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Determine path lengths:

Identify all paths in the network.
Find length of all paths (total of all durations on that path) - there are 4 paths.
Longest path is CP (critical path).
Note: durations are stated on the top edge of each activity node.

Determine floats:
Float of all activities on CP = 0
Enter 0 on the bottom edge of each activity on the CP.
Go to next lower length path, float of activities on this non-CP = CP length - nonCP length
Continue this process until all paths are done, entering float values.
Do not overwrite any values when the same activity appears again in another path

Do the forward pass:

Go to critical path.
Enter 1 into the top left corner of the starting activity, do the same for any other parallel
starting activities. This is ES (early start).
Go in forward direction.
Enter ES+duration-1 into the top right corner. This is EF (early finish).
Add 1 to this EF value and enter it into the ES of the successor activity.
Do this for each activity in the path, in forward direction from start to finish.
Do this until all paths are done, in decreasing order of path lengths.
Do not overwrite any values once written.

Do the backward pass:

For each activity in CP, starting with the last activity in sequence, copy EF to LF (bottom right
corner) and ES to EF (bottom left corner). Do this for each activity in the path, in backward
direction from finish to start.
Copy the EF of the last CP activity into the EF of last activities of all non-CPs.
Pick the next lower length path, go to last activity, enter LS (=LF-duration+1 OR ES+float).
Traverse backwards until values are entered for all LF & LS for all activities on this path. Note
that LF of predecessor = LS of successor -1.
Do this until all paths are done, in decreasing order of path lengths.
Do not overwrite any values once written.

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