply; the power failure will not be seen by the user. These un-
interrupted power supplies generally have battery autonomy of 10 minutes. Certain
have diesel back up so that a prolonged outage can be covered by the safe power

Switchboards designation:
• EBD - switchboards supplied from the general services network.
• ESD - switchboards assured with a diesel-generator set, not affected by the emergency
stop and painted orange for identification.
• EAD - switchboards assured with a diesel-generator set, affected by the emergency
• ERD - switchboards feeding rectifiers, supplied from the machine network.
• EOD - switchboards supplied from the uninterrupted power supplies. There are seven
UPS in total in the LEP point 2.
• Uxxx, Fxxx - switchboards for cooling and ventilation.

3.9 48V DC network

The electrical service powers all its essential auxiliaries from a 48V D.C. system with
battery back up. This system also supplies emergency light systems, surface and
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A 48 V DC network supplies all auxiliary systems (directly or via 48 V DC/230V AC

• HV/LV protection.
• Remote control.
• Communication system.
• Emergency lighting.
• Emergency stop.

The main 48 V DC system consists of two sections, each containing a battery charger,
battery and a distribution switchboard. The sections can be connected in parallel in case of
a battery charger failure or end of battery autonomy. The system is equipped with an earth-
fault detection system and an automatic coupling system in case of failure of one battery

3.10 Layout of a typical electrical substation

For a better comprehension of the CERN electrical distribution principles a short

description of the substation SE2 and the electrical distribution in the LEP access point 2
supplied by this substation is given in Appendix 1.

3.11 Power distribution network SCADA system

The electrical equipment of the CERN Power Distribution Network is interfaced with a
SCADA system, which provides the Technical Control Room (TCR) and the electrical
operation personnel with remote monitoring and control facilities. This system manages
almost all the equipment located in the CERN electrical substations, in surface and
underground areas, as well as other buildings throughout the site. The equipment
supervised in these installations span all voltage levels from 48V DC battery chargers to
400 kV transformers. Since the distribution network involves different generations of
technology, the SCADA system comprises many heterogeneous hardware and software
interfaces that offer different methods of integration.

Altogether, the system manages about 100.000 input channels. These cover mostly simple
status signals (including alarms) but also a significant amount of analogue measurements
and counters. A limited number of control output channels are available for remote
operation of specialized substation equipment such as battery chargers and UPS systems.
For safety reasons these facilities are not used for manoeuvring high-voltage switch-gear.

4.1 400 kV
• 400 kV feeders 6
• 400 kV/66 kV transformers 2 220 MVA installed power
• 400 kV/18 kV transformers 3 270 MVA installed power
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4.2 130 kV
• 130 kV feeders
• 130 kV/18 kV transformers 3 156 MVA installed power

4.3 66 kV network
• 66 kV feeders 14
• 66 kV/18 kV transformers 7 330 MVA installed power

4.4 18 kV network
• 18 kV feeders 880
• 18 kV saturated rector compensator 2 240 Mvar installed power
• 18 kV thyristor controlled compensator 7 308 Mvar installed power
• 18 kV harmonic filters 12 357 Mvar installed power
• 18 kV/3.3 kV transformers 20 70 MVA installed power
• 18 kV/400 V transformers 769 ~900 MVA installed power

4.5 3.3 kV network

• 3.3 kV feeders 219
• 3.3 kV/400V transformers 58 ~15 MVA installed power

4.6 400 V network

• 400 V feeders normal network EBD ~ 26000
• 400 V feeders assured network EAD ~ 2300
• 400 V feeders secure network ESD ~ 2000
• 400 V feeders UPS network ~ 2200
• 400 V feeders machine network ERD ~ 3200

4.7 Uninterruptible Power Supplies

• Quantity : 146

4.8 110/48 V DC network

• 48 V battery chargers 418
• 110 V battery chargers 13
• Ni/Cd batteries 282
• Sealed lead acid batteries 58
• Open lead-acid batteries 49
• 110/48V feeders ~ 1700

4.9 Diesel-generator sets

• Quantity 12 15.8 MVA installed power

4.10 Gas turbine powered generator

• Quantity 1 4.5 MVA installed power
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Appendix 1

Electrical substation SE2

The electrical substation SE2 supplies both surface and underground installations in the
LHC access point 2.

66 kV network

The 66 kV network consists of one 66 kV section with a circuit-breaker, disconnectors and

two 66/18 kV, 38 MVA transformers. It is dedicated for the supply of the 18 kV machine

18 kV network

The 18 kV electrical distribution network in the point 2 of LHC is divided into two parts:
machine (even number switchboards) and general services (odd number switchboard)
supplied independently at the 18 kV level. For the flexibility of exploitation the two parts
can be connected via the EMD200/2E bus coupler. The general services can be entirely re
supplied from the machine network but the machine network can be re supplied only with
reduced power from the general services network. The switching can be performed without
power cuts.

The 18 kV machine network is supplied by two 66/18 kV, 38 MVA transformers.

The main 18 kV machine switchboard EMD2/2E supplies:

ƒ grounding transformer EMD202,
ƒ two 24 MVAr filters EMF204 and EMF205 for harmonics elimination,
ƒ the 50 MVAr compensator for reactive power compensation,
ƒ machines sub-switchboards EMD6/2E and EMD4/2E.

The 18 kV general services main switchboard EMD1/2E is supplied from the LHC general
services loop via the feeders EMD101 and EMD102. It supplies the EMD3/2E switchboard
which, in turn, feeds all general services loads. In case of power failure of both general
services and machine network the EMD3/2E switchboard can be manually re supplied by
the 20 kV EDF link via the SEE2 station and a 3 MVA, 20/18 kV autotransformer

3.3 kV network

The 3.3 kV switchboard supplying compressors for cryogenics, see drawing 71LHC
EK2000.2, is fed both by the machine network via an 8 MVA transformer EMT405/2U and
the general services network via a 2 MVA transformer EMT305/2U. The connection
between the networks is possible at the 3.3 kV level.
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400 V network

The low voltage distribution principles are presented on the drawing LHC671EB2001.0 for
the surface installations and on the drawing LHP672EB2101.0 for the underground

Switchboards designation:
ƒ EBD - switchboards supplied from the general services network,
ƒ ESD - switchboards assured with a diesel-generator set, not affected by the emergency
stop and painted orange for identification,
ƒ EAD - switchboards assured with a diesel-generator set, affected by the emergency stop,
ƒ ERD - switchboards feeding rectifiers, supplied from the machine network,
ƒ EOD - switchboards supplied from the uninterrupted power supplies. There are twelve
UPS in total in the LHC point 2,
ƒ Uxxx, Fxxx - switchboards for cooling and ventilation.

48 V DC network

A 48 V DC network supplies all auxiliary systems (directly or via 48 V DC/230V AC

ƒ HV/LV protection,
ƒ remote control,
ƒ communication system,
ƒ emergency lighting,
ƒ emergency stop.

The main 48 V DC system consists of two sections, each containing a battery charger,
battery and a distribution switchboard, drawing 671EC2001F1. The sections can be
connected in parallel in case of a battery charger failure or end of battery autonomy. The
system is equipped with an earth-fault detection system. Another 48 V DC system having
only one section supplies the auxiliaries of the 66 kV network.

SE2 electrical substation layout

The SE2 electrical substation is divided into two parts, separated by a fire-proof wall:
ƒ SEM2 - containing the 18 kV switch-gear and the main 400 V switchboard EBD1/2E,
ƒ SES2 - ‘safe room’, containing low-voltage switchboards not affected by the emergency
stop and all auxiliary systems.
100 P
P (MW) et Q (Mvar)

0 t (s)
-20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


P (MW) et Q (Mvar)

0 t (s)
-20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


400 P
P (MW) et Q (Mvar)

0 t (s)
-50 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Puissance active (MW)

Fig. 4 - CERN power pulses
Puissance réactive (Mvar)

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