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• Write these headings in the correct places a-d in the table.

• Look at Audio and Video Script VIDEO 5. Read the conversation and find all the offers,
suggestions, requests and responses.

DAVID Ok. Shall we start? Right, thanks for coming. As you know, this year we’re raising
money for the World Wide Fund for Nature’s gorilla conservation project. Right, we
haven’t got a lot of time, so let’s decide who does what. The first thing is – who’s going to
organise the tickets?
CAROL I’ll do that, if you like.
D Yes, that’d be great. Thanks, Carol.
LIAM How many do you think we’ll need?
D Oh, about a hundred.
C And how much should they cost?
L How about 10 pounds each?
D Yes, that sound about right. 100 tickets at 10 pounds each. Great.
NATALIA Shall I make some posters?
D Yes, that’s a good idea. Where shall we put them?
C Well, we can put them up in all the offices… and maybe in some local shops and
N Could you give me a hand with that?
C Yes, of course. I know some of the local businesses. I’ll ask them.
D Great. So that’s the tickets and the posters. We’ll also need lots of tables and chairs.
Liam, will you organise that?
L Er… yes, of course. I know someone who organises weddings.
D OK. But remember, we can’t pay anyone. It’s for charity.
L Yes, don’t worry. I’ll ask him if we can have them for free.
D Great. And what about the food and drink?
C Do you want me to do that?
D Yes, if you don’t mind.
C Well, we don’t want Liam doing the cooking – everyone will be ill!
L Hey!
D Ok. What else? What about music?
L Why don’t we ask Jason? He’s in a really good jazz band. They could play while people
are eating.
D Yes, good idea. Right, what else?
C Who’s going to write the questions?
D Ah, yes. That was next on my list. Can you do that, Liam?
L Sure, no problem. I love doing quizzes.
N Can I give you a hand?
L No, don’t worry. Thanks anyway.
C Er, can I ask you something, David?
D Of course.
C What are you going to do?
D Well, someone has to be the boss.
ALL Oh, yeah… Typical…
L I know, David. Seeing as you’re the boss, why don’t you be the quizmaster? You know,
the person asking all the questions.
D Yes, OK. I’ll do that.
L And of course you’ll have to wear this gorilla costume too!
N That’s a fantastic idea!
D I’m not sure about that.
C Actually, I don’t think David needs a costume!
D Yes, very funny. OK, thanks for coming, everyone. Let’s make this the best event ever.


• We usually say the ending –age as /ed3/. Listen and practise these words.

• Say these sentences.

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