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I. Categorical Frequency Distribution

Example: Twenty applicants were given a performance evaluation appraisal. The data set is
High High High Low Average
Average Low Average Average Average
Low Average Average High High
Low Low Average High High

Class Frequency Percentage Percentage = (f/n)x100%

High 7 35 (7/20)x100
Average 8 40 (8/20)x100
Low 5 25 5/20)x100
Total 20 100

Determining Class Interval

(HV-LV)/k where: HV – highest value; LV – lowest value; k – number of classes
Example: HV = 33.70; LV=14.10; k = 7
Note: To compute for “k” apply “2 to the k rule” that is “2^k”
(HV-LV)/k = 19.60/7 = 2.80 = 3

Group Frequency Distribution

Class limits Frequency Relative Percent cf Midpoints=x
Frequency Frequency
14-16 4 .05 5 4 15
17-19 9 .11 11 13 18
20-22 16 .20 20 29 21
23-25 23 .29 29 52 24
26-28 17 .21 21 69 27
29-31 8 .10 10 77 30
32-34 3 .04 4 80 33

Stem-and-leaf plot
18 29 37 42 47 49 53 57 61 67
19 31 38 44 48 50 54 58 62 68
24 34 39 45 48 51 54 58 63 70
27 36 39 46 48 51 55 59 64 74
28 36 40 46 49 52 56 60 66 77
1 8,9
2 4,7,8,9
3 1,4,6,6,7,8,9,9
4 0,2,4,5,6,6,7,8,8,8,9,9
5 0,1,1,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,8,8,9
6 0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8
7 0,4,7


Mean of ungrouped data
mean= sum of all values/ number of values
N = population; n=sample

Example: The daily rates of a sample of eight employees at GMS, Inc. are P550, P420, P560, P500,
P700, P670, P860, P480. Find the mean daily rate of employees.
x_bar = 4,740 / 8 = 592.50
Mean of grouped data
Class limits “f” “x” “fx”
18-26 3 22 66
27-35 5 31 155
36-44 9 40 360
45-53 14 49 686
54-62 11 58 638
63-71 6 67 402
72-80 2 76 152
Total 50 ∑fx=2459
∑fx/n=2459/50 = 49.18
GM = √(x),(xn) or √(end value / initial value)-1


“x” “x-x_bar” (x-x_bar)^2
550 -42.5 1806.25
420 -172.5 29756.25
560 -32.5 1056.25
500 -92.5 8556.25
700 107.5 11556.25
670 77.5 6006.25
860 267.5 71556.25
480 -112.5 12656.25
∑x = 4740 ∑(x-x_bar) = 0 ∑(x-x_bar)^2 = 142,950

S^2 = ∑(x-x_bar)^2 / n-1 = 142950/8-1 = 20,421.43

s = √20,421.43 = 142.90

Skewness = (3(x_bar – median)) / s

Outliers = Q1 – 1.5(IQR)

Permutation = n!/(n-r)!


In a sample of 50 college students, 18 are freshmen, 23 are sophomore, 2 are junior and 7 are senior.
Set up a frequency distribution and find the following probabilities:
a. a student is a freshman
b. a student is a freshman or a sophomore
c. a student is neither a freshman nor a junior
d. a student is not a senior
Year Level Frequency
Freshman 18
Sophomore 23
Junior 2
Senior 7
Total 50
a. 9/25 b. 41/50 c. 3/5 d. 43/50


P(x) = (n! / (n-x)!x!) p^x q^n-x

Example: In a survey, 25% of the people interviewed said they bought their refrigerator during the last
six months. If eleven people are selected at random, find the probability that exactly six of these
people bought their refrigerator during the last six months.

N=11, x=6, p=25%, q=1, p= 1-.25=.75

P(6) =( 11! / (11-6)!6!)(.25)^6(.75)^11-6 = 0.0268


P(x=X)= (μ^x e^-μ) / x! For x=0,1,2

Example: A vintage car breaks down an average of four times per month. Find the probability that
during the next month this vintage car will have (a) exactly three breaksdown, (b) at most two
breakdowns, and (c) more than one breakdown.

a. P(x=3) = (4^3 e^-4) / 3! = 0.1954

b. P(at most 2 breakdowns) = .2381
c. P(x>=2) = 1-.0916 = .9084


Standard normal value = z=(x-μ) / standard deviation

Example: The average Pag-ibig salary loan for RFS Pharmacy Inc. employees is P23,000. If the debt
is normally distributed with a standard deviation of P2,500, find the probability that the employee owes
less than P18,500.
“z = (x – μ) / standard deviation = 1.80

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