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Dear Ambitious Investor,
Do you dream of breaking free from the shackles of the 9-5?
Do you desire more freedom? 
Financial freedom... Time freedom… Freedom to travel and enjoy life with the family?

The ability to be the architect of your own lifestyle design?

Investing in real estate can be life changing, and can help you
achieve all of this and more.

As a vehicle for change, Real Estate has the ability to take you from where you are
now, to where you want to be. In fact, more wealth has been created in Real Estate
than any other asset class..

But… there is also a flipside.

This isn’t just some magic carpet ride to the future of your dreams... 
...This journey can be fraught with danger.

What if you make the wrong choice?

What if you lose all your money? 
Will you become a slave to your job for the rest of your life?
What will your family think?

Perhaps you’ve already made a mistake, or know someone who has. 

Or, perhaps the sheer terror of making a mis-step is enough to keep you frozen to the

...well, I can almost guarantee that this isn’t your fault. 

You’re bombarded with constant media negativity, and there are so many dodgy agents
out there, it sometimes feels like you’re at war on a battlefield, just fighting to survive.

So, why is it then, that some people are able to scale the mountains of success, whilst
others are condemned to the valleys of despair?

Well… I’m sure you realise by now that there are many reasons.
In this report, we’re going to explore just seven of them.

But don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom!

This report contains loads of FREE resources, designed to help you take
action, achieve success, and avoid failure.

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
So… why are we telling you all this?
I know… it sounds like we’re being overly scary and sensationalist… 
But the reality is that fear is the number one thing holding most people back from
creating the future they desire most.

We’re here to help change that.

Not too long ago, we started our real estate investment journey like most people- by
making a big mistake.

This proved to be a massive catalyst for change, which set us on a quest to master the
game of real estate.

Through an arduous and expensive process of education, analysis, and

of course, implementation, we were able to define an investment
strategy which creates a “wealth ecosystem”.
A strategy that will allow you to grow your portfolio - safely and successfully - no
matter what happens in politics or the economy.

We then set about creating a system that would allow us to pinpoint these properties
all over Australia. 
This system allows us to avoid speculation, and target the right properties, in the
right locations, at the right time - every time. 

As we looked around at our friends and family, it became apparent that they were -
just like us when we started - confused, nervous, and lacking the confidence to take
the successful next step in their property journey.  

We realised that there must be so many more people who also needed help, to take
action, to achieve success, and to avoid failure.

It has now become our mission to help everyday Australians achieve

financial freedom and build generational wealth through real estate
In fact, we are so committed to helping you succeed, that we’re even going to share
with you our 
ironclad, industry changing 12 Month Insane Growth Guarantee that will ensure you
succeed, every time.

Come on, Let’s do it.

Let’s dream bigger.

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
This one can creep up on you...
… and it can manifest in several different forms.

This paralyses every beginner to intermediate investor at some point along

their journey. 
It’s an easy mistake to make and there is no shame in it.

...that being said will prevent you from achieving success if not properly managed.

You know the feeling, though…

That tightening of your chest... 

Sweaty palms...
Your mouth feels like cotton wool...

You could fear taking on more debt… 

that you will make a bad decision…

You might even fear becoming wealthy, and how your friends and family will see you.

Fear can seriously hold you back. 

You question every action and ultimately nothing gets done. 
To overcome fear, you need to start reframing exactly what you are afraid of.

Research is an essential part of property investment. 

You need to know exactly what you are getting, when and where.

The issue that many beginners and even intermediate investors face though, is that
they spend too much time researching.

...They get analysis paralysis.

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
Waiting for the right time can seriously slow you down and even ruin your chances of
growing your portfolio.

Remember… the deal of a lifetime comes along every week. 

The key here is to take action!

But first… Prepare a checklist of what to look for and remember to consider ALL of the

If you need a handy property buying checklist, you can email

us for a free template.
TIP  - Subject line:
“Property Buying Checklist”

When a property ticks all the boxes, make an offer. 

Don’t hesitate or wait for something better.

...Action will take you further than any “golden opportunity”.

Consider the cost of inaction. 

What happens if you don’t take action and invest?

You lose out on potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars over your life. 
You might end up working a job you hate right up to retirement and not have anything
to show for it.

If you were to turn away from purchasing a $400,000 house with the average national
growth rate over the last 25 years being 6.8%, you would lose out on $2,267 in
potential equity growth a month.

...That is $13,600 of lost equity every 6 months!

Compound growth can work wonders as the years go by. 

If you invested in a $400,000 property today, with an average growth
rate of 6.8%, it will be worth $2,878,708 within 30 years.

If you were to invest the equity into additional properties, with the right strategy, you
would very quickly start to see that fear of not taking action is far more scary.

For most people, fear comes from not having a plan, or not knowing what the next
step looks like.
If you would like to learn more about our 8 Repeatable Steps
to Start, Boost or Bolster any Property Portfolio, you can
TIP email us for a free copy of our guide.  - Subject line:
"8 Steps Guide"

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
This leads to our next point.

...If you don’t know where you are going, you will never get there.

You’ll be lost, stranded on an island of hopes and dreams, without ever making it to
the promised land.

You need to have a clear strategy in mind when investing in property. 

Just going by feelings, emotions and intuition alone can lead to
catastrophic mistakes.

So, what do I mean by strategy?

Start with your end goal. 

Where do you want to be in 10 years’ time? Or even 25 years?

Work backwards from there and start finding opportunities that will get you closer to
this goal.
Are you trying to replace your income?
Or build an asset base?
In what time frame?

The majority of investors don’t have a specific strategy when they invest. 
They simply go with their gut or whatever opportunity comes their way.

This is also why 73% of investors only ever own 1 investment property.

...and 90% never make it past 2 properties.

You need to be strategic in your approach and understand what makes

each property unique.

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
Understand the macro and micro indicators and you will have a much clearer picture
of why a property is worth investing in.

Purchasing an off the plan luxury unit close to the city for $600,000 might sound like
a wise investment when flipping through the brochure..

When you dig a little deeper though, you might find that unit growth has been falling 2-
3% year on year and a majority of renters in the area are made up of families.

Being stuck with an underperforming, difficult to lease property can

really slow down your progress. 

Set your intentions and create a plan to reach a number that satisfies
your goals. Be Very specific.

Having the right strategy is like adding rocket fuel to your investment journey.
If you are at a loss for strategy, we’re here to help.

If you would like to learn more about our HIgh

Performance Property strategy, you can email us for
TIP a free copy of our guide.  - Subject line:
“High Performance Property Guide”

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
Black Holes are one of, if not the most powerful forces in our universe. 
They devour everything that comes near them; Planets, Stars, even entire Galaxies

Imagine buying a property which did exactly the same thing, but instead of a hunger
for planets and stars, it had an insatiable, ravenous appetite for the contents of your
bank account.

Many investors purchase negatively geared properties. 

This means that they will need to come up with the shortfall in rent to cover the

While this can be advantageous for tax reasons, it can seriously slow down your
ability to purchase additional properties..

If you bought a $500,000 property with a gross yield of 4%, you would bring in about
$385 in rent each week. 
If your repayments, maintenance, taxes and utilities add up to $500 a week, you would
be out of pocket $115 just to hold onto the property.

This means less disposable income for you to save, spend and invest.
This means a lower household serviceable income
… and If you wanted to invest in a second or third property, this can start to add up.

If you have a single income from your job, there isn’t much room in the budget to continue
adding to your portfolio.
...Instead, focus on cash flow positive properties.

Positively geared properties put money in your pocket rather than the other way around.
They increase your serviceable income and allow you to build a self perpetuating portfolio.

If you would like to calculate the cashflow of your

next property, you can email us for a free copy of
our Cashflow Analysis Calculator.  - Subject line:
“Cashflow Analysis Calculator”

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
It has often been said that property investing is a Game Of Finance, with a few houses
thrown in the mix just for fun.

These days, applying for a mortgage isn’t as simple as just heading to the bank and
signing a loan contract.

Despite recent APRA changes, lenders are holding themselves to much higher stands
since the Royal Commission into banking and this means you have a bit of preparation
ahead of you.

...This doesn’t mean it is impossible, you just need to prepare.

Before you begin, understand that this involves getting everything in order from your
spending habits, statements, employment records, credit history and avoiding any
red flags that might come up when you take your documents into the bank.


1 6
Prepare 3 months in advance Consolidate or organise your debts

2 7
Prepare a Budget Demonstrate Stability

3 8
Get your spending in order Prepare the paperwork

4 9
Check your credit score Speak to a professional

5 10
Rectify Any Credit Issues Compare the products

If you would like to learn more about our 10 Steps to Loan

Readiness... (In Just 90 days), you can email us for a free
TIP copy of our guide.  - Subject line:
“10 Steps to Loan Readiness”

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
Now that you’re ready with a pre approval, it’s time to go an buy a property, right?

First, you must know EXACTLY what you’re about to be spending, and on what

Like most people, when it comes to the numbers, you probably glaze over. 
And fair enough too.

It’s hard to digest, all of the search fees, title fees, conveyancer fees, LMI, P&I, IO, and
more… it’s enough to make your head spin.

If you’re not careful, this is where you can come unstuck.

You see, if you don’t fully understand all of the fees, charges, and
associated costs with a purchase, you might find yourself tens of
thousands of dollars short on settlement day… and that could be
catastrophic for your purchasing plans.

To make it even more confusing, the fees, charges, and processing costs vary from
state to state, sometimes by thousands of dollars.

Before you even start to negotiate, it is critical that you understand exactly what
you’re about to be spending.

Tip: If you would like to know exactly how much

you need to purchase your next property, you can
TIP email us for a free copy of our Cash Required
Calculator.  - Subject line:
“Cash Required Calculator”

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
Risk mitigation largely comes from knowledge.
It is impossible to reduce your risk to zero, because no one has a crystal ball, and no
one can control the future.
However, if you can understand what makes something work, it's much easier to
understand if it is a good or a bad choice.

So often, property investors just hear about the latest “hotspot” and get trigger
happy to jump in to the area.
The problem here is that the difference between the right street and the wrong street
can be as little as 20 meters and can cost you as much as 1.8% in growth!


Take a national view at first. Look at government spending by state. Look at interstate
migration. Jobs growth. Understand the property cycle.

What new government policies are coming into play?

Are there any new trade agreements?
Is there anything which is going to shift the dial of a state's economic prospects?

This is where you take a 10,000 ft view and observe where the general flow of people
and money is heading to.

It’s about looking at the overall economic trends, and how they apply in a big picture

Use Google Alerts to send you daily updates, direct to your

TIP inbox, on things such as “Infrastructure Spending” “Jobs
Growth” “Economy”. You’ll be blown away by how valuable is.

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
So, now we’ve seen the general lay of the land, and now we’re going to start to zoom
in. This takes it from a state level, to a region, suburb, street and property level

You need to start focussing in on some specifics now.

What infrastructure projects are going in, when, for how long, how many jobs will
they create?

Where are people living? Why?

What is the local housing supply and demand? 
What are the rental vacancy rates?
Is the local economy expanding or contracting?
What are the demographics of the people living there?
Is it well connected with transport links?
What is the future land release / supply risk?
What percentage of the suburb / street is public housing? 
What percentage of the suburb / street is owner occupied? 
Does it have owner occupier appeal?
What are the zoning regulations?

If you would like to learn more about how to find the right
asset, every time, that will accelerate your property portfolio,
you should definitely read our guides to High Performance
TIP Property, and 8 Repeatable Steps to Start, Boost or Bolster
any Property Portfolio.  - Subject line:
“High Performance Property Guide” And “8 Steps Guide”

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
While there is always some element of good fortune in property investing, it is not
about taking a gamble.
When markets are heating up, speculators inevitably show up for a punt. 
You hear stories of others who are getting into the market, flipping and making
massive profits.
Buying, selling, and property trading.
...Don’t follow their lead.

Purchasing an investment property on the assumption you can make a quick buck
and walk away with profits in just a few months is a dangerous game. 
 ...There are always winners and losers in this game, and it is not worth the risk.
Buying a run down property for $450,000 with the dream of fixing it up and making a
six figure profit often catches a lot of investors off guard. They hear the market is
running hot and they jump in at the peak. Only to find costs and time blow out… the
market changes… and they are left holding a lemon.

All that hard work and all those expensive materials might end up netting you less
than minimum wage if you don’t know what you are doing…
Real wealth in real estate is made through understanding the market, and holding for
the long term.
Yes, adding value is an amazing component of being able to control your own
wealth, but if you have to sell the asset to unlock the value, you’ve got a
flawed plan.
Following a clear strategy and investing for long term
wealth, is the path to success. 

Speculating on making short term profits is better off

left in the casinos.

Ok… we don’t have a tool for this one. However,

we love chatting about how to increase the
TIP value in properties. In any case, here is a picture
of Goose on a construction site, so you know…
we know what we’re talking about.

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property
(WORTH $1000)

If you’re serious about becoming the master of your own lifestyle design, then you
must address these seven points. If not, then you’re probably already asleep at the
wheel, careening toward the precipice of an insignificant life and wasted opportunity.
However, there is hope.
For example, when you work with us, we aim to get you up to 15% equity increase
from your property purchase price in the first 12 months.
Thats right. 15% growth.
In fact, if you park that against your deposit and acquisition costs, we’re aiming to get
you approximately 100% ROI in year one.
Yes. You read that right. Year one.
Well, we run a full-service, investor focussed buyers agency called Dashdot. 
As we mentioned earlier, we have made it our mission to help everyday Australians
achieve financial freedom and build generational wealth through real estate
For a limited time we are offering you a 90 Minute Strategy Session where we’ll
discuss your goals in life and property, and uncover the roadblocks that are stopping
you moving from where you are now, to where you want to be. Once uncovered, we’ll
draw up your custom High Performance Portfolio Builder Blueprint.

Claim your no-obligation 90 minute strategy session now and get your
$1000 custom High Performance Portfolio Builder Blueprint. FREE!
PLEASE NOTE: You will be speaking with one of our highly experienced Property
Strategists. Due to the value of this offer, we only accept a certain number of calls per
month, and acceptance is by application only.
Using our advanced research and selection processes, we have built a system
designed to help any investor find success, every time.

In fact, we’re so confident of this that we’ve introduced our ironclad, industry
changing guarantee that will ensure you succeed, every time.

HORRIFIC Most People Make

When Buying An
MISTAKES Investment Property

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