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Running head: ACTIVITIES 1


Student Name

Professor Name

Course Name

March 14, 2020



Activity 1

 The most admire skill of my team leader is his motivation skill. He motivates the team

mostly. The team leader motivates the team about the teamwork, and learn new skills. He

provides feedback on the team’s project.

 They regularly hold open meetings with the team, show confidence and seriousness, and

use simple words to communicate with team effectively. They actively listen to each

team member. Communication is planned to be a two way.

 They had good job associated knowledge. They share much valuable information that

shows their skills.

 Yes, this has any relevance to how you might lead in the workplace. It is because it is

presenting many qualities or skills that require team leaders. It is presenting ways to

communicate with the team.

Activity 2

The following criteria can be used to identify a team:

 Team awareness or identity: the members consider themselves as a team

 Feeling of shared purpose: the members share some shared responsibilities, objectives or


 Communication: the members connect, effect and respond to one another

 Definable membership: a set of two or more persons recognizable through name or type

 Interdependence: members requisite the assistance of one another to achieve a purpose

 Sustainability: members occasionally criticism the team’s effectiveness


 Skill to act collected for one drive.

Activity 3

Yes, David’s plan has SMART goals. It has specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and

time-related goals. The plan has specific goals. It clearly states the answers to 5W. A Good goal

will include success assessment requirements. You would not be able to assess your success, and

whether you are on the way to achieving your target, whether there are specific requirements.

The objectives also determine the measurement method. It is also real, too. A SMART objective

needs to be reached and achieved. This allows you to consider opportunities to accomplish and

strive for this aim. The attainability of the target will be expanded to ensure that you feel stressed

but described reasonably well to achieve it. There are realistic targets in the David Strategy. A

SMART aim must be practical since the goal can be reached with reasonable means and time.

When you believe it can be done, a SMART target is likely to be practical. The scheme of God

has practical goals, too. A SMART goal will be time-limited as it has a date of initiation and

termination. There would be no sense of urgency and encouragement to accomplish the task

because the target is not time-bound. The scheme of David determines the period for multiple

consumers explicitly. Thus, it is also time-related.

Activity 4

Before address this with staff leaders, it is essential before grasp the organization’s

business strategy and work strategy specifics. This will be useful for sponsored workers to learn

how their roles would shift and, if so, how the adjustments will influence their regular, weekly,

and monthly arrangements. Every employee assisted needs to be transparent and adequately

aware of the job, duties, obligations, and accountabilities. Within work specifications, you can

develop contact tasks and skills. It should be used as a basis for recruitment, performance

assessments, and employee development. Active contact is an essential instrument for achieving

efficiency and for establishing good working ties at all organizational levels. Employers

spending time and resources in transparent communication would create confidence in workers

rapidly and contribute to higher efficiency, performance, and morality in general.

Furthermore, workers who consistently interact with customers, supervisors, and partners

are often essential advantages within a company because it is a quality that also separates

workers from the competition. It is essential to build effective teams to communicate and

collaborate with those team members. You should be able to create successful teams by

introducing effective techniques, such as those below, to improve contact. This, in effect,

increases morals and the wellbeing of workers.

Activity 5

I think Cyan, whom the team manager should design training that could be accomplished

by a newly reinforced employee. The team manager is responsible for their team members’ day-

to-day operations and guidance. The team manager develops priorities, establishes strategies, and

assists people with any challenges. A team manager must ensure that all members recognize and

function effectively to meet the aims of the project. She should split into its smaller components,

the greater mission[ CITATION Geo17 \l 1033 ]. It ensures that all the parts which make up the

whole job can be recognized. For the supported staff you are teaching, for example, you can

determine whether to utilize this series more efficiently, to display, show examples, and track

other supported employees.


Successful team leaders must be aware of their organization’s goals. This information

allows them to understand their position, duty and accountability in the support

team[ CITATION Mon19 \l 1033 ]. You as a team leader will realize what the staff wants to

achieve with the company, the expectations that the job requires to follow, the competencies and

expertise that the working party needs to fulfill such criteria. For each position, have the sole

owner(s) explain their function and highlight their comments in the “what I think” section.

Activity 6

If I were Greg, I would discuss the workplace expectations about team behavior with

Kerylyn and Merv. Whether the team focuses on the project or teamwork is departmental policy,

every team member expects to perform optimally. An optimal, fully efficient team has every

leader having his best effort, but a team member often falls short. The nature of cooperation is

allowing the losing team member to accept the slack. If team leaders slip back always because of

bad results, the project cannot function. There are friction opportunities as different team leaders

share the same fundamental skills and confidence in their achievements. One of the main

challenges of cooperation is to assume that the team’s willingness to complete a job or function

together every day in a department’s normal activities would be behind the partnership. Where

disagreement occurs, protocols should be developed to address this problem; furthermore, it is

typically the leader or department manager that will overcome the leader dispute. There may be

many personnel in an organization that conducts the same specific work functions, but, in

addition to the technical experience of the departmental personnel, each team leader requires

unique abilities or knowledge. For the 15 accounting officers in the finance department of a

major company, for example, some staff leaders with more compelling conflict handling

expertise than others may handle challenging customers or an accounting employee who is best

prepared to navigate tension might be in control of making month-end statements that have to be

made in a reasonably short period. Naturally, team leaders may carry mutual abilities, but the

different team leaders add unique expertise and strengths to a successful, well-rounded unit.

Activity 7

Competence is a selection of abilities or expertise required for work. It is the capacity to

carry out a mission successfully. Job skills provide staff with an appreciation of what their

success is required of them. A list of team competencies that are significant in an organization as


 Express High Truthfulness and Honesty

 Strong Communication Skills

 Customer focus

 Honesty and Ethical management

 Motivation

 Resilience

 Relationship Building

 Usages equipment safely

Some ways can use to measure the team competencies in an organization. Some of the

significant ways are observed employees work, periodical work in development consistently, and

support employees usage self-monitoring tools. A better way to track the success of an individual

is through your sight. A few minutes seeing an employee communicate with a client will tell you

about the customer care results of that employee than many consumer satisfaction surveys.

Employees will track how they follow the targets and objectives outlined in a project schedule,

create checklist notes, and periodically report to the boss.

There are some suggestions to improve the monitoring of team competencies. The first

suggestion is that in their leadership staff, companies should have identified ability criteria. It

provides a clear pattern of integrity for the enterprise. Smaller organizations will invest more

time evaluating their required abilities and finding appropriate preparation opportunities for

executives and supervisors. Conflict mediation and win-win in conditions for those involved

should be achievable for the members.[ CITATION Him15 \l 1033 ].

Activity 8

The following are some reasonable work-related duties that are within the realms of the position

of the team leader: -

1. Coach team members

A successful team leader encourages leaders to accomplish goals and build the expertise

required to produce success. Coaching means improving the success of staff leaders, giving

guidance, and communicating the expertise they require and desire professional ethics. A team

leader in the coach-style works with his members to develop their skills.

2. Develop strengths and weaknesses for teams

The team member always understands the successes and shortcomings of the squad. You

should assign the requisite duties to the correct individual in deciding the team leader excels at

the role. It is also helpful to identify the opportunities and steps to improve them.

3. Identify project goals and evaluate work success


It is essential to understand what performance implies to assess team progress. The

determination of goals and the assessments of the team’s performance will prevent

misunderstandings. It often helps team leaders to grasp precisely what they intend to do.

Establishing specific project goals and evaluating success strengthens the collaboration between


4. Resolve conflict

Because teams consist of varying attitudes, working styles, and motives, friction often arises.

The team member is responsible for managing and settling disputes as much as possible. You

may avoid multiple points of the dispute by establishing ground limits and explicitly defining

assignments. It is possible to settle this dispute until it escalates. You will provide an overview of

the source of the question from all team leaders. Conferring the leaders of a team will encourage

us to find a compromise operating for all sides.

5. Organize team initiatives

The organization is needed when many team leaders function for a common objective.

Available and straightforward will stay person initiatives, priorities, correspondence, and

relevant documentation. The project manager is responsible for planning staff sessions,

conversation issues, and success toward the goal.

Activity 9

Some signals indicate the team is dedicated and collaborating. These include:

 maintaining or expanding quality

 reaching or surpassing production goals


 decreasing complaints from colleagues

 the limited struggle between colleague

 Fewer working environment injuries.

Knowledge from citizens is an essential part of the growth of engagement and

collaboration. Any team member wants strong leadership skills. The capacity for engaging with

sponsored workers is the first phase in improving team involvement and collaboration according

to their expectations. It is hard to achieve engagement and participation in the work team without

the willingness and expertise to communicate and behave in terms that understand the interests

of the assisted workers in the work team. Knowing how a member of the team will like to collect

knowledge and how every member will like to provide guidance and feedback would help you

express the project objectives to each member of the team.

Activity 10

Operated with an appropriate and fair value  

Encouraged the team and team members to act   The team leader gives notice to team

confidently members about their roles and upcoming

Identified meaningful levels of responsibility  The training program in the organization

for team members helps the team member to identify the level

of responsibilities.
Trusted team members to act responsibly and   The strength and weaknesses of every

autonomously team member are identified. The team


Presented opportunities for team members to   The new projects are assigned to team

test and stretch their abilities members. Regular training is also provided

to the team members. It helps in presenting

the opportunity for them and stretching their

Recognized and rewarded excellent   The sales team member in the organization

performance gets reward for an excellent performance.

Provided support and encouragement   The team leader holds a meeting every

week, which provides support and

encouragement to every team member.

Operates with an appropriate and fair  

value system
Is encouraged to act confidently   I can motivate team members and train them.

It will encourage them to act confidently.

Have meaningful levels of responsibility   I will recheck the responsibilities of team

identified for team members members in weekly meetings. It will ensure that

every team member has meaningful levels of

Knows that you trust team members to act   The team members will be regularly

responsibly and autonomously communicated. It will ensure that team

members trust me to act responsibly and

Is presented with opportunities for team   The regular training will be provided to team

members to test and stretch their abilities members. The opportunities will be assigned to

the team to test and stretch their abilities.

Is recognized and rewarded for excellent   The regular performance review of the team

performance will be conducted, and the top performer will be

Is provided with support and   There will be proper training and

encouragement communication in the team. It will ensure that

the team members get the necessary support and

encouragement in the team.

Activity 12

If I was Kim’s manager, I advise him that ask the right questions and the ability to listen

effectively. Asking the correct questions helps him to grasp the knowledge that he truly wants to

ask as long as he listens carefully. He does not like the responses; he wants the knowledge to

advance! If you do not grasp the problems first, it is difficult to fix a dilemma altogether.

However, listening needs more: it calls for concentration and attention, as well as emotional and

even physical actions. Stay still and relaxed. Silence allows the speaker privacy and opportunity

to provide more detail. It can initially seem weird, but you are surprised how sometimes, after a

moment of silence, more detail emerges. Another piece of advice is feedback. Kim should start

to give feedback. Feedback allows the team to deter severe errors by building a transparent and

truthful contact flow during teamwork. You save the time to fix the job, eliminate

miscommunication mistakes, and stop remorse of others who thought they lost[ CITATION

Geo17 \l 1033 ].

Activity 13

Force Field Analysis is a technique for posting and assessing the forces for and against a

circumstance. It encourages you to investigate the entirety of the forces that have an impact on

the present circumstance. Human conduct is brought about by forces – convictions, desires,

social standards, and so on. A portion of these forces are sure, pushing us forward, and a portion

of these forces are negative, keeping us from accomplishing a settled objective. A force field

analysis chart shows these main impetuses and controlling forces that would impact an issue. In

force field analysis change, is described as a condition of awkwardness between main thrusts and

limiting forces.

Paired Comparison Analysis is a decent method for weighing up the overall significance

of criteria, which might be clashing[ CITATION Geo17 \l 1033 ]. It is helpful where you do not

have target information to put together this concerning or when needs are not satisfactory or are

contending in significance. Paired correlation is regularly used to pick the most convincing issue

to tackle, or to choose the elective that will be the best. It is helpful in a full scope of

applications, from choosing the ideal plan for another item before it goes into creation, to

choosing the abilities and capabilities when employing individuals for another position. It is

regularly performed with the guide of a grid. This network ought to be made in a manner that

abstains from contrasting an alternative and itself or copying any correlation.

Activity 14

 Take the time to give your feedback to each user. Do not just have one person chat,

render the team discussion interactive. To help organize the meeting, use some

management tools.

 Consider useful suggestions for any employee. Nothing like a dumb concept is there.

 Know the unspoken thoughts of the staff. Provide team leaders with an illustration of

being accessible to workers and receptive to moods and emotions.

 Serve as a force to harmonize. Continuously search for mechanisms for dialogue and

settlement of small disputes.

 When contact becomes straightforward, be transparent. Pay heed to clarify instructions.

 Inspire the team’s faith and cooperation. Know that the team leaders who form

partnerships with each other are just as influential as they are. When the team takes form,

pay attention to how the leaders of the team function together to strengthen coordination,

collaboration, confidence, and appreciation.

 Encourage team members to share information. Press the value of the commitment by

and team leader and illustrate how all their tasks fit together to get the whole company

closer to its objective.

 Delegate duties to the department for problem-solving. Let the teamwork together to

create new solutions.

 Facilitate communication. Recall that coordination is the key element of effective

teamwork. Connection facilitation does not necessarily involve having sessions. It

implies providing a precedent by being accessible to feedback and concerns and offering

help, and by doing everything necessary to avoid ambiguity with your correspondence.

Activity 15

 I would like to accept the team’s input, but also clarify my opinions. As implied, but

regulated, I will make adjustments that do not impact deadlines or vital research.

 The trial demonstrates that management was willing to listen to the team and support it.

When the evaluation passes, otherwise, the staff and market efficiency should be


 Could have a fast effect on the company’s profitability.

 The owner of the restaurant will recommend, attempt something different to suit the team

dynamic and the strengths and limitations of the employee.

 There is a clear connection between the employee and the employer. All should have

reviews irrespective of their place in the restaurant.

Activity 16

An organization can guarantees that the capability of all colleagues is utilized with the

assistance of specific strategies. An organization can guarantee by boost leadership conduct.

Much research has been done to show that prizes and acknowledgment, both fiscal and non-

financial, assume a critical job in getting the practices you ask for from individuals. That being

the situation, be confident you have viable motivations set up to rouse and drive the sort of

conduct you need from pioneers. Try not to make the misstep of boosting just aggregate

consequences of a group—too now and again, that will simply drive a pioneer to act as another

colleague. Give legitimate improvement and instructing[ CITATION Sco12 \l 1033 ]. Indeed,

even with a ton of nature with work substance, leadership and management abilities should be

sharpened. That takes formative encounters, instructing, and time.


Feedback was often used as a communications method to correct things, especially negative

feedback—positive input through an efficient and effective instrument that should be part of the

toolkit of each boss. Let any employee conscious of constructive reviews. For example, if other

workers are noticed in the general population, the other will tend to be secretly getting

constructive reviews. Read from the team and their interests!

You can consider your behavior from specific perspectives, once you seek the input of your

colleagues. For example, consider your friend telling you that you appeared uninterested in

others’ thoughts at the last team meeting. When your colleagues inquire for more information,

you might notice that when you spoke on your phone, your colleagues assumed you were not

paying attention even though they took notes.

Communication is one of the essential keys which sway how your associations with peers

and different workers are. The job of persuasive communication cannot be focused on enough. It

is imperative to achieve the objectives of cooperating in an association and completing the

occupations, which will help in accomplishing achievement. Your criticism will enable others to

advance in their work as much as it will assist you with advancing in yours. Giving useful

criticism to your companions at the ideal time and in the correct state will enable them to

progress, and eventually lead to the achievement of the association.

Team members require other knowledge and expertise to ensure that management strategies

are aligned with the interests of supportive personnel in the organization they manage. The list

gives as follows:

 Communication

 Approachability and Availability


 Showing Consistency

 Organization

 Confident and Knowledgeable

Activity 17

Method of influence Actions required

Treat team members as individuals Different people need different approaches
Create a sense of energy Work quickly to solve problems
Develop a vision for the team Define Future State
Listen to team members and recognize their Active listening

Practice visible management Be available for team members
Give responsibility and build self-esteem Set Realistic Objectives and Do the Best
Build confidence and empower the team Treat them with profound respect
Make work exciting and worthwhile Recognition and feedback
Remove barriers to excellent performance Check for faulty tools or equipment
Promote cooperation and team support Deliver teams with the resources they

essential to work together

Keep promises and build trust Always Be Honest
Manage conflict and complaints Deal with conflict as soon as possible
Model the behavior you want in others Say “please,” “thank you.”

Activity 18

While handling a significant activity like procurement or a redesign of IT systems,

organizations depend on large, different groups of exceptionally instructed experts to take

care of business. These groups frequently are gathered rapidly to meet an earnest need and

work together practically, teaming up on the web and some of the time over long separations.

Cooperating similarly affects groups. Most of those we contemplated had individuals spread

among numerous areas—in a few cases, in upwards of 13 destinations around the world. Be

that as it may, as groups turned out to be progressively virtual, we saw, participation


additionally declined, except if the organization had taken measures to set up a synergistic

culture. Pioneers might be called upon to guide others to actualize the arrangement, “sell” the

arrangement or encourage the usage with the assistance of others. Including others in the

usage is a successful method to pick up a purchase in and bolster and limit protection from

ensuing changes. Despite how the arrangement is turned out, criticism channels ought to be

incorporated with the usage. This considers ceaseless observing and testing of real occasions

against desires. Critical thinking, and the procedures used to pick up lucidity, are best if the

arrangement stays set up and is refreshed to react to future changes.

Activity 19

The external stakeholders are the individuals from your expected audience(s) — your

clients. If your task is of adequate multifaceted nature that it has numerous external

stakeholders, at that point, it is practically sure that no one outside the conveyance group has

a total comprehension of what it is that you are conveying. There is an incredible open door

here for somebody who can communicate in the language of various offices and has a full-

grown comprehension of a wide range of requirements that are being exemplified in the item.

You can turn into the believed wellspring of clarification for why anything on the venture is

going on. Only after the plan/inquire about the group has had the correct discussions with

external stakeholders (through contribution hypothetical antiques) does it continue to

examine. However, even in the examination stage, the procedure contrasts from numerous

sociology look into approaches.



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