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Wk2 DQ1

Exercise 19

a. The central tendency measure consists of mean, median, and mode. Mean is the most

commonly used measure of “central tendency” and reflects the measure to signify any

information. We have to find the mean, median, and standard deviation for the given


The given value is 36, 26, 33, 28, and 31[ CITATION Dou18 \l 16393 ].

The given value arrange in ascending manner as 26, 28, 31, 33, 36

The number of values is 5. So, n= 5.


= (26+28+31+33+36)/5 =30.8


The median defines as the “middle value” of the data that splits the whole data into

two equivalent portions [ CITATION Dou18 \l 1033 ].

For the specified data, the median can obtain as follows:


= (5+1/2)

3rd Value= 31

Standard deviation
= √ 15.7= 3.96

Hence, Mean is 30.8

Median is 31

Standard deviation =3.96

b. We have to discover the coefficient of Skewness by using Pearson’s method. The

formula of this give as follows:

= 3(30.8- 31)/3.96

= -0.152

The result is -0.152.

c. We have to figure out the coefficient of Skewness using the software method.


The result is positive. It means that the standardized quantity is somewhat lesser than

the mean, and it designates small positive Skewness.


Lind, D. A., & Marchal, W. G. (2018). Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics.


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