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8 V May 2020
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

Energy Harvesting using 2.45GHz Rectenna for

Powering Sensors in IoT Devices
M. Raghavandaar1, M. Prathiksh2, S. Revathy3, H. Umma Habiba4
1, 2, 3
B.E. Student, Ph.D. Scholar, 4Professor Department of Electronics and Communication, Sri Venkateswara College Of
Engineering, Chennai, India
Abstract: Radio frequency energy transfer and harvesting techniques have recently become alternative methods to power the
next generation wireless networks. The global move towards wireless access point (AP) densification has alluded towards the
possibility of harvesting the unused ambient RF energy, especially in the industrial, scientific and medical band (ISM), in order
to power useful electronic devices which collectively make up the so called low energy internet of things (LEIoT). Radio
frequency process heating, microwave oven, medical diathermy machines, cordless phones, Bluetooth devices, near field
communication devices, garage door openers, baby monitors and wireless computer devices uses the ISM frequencies. These
untapped sources of energy grow more and more as a result of the rapid growth in the wireless communication business hence,
there is a need to find a new method and means of collecting the ambient RF energy present in the environment and
transforming that energy into electrical power. So backing this need a 2.45GHz rectenna based RF energy harvester for
powering sensors in IoT devices is designed. Here a 2.45GHz antenna is integrated with rectifier to form the rectenna. The
antenna consists of a rectangular patch embedded with feed line designed using the inset feeding technique using the EM
simulation tool. By proper port matching good return loss is achieved with reasonable gain and diversity (of the antenna), DC
voltage and power (of the rectenna) are analyzed from the simulated results.
Index Terms: AP; ISM; IoT; rectenna; energy harvester.

The Internet of Things will radically alter our world provide
opportunities for innovation and economic growth. Basis for this is a wealth of information, which enables new forms of
automation. Wireless sensors play a key role on the way to the Internet of Things. They are the tools needed to capture and transmit
the first data bit in an IoT system. A key requirement for IoT is the ability to place wireless sensor terminals in all kinds of locations
to collect data. But there is one big issue: the installation of power-distribution wires, or, in the case of battery use, the battery life or
the time period for battery replacement. Nobody would find this a problem with 10 or 20 batteries, but when there are 10,000 or a
million or a hundred million, there are concerns not only for battery costs but also the enormous scale of maintenance expenses.
This is one reason the dissemination of wireless sensor terminal has become a concern.
Energy harvesting may provide a solution. Energy harvesting technologies use power generating elements such as solar cells,
piezoelectric elements, and thermoelectric elements to convert light, vibration, heat energy and radio frequency into electricity, then
use that electricity efficiently [1-3]. When using energy harvesting, there is a point to be considered striking a balance between
power generation and power consumption [4-5]. This is because the device will not work if the power generation is smaller than the
power to be consumed by the device. Although the generating characteristics of power generating elements are improving year by
year, it is difficult to continuously deliver sufficient power to a device on an ongoing basis. A way to solve this is to collect the
generated power from the rectenna in a capacitor and execute sensor operation at intervals, resulting in a method that balances the
power generation with the power consumption. This paper presents energy harvester for IOT application using the 2.45GHz
rectenna operating in the ISM band.


The evolution of the 2.45GHz rectenna is initialized by designing the antenna first then followed by the rectifier and then combining
them to form the rectenna. The antenna consists of the rectangular patch designed using the inset feeding technique which forms the
top conductor as shown in Fig.1. Then the antenna is made to operate at the desired ISM band frequency (2.45GHz) using proper
optimization techniques as given in Fig.2. Then the designed rectifier is attached to the port of the antenna to make it work as
rectenna as in Fig.3.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 321

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

The rectifier circuit is a vital part of the rectenna since it decides the RF to DC conversion efficiency. The rectifier circuit consists of
a matching circuit, voltage multiplier circuit (converts RF to DC) connected to a storage capacitor and a resistive load. The antenna
total dimension is 36.5mm x 29.5mm x 0.8mm with the rectangular patch dimension of 36.5mm x 28.5mm x 0.8mm. The
configuration of Schottky diode used is HSMS2862. A value of 1.2Pf, 7Pf, 7Pf, 7Pf, 7Pf, 100pF and 1.2pF are adopted for C1, C2,
C3, C4, C5, C6 and L1 after tuning the rectifier circuit. Finally, the circuit is terminated with a resistive load of 1 simulated
S11 result obtained is 24dB.

Fig.1. Layout of 2.45GHz antenna

Fig.2. Simulated S11 result of 2.45GHz antenna

Fig.3. Layout of rectenna for 2.45GHz operation.


Fig.5 and Fig.6 shows the 3D radiation pattern, gain and directivity of 2.45GHz antenna. The radiation pattern is directional. The
directional antenna radiates in a particular directions in the azimuth plane. The pattern in any orthogonal plane is directional in
nature and so this antenna meets the definition. The Fig.7 shows the current distribution at the center frequency for various
phase angles. The converted DC voltage and power is 7.9V and 0.06W respectively is shown in Fig.8.

Fig.5. 3D Radiation pattern of 2.45GHz antenna

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

Fig.6. Gain and directivity of 2.45GHz antenna




Fig.7. Current distribution of 2.45GHz antenna at (a) 0/360,
(b) 90, (c) 180 and (d) 270 degree phase

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

Fig.8. Output DC voltage and power of the 2.45GHz rectenna

In this paper, the performance of a 2.45GHz antenna and rectenna has been verified with the good return loss and the proper
matching respectively. The antenna operates well at return loss of 24dB at the 2.45GHz and the size is 36.5mm x 29.5mm x 0.8mm
which is enough to harvest required amount of energy to power sensors. The 2.45GHz frequency and good return loss of the antenna
is achieved by proper matching which is a good candidate in energy harvesting for IoT application. In future the efficiency of the
rectenna can be calculated by varying the load resistance value by calculating the respective voltage and current. The converted DC
voltage and power is 7.9V and 0.06W respectively.

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