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1. Creating Fun Learning Environments

An unpleasant learning atmosphere is one of the factors in the lack of student interest in
learning. This is certainly very influential on the achievement of the learning process. Creating is
to realize something that has never happened before or something that has never happened at all
and if someone discovers something new, he has the right to introduce it to others who do not
know it.
2. How to Create a Fun Learning Atmosphere to Increase Student Learning Interest
As for some ways that can guide teachers or prospective teachers in creating a pleasant learning
atmosphere, including:
 Establish closeness with students
Educators must be able to foster closeness with children. The close relationship between the
two shows a strong inner bond. That way, love will emerge, the feeling to treat children with
all my heart. And, something done wholeheartedly will produce something to the fullest.
Don't forget to always be consistent, continuous, and consistent with the attitude we have
 Appreciate each student's work
An educator must value every result or achievement achieved by a child. Giving a gift to
children is one way to appreciate children's work. Gifts do not have to be in the form of
goods, but can be given in any form such as praise, smile and hugs. Prizes are given to give a
positive impression which will ultimately increase children's motivation in learning.
 Choose the right method of teaching
Learning methods or models must follow the times, an educator must be willing to be open to
change. Continue to strive to develop ourselves in various ways so that we are not left behind
by the rate of development of the times. This lag will make us unable to meet the learning
needs of children properly.
 Creating an Attractive Classroom Environment
The classroom environment is one of the determinants of student interest in learning. A
teacher must be able to design a classroom environment in order to create a pleasant learning
The comfort and cleanliness of the room or environment is a contributor to the achievement
of a pleasant learning atmosphere.
3. Character Education in the World of Education
Character education is a system that instills character values by including components of
knowledge, awareness or willingness to carry out character values. character education is
important in the world of education so that it can be used as a process of forming personal
learners so that they can become good personal learners. In character education, parents and
teachers are the most concrete examples to teach how the value of character is for children.
Character education is a system that instills the values of character by covering the components
of knowledge, awareness or willingness to carry out the values of these characters, both towards
God Almighty, self, others, the environment, and nationality. The development of national
character is also carried out through the development of one's individual character. Character
education is an education that is most important for us, especially for students who are still in the
world of education, because character education in the world of education can be used as a
process in shaping the personalities of students so that they can become good personal learners.
character education is education carried out to shape one's personality to become a good person.
4. Successful Learning
The success of learning, implies completeness in learning and completeness in the learning
process. This means that complete learning is the achievement of competencies which include
knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values embodied in the habits of thinking and acting. The
function of learning mastery is to ensure that all students master the competencies expected in a
teaching material before moving to the next teaching material. The mastery learning benchmark
refers to the competency standards and basic competencies and indicators contained in the
curriculum. While completeness in learning related to the standard of implementation which
involves the teacher and student components. Thus understanding of learning success criteria,
competency standards and basic competencies and indicators contained in the curriculum are
important to be understood by the Supervisor. In a simple sense the success of the learning
process is the success of students during the learning process. During the learning process, we
can find out whether students are active enough in learning, whether our students can work
together with other friends, whether students have the courage to ask questions or express their
opinions. Student successes as mentioned above are the success of the learning process.
Typically, the success of student learning processes is shown by student performance during the
learning process. Therefore, we can know the success of the student learning process from the
results of our assessment of student performance while participating in learning.

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