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[Donations; persons who may give or receive 3.

There could be no implied contract because as

donations] shown in the record Jane did not expect to be
paid for her services.
1.Aldaba v CA 4. No showing of an express agreement in the
record. All petitioners could claim was that it
1. Belen Aldaba is a rich woman of Malolos, who was impliedly understood
died and is survived by her presumptive heirs: 5. Costs against petitioner Dr. Aldaba.
husband Estanislao and brother Cesar.
2. She left 2 lots in Sta Mesa, Manila. 2. Jutic v CA
3. Around 4 months after her death, her heirs
executed a deed of extrajudicial partition of 1. During Arsenio Seville’s lifetime, he owned 2
the lots. agricultural lands in Davao del Norte, a
4. 2 years later, Cesar andEmmanuel (the residential house on one of the lands, a rice
grandson of her husband from his first and corn mill, and 5 carabaos
marriage) executed a deed where the 2 lots 2. Arsenio executed an affidavit in favor of
allotted to Cesar was ceded to Emmanuel in Melquiades Seville, his brother, stating that he
exchange of Emmanuel’s lot in San Juan has no one to inherit his properties except his
a. Because of this, Emmanuel required brother, that in case he dies, he will assign all
petitioner Dr. Vicente Aldaba and his his rights to his properties to his brother, but
wife Jane who was occupying the lot as long as he’s still alive, he will be the one to
to vacate. Dr. Vincente Aldaba possess, enjoy and benefit from the produce
refused. of the land.
5. According to Dr. Vicente Aldaba, he had 3. Arsenio mortgaged said properties to PNB in
rendered services to Belen as her physician, consideration of a loan. This was done with
for 10 years until her death, without the knowledge and consent of his brother.
compensation. 4. Aresenio died, he was survived by his brothers
a. Thus, for compensation, Belen gave and sisters, when Meliquiades died though, his
them the lots including the children are claiming ownership over the
improvements thereon. properties and improvements based on the
b. Since the donation is onerous, it donation made by Arsenio in favor of their
must be govered by Art. 733 and not father, Melquidaes. They also claim that they
749, meaning, it doesn’t need to be possessed, occupied and cultivated on the
in a public instrument. He proved lots, and have been doing so continuously and
this through a note made by Belen peacefully in the concept of an owner up to
saying: Jane, Huwag kayong umalis the time of Arsenio’s death
diyan. Talagang iyan ay para sa inyo.
Alam nila na iyan ay sa inyo. ISSUE: WON the affidavit of Arsenio constitutes a deed
6. Being onerous, the donation is valid even if it or instrument of donation inter vivos NO
was done orally.
7. Respondents contends that the note is vague, 1. Affidavit is not a donation inter vivos or mortis
it doesn’t conclude that there’s a donation, causa but a mere declaration of an intention
and if it really was theirs, why didn’t they and a desire. Certainly, it is not a formal act of
transfer the property in their names. giving or donating
2. There;s no clear intention to transfer
ISSUE: WON there was a donation. NO. ownership from Arenio to Meluiqdaes at the
time of the instrument’s execution, it’s only an
1. Though the note expressed that the property intention or desire of Arsenio that his
was intended for the petitioners, no evidence properties will go to his brother
was shown that such intention was effectively 3. SC held that it’s quite apparent that Arsenio
carried out after the writing of the note was thinking of succession. And donations
2. Even supposing for sake of argument that the which shall take effect upon the death of the
writing of the note had already been a donor partakes the nature of a testamentary
disposition of the property in favor of the provision and is thus governed by rules of
petitioners, this alone would not make the succession
donation a donation for a valuable 4. Moreover, contrary to petitioner’s argument,
consideration there was no immediate transfer of title upon
a. Nothing in the record shows that an execution of the affidavit, since Arsenio was
express agreement between still able to mortgage his properties to PNB.
petitioners (Vicente and Jane) and The property was even extrajudicially
Belen Aldaba was made where the foreclosed when Arsenio died and no one
later would pay for the services of continued the payment, even the petitioners.
the former 5. It’s important to note that the signed affidavit
is a forgery because Arsenio Seville was
illiterate during his lifetime. He could not write e. The deed won’t be presented to
his name. He executed documents by affixing ROD until donor dies
his thumbmark 5. Carmen executed another deed of donation in
favor of Estela again, conveying 3 parcels of
3. Howard v Padilla land with the following conditions:
a. The donor transfer to the donee 3
1. The case involves 2 petitions for review of the parcels of land in consideration of
decision of CA declaring that the donation in the services rendered to donor. One
question is, by its nature inter vivos, and not of the land donated is only half a
mortis causa, and is thus valid and irrevocable. portion *Pototan Cadastre
The CA decision also declared that it is valid b. That if on the day the donor dies the
insofar as the share of the donor of the other half of the Pototan Cadastre
property donated is concerned, because it hasn’t been sold to 3rd parites,
can’t prejudice the share of Marie Howard, the donee agrees to pay Caridad Ubalde
widow of the donor, since it’s conjugal in 600 pesos
nature. In addition to this, CA also ordered c. Donor may transfer, sell, or
that the adjudication be noted on the title mortgage the parcels of land to any
covering the property person before her death
d. The deed won’t be presented to
ISSUE: WON the donation is mortis cause and thus, to be ROD until donor dies
considered void YES 6. When Carmen died, the deeds were
registered. The will executed was submitted to
1. The donation is mortis causa or one to take CFI.
effect after death. But since it was not 7. The nephews and nieces of Carmen Ubalde
executed with the formalities of the law Puig filed an action against respondent Estela
regarding wills, the same shall be void and seeking to have the donation set aside
without effect. because of lack of compliance with
2. In this respect, the decision of CA is reversed, testamentary formalities
but it is affirmed insofar as it held that Marie 8. CFI ruled that the donations are void.
Howard is the legal widow of the deceased.
ISSUE: WON the donations were inter vivos or mortis
4. Puig v Penaflorida causa
1st – inter vivos (valid); 2nd- mortis causa (invalid)
1. Carmen Ubalde died in Iloilo without forced
heirs, leaving certain properties. 1. An essential characteristic of mortis causa is
2. She left a will and was survived by her that the donation can be revoked (expressly or
nephews and nieces, the children of her necessary implication) ad nutum or at the
brother and sister. discretion of the donor, simply because he
3. She also executed 2 notarial deeds of donation changed his mind
(Donacion Mortis Causa) in favor of her niece 2. Thus, if there is a specification in the deed
respondent Estela, purporting to convey 3 which lists down the the acts that can revoke
properties covered by 2 TCTs registered in the donation indicates that the donation is
Iloilo inter vivos.
4. The deed of mortis causa was subject to the a. In case of doubt, it must be
following conditions: considered a donation inter vivos
a. Since the donation will only take rather than mortis causa to avoid
effect upon her death, the donor has uncertainty as to the ownership of
the option of mortgaging and selling the property subject of the deeds
her proeprties without need to 3. Although designated as “mortis causa” such
notify the donees designation is inconclusive because of certain
b. Donee will cover all expenses contradictions found in the deed itself.
necessary for the medical, hospital, a. Conveyance was made in
and funeral expenses of donor consideration of undertaking of
unless donor has funds in the bank donee to bear medical expenses of
c. Transfer of land will only take effect donor without specifying when such
upon death of donor expenses are incurred. Medical
d. If donee dies before donor, the expenses to be borne by the donee
donation will have an effect in favor may or may not be connected with
of the descendant’s donee and donor’s last illness
donee’s husband will be the one to b. While there is a clause that the
pay for her medical and funeral donor reserved her right "to
expenses mortgage or even sell the donated
property, when and if she should
need funds to meet her own needs", ISSUE: WON the donation is inter vivos NO, it is mortis
this is contrary to the donor’s causa
freedom to revoke a true
conveyance of mortis causa, which 1. The court found circumstances signifying that
can be revoked at her own Aurora never intended the donation to take
discretion effect within her lifetime.
c. If Carmen wished or intended to a. She expressed that the donation
retain the right to change the take effect 10 years after her death.
destination of her property, there b. She inserted a prohibition on the
was no reason for her to specify the sale of the property during the 10
cause for which she could sell or year period.
encumber the property covered by c. She continued to possess the
donation. property as well as the fruits and
d. Failure to record donation will not authorized such enjoyment in the
render it void, however it only binds deed of donation.
the parties thereto. d. She retained the certificate of title
4. There is a donation inter vivos when the and subsequently alienated it in
power to revoke is limited to a specific favor of the Sicads. All these are
purpose as compare to mortis causa where a indisputable acts of ownership.
donor can revoke at his own will, for any 2. The court then concluded that the real nature
reason of a deed is to be ascertained by both its
5. The 2nd donation is mortis causa but is void for language and the intention of the parties as
failing to conform with the formalities of the demonstrated by the circumstances attendant
law upon its execution. –not what its title is
a. Nevertheless, the second donation 3. The deed subject of litigation is one mortis
has an exception. The conveyance of causa because it stipulated ―that all rents,
the high and dry portion of lot 2053 proceeds, fruits, of the donated properties
was confirmed and validated by the shall remain for the exclusive benefit and
will executed by Carmen. It is not a disposal of the donor, during her lifetime; and
valid donation but it is a valid that, without the knowledge and consent of
testamentary legacy. the donor, the donated properties could not
be disposed of in any way, whether by sale,
5. Sicad v CA mortgage, barter, or in any other way
1. Aurora Montinola drew up a deed of donation 4. A donation which pretends to be one inter
in favor of her 3 grandkids Catalino, Judy and vivos but withholds form the donee that right
Jesus Valderama –the deed was titled Deed of to dispose of the donated property during the
Donation Inter Vivos donor’s lifetime is in truth one mortis causa. In
2. Subsequently, the deed was presented to the a donation mortis causa ― the right of
registrar for the purpose of cancelling the disposition is not transferred to the donee
original title and transferring it under the while the donor is still alive.
name of her grandchildren 5. Because of Aurora’s actions, nothing was
3. However, the duplicate title never reached the transferred by the deed of donation in
donees, Aurora retained and maintained question to her grandchildren.
possession of the property for 10 years after
the transfer 6. David v Sison
4. Aurora also alienated the land to sps. Sicad
and issued a Deed of Revocation of Donation.
She asserted that the donation took the 7. Maglasang v Heirs of Corazon Cabatingan
nature of mortis causa and thus she can
revoke it any time. Morever, the deed failed to 1. Conchita executed in favor of her brother
follow the formalities needed Nicolas a deed of conditional donation inter
5. Aurora’s grandchildren found their grandma’s vivos for a house and lot
reversal vexing. They insisted that the Deed 2. Subsequently, 4 other deeds of donations
was one inter vivos and therefore irrevocable. were executed by Conchita granting to
The RTC adjudicated and found for the petitioner Estela 2 parcels of land, and to
grandchildren. Nicolas, a portion of the parcel of land and to
6. Aurora took the case to the CA but, died Merly a portion of land
during the proceedings. Thus, Sps. Sicad took 3. All deeds contained the similar provisions that:
Aurora’s place in litigation. CA affirmed RTC the deeds will become effective upon the
decision. death of the donor, and if the donee dies
before the donor, the present donation will be
deemed automatically rescinded
4. Conchita died. 3. TC – deeds of donation were executed by
5. Upon learning of the existence of the 4 deeds Domingo with a sound mind and without
of donations, the heirs of Corazon Cabatingan vitiated consent
filed an action to declare the nullity of the a. Deeds are inter vivos but since the
deeds of donation alleging that petitioner properties donated are
Estela fraudulently caused the donation and presumptively conjugal, for having
that it didn’t comply with the formalities of been acquired during the marriage
the wills and testaments because the deeds of Domingo and his wife Andre, Juan
are actually mortis causa and NOT inter vivos and Felipe can only get the
undivided ½ share in the 3 parcels
ISSUE: WON the donation was mortis causa or intervivos 4. CA – donations are mortis causa executed
MORTIS CAUSA without formalities needed, and thus are
considered a void donation.
1. To determine won a donation is mortis causa
the following should be taken into account: WON the donation is inter vivos or mortis causa – INTER
a. Before the death of the donor, VIVOS
ownership or title is NOT conveyed
b. Donor retains the ownership and 1. Nothing in the deeds of donation show that it
control of the property while alive is mortis causa.
c. Before the death, the donation can a. Domingo only reserved for himself,
be revoked during his lifetime, the owner’s
d. Donation will be void if the donee share of the fruits or produce
dies before the donor b. There is also an absence of a
2. Here, there is no showing of intention that the stipulation that the donor could
property will be passed to the donee before revoke the donations by will
the death of the donor. c. Deed stipulated that the donation is
3. The phrase "to become effective upon the irrevocable, which is completely
death of the DONOR" admits of no other against the nature of mortis causa
interpretation but that Cabatingan did not donations
intend to transfer the ownership of the 2. Though the last paragraph states that after the
properties to petitioners during her lifetime. death of the donor the donation shall become
4. For donations mortis causa to be valid, effective, SC held that this must be construed
according to Art. 805, it must be subscribed at with the rest of the paragraph which states
the end by the testator himself, or another by that  after the donor’s death, the donation
his express direction, in the presence of 3 or will take effect so as to make the donees the
more credible witnesses in the presence of the absolute owners of the donated property, free
testator and of each other from all encumbrances.
a. The deeds in question although 3. Such reservation constituted a charge or
acknowledged before a notary encumbrance that would disappear upon the
public of the donor and the donee, donor’s death, when full title would become
the documents were not executed in vested in the donees.
the manner provided for under the
above-quoted provisions of law. 9. Reyes v Mosqueda

8. Bonsato v CA 1. When Dr. Pascual died, he was survived by his

sister Ursula dn the children of his late sisters
1. Josefa Utea and other heirs of Domingo 2. When the proceedings for the administration
Bonsato and his wife Andrea, filed a complaint Dr. Pascual’s estate begun, Ursula filed a
(for annulment and damages) alleging that: motion to exclude some of the properties
a. Domingo had been induced and from the Dr.’s estate, saying that Dr. donated
deceived into signing 2 notarial properties to her, through donation mortis
deeds of donations in favor of his causa (executed 1966)
brother Juan and nephew Felipe a. TC – granted this, thus Ursula sold
b. That the donations were mortis the donated properties to the Reyes
causa and is void for lack of 3. However, petitioner Ofelia intervened and said
compliance with formalities that one of the properties subject to the
2. In reply, Juan and Felipe claims that: proceedings for the administration of the
a. The donations were made to them estate was actually donated by Dr. Emilio to
voluntarily (without force nor her (executed 1969). Thus she prays for the
intimidation, misrepresentation or exclusion of the property from the
violence) in consideration of past proceedings
services rendered by them in favor 4. Because of this, Reyes filed to nullify the TCT
of the deceased Domingo of Ofelia. CFI ruled in favor of Reyes
5. Ofelia and the administrator of Emilio’s estate, others again in favor of respondent Mercedes
in separate civil proceedings, together raised with the condition that
the issue of whether or not the 1966 a. Sps. Danlag will continue to enjoy
“donation mortis causa” of Ursula is actually a the fruits of the land and that the
donation inter vivos, which may be excluded donee (Mercedes) can’t sell or
from Emilio’s estate and which precedes the dispose of the land during the
1969 donation in favor of Ofelia. lifetime of sps. without their prior
consent and approval
ISSUE: WON the 1966 donation is actually a donation 3. Mercedes transferred the parcel’s tax
inter vivos. YES declaration under her name and paid their
1. The donation in favor of Ursula is actually a 4. Sps. Danlag subsequently sold parcels 3 and 4
donation inter vivos, not donation mortis (the one covered under the mortis causa
causa. donation) to sps. Gestopa
2. Although the deed of donation was titled as a. Sps. Danlag revoked the 6 parcels of
“DONATION MORTIS CAUSA”, it was actually a land donation to Mercedes subject
donation inter vivos. The title given to a deed of donation inter vivos
of donation is not determinative factor which 5. Respondent Mercedes Pilapil filed with the
makes the donation “inter vivos” or “mortis RTC a petition against the Gestopas and
causa”. Danlags, for quieting of title over the parcels
3. If it is a donation mortis causa, the documents of land
should reveal any or all of the following a. Mercedes alleges that she’s the
characteristics: illegitimate daughter of Diego, and
a. It should not convey title or she lived and rendered services to
ownership to the transferee before Diego and his mother. Diego
the death of the transferor. The donated the 6 parcels of land in
transferor retains the ownership (full consideration of this.
or naked) and control of the b. She has been exercising ownership
property while alive. over the properties and even caused
b. Before his death, the transfer should the tax to be transferred under her
be revocable by the transferor. name
c. The transfer should be void if the 6. Sps. Danlag and Gestopa alleges that
transferor should survive the a. Deed of donation was null and void
transferee. since it was obtained by Mercedes
4. Here, none is present. The donation was through undue influence
executed by Dr. Pascual in favor of Ursula was b. Moreover, the intention of the
out of love and affection as well as recognition donation was to be transferred upon
of the personal services rendered by the the death of the donor
donee to the donor. 7. RTC – ruled in favor of Gestopas. CA –
5. The transfer of ownership was immediate and reversed, declared Mercedes as the absolute
independent of the death of the donor. It was owner
the intention of the donor to give naked
ownership of the properties to the donee ISSUE: WON the donation was inter vivos or mortis
immediately after the execution of the deed of causa INTER VIVOS, so Mercedes won.
6. Thus, the property may be excluded from 1. The provisions of the deed shows that the
Emilio’s estate which precedes the donation in properties were donated out of love and
favor of Ofelia (Ofelia won) affection for the donee  mark of inter vivos
2. The fact that the donors reserved the right to
10. Gestopa v CA use the fruits shows intention to transfer
NAKED OWNERSHIP over the properties even
1. Sps. Danlag owned 6 parcels of unregistered while they’re living
land. They executed 3 Deeds of Donations 3. Donee accepted the donation. An acceptance
Mortis Causa in favor of Mercedes Danlag- clause is a mark that the donation is inter
Pilapil vivos. Acceptance is a requirement for
a. All deeds contained a reservation of donations inter vivos. Donations mortis causa,
the rights of the donor (1) to amend, being in the form of a will, are not required to
revoke, the donation during their be accepted by the donees during donors'
lifetime and (2) to sell, mortgage, or lifetime.
encumber the properties during the 4. Moreover, the fact that the sps. Danlag
donor’s lifetime executed 3 donations mortis causa before the
2. The sps. executed a deed of donation inter executing the donation inter vivos shows the
vivos covering the 4 parcels of land plus the 2
intent for ownership to be transferred upon 2. Here, since it was expressly stated that “it is
execution of the deeds. our will that this donation mortis causa shall
a. Sps. Danlag were aware of the be irrevocable and shall be respected by the
difference between the 2 donations. surviving spouse”  this shows the intent to
If they did not intend to donate inter make the donation irrevocable. Thus, the
vivos, they would not again donate donation is inter vivos
the 4 lots mortis causa 3. The reservation of the donors of the "right,
5. Donation inter vivos is revocable only by law – ownership, possession, and administration of
on account of failure by the donee to comply the property" in the context of an irrevocable
with the charges imposed in the donation, donation simply means that the donors parted
ingratitude  these weren’t invoked by sps. with their naked title, maintaining only
Danlag beneficial ownership of the donated property
while they lived.
11. Del Rosario v Ferrer 4. Moreover, An acceptance clause indicates that
the donation is inter vivos, since acceptance is
1. Sps. Guadalupe and Leopoldo Gonzales a requirement only for such kind of donations.
executed a deed of donation mortis causa in 5. The moment that the donation inter vivos was
favor of their 2 children and granddaughter accepted the donation is already perfected.
Jarabini (daughter of their predeceased son, Thus, Leopoldo’s subsequent assignment of
Zoilo) over their house and lot in Manila. Equal his rights is invalid.
2. The deed of donations stated that: 12. Villanueva v Branoco
a. The donation is irrevocable.
b. Jarabini (granddaughter) and Emilio 1. Petitioner Villanueva claims that he owns a
(son) will continue to occupy the parcel of land he bought from Vere, who
portions they’re already occupying bought it from Rodrigo. Villanueva said that he
c. The donation will also not affect any declared the property for tax purposes after
other distribution of other proepties acquiring it
belonging to the donors 2. Respondent sps. Branoco on the other hand
d. Any of the spouse reserve the right, claims ownership over the land that they
ownership, administration of the purchased from a Rodriguez, who acquired it
property donated and that the from Rodrigo, the same one which was from
donation will be effective upon the Vere.
death of the donors. 3. The deed of donation stated that Rodrigo
3. The will had no attestation and was witnessed assigns his right over the parcel of land in
by 2 persons. However, the donees signified Leyte in favor of his niece Rodriguez for the
their acceptance of the document on its face. love and affection he feels for her. And if the
4. Guadalupe died. Leopoldo assigned his rights donee dies before the donor, it will not revert
to Asuncion (daughter). Leopoldo died. to the donor but will be inherited by the heirs
5. Jarabini filed a petition for probate of the deed of Rodriguez
of donation. Asuncion opposed this, showing 4. Sps. Branoco entered the property for tax
the deed of assignment purposes
6. RTC – donation is inter vivos, thus leopoldo’s 5. RTC – ruled in favor of Villanueva, treating the
assignment is null and void since he had deed as mortis causa, which was cancelled
nothing to assign upon Rodrigo’s subsequent sale to Vere
7. CA – reversed said that mortis causa cannot be 6. CA – reversed, said deed is a donation inter
collaterally attacked. The RTC was inccorect in vivos
ruling because there is no proceeding for the
allowance of the donation inter vivos and the ISSUE: WON the contract is a mortis causa or inter vivos.
document did not comply with the Inter vivos
requirements of a notarial will.
1. SC held that CA was right in saying that the
ISSUE: WON donation is mortis causa or inter vivos stipulation that if the donee dies before the
INTER VIVOS donor, the proeprty would be inherited by the
donor’s heirs mean that the property was
1. The main distinction between inter vivos and already part of the donee’s estate upon the
mortis causa is the characteristic of donee’s acceptance
revocability. Where the donation can be a. Rodrigo waived title over the
revoked in mortis causa, it cannot in inter property in case Rodriguez dies
vivos. Moreover, it’s important to note that before her
irrevocability is incompatible with 2. Only the beneficial title was reserved by
conveyances mortis causa Rodrigo as seen in the condition that while she
lives, half of the proceeds from the land is to Municipality upon their acceptance of the
be delivered to her. donation.
3. Moreover, the existence of the consideration 2. However, it must not be forgotten that the
other than the donor’s death but in donation has a condition that that the land is
consideration of the donor’s love and to be used exclusively for the high school to be
affection, is proof of an inter vivos donation built and if it doesn’t materialize, or if the
4. SC held that dispositions bearing contradictory school be closed after, ownership would
stipulations should be interpreted holistically automatically revert back to the owner
to give effect to the donor’s intent. Indeed, 3. In this case, the municipality manifested
doubts on the nature of dispositions are through a resolution that they couldn’t comply
resolved to favor inter vivos transfers "to with the condition of the building.
avoid uncertainty as to the ownership of the a. By this time, the ownership reverted
property subject of the deed." back to the owner (Quijada) as
5. SC also held that Rodrigo’s post donation sale provided in the deed
of the property vested no title to Vere since 4. Quijada may have an inchoate interest in the
the transferred naked title over the property is donated party during the time the ownership
irrevocable, thus Rodrigo can’t revoke the has not reverted to her, and this interest may
donation nor dispose it in favor of another. be subject of a contract of sale
5. The law only requires that the seller has the
13. Quijada v CA right to transfer ownership at the time the
thing sold is delivered. In effect, when
1. Trinidad Quijada, together with her 2 sisters ownership over the land reverted back to the
and brother, executed a conditional deed of heirs of QUIJADA, ownership, by operation of
donation in favor of the municipality of law, is thereafter transferred to Mondejar and
Talacogon overa parcel of land. those who claim their right from him.
a. This shall be used solely and
excluevely as part of the campus 14. Lagazo v CA
proposed by the provincial high
school of the province 1. Catalina Jacob was awarded a portion of the
2. Subsequently, Trinidad verbally sild the lot to Moserrat Estate and constructed a house on
Regalado Mondejar without the benefit of a it. Shortly before she left for Canada, which
written deed of sale and evidence solely be she is now a permanent resident of, she
receipts. executed an SPA in favor of her son-in-law
3. The heirs of Quijada filed a complaint for Eduardo Espaol authorizing him to execute all
forcible entry against Regalado (dismissed for documents necessary for the final adjuciation
failure to prosecute) of her claim as awardee of the lot.
4. The Sangguniang Bayan of Talacogon enacted 2. But Espaol was not able to accomplish this, so
a resolution reverting the land donated back Catalina revoked the authority and executed
to Quijada since the proposed high school another power of attorney in favor of
didn’t materialize petitioner Tito Lagazo (Catalina’s grandson)
5. In the meantime, Regalado sold portions of 3. She subsequently executed in Canada a Deed
the land to his co-defendants. of Donation over the lot in favor of Lagazo
6. Thus, the heirs Quijada filed a complaint for 4. Lagazo checked with the ROD and found out
quieting of title, recovery of possession, and that the property was in the delinquent list.
ownership of the land. So, he paid the installments in arrears and the
a. Heirs allege that their mother never remaining balance of the lot and declared the
sold the property to any person property under Catalina’s name
except the donation made to the 5. Lagazo then sent a demand letter to Alfredo to
municipality. vacate the premises
b. Moreover, at the time of the alleged a. Alfredo refused claiming ownership
sale, the land was owned by the of it based on a Deed of Absolute
municipality, thus the sale is void. Sale executed by Jacob in favor of
7. RTC – ruled in favor of heirs. CA – reversed, Espaol
ruled in favor of Regalado b. And a deed of assignment over the
lot executed by Catalina in favor of
ISSUE: WON the sale between Regalado and Trinidad Espaol
was valid, despite the conditional deed of donation in c. And Espaol executed a deed of
favor of the municipality YES assignment over the lot and
residential house in favor of Alfred
1. SC held that the TC was right in claiming that 6. Tito Lagazo instituted a complaint to recover
at the time that the sale was to Mondejar, possession over the property.
Trinidad Quijada couldn’t have sold the land 7. TC – ruled in favor of Lagazo; CA – reversed,
since it was already transferred to the ruled in favor of Alfredo
a. Lagazo claims that the donation is 4. Felix alleged on the other hand that he was
onerous since he paid for the the husband of Domingo’s niece Isidra, who
installment in arrears and remaining Domingo took as his ward since they didn’t
balance of the lot. And this, for him, have children
is already an indication of his a. Felix and his wife Isidra lived with
acceptance of the donation. Domingo in their house and helped
Domingo cultivate the land
ISSUE: WON Tito or Alfredo has ownership over the b. Domingo signed a private
land. Alfredo, because the donation, being simple, instrument giving the farm (1941)
which requires that the acceptance be in a public and the residential lot (1943) on the
instrument) condition that Felix would bury
Domingo upon his death
1. SC held that the donation is simple because: 5. TC – favored Felix; CA – reversed, because the
a. The payment made by Lagazo was private instruments didn’t have any effect, it
not imposed by the donor as a should’ve been in a public instrument
condition for the donation
b. The deed explicitly stated that the ISSUE: WON the document should be in a public
proeprties were free from all liens instrument NO
and encumbrances or charges
c. Catalina didn’t have any intention to 1. SC held that the conveyance to Felix Dangulian
burden or charge Tito as donee, the was an onerous donation since it the donation
payment made by Tito was his had the condition that Felix should take care
voluntary actions of Domingo for the rest of his life and that he
2. Nothing in the records show that the acts takes care of the burial arrangement
were meant to be a burden a. Being an onerous donation, it
3. Moreover, the deed of donation doesn’t show doesn’t come under Art. 749 which
any indication that Tito accepted the gift, it requires it to be in a public
was only after CA rendered the decision instrument
against him that he manifested an acceptance 2. Felix did take care of Domingo and later
of the lot. This is too late. arranged his burial
4. Granting arguendo that such acceptance may a. Domingo died when he was almost
still be admitted in evidence on appeal, there 100 years old, which means that
is still need for proof that a formal notice of Felix farmed the land by himself and
such acceptance was received by the donor provided for Domingo and his wife
and noted in both the deed of donation and during the latter part of Domingo’s
the separate instrument embodying the life.
acceptance b. SC held that it can be assumed that
there was a fair exchange between
15. Danguilan v IAC the donor and donee that made the
transaction onerous
1. Apolinia Melad alleges that she had purchased 3. Moreover, contrary to the assertion of
from Domingo Melad a farm and residential Apolinia that it should be considered a
lot, which she now alleges is being unlawfully gratuitous donation since there was no
withheld by Felix Danguilan equivalence in value between the lands
2. Dangulian denies this and said that he was the donated and services rendered, SC held that
owner of the lot which he acquired from there is no evidence to prove such assertion.
Domingo in 1941
3. Apolonia presented a deed of sale (1943) 16. Republic v Guzman
purportedly signed by Domingo and conveyed
to her for P80 1. Simeon Guzman (naturalized American
a. She was the illegitimate daughter of citizen), died and left with his son David
Domingo, who lived with her and (natural-born american) and wife Helen
her mom until he died 1945 (American) an estate consisting of several
b. She moved out of the form a year parcels of land.
after Domingo died and the time 2. Helen executed 2 quitclaim deeds assigning to
when Felix asked to cultivate the her son the undivided ½ interest on the land
land and stay there. She agreedon 3. David executed an SPA in favor of Atty, Abela
the condition that he would deliver to sell or dispose of the lits
part of his harvest 4. The solGEn filed before the RTC an petition
c. He delivered initially but eventually for escheat praying that the ½ share of David
stopped so she filed a complaint in the land be forfeited to them alleging that
against him. a. Only a Filipino can acquire private
lands in PH except in hereditary
succession and if he was formerly a 17. EugenionCagoan v Felix Cagoan
natural-born Filipino who lost his PH
citizenship 1. Eugenio and Felix are the sons of Gregorio
b. David, being a US citizen can’t Cagaoan.
acquire interest on the land through a. Gregorio executed a deed of
quitclaims since they’re donations in donation over 4 parcels of land to
reality Felix. He gifted Eugenio a parcel, but
i. Helen consented to the this was actually one of the parcels
execution of the donated to Felix (Parcel No. 4)
documents, dispositions 2. Both of the deeds of gift are free from formal
were made in public defects and were both accepted by the donees
documents, David 3. Eugenio possessed the land but failed to
manifested his acceptance register the donation with the register of
of the donation, deeds deeds
were for the benefit of 4. While the deed given to Felix was recorded
David, there was a but he never had possession over the parcel
decreased in the assets of No. 4
Helen 5. Gregorio died.
5. David alleges that he acquired the property 6. Eugenio filed an action to be declared as the
not through donation. The quitclaims were not owner of parcel 4. But Felix asked that he be
donation but an intention to renounce the awarded possession of it.
share of Helen only. And even if it were a
donation, it didn’t take effect since he didn’t ISSUE: WON Eugenio or Felix should be declared the
indicate any acceotance owner. EUGENIO
6. RTC held that Helen still owns the property
since the quitclaims had no legal effect 1. The rule on double sales apply:
ISSUE: WON the quitclaims are donations NO, both a. The property goes to the vendee
elements of animus donandi and acceptance are (buyer) who first records his title in
missing (thus property cannot be forfeited to gov’t) the registry of property.
b. If the sale is not recorded by either
1. SC held that the quitclaims only declared her vendee (buyers), the property goes
intention to renounce her rights over the land. to the one who first takes possession
2. The element of animus donandi (intention to of its in good, faith, and in the
benefit the donee) was missing since what absence of both record and
Helen really wanted was to preserve the possession, to the one who present
Bulucan realty within Simeon’s bloodline oldest title, provided there is good
3. The quitclaims also lacked the acceptance faith.
required by law to make the donation valid. 2. It clearly appears that Felix had full notice of
a. SPA merely acknowledged that the plaintiff's claim to the land before he had
David owns the proeprty referred to his deed of gift recorded with the register of
and that he authorizes his attorney deeds. Eugenio having first taken possession in
to sell it. good faith must therefore be considered to
b. Acceptance must follow the have the better right to the land in question.
solemnities required by law, if it’s
not in the same document, then it
should be in a separate public
4. 2 quitclaims have no legal effect since Helen
can’t execute an instrument which has the
effect of revoking her previous acceptance of
her ½ share of the property
a. But this doesn’t make the property
in question res nullius to be forfeited
to the government
b. The land should revert back to
Helen, who, although an American,
has taken ownership over the
property through hereditary

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